Hershey's Special Dark Mildly sweet chocolate.
This will clear BRAIN FOG.
It is high in antioxdants to help the brain make faster elect connection. The chocolate and sugar speeds up the blood flow to the brain.
You should take one section three times a day.
Most people the fog starts to clear in about 4 hours.
It will also help your memory.
It is a cheap fix that the Dr. will not tell you about as it is not approved by the Medical Board.
Try it it works great for brain fog.
If you take it everyday you will also lose weight.
If you have a question e-mail me.
EC: Actually, 100% dark chocolate (no sugar) is best if you can find it. A friend of ours, an osteopathic doctor, recently turned us on to the 100%. We buy it here: http://www.chocosphere.com Click on the Pralus image (http://www.chocosphere.com/Html/Products/pralus.html), then scroll down towards bottom of page to find 100%. Be forewarned, it is BITTER!!!
Dark Chocolate
re: Fibromyalgia Brain Fog. I had this after a heart problem. A friend said have you tried Dark Chocolate Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate. I said no what does it do for you? Clears the Brain Fog.
I got one bar at the Drug store. The next day half of the bar was gone and so was the Fog. It did not come back. I still keep three large Bars in the ref. I tell everyone about this stuff.