Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Posted by Kelsey (St. Louis, Mo) on 05/16/2007

Ok I had this terrible sore on my upper lip. I wear braces, so the braces were digging into it making it even more painful. I tried the vinegar and q-tip thing and it really worked! It's been about 2 minutes since I tried it, and I can't feel anything anymore. Thanks so much.

Posted by John (Fitchburg, MA) on 05/11/2007

i have two canker sores , one small one on my upper lip and a big one on my lower lip. i used saltwater but it just tasted nasty, stung, and didnt help at all. i put regular vinegar on a q-tip and held it on each sore for a minute. it stung but after another minute it stopped hurting. i could finally put on my chapstick with out using my finger to spread it. i just tried it so im still waiting to see if itll last until tomorrow

Green Tea
Posted by Steve (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 04/01/2007

For ALL of my adult life, I've been plagued by horrible outbreaks of canker sores, typically 2-3 very large sores at any given time. Six months ago I began drinking green tea daily as a substitute for soda. To my amazement, my canker sores disappeared and did not return. Green tea was the only dietary change I made (I still drink soda, just not as much). In addition, occasionally I will not have green tea for about a week, and soon enough the canker sores return.

I am not the type of person who really believes in folk or herbal remedies, but after discovering accidentally that green tea elminated my chronic canker sores, I am a believer in at least the health properties of green tea. I really cannot express what an improvement in quality of life this is for me and likely other chronic canker sore sufferers, so spread the word!

Posted by Michael (Ocean City, NJ) on 03/20/2007

I've had horrible canker sores my whole life. They would turn into huge open wounds that would usually last 2 weeks or so (unless I accidentally bit one) no matter what I did. I was able to figure out that acidic fruit, nuts, etc... caused them but sometimes I 'd get them anyway. I tried most remedies on this site before finding the one that works -- a yogurt a day! Now, regardless of what I eat, I never get one (unless I run out of yogurt) and if I do, they go away quickly. Good news for yogurt lovers... bummer for the others.

Posted by Katherine (Portland, Oregon) on 03/20/2007

I have a really easy cure/method of prevention for canker sores. I read this remedy for canker sores in "The Doctor's Book of Home Remedy's" about 12 years ago. I had suffered miserably from chronic canker sores since I was a child. It seemed like I constantly had them and always several at once(never just one) All you have to do is eat a cup of yogurt every day. I think the book said to eat 4 oz of plain yogurt daily but it doesn't matter. You are eating it for the LIVE CULTURES. (Don't freeze it - frozen yogurt wont work - it will kill the cultures) You can eat any flavor you like, any brand (store brand, Yoplait, Dannon, etc), fruit on the bottom, pre-stirred,etc. Doesn't matter. It will take a few weeks for the canker sores to disappear so be patient and stick with it, but if you continue to eat the yogurt they will not come back. I have not had bad canker sores now in years. I do notice that if I don't happen to eat it for more than a couple days I can feel the canker sores returning. This has been a wonderful solution for me. I hope this will help someone else. It is an easy solution for kids because there's sure to be a flavor they like.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lee (Salem, NH) on 03/17/2007

I have always used hydrogen peroxide for skin infections, insect bites, cankers, cold sores & deleting blood stains. Results are quick & inexpensive. I dab it on my finger, straight from the bottle, to apply to a cold sore or canker. I have never had a cold sore for more than a day. When I was a teenager, I also applied some to any pimples that might crop up.

Posted by Paul (Mountain View, CA) on 02/06/2007

After years of suffering from painful mouth ulcers (Canker sores) and trying several unsuccessful natural cures, wasabi did the trick. I stumbled on this cure accidentally, but have used it successfully for the last 2 years. At the first sign of sores, I eat wasabi chips or wasabi peas and the development of the ulcers are arrested and they are completely gone in 12-36 hours. Usually just a handful of chips a couple of times a day does the trick. I have also tried wasabi mayonnaise and straight wasabi. They do work well; but the combination of the wasabi and salt in the chips and peas seems to work best. I know it sounds crazy, but try it! Just make sure the wasabi comes in contact with affected area for a minute or two. What used to cause 7-10 days of agony on a regular basis, is now barely a ripple in my life. I don't know if it will work for all types of mouth ulcers, but it worked for mine.

Oral Care
Posted by Catherine (Corona, CA) on 12/27/2006

I've had a lot of success with rotating toothbrushes. Make sure you have at least four toothbrushes and when you have canker sores brush your teeth four times a day, but never use a toothbrush more than once in 24 hours. This worked very well for me for about ten years.

Posted by Carlie (Dallas, TX) on 11/23/2006

I think that if you put on enough salt at night, by the morning it should be gone. I use sea salt though!:-) if you use table salt it might be different.

Posted by Bea (Philippines) on 11/10/2006

I had several canker sores on my tongue and cheeks which made eating difficult. It was painful! I tried the salt-water remedy and in 3 days, the sores are gone! Thanks

Posted by Teri (Denham Springs, LA) on 11/04/2006

Okay, i have tried everything under the sun... including almost all of the remedies shown here but didn't get any real relief of prevention until i tried one thing... a supplement called lactobacillus acidophilus. i use the extra strength one. it is amazing! i used to get 5 even 6 sores at a time! i stayed with several all the time. now after being on this supplement i rarely get any. it has now been three weeks and i am still canker soar free. if i do get one it barely bothers me and is gone in no time. i have done alot of research on this and i promise it truley works. i was told by a doctor that canker sore also come from a build up of in yeast in your system so i was told to eat yogurt everyday but i felt i needed more (i also got tired of eating it everyday) so i found what was in yogurt (probiotics) and found an extra strength formula because my outbreaks were so bad and it really worked!!!!!! please try will be amazed! remebmer to keep the bottle in the refrigerator and give it a few weeks to really start working...also remember to take it every day!!!! good luck!

Comfrey Tea
Posted by Doss (Denver, CO) on 09/16/2006

My midwife suggested this after a tooth extraction.

Us Irish have different blood/body chemistry. Many of us are allergic/sensitive to foods high in vitamin C, like tomatoes and oranges. These things CAUSE canker sores for us, believe it or not. I have a lot of irish blood, and I recently got my tooth pulled. I have stitches in my mouth, and here is what works for relieving the pain:

fresh comfrey tea leaves put in a small tea bag, put tea bag in warm water (about 1/4 cup) until a tea forms. Rub the tea bag until the outside kind of feels slippery or oily, similar to aloe vera. Hold the tea bag over the sore.

Hold until pain subsides, or bite down on bag instead of gauze as dentist suggests after extraction. Research Comfrey Root and leaves for more information on uses.

Also drink Throat Coat tea (gypsy cold cure in your grocery store aisle) with black licorice in it for swelling, and rinse mouth with Tom's baking soda and witch hazel mouthwash to keep wounds bacteria free. Follow with a tepid salt water gargle and gentle spit.

This is a good "Ora-gel" for very sensitive skin/people. It won't work for people who have a high tolerence to over the counter drugs. Less Sensitive individuals would need aloe mixed with Ora-gel, and to go the gargle with Green Tea/Orange Juice route.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Celia (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 09/09/2006

I'm a dental hygiene student, and one of my instructors told me to try putting black strap molasses directly on my canker sores (i get them all the time! grrr!). I tried it last night and today they're nearly gone! it's a miracle cure, and I can't believe how well it worked! You've gotta try it!

Yerba Buena
Posted by Monica (Norwalk, CA) on 05/31/2006

When I get a canker sore, I chew yerba buena (mint leaf) with salt and leave it pressed up against the canker sore. Hurts like a mother, but I notice a difference.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Pranshu (Newark, DE) on 02/03/2006

Hydrogen Peroxide def works for canker doctor prescribed some mouthwash that just numbed it for a few hours..but peroxide reduces the pain and it also helps cure canker sores

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