It was finally just one bubble/blister. The blister wore off and he had an open spot on his foot that was painful; and he is on his feet a lot during the day.
I took a fresh plantain leaf and bruised it heartily with a rolling pin. I then folded it and applied it to his foot with a fabric bandage. (I get these fabric bandages at the Dollar General that stick so nicely and breathe well too. And they are not more expensive than plastic bandaids, which I do not like at all! )
I did this for a couple of mornings for him and he was comfortable all day and it healed up nicely.
If you are ever hiking and get a blister on your foot and are able to locate a plantain leaf, bruise the leave and apply it to the blister to get pain relief and help it to begin healing - all the while still hiking!
~Mama to Many~