Natural Remedies for Effective Bruise Treatment & Prevention

Boiled Egg

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by keefe (markham, ontario) on 05/01/2007

boil an egg and rub it on your bruise it will feel better and will start fading.


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Posted by Alice (New York ) on 02/08/2017

Bruise cure : Pleeeeease try putting butter (not margarine or spread) on your bruise as soon as you get it. The hematoma won't even form. I am amazed at this and all who know me are swearing by this.

Posted by Christina (Brooklyn, Ny, Usa) on 12/18/2010

I always apply butter (cold) and my children have not had a bruise when in my care after a fall or bump in years!! The best home cure ever known to man kind. I use it on my spouse and myself as well. Mash it with hands and apply. Promise no bruise will appear.

Posted by Michelle (Lamora, Mexico) on 03/06/2008

When you first get bruised, especially around the eye, if you apply some butter over the area then it helps it not to turn blue.

Posted by Staci (Chicago, IL) on 02/22/2007

If you dab some melted butter on a part of your body that you just bumped or hit hard on anything like a baseball bat or swinging door, it will not turn black. The trick is to do it immediately.

Castor Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 07/13/2015

My daughter had a bruise on her forearm that was really bothering her. The bruise was purple and swollen. I had her put some castor oil on it at bedtime. When she woke up the next day, the bruising was noticeably better and the swelling was gone!

~Mama to Many~

Castor Oil
Posted by Soulon (Dittmer, Missouri) on 03/17/2010

If you've ever been hit by a ball or smashed your finger then "Castor Oil" is your best bet. As soon as the hit or smash occurs, saturate the entire area with Castor oil and leave on. Really lay it on! This has been advice that was given by a medical practitioner some 40 yrs. ago and it works. It will also remove blood blisters, take the swelling down and stop the pain. I was hit in the arm muscle with a zinger grounder and immediately applied my Castor oil. It took out the pain and never swelled and where I did not go down my arm far enough it did bruise, but where I applied the Castor oil it did NOT bruise. It's awesome for toddlers who constantly are falling. Apply ice on top of the Castor oil if you wish, but many times it's unavailable and the oil is handy to carry on you in a small bottle.


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3 star (1) 

Posted by Sharon (Stoneridge, NY) on 07/22/2021

The arm is not red, it is more like the color of the first photo. It is on my left arm.

Appreciate feedback as I am in a quandary. I have been applying comfrey salve. Little results for 2 days. Thank you in advance.

Replied by Barbara

Arnica cream is the best for bruises!!

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)

I've never actually "treated" a bruise but, if I did, I would massage in some cayenne extract - or cayenne tea - let it dry and then some DMSO. I was always bruised and banged up when I was younger but I don't even remember the last time I had a bruise and it's been years since I had a nasty bruise like THAT but they've never bothered me. But if I got one and it did bother me, that's what I'd do. Then I'd probably and promptly forget about it.

Replied by Katzie

You could try a Castor Oil Pack (Edgar Cayce's favorite healing method). Lots of info on this site about them. In a pinch I have used the castor oil from the baby aisle along with one of those pet pee-pads (blue/white cotton), as a pack and it still works. I read a study that states the Packs bring forth T11 Leukocyte (healing cells) to the area, and it seems your poor arm could really use a bit of that. It is very soothing too.

PS - next time you take a blow that hard, immediately put some ACV on the site and no bruise will ever come. I'm sure this site has other preventative ideas for bruises too.

Take care of yourself, you deserve it.

Essential Oils

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Julie (Melbourne) on 12/05/2016

Editor's Choice Lavender Essential Oil for Bruising and Impact Injuries

A few years ago, friend told me that a large ceramic water urn fell off a table onto her big toe. It immediately started to change colour and the pain was incredible. Someone had a bottle of lavender essential oil with him and told her to apply that straight away. She placed it all over and under her toe and shortly the colour started to return to normal and the pain receded. She had no bruising and no more pain!

Shortly after, I seriously jammed my finger, right on the nail. It was already turning blue when I applied lavender oil and to my delight, the pain receded and instead of the whole nail being blue, I had one spot about the size of a pin-head. I applied the oil three times during that day only. There was no pain or pressure on the finger at all after the first application.

One day, I was talking with a friend and we heard a bang and a heavy metal door had slammed on her 10 year-old daughter's finger. She was in a great deal of pain and was crying bitterly, hardly able to breath. I asked her and her mum if they would mind if I put some lavender oil on it. They happily agreed. It is so good, I carry it in my handbag wherever I go. I took out my little bottle and I applied it all around the impact site, top and bottom. It was already blue but within a few minutes she said it was feeling a lot better and off she went to play with the other children. That afternoon, before I left, I put some more on it and by that time, it wasn't blue and she smiled as she said it wasn't hurting any more.

I have read the comments on lavender oil causing breast enlargement in young boys, but I also read opposing comments that pointed out that this came from bad science and assumptions and therefore not a sound enough reason to "throw out the baby with the bathwater", in this case, the Godsend, lavender essential oil.

I have used it also for burns from boiling water, steam, oven trays, hot cast iron pans, etc. Each time it has removed the pain and prevented blisters or removed those which had already formed.

It is truly amazing!!!

Essential Oils
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 12/08/2013

My little boys were roughhousing last night and my two year old ended up hitting his head very hard on the corner of a wooden post in our house. He had a good sized dent in his forehead that was 2-3 inches long and beginning to turn blue in the dent. I held him while he cried and we assessed him and my husband went to find remedies. We started with ice (how they hate that! ) Then we applied a homemade arnica oil (recipe below). Next I gently massaged Geranium Essential oil over the spot and beyond. (I figured it was a bit diluted with the arnica oil. But, Geranium is safe used straight, though I am not quick to use any essential oils straight on little children and babies.)

The ice didn't last on his head more than a minute. Within a few minutes he was up and playing again. 24 hours later, there is a faint light red line where he hit his head. It must not have been noticeable because no one at church today even asked what happened to his head. (And he is fair skinned with a buzz cut...) I am sure without the geranium and/or arnica he would have had a lot of bruising and swelling. I have seen either of these treatments work effectively for serious head bumps. Raw onion works great, too, but I didn't see how I was going to keep a raw onion poultice on a 2 year old's head for any amount of time. Geranium and arnica were very pleasant!

A bottle of Geranium essential oil is a great thing to have on hand. It is good for bumps, bruises, bleeding, depression, insect repellent, acne, skin issues, etc.

We make our own Arnica Oil. It is great for bumps and bruises and also to massage into sore muscles. Here is what we do:

Put dry arnica flowers into a glass canning jar. (4 ounces is plenty.) Cover with a carrier oil. We like Almond Oil. Adding a couple of vanilla beans, if you happen to have any (We usually have some left over from making homemade vanilla extract) will make it smell incredible! Let sit for 2 weeks. Strain out the arnica flowers and the vanilla beans. You can add some vitamin E oil to preserve it, but we go through it pretty fast. Store out of light.

Have a great day!

~Mama to Many~


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Anna (Philadelphia, PA) on 10/06/2008

Ice is perfect for bruising! As soon as possible after blunt hit I get anything--usually some veggies--from the freezer and hold it touching the hit place. Usually 10-15 min. I also take homeopathic ARNICA - whatever potencies I have.

Posted by John (Boston)

I do martial arts and get bruised a lot! I apply an ice pack for 10 minutes on the area that was hit as soon as I get home... and then every 3 - 4 hours. Rarely do I get bruising the next day.

Moringa Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dvan34 (Calexico, CA) on 05/01/2024

In June of 2023 my wife had a Vertigo attack and fell in the backyard while watering. She fractured her pelvis in two places and entered the hospital. A few days later she was tranferred to Yuma Medical hospital. She had extensive bruising on both legs and her groins. By extensive I mean complete black bruises covering her legs and groin areas. I had a bottle of Moringa oil and began applying it. Almost immediately we could see that it was helping. Since I did not live in Yuma I asked the nurses if they would apply it when I was not there. They had noted the effects already. the doctor in charge also was advised and she authorized using the oil. In a short time the bruising began to disappear. Our daughter took photos of before and after and showed them to my wife's personal physician here. Needless to say they were amazed at how quickly the oil healed the bruises and reduced the pain.

Moringa Oil
Posted by Dvan34 (So. Calif) on 03/31/2024

The Benefits off Moringa oil

My wife experienced a fall and severe injuries, a skull fracture, and 2 pelvis fractures resulting from Vertigo. Unfortunately, the oil did not eliminate Vertigo but did help the extensive bruising on her legs and lower body. Even the nurses and doctors were astounded by how quickly the black bruises and pain subsided. It was amazing. They quickly approved for treatment.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Kathie (Rock, Mi) on 05/06/2010

I recently went under total knee replacement surgery. As most know there is a major amount of bruising that goes along with this. Well the first day I got home I started eating pineapple and drinking pineapple juice. My bruising was gone in almost a week. The Dr and therapists could not believe how good my knee and leg looked. They never have seen anyone have bruising go away that fast. The more natural the pineapple without added sugars is the best. Just thought I would share my experience in hopes it might help someone else too.

Replied by Debbra Dee
(Boston, Ma)

I have taken bromelain, the enzyme created from pinapple, immediately following major surgery (oral and sinus) and have had ZERO bruising and swelling, and minimal pain. I also added tart cherry and arnica. I just now took a really bad tumble down some slippery steps and am going to do the the same thing. Fingers crossed I can head off the bruising and pain this time.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

To Debra Dee (Boston Ma) ----

Just want to add that pineapple from Hawaii is GMO whereas other produce from Hawaii is not GMO.

Namaste, Om

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