Natural Cures for Carpal Tunnel

B Vitamins
Posted by Sarahumbrella (Lethbridge Ab) on 05/16/2016

I started a new job back in January and I spend more time at a computer than ever before. My wrists started hurting so badly to the point where my whole arms and hands would ache. I bought a wrist brace but that didn't seem to help. I've never written a review on EC before but I signed up to say that b vitamins do really work for those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Within days my wrists stopped bothering me and I was able to work without pain.

I made sure I bought a b complex that has at least 100mg of b6 as I had heard that was the vitamin that helps. What a relief. I was starting to think i would have to quit my job!!!!

B Vitamins
Posted by Suzanne (Ohio) on 01/23/2016

I wanted to come in to say thank you for suggesting B-50. I took your suggestion and bought it along with Castor Oil (suggested on here as well) it was used as an ointment but I couldn't find it and bought the capsules instead. These two things along with a tablespoon of ACV daily and not sleeping with my hands under my head at night has done the trick. I am very excited because I didn't think it was going to work but it did. I hope others reading will try it.

B Vitamins
Posted by Jo (Lutz, Fl, USA) on 09/22/2008

I am a Registered Nurse who does holistic medicine. Tell Walking Tumeric to take B6 along with B-complex 50 mg. 1 B6 200 mg. and 1 B-complex 50 mg tablet daily until the pain subsides in his carpal tunnel it usually works for most people. Hope it works for you.

B Vitamins
Posted by Yonela (San Diego, Ca) on 03/17/2008

Hi first of all i just wanted to Thank God and congratulate you for this magnificent website that is a real blessing for many people that are looking for an alternative to modern medicine prescriptions. This is to the person named Mary that suffers from carpal tunel syndrome i apologize for any words mispelled i also had this problem and i did not want to go thru surgery for this problem so i started looking for a natural cure i came across an article of a doctor that had researched for the cure of carpal tunel this doctor however i do not remember the name said that after many studies he came to the conclusion that drinking 100mg of vitamin b-6 and 100mg of vitamin b-2 once a day for 3 mos can cure carpal tunnel syndrome if this is a problem that has persisted for a long time he suggested taking these vitamins for up to 6 mos on a daily basis well to not make this story any longer ive been drinking these vitamins for 2 mos now and i can truly say i have not had any more pains on my wrist and hands i can move my fingers with no symptoms whatsoever ..i really dont remember how this works but its wonderful to know im taking a natural product without any secondary effects and i feel great . Ted if you can advise me of anything you know about vit b-6 or b-2 i would greatly appreciate it thank you, God bless you!

B Vitamins
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 03/13/2008 490 posts

To Vanessa 3/12/08 Hi Vanessa, For that carpal tunnel problem you need to get some Vitamin B6 - get 50 mgm tablets and start with l tablet twice a day - if no improvement noticed after 5 - 7 days increase to 3 times a day - if no improvement then start taking 2 tablets 3 times a day - You can keep increasing until you get improvement and hold it at that dosage for several weeks - BUT DO NOT take more than, 6000 mgms (6 grams) per day. I have read that some adverse inwanted side effects occur at that dosage.
