Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Posted by Al (Staples, MN) on 01/07/2006

two words: salt water! Don't believe me, try it

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Skip (Livingston, MT) on 01/06/2006

For canker sores, either dab hydrogen peroxide directly on the canker sore until it stops bubbling, or hold and swish 2-3 tbs hydrogen peroxide in your mouth for 30-60 seconds. Spit out and repeat 2-3 times. DO NOT SWALLOW. Rinse your mouth well with water after using the peroxide in either method. The canker sore/s will be noticeably improved and much less painful within 24 hours. They should disappear altogether within 48-72 hours.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Amanda (McKinney, TC) on 11/18/2005

hydrogen peroxide, swish it around in your mouth or dip a q-tip in it and place it on the canker will be gone in a few days!!

Posted by Jorge (Altoona, IA) on 10/13/2005

What you do is get a cotton swab with salt it won't cure it for a while but it will make it stop hurting. Also you can light up a match, blow it out and then put it on your canker sore and it will be gone in one to two days.

Posted by Bruce (Nova Scotia Canada)

I had cankers until I started eating yogurt with active bacterial cultures. It really works. One small yogurt a day & once there gone, keep eating the yogurt & they won't come back. I have done it.

Pau D'arco
Posted by Susan (USA)

Pau d'Arco brings canker sore relief. Use as a poultice on the site of the sore. Pau d'Arco is an astringent and soothes the sore so that eating is a little more bearable. L-Lysine does work wonders too. Try the Pau d' Arco as a poultice on the site of the sore for a bit of relief before eating.

Avoid SLS Toothpaste
Posted by Mar (New Zealand) on 07/29/2019

Avoid Sodium Laurel Sulphate in foaming toothpaste, cleansers etc. I am a 58 year old female and have suffered on and off with canker sores (aka mouth ulcers) since my teens, although sometimes going for long periods with none. However I have recently had two cankers on the gums of my lower front teeth which just will not go away. Normally a canker sore would last about a week, but I have had these for approximately six weeks. I have been doing extensive research and believe I have discovered the cause : sodium laurel sulphate (SLS). I was using hydrogen peroxide on the sores for healing and also using a purchased baking soda toothpaste,, but did not realise the toothpaste contained SLS. I have also been using a foaming cleanser with SLS on my face which may or may not contribute to the issue. I believe I have developed a sensitivity to SLS and will now need to avoid it. Just thought that might help someone.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 08/28/2017

Maybe low zinc folic acid or iron ....

Folic Acid
Posted by Dude (Sliver Spring, Md) on 12/20/2016

Folic Acid doesn't work for canker sores. Makes them sorer.

Avoid SLS Toothpaste
Posted by Jhawaii (Hawaii) on 10/16/2016

What toothpaste did you switch to? I'm looking for a good toothpaste, and if it can help us stop having canker sores, that would be great!

Avoid SLS Toothpaste
Posted by Salomon (New York) on 10/20/2016

I don't know if I am allowed to say here, but it is Swanson toothpaste. It is really good and affordable. The taste is much better than other I have tried.

Avoid Milk
Posted by Sharon (Naples, Fl) on 12/08/2014

hi, my son is 17 and has been suffering with cankersores since he's been 3yrs old.

He gets them weekly up to 10 in his mouth. Went to every singal doctor/department known to man. Ended up in Rheumatology department only to be put on drugs that were for cancer!!! I was so done with this. Finally I took him to a holistic doctor who did a food intolerance panel. (not allergy) and it came up that he was intolerant to milk, cheese, and eggs. As soon as we eliminated those foods, he is cankersore free-----except of course when he wants pizza with cheese and ends up with sores 2 days later:)

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Sandy (IL) on 07/15/2022

Need help. I do not know what is canker sore. But I had tooth pain for two days, (actually dentist suggested me root canal). After I took pain killer, the tooth pain has gone, but I can feel that there is swelling inside my cheek and sometimes the pain is felt in the ear too. it is painful. Please help

Baking Soda
Posted by Jj (Hawaii) on 06/01/2013

I tend to get canker sores when I eat too much sugar or if I eat corn syrup at all. I recently went on vacation, ate out a lot, and inevitably got a sore. This one was worse than usual and progressively worsened over the course of a week.

When I returned from vacation and ceased any excessive sugar intake I decided to try treating it with baking soda. I applied a small amount of baking soda directly to the sore in the morning. Twice throughout the day after eating I mixed baking soda with water and rinsed out my mouth. Before bed, I applied baking soda to the sore again. The last application caused it to start bleeding! By the next morning my sore looked more inflamed than before and I even had another one forming!

Needless to say, it didn't work for me. I hope others have better luck with it.

Posted by Window (Rothbury, Mi, Usa) on 05/25/2013

My daughter used to get canker sores almost every week. We tried all different remedies, but I finally found something that has worked for us so well that I don't remember the last time she got one. She takes a multivitamin for older women it says on the label for women over 50, it has alot of extra b vitamins. She also takes a probiotic that has 20 billion live cultures in it. The kind we get is shelf stable, doesent have to be refrigerated and has 10 different strains. That's it! We take these two pills every night and that has resolved her painful problem.

I hope it can help someone else out there!!

Folic Acid
Posted by Melissa (Veracruz, Mexico) on 04/24/2013

Take folic acid. Mouth sores go away very quickly! It's fantastic!

Chronic Canker Sore
Posted by Ana (Usanc) on 04/03/2013

mouth sore: I have a white sore inside my cheek since years. It does not hurt. I had it checked by a doctor and he told me nothing to worry about. But how can I get rid of it ? It makes me nervous.... Oh, I am a smoker... Thanks!

Chronic Canker Sore
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 04/06/2013

A charcoal tablet held against it, once or twice a day for a couple of weeks may make a great difference. Charcoal is cheap, easy and amazingly helpful.

Posted by Cheese Head (Madison, Wisconsin) on 07/01/2011

Alum etc are cures for an outbreak of canker sores. The underlying factor is an acid ph. Try your Apple Cider Vinegar with a half teaspoon of baking soda 3 times per day or use a highly alkalizing food such as green magma.... 2 tsp in water 3 times per day and you will get rid of the current outbreak and not get them any more. Stay off of acid foods like white flour, sugar and you'll be rid of them for good. Thanks to Ted and all at earth clinic, , , , The cheese head..

Avoid Gluten
Posted by Gs In Va (Richmond, Va) on 06/16/2011

I read Steve's post about the canker sores and totally thought about Gluten. I learned I was Gluten Intolerant in Oct 2009. I had read on Celiac dot com that canker sores will go away after going gluten free and I was like " yeah right" because I have had them ALL MY LIFE. If I eat anything that nicks my cheek or gum, a huge painful canker sore would appear and take 2 weeks or more to go away. I was buying Kanka all the time to help ease the pain. If I bit my cheek, same thing would happen.

After going Gluten Free I have not had a single canker sore, since 2009. I've nicked my cheek, bit my cheek, all by accident and a little cut would be there from it and be gone over night... Never ever turns into a canker sore. I am proof and I've told my entire family and friends. Amazing!
