Natural Remedies

Blister Remedies

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Aloe Vera
Posted by Janie Y (Illinois) on 11/18/2013

Aloe Vera has been helping to actually heal my blisters on the bottoms of my feet and the ones on the backs of my toes! While I was treating my plantar warts with 100% Aloe Vera, which really did the trick (The warts are almost completely gone as of this writing)! See my post in "Warts" about using the Aloe Vera for treatment....During the time of treating my warts (which were super painful at the time), I decided to dab some Aloe on a couple of blisters I had, as well. It worked! . Seems the Aloe dried them up. Now I am pretty much blister free and wart free, thanks to my using Aloe Vera. I was using the gel taken from my Aloe Vera Plant, that I had at home, but finally made it over to my health food store and bought a bottle of Aloe Vera Gel . I always heard that Aloe was good for burns... but who knew I could use it on plantar warts and blisters.....Oh - I had also been using something called "Benzoin Tincture" (am I allowed to say that?) on my blisters, which has all natural ingredients including Aloe Vera .... But I thought I would try and see what good ole pure Aloe would do - It seems to have work just fine!!! Thank you Earth Clinic for helping us to find NATURAL remedies to help cure what ails us!!! Read and take heed!!!
