Optimizing Bladder Health with Natural Remedies

Posted by Kk (Sherwood Ar) on 03/31/2014

I've used the d-mannose for quite sometime. My urologist said proven fact that cranberry is great for bladder health/infection. So sometime ago I was introduced to cran-actin with d-mannose. A wonderful combination for bladder health. My advisor who owns a local health food store said "I bet it's the tinnactic acid in tea...my daughter said it irritates her bladder and seems to increase spasms. Bottomline is I use cran-actin with d-mannose whenever I have a symptom or known exposure that my cause problems. Love it. Certainly recommend it too.

Urethral Stricture Treatment
Posted by Sa (SL) on 05/29/2013

I am female, aged 26 and lately, I have noticed that my urine stream splits into two. I don't have any extra urethral orifice, the doctors consider that it might be some urethral stricture and suggested urethral dilation for it. Is there any way I can set it right with natural remedies? I don't want a urethral dilation as it would only temporary relieve the stream issue. Thank you.

Chromium Picolinate
Posted by Bill (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) on 12/04/2011

Chromium Picolinate dramatically helped in my issue of frequent urination. I take 200 mcg 15 minutes before meals (3 meals a day). Hope this helps somebody.

Castor Oil
Posted by Cathy (Tn) on 09/10/2018

To Lucia, whose husband has an enlarged bladder:

If he takes a lot of medications or even natural supplements with fillers those fillers can accumulate in the kidney and bladder --clogging things up and slowing the stream or blocking urination altogether. I found diatomaceous earth got my bladder working right again. Take one teaspoon in 1/2 cup of water on an empty stomach. You can gradually increase the amount up to 3 teaspoons a day or more. If your husband is under a physician's care for bladder issue you might run this by him or her. In general it is a very safe supplement for most people. I doubt your doctor will have even heard of it. You might have to print something out for them.

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Jade (Oblivion, Ohio) on 06/06/2013

Good afternoon, I appreciate all the information I have found on your site. I noticed that you reference chronic aspartame and processed foods as causing renal problems. I am a 34 year old woman. For most of my life, I've consumed processed foods, especially diet soda and many other what I thought were healthy diet foods along with sugar.

For the past few years, I have had trouble with urinary frequency and leakage and get recurrent mild UTIs. From my research, I am guessing this is due to my terrible lifestyle habits. I am fortunate that I do not have hypertension or diabetes. Six months ago, I did a complete diet and lifestyle overhaul and started seeing a naturopathic physician. I've cut out all of the diet and processed foods. I don't take any medications, only herbs. I eat an 80% raw diet, juice, and blend. My energy level and thyroid function have improved dramatically, but I am still struggling with my kidneys/bladder. I take probiotics and cranberry supplements. I've tried D-Mannose as well. What would you suggest to repair my kidney and bladder trouble with the suspected cause of food toxins?

Thank you, :)

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/07/2013 2063 posts

Any of the forgoing remedies will improve healing. Zinc/Vit-A, Comfrey Leaf (Tea), Omega 3 Fatty Acids like Fish or Flax Oil, Raw Kidney Glandular. Also, 1 grm GABA before retiring will boost Human Growth Hormone levels around 25%. HGH causes the release of IGF (Insulin Growth Factor) which can restore healing powers to youthful levels. There are also natural non-dietary means of boosting HGH in the body; YouTube has many videos showing these methods.

Let us know how you're doing.

Posted by Martie (Toronto, Canada) on 08/31/2018

I wonder if your remedy might be the answer to my problem of waking at night to urinate? Is it just a spoon full of honey before bed? Would that not cause tooth problems or would you brush your teeth before retiring? Will try it and hopefully it works. Thank you.

Posted by Theresa (Glendale Az) on 09/01/2017

Hi Holly. I have had an over active bladder since I went through my changes at age 56. Now I'm going to be 69 yrs young. What I was trying is Chinese Herbs and had Chinese Herbs for my pups'

I then was taking Chinese Herbs from Heaven And Earth amazing results for Bladder and cateracts and never sick. Problem is They were only 57.00 for 400 capsules and they merged with a partner and went up to 249.00 for same amount, which I can't afford now and they would not honor the price for me. I even attribute the success of my pets with many nature cures from here as they lived from 16 1/2 to 19 years young.

Getting back to OAB I have gel caps, but what king of nutmeg do you use.?? nk their is a nutmeg herb that can be used.

I have been on this web site for as long as I can remember and everything works. I posted web pages of natural cure for pets and I have done many that help my dogs kidneys, eyes, teeth etc.

Thank You


Dietary Changes, Psyllium, Baking Soda
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 12/15/2013

I used to think I had cystitis of my bladder. I went to the Doctor who found no infection and told me to eat less chocolate. Which was good advice. Also good advice is to drink no coffee or tea. And to take baking soda with water or with water and psyllium.

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 10/09/2013

Hi I don't know how old you are, but have you had your prostrate gland checked, and have you had test to establish wether it's an infection? As you can carry Infection for a long time with no pain. And as you age the prostrate gland can cause this as well. I had something called 'Nepharitis' (Inflamation and Infection) of the Kidneys for ages, I barely had any pain, and thought it was to do with a back problem, also Kidney Stones will cause these symptoms too. Go have yourself checked out, and then you can use Remedies on EC once you have an idea. But that being said, I was told I did not have Kidney stones, I insisted I did. I eventually drank loads of bottled Spring water, I kept a strainer in the toilet, and urinated through the stainer every time. And behold!! A load of 'Gravel' in appearance Kidney Stones were in the strainer, so I took it to a very red faced Urologist to show him. Love Andrea C xxxxx

Posted by Cathy (Tennessee) on 09/10/2018

D-Mannose is a concentrated part of the cranberry plant and is very safe to take every day indefinitely. Although it is not cheap, it works.

Look at Diatomaceous earth powder as a solution for bladder issues also. I have a couple posts here about how to use it. My bladder symptoms..similar to yours..were greatly improved by taking this powder 2xday...it's very safe and beneficial for so many health issues to take daily

Coffee, Clove
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/27/2013

Potassium "...stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes... Blackstrap Molasses contains more calcium than milk, more iron than many eggs, and more potassium than any food. It is an excellent source of B vitamins." (Nutrition Almanac, Third Edition) When I could not go and read this, I tried a TBS of BSM in a glass of warm water and my flow resumed. This is what worked for me so I try to have some every day. Just remember it is a source of sugar and the B vitamins stimulate your appetite.

Strong Smelling, Cloudy Urine
Posted by Art (California) on 09/25/2021 2150 posts

Hello Bo,

I have a friend who has had these symptoms multiple times. Each time, it turned out to be a UTI bacterial infection ( E. coli). What has worked for this friend is the combination of high dose D Mannose powder( 10 to 15 grams per bottle of filtered water) mixed in a 500 ml bottle of filtered water with a half teaspoon of sea salt mixed in as well. Each UTI, my friend drank 3 of these bottles per day until well after the smell and cloudiness were gone. It worked for E. coli which is the most common bacterial cause of UTIs, but it may or may not work for other bacteria causing UTIs. Here is a link to D Mannose powder products :



Chromium Picolinate
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/20/2013

Chromium picolinate helps regulate blood sugar and your bladder was probably trying to balance your system through urine excretion before you started on the supplement

Coconut oil also helps with the regulation of sugar in the body and brain, it helps stabilize the imbalance of sugar that can cause candida problems, usually brought on by fight or flight hormones as a response to stress.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 01/04/2018

This is compatible with information found in Dr. Jarvis' book about folk medicine. Glad it worked for you! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by Holly (Millersville) on 09/02/2017


I just get mine from the spice aisle. I have been using nutmeg I got from Costco and it works perfectly well.

Hopeful it will work as well for you as it does for me.


Posted by Mary Margaret (Wa) on 07/23/2018

I see a few postings for nutmeg remedies on the site. I just discovered that nutmeg is very poisonous even 1 or 2 teaspoons. It concerns me that people are giving nutmeg to their children. I just wanted to share this information

Stachys Lavandulifolia
Posted by Bob (Parsonsburg, Maryland) on 08/05/2016

Does anyone know if Wood Betony would be the same, or close enough?

Stachys Lavandulifolia
Posted by Helen (Hawaii) on 08/04/2021

Hello Kasra- thank you for your post from 2017. Is the stachys lavandulifolia tea still helping you? I have lots of family in Iran and I can have them send me some.
What do you call this in Persian, please? I am SO desperate for help.

Any info you can provide would be appreciated. I live in the USA. Thank you.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/16/2013

My husband had to stop using deodorant soap... We both use Ivory now. No colored toilet paper and no fabric softener. Do you frequently change laundry detergents? Make sure all soap is rinsed out. Add a Cup of white vinegar to the rinse water. Just trying to offer other possibilities.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/16/2013

Dear Sa,

I am seeing some great feedback and ideas from Kt and Andrea... I was thinking about what Kt said.. The possiblity of stones. While I was doing dishes, I was thinking about it... As it relates to my sink... When little pieces of grit from my water start to collect on the screen of my faucet, the water comes out spraying at worst, or at least not like the normal stream I get from the faucet. So, stones may be a likely cause.

The cornsilk, marshmallow, and uva ursi that I mentioned before as being good to tone the bladder, are also all "lithotriptics" meaning they are herbs used to dissolve and discharge urinary and gall stones. So, those herbs may help if you have stones. You may end up finding an herbal bladder or kidney formula with all of those and some other good herbs (like Gravel Root, Parsley, Horsetail). By the way, when using cornsik, please be sure to get organic because of all the GMO corn. (All information in this paragraph is gleaned from Philip Fritchey's book, Practical Herbalism; one of my favorites! )

Another thought is that, if it is stones, Apple Cider Vineger might be of help. (It is good for lots of things and is a good all around thing to add to your life. ) You might read around on the Kidney Stones page for lots of helpful information on that.

Plenty of water or hebal tea daily is important for everyone, espeically when there are bladder and kidney troubles.

Please keep us posted, I will be anxious to hear what helps you.

~Mama to Many~

Avoid Apple Juice
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/19/2013

Just been reading to find some answers and found a site that talked about MALIC ACID in apple juice and apple cider irritating the bladder and weakening the system supporting it.

They also talked about absorption problems causing vitamin and mineral deficiencies and how they cause hormone imbalance and how the hormone imbalance affects the muscles that hold the bladder in place.

They said APPLES DO NOT CAUSE THIS PROBLEM and encourage eating apples.

Strong Smelling, Cloudy Urine
Posted by Joan (Christchurch, New Zealand) on 12/13/2011

My problem is unusual in that I have no pain or frequent urination, but first urine of the day smells strange and is cloudy. One other time this happened and the doctor put me on antibiotics. What's new? I feel fine, have tried lots of natural cures and good eating, but bad urine in the morning is still there. Any ideas?

Strong Smelling, Cloudy Urine
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 09/26/2021

Bo, you might want to have a full blood and urine analysis done and then you can go on from there, knowing what markers you have.

Stachys Lavandulifolia
Posted by George (Caldwell, Id) on 04/11/2016

Please tell me exactly what you are taking because I am really suffering! I don't know if you are just drinking a certain tea or if you are adding something to your tea. Please clarify and let me know where I can purchase it. I am desperate!

Stachys Lavandulifolia
Posted by Kasra (Tehran) on 04/02/2017

I don't think so, this one doesn't look fluffy. It has many common names unfortunately, I think you will be able to find it easier if you take a picture with you and show to a herbalist.

Stachys Lavandulifolia
Posted by Chris (Great Oakley, Northamptonshire. England.) on 03/03/2018 3 posts

I've searched ebay and amazon for stachys ' lavandulifolia' and can't find it. Has anyone sourced it yet?


Stachys Lavandulifolia
Posted by Slim Cs (San Rafael, California ) on 08/28/2020 6 posts

Most sources I have checked seem to think that this is the same as Stachys Oficinalis. The properties seem to be the same. I have been able to find this herb as a tea on Etsy. I have just started to try it and hope for positive results!

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Joeelli (Dublin) on 10/08/2013

hello people, just before orgasm during sexual intercourse I feel as if I have to urinate although having had emptied the bladder before. For your information - I am a male. Besides, to me the feeling of the orgasm is way less intense as before. Furthermore, I have the impression that my urinating pressure is less intense than before and the urine- stream is doubled sometimes. I do not feel any pain. 4 months ago I had pain/burn while urinating. I was prescribed antibiotics and pain got away. Any help appreciated.

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 10/08/2013

What is your age? Check your Prostate for any issues. Good Health

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Joeelli (Dublin) on 10/09/2013

Hey. Thx everyone for your reply. I am 28 and was given antiobiotics as diagnosed for Urinary Tract Infection. I will do what you told me. Maybe do some liver and kidney flushes. Again thank you very much

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/10/2013 2063 posts

The evidence of co-infection of the kidney/urinary and the prostate gland seem obvious, so the recommendation is treating both. My current regimen is 100mg zinc, 1 softgel Cranberry daily. Occasional Stinging Nettles works wonders. Occasional Dr Christopher's kidney/bladder formula is also sometimes needed (works well fallowing the cranberry).

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by James (Va, US) on 10/01/2014

I just want to throw this out there. But if the sex you're having is very good or new or he does something unusual, it may just be your body trying to ejaculate. Women 'squirt' and many women express that they feel the urge to urinate during sex. In most cases that part of your body actually shuts down during sexual activity, so there is a strong likelihood that you actually are about to ejaculate and not urinate. Ask you're doctor about it, though most male doctors don't know what I'm telling, a woman doctor who is much more in tune with the female anatomy, very well may. Good Luck! I certainly hope it's this vs something not as pleasant.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Sa (H, Kt) on 09/07/2013

i am 30 year old female and I noticed that I have two or three urine stream and my urine steam sprays down to my legs. I am having this problem since long but now I am getting infections because of spraying urine here and there and on to my lady parts. Is there any other lady that experiences the same? And is there any cure for it?

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/14/2013

Dear Sa,

I had hoped someone with the same difficulty (and cured of it) would have had some thoughts for you. I think it is a good sign that doctors have not found anything they are concerned about, though it is frustrating to be left with no solution. I will suggest few things that I would try. First of all, if you don't do them already, try Kegal exercises. All ladies should be doing them anyway, and it might stregthen things up. You should work up to 100 per day. It won't hurt and might help. If your pelvic floor is relaxed or lacking tone, and this causes the problem, this could help.

Also, there are two herbs that are especially indicated for bladder issues. They can be helpful to tone the bladder, among other bladder difficulties. These herbs are cornsilk and Uva Ursi. You could make a tea or take supplements with these things. (With the Uva Ursi, one herbalist says you should take it with marshmallow root. ) Even if you don't find anyone using these herbs for your particular difficulty, because they are so helpful for a variety of bladder conditions, it would be worth a try. I was taking Red Raspberry for many months for pregnancy and found it helped prolapsed bladder very much. Herbs often help quickly, but sometimes need a good amount of time to bring healing. I would give it a few months before giving up if you should try one or the other. Neither herb is recommended in pregnancy and both are diuretic, just so you know. If you decide to go the tea route, take a least a pint of tea a day. If you take supplements, take whatever is recommended on the supplement you buy.

For the more immediate difficulty this is causing to you skin, I would look into getting a peri bottle. They are very inexpensive and so helpful for cleaning. Many hospitals give them to ladies healing after birth. After emptying your bladder, you use the peri bottle of water to rinse yourself (and then pat dry with toilet paper). You can add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to the bottle to aid in healing. Overnight you might use coconut oil topically to reduce/heal irritation to your skin.

Please let us know what you find that helps you!

~Mama to Many~

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/15/2013

I had this when stones were forming and eventually passed one so large it ripped one of my ureters. Just because exams do not reveal any stones, it doesn't mean there weren't any. It's been reported that we can frequently pass small ones.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 09/16/2013

I have something called Nephorosis of the left kidney, it affects my urine flow. Its quite common, and I may have been born with it, but it gave me no problems until I got in to my twenties. I am now 54, go to the Dr's and get checked out to find what the cause is, I was putting mine down to the 'Change' it wasn't, but that aggravated it big time!! ( What helped me in the end was seeing a Herbalist, as the Hospital and drugs were no help at all and made me feel ill. I am sorry but I can't remember what the Herbalist gave me, the plant grows evry where in the UK, it trails up walls and fences, and the root is used, dried as a tea. I found this out after a few expensive outings to the Herbalist, and it was growing all over my back yard!!! Lol I will look on-line and see if I can find the name, but any good herbalist should know what it is. It's got white trumpet shaped flowers about 2 inches long, and heart shaped leaves, and I think the nick name for it is 'Old Father Time' as you can't get rid of it! Hope this helps. Love Andrea C xxxxx

EC: Possibly Hedge Bindweed.

Medicinal use of Hedge Bindweed: "The root is demulcent, diuretic, febrifuge, poultice and strongly purgative. Use of the root is believed to increase the flow of bile."

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/16/2013

Mama to Many: I thought you may be interested in this link: http://naturalsociety.com/admittedly-illegal-genetically-modified-soil-fungus-present-in-organic-products/

Sa: I would be very careful using any lotion. Sometimes I use Witch Hazel.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Stephanie (Las Vegas, US) on 06/03/2014

Urine is sterile and does not cause infections in any way. Bladder Infections are in the same place the urine comes out. Fecal matter from wiping the wrong way or bacteria from intercourse (not nurinating before and after) can cause it. But seriously? Pee is sterile...

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Jb (Texas) on 12/09/2016

Prolapse organs like bladder, uterus can cause spraying of urination. Detached urethra can do the same. Google condition and treatments.

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Just Me (Usa) on 06/06/2013

I feel strongly that diet tea sent me over to the dark side of bladder trouble. I had not drank it for very long. I thought I had a bladder infection and heavily dosed myself with cranberry juice which made it worse. I found out I had IC, interstitial cystitis. You may have a similar issue. If so, you need to drop acid foods including green/black tea, coffee, sodas, etc. Go to a medical cite for a list of what you need to eliminate.

Proteinuria Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 05/04/2013 2063 posts

Cheryl: Proteinuria is often a sign of Liver problems. And Liver problems are also, many times, a result of Gallstones.

Here's the E. C. Liver Problem page: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/liver_damage.html

Also be very careful with any pharmaceutical meds that are known hepatoxic; Acetaminophen is a common toxic drug.

Posted by Arthur (Los Angeles, California) on 01/18/2015

I had urinary tract infections which were treated with repeated courses of antibiotics. Because the antibiotics were causing serious medical problems (about which, OF COURSE, my doctor never warned me), I realized that I had to stop, and I looked for alternative treatments. I found olive leaf extract. Within 24 hours of taking the extract, the symptoms were gone, and, I've been taking it daily as a preventive. Except for one slight brief infection, I have not had a urinary tract infection in three years.

Coffee, Clove
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/19/2012

Make a cup of coffee and put 1/8 teaspoon or so of clove powder in it. If you get a full feeling but can't seem to easily empty the bladder. Seems to open things up. Takes a couple hours to have an effect.

Strong Smelling, Cloudy Urine
Posted by Bo (Usa) on 09/25/2021

Same problem and Dr only says *probably* bacteria but I have no other symptoms of bladder infection, just smelly cloudy pee off and on for a year. Last couple months it's most of the time. I hope adding my comment might at least bump yours up for review. Like you I'd rather not throw randomly prescribed antibiotics at it if there's something else that will solve this 😕

Posted by Su (Durban, Kzn, South Africa) on 10/21/2010

Is this safe to do everyday? I usually go to the bathroom 8 times a day, wanting to reduce it to at least 4 times a day ( I drink 1.5litres of water and 300ml of tea everyday) 27 years old. Thanks

Posted by Lucille K. (NYC) on 07/13/2023

I hope this is the right person! Re: using honey and effect on teeth. It is my understanding that the only sweet not hurting but helping the teeth is honey!

Pumpkin Seed Oil
Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 09/29/2016

I tried the pumpkin seed oil caps for a few weeks for a leaky bladder and did not notice a difference at all. I sure hate having this issue. Always nervous when out & about and wondering where is the nearest restroom, if there is one.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Sa (H, Kt) on 09/14/2013

This is a question for TED, BILL or MAMA to many, I have already posted it but I guess no one knows the answer. I am 26 year old female. The problem is I do not have a straight stream of urine. The stream is either sprayed or double. I got checked with a urologist, did urodynamic study but everything was normal. Does any one knows about any cause causing it. I have otherwise free flow so a stricture is ruled out too.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Sa (H, Kt) on 09/15/2013

Thank you, Mama to Many, for your reply. I am already doing kegel but only 15 times a day I will increase it to 100. Also by infection I meant vaginal infection for which I think frequent washing with soap is the cause. I will use the herbs you mentioned and report back. Thank you so much for the reply.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Sa (H, Kt) on 09/16/2013

Thank you Kt for your reply. I haven't changed my laundry detergent in ages. My major issue is not having a straight stream, for irritated skin I use lotions and it keeps it ok. If I get a straight stream everything else falls in place but mine seems a rare case as I am still not having any diagnosis.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Sa (H, Kt) on 09/16/2013

Thank you so much for your reply AndreaC. Did you have trouble in stream or the stream being straight? Mine just seeps underneath my legs. I will surely look out for it and it really makes sense as I also have a mild hydronephrosis of my right kidney and I do not have any other problem except my stream not being straight else the flow is normal. And is the herb Climbing Vine? Thank you

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Jessica (London, England) on 09/16/2013

Hello, I have experienced this same issue from time to time though never nearly to the degree to which you have. What helped me correct back to a normal stream is to drink about 4 glasses of distilled water throughout the day and I also drink a glass of water alkalized with a pinch of sodium bicarbonate late at night. Let us know what helps you.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/17/2013


Thanks for the link to the article! Very interesting... also a neat site I had never seen.

~Mama to Many~

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Sa (H, Kt) on 09/17/2013

Thanks Jessica, I will try baking soda remedy.

Thanks a lot Mama to Many for thinking about it, I read on some other site that I bend forward while urinationg this will straighten up my stream and it is helping a bit . Just to make things more clear I see sometimes two or three streams too. I drank apple cider vinegar for about 6 months but it did not help. I found the herbs in my area and I will be starting them now.

Kt can you please tell me did you have any other symptoms when you had stones in your kidney? As I do not experience any other symptom apart from abnormal stream. Thank you so much

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/17/2013

Sa, the abnormal stream was awhile before I started to experience the pain. It's been so long ago, it's hard to remember exactly. I know the pain got pretty bad and I could hardly walk, getting up in the middle of the night to go. Before I passed the one that ripped my ureter I had been having "trickles" no good flow. I later learned I had been eating too much spinach. I'm slow and piecemeal and my time is running out... Spinach contains oxalic acid... I just need to make sure I get adequate magnesium before ingesting spinach. Be aware that chocolate contains oxalic acid too.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/17/2013

My memory is coming back... It's been over twenty years... I also had yeast and bladder infections until I started to change the way I ate. Even the order some things are eaten (for me anyway) makes a difference. It's been a piecemeal learning endeavor. I'm happy to say I am sixty-five and pain-free unless I eat something I shouldn't. Extreme sensitivity to MSG and it's hidden sources. ALL of our food has been affected by GMO's in one way or another.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by Dia (Usa) on 07/21/2017

Reading about troubles with skin irritation from urine exposure caused me to think I might find some sort of cream/lotion with bees wax in it.....possibly that would put a protective coat over the skin in "the lady parts" area. Just wanting to share in case it helps someone.

Stream Abnormalities
Posted by SUNNY (Ca) on 09/05/2021

Do you have a prolapsed bladder? You should go to the doctor.

Proteinuria Remedies
Posted by Cheryl (Stearns, Ky) on 05/03/2013

I am looking for a herbal cure for protein in urine. I know there is a cure but doctors don't want you to know about it. I am sick of their meds. They make things worse sometimes.

Proteinuria Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, SC) on 05/04/2013

Relative to "protein in urine" problem... Are you speaaking of increased creatine levels which are evidence of kidney failure? In that case, creatine is merely a marker to the back up of toxic material in the system and is demonstrating the severity of the kidney failure. I'm thinking that maybe you are refering to some other issue. If so could you be more specific on what proteins you are speaking of and the medical diagnosis by the doctors you are refering to. And symptoms you are having.

Pelvic Floor Exercises
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/03/2013

Some fitness instructors develop bladder leaks and pelvic floor issues because they don't relax the muscles enough between the tensions for muscle building, causing muscle failure.

Some children have too much tension leading to bowel or bladder control failure and need bio feedback to get beyond the stress of tensing muscles and overloading them.

Posted by Jfrost231 (Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States) on 03/13/2013

Hello, I have been suffering irritation and burning while I urinate for about a year now. I'm 17, and it started last year when I first got a UTI. I went to the doctor, got antibiotics, (Cipro to be exact) and it went away. Then a couple months later, I had the same problem again, so I thought I would go back to the doctor, which I did, I got Bactrim, and I would be cured. Nope. And ever since I have been trying so desperately to rid myself of whatever it is I have. I have tried apple cider vinegar, which I think made it worse, sea salt water, cranberry pills, kidney bladder health pills, as well as a variety of other pills. I have changed my diet, to only drinking water and pure cranberry juice (which helps). I cut out as much sugar as I can. I am and have been sexually active since it started, but my partner and I have used all the necessary precautions to avoid something like this happening in the first place. Now recently, I was told by this amazing indian lady who runs a health food store in my town told me to take D-Mannose for a few month, I have been on D-Mannose for three months, from November to February. But I stopped because the three months was up, and I was feeling awesome that entire time little to no pain at all. If there was any irritation, it was so small that it didn't even bother me. I know for a fact that my problem has nothing to do with my bladder or kidneys, it is all urethra. But recently, this past week, I have been drinking this detox tea, it is supposes to rid the body of your toxins and it is obviously released through waste. I have been in such awful pain with urination. So I am wondering, is it the tea that is irritating my urethra? Are the toxins being released from my body making me have burning and irritation while I urinate? I only started drinking this tea this week. I want to continue taking the D-Mannose, but I don't know if it will be harmful for my body. Am I allowed to take D-Mannose as a daily supplement? is it safe? It was helping me so much and it sucks that the joy ends. I need opinions, I need answers. I am stopping the tea, but if it continues, I don't know what to do. I'm considering going to a urologist. Help!

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 03/14/2013 2063 posts

Jfrost231: Since you are not responding well to multiple forms of treatment, you might have a parasite infestation; in particular the bladder fluke: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schistosoma_haematobium

Posted by Joy (Battleground , Wash) on 04/20/2013

Creams and condoms and other vaginal products can cause an allergic response. Using the pill can change your system to have bladder and vaginal problems if you are on one that is not right for you

The estrogen in the pill can cause a blood sugar problem and weight gain.

Also women must always wipe from front to back.

Posted by Bea (San Antonio) on 11/26/2013

Try adding a little baking soda to your water to help with the burning.

Coffee, Clove
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/26/2013

HELPS.... To get the urine to flow.... Use cranberry or pomegranate juice.

Castor Oil
Posted by Lucia Luna (Santa Barbara, California) on 09/12/2011

My husband has recently had a problem with his bladder enlarged which makes it so he has to self-catherize himself 4 times a day. What really bothers him is the the pain he has on his right side. What l have been doing in massaging the area that hurts. Seems to work but what l would like to know is will the castor oil treatment really help?

Posted by Ashwin (London Uk) on 03/01/2017

My elderly mother suffers with incontinence and get very worried when she has to out or attend any socials. I would like to try the Nutmeg therapy.

How much Ground Nutmeg do you use per cup of water or Glass of water?

Is it safe to take it more than once a day and does it have any side effects?

As she is up several times in the night - can she take it before going to bed?

Many Thanks, Ash

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