Natural Cures for Brain Fog

Avoid Fans and Air Conditioning
Posted by Diane (Gulf Coast) on 10/27/2022

I woke up every morning with frontal lob headache-brain fog with severe memory loss especially with stress. After months of pain it stopped. WHY? because it was fall-winter and my husband stopped running AC on 70. Turned off the ceiling fan that was on high and turned off his table fan that ALL BLEW ON ME. I was having brain freeze with severe Sinus Infection. Similar to eating frozen ice cream. I would have to go out and sit in my truck and turn on the heat. It caused stress, poor job performance. Then it started on him. After a month, I am back to my self at 66 yrs old.... and NO more fans and cold AC. It all stopped when I read how to nitty my nose with drops of hydrogen peroxide and warm water, it thawed my nose-cleared my sinuses. It was so simple.
