Optimizing Bladder Health with Natural Remedies

Bladder Issue Remedies
Posted by Jade (Oblivion, Ohio) on 06/06/2013

Good afternoon, I appreciate all the information I have found on your site. I noticed that you reference chronic aspartame and processed foods as causing renal problems. I am a 34 year old woman. For most of my life, I've consumed processed foods, especially diet soda and many other what I thought were healthy diet foods along with sugar.

For the past few years, I have had trouble with urinary frequency and leakage and get recurrent mild UTIs. From my research, I am guessing this is due to my terrible lifestyle habits. I am fortunate that I do not have hypertension or diabetes. Six months ago, I did a complete diet and lifestyle overhaul and started seeing a naturopathic physician. I've cut out all of the diet and processed foods. I don't take any medications, only herbs. I eat an 80% raw diet, juice, and blend. My energy level and thyroid function have improved dramatically, but I am still struggling with my kidneys/bladder. I take probiotics and cranberry supplements. I've tried D-Mannose as well. What would you suggest to repair my kidney and bladder trouble with the suspected cause of food toxins?

Thank you, :)

Urethral Stricture Treatment
Posted by Sa (SL) on 05/29/2013

I am female, aged 26 and lately, I have noticed that my urine stream splits into two. I don't have any extra urethral orifice, the doctors consider that it might be some urethral stricture and suggested urethral dilation for it. Is there any way I can set it right with natural remedies? I don't want a urethral dilation as it would only temporary relieve the stream issue. Thank you.

Proteinuria Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, SC) on 05/04/2013

Relative to "protein in urine" problem... Are you speaaking of increased creatine levels which are evidence of kidney failure? In that case, creatine is merely a marker to the back up of toxic material in the system and is demonstrating the severity of the kidney failure. I'm thinking that maybe you are refering to some other issue. If so could you be more specific on what proteins you are speaking of and the medical diagnosis by the doctors you are refering to. And symptoms you are having.

Proteinuria Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 05/04/2013 2063 posts

Cheryl: Proteinuria is often a sign of Liver problems. And Liver problems are also, many times, a result of Gallstones.

Here's the E. C. Liver Problem page: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/liver_damage.html

Also be very careful with any pharmaceutical meds that are known hepatoxic; Acetaminophen is a common toxic drug.

Proteinuria Remedies
Posted by Cheryl (Stearns, Ky) on 05/03/2013

I am looking for a herbal cure for protein in urine. I know there is a cure but doctors don't want you to know about it. I am sick of their meds. They make things worse sometimes.

Coffee, Clove
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/27/2013

Potassium "...stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes... Blackstrap Molasses contains more calcium than milk, more iron than many eggs, and more potassium than any food. It is an excellent source of B vitamins." (Nutrition Almanac, Third Edition) When I could not go and read this, I tried a TBS of BSM in a glass of warm water and my flow resumed. This is what worked for me so I try to have some every day. Just remember it is a source of sugar and the B vitamins stimulate your appetite.

Coffee, Clove
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/26/2013

HELPS.... To get the urine to flow.... Use cranberry or pomegranate juice.

Posted by Joy (Battleground , Wash) on 04/20/2013

Creams and condoms and other vaginal products can cause an allergic response. Using the pill can change your system to have bladder and vaginal problems if you are on one that is not right for you

The estrogen in the pill can cause a blood sugar problem and weight gain.

Also women must always wipe from front to back.

Chromium Picolinate
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/20/2013

Chromium picolinate helps regulate blood sugar and your bladder was probably trying to balance your system through urine excretion before you started on the supplement

Coconut oil also helps with the regulation of sugar in the body and brain, it helps stabilize the imbalance of sugar that can cause candida problems, usually brought on by fight or flight hormones as a response to stress.

Avoid Apple Juice
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/19/2013

Just been reading to find some answers and found a site that talked about MALIC ACID in apple juice and apple cider irritating the bladder and weakening the system supporting it.

They also talked about absorption problems causing vitamin and mineral deficiencies and how they cause hormone imbalance and how the hormone imbalance affects the muscles that hold the bladder in place.

They said APPLES DO NOT CAUSE THIS PROBLEM and encourage eating apples.

Pelvic Floor Exercises
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/03/2013

Some fitness instructors develop bladder leaks and pelvic floor issues because they don't relax the muscles enough between the tensions for muscle building, causing muscle failure.

Some children have too much tension leading to bowel or bladder control failure and need bio feedback to get beyond the stress of tensing muscles and overloading them.

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 03/14/2013 2063 posts

Jfrost231: Since you are not responding well to multiple forms of treatment, you might have a parasite infestation; in particular the bladder fluke: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schistosoma_haematobium

Posted by Jfrost231 (Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States) on 03/13/2013

Hello, I have been suffering irritation and burning while I urinate for about a year now. I'm 17, and it started last year when I first got a UTI. I went to the doctor, got antibiotics, (Cipro to be exact) and it went away. Then a couple months later, I had the same problem again, so I thought I would go back to the doctor, which I did, I got Bactrim, and I would be cured. Nope. And ever since I have been trying so desperately to rid myself of whatever it is I have. I have tried apple cider vinegar, which I think made it worse, sea salt water, cranberry pills, kidney bladder health pills, as well as a variety of other pills. I have changed my diet, to only drinking water and pure cranberry juice (which helps). I cut out as much sugar as I can. I am and have been sexually active since it started, but my partner and I have used all the necessary precautions to avoid something like this happening in the first place. Now recently, I was told by this amazing indian lady who runs a health food store in my town told me to take D-Mannose for a few month, I have been on D-Mannose for three months, from November to February. But I stopped because the three months was up, and I was feeling awesome that entire time little to no pain at all. If there was any irritation, it was so small that it didn't even bother me. I know for a fact that my problem has nothing to do with my bladder or kidneys, it is all urethra. But recently, this past week, I have been drinking this detox tea, it is supposes to rid the body of your toxins and it is obviously released through waste. I have been in such awful pain with urination. So I am wondering, is it the tea that is irritating my urethra? Are the toxins being released from my body making me have burning and irritation while I urinate? I only started drinking this tea this week. I want to continue taking the D-Mannose, but I don't know if it will be harmful for my body. Am I allowed to take D-Mannose as a daily supplement? is it safe? It was helping me so much and it sucks that the joy ends. I need opinions, I need answers. I am stopping the tea, but if it continues, I don't know what to do. I'm considering going to a urologist. Help!

Posted by Zeeeena (Hollister, Ca) on 12/29/2012

A few years ago I began making up my own capsules. I have crohn's disease, and I knew that turmeric helped with that. I had been buying the capsules of turmeric from wal-mart. Didn't get any results. I bought organic turmeric powder from a local health food store and some organic, cold pressed coconut oil. In a very thick stainless steel pan, over low heat, I heat up the pan till its hot enough to melt the coconut oil. Turn off the heat and put a couple spoonfuls of coconut oil in pan. Let it melt, add a couple heaping spoonfuls of turmeric powder and stir it up. I then use a BD luer lok syring, plastic, no needle. I fill my size "0" vgel capsules with this mixture and keep them in the fridge. I take 6 of these capsules a day and I feel great. It helps with bloating and a general all over feeling of well being.

Hubby at one point had blood in his urine. Went to the doc and they did a ct scan and found a suspicious spot on his bladder. We then asked for a referral to Stanford for follow up. That appointment was about a month later. Meanwhile, I began giving him 12 capsules of my turmeric/coconut oil a day. When we went to our appointment at Stanford for his test where they inserted a lighted flexible tube into his penis (ultrasound I think), that test showed that there was no longer any spot and the blood in his urine had long been gone before that as well. I swear by turmeric taken in this way.

Coffee, Clove
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/19/2012

Make a cup of coffee and put 1/8 teaspoon or so of clove powder in it. If you get a full feeling but can't seem to easily empty the bladder. Seems to open things up. Takes a couple hours to have an effect.

Strong Smelling, Cloudy Urine
Posted by Joan (Christchurch, New Zealand) on 12/13/2011

My problem is unusual in that I have no pain or frequent urination, but first urine of the day smells strange and is cloudy. One other time this happened and the doctor put me on antibiotics. What's new? I feel fine, have tried lots of natural cures and good eating, but bad urine in the morning is still there. Any ideas?

Chromium Picolinate
Posted by Bill (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) on 12/04/2011

Chromium Picolinate dramatically helped in my issue of frequent urination. I take 200 mcg 15 minutes before meals (3 meals a day). Hope this helps somebody.

Castor Oil
Posted by Lucia Luna (Santa Barbara, California) on 09/12/2011

My husband has recently had a problem with his bladder enlarged which makes it so he has to self-catherize himself 4 times a day. What really bothers him is the the pain he has on his right side. What l have been doing in massaging the area that hurts. Seems to work but what l would like to know is will the castor oil treatment really help?

Posted by Su (Durban, Kzn, South Africa) on 10/21/2010

Is this safe to do everyday? I usually go to the bathroom 8 times a day, wanting to reduce it to at least 4 times a day ( I drink 1.5litres of water and 300ml of tea everyday) 27 years old. Thanks

Posted by Jimmy (Citrus Springs, Fl, United States) on 07/19/2010


My elderly great aunt would go to the spice cabinet before going for a ride or shopping where she would be gone for several hours. One time while waiting for her at age 92, I asked her why she went to the spice cabinet all the time when we had to take her someplace she said "I will not have to go to anyone's bathroom anywhere to urinate." She took a half a teaspoon of nutmeg and put in her left hand PALM and lick all of it then drink a small amount of water and that would take care of any urge.

I asked her where she learned that and she said from my grandmother as when she was young they would sell eggs from the horse cart and didn't want to stop for that anywhere. I witnessed that when taking her ANY PLACE THAT SHE NEVER HAD TO GO USE A BATHROOM ANYWHERE. I would say it worked very well for her as she was a very modest lady and never wanted to bother anyone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pam (Orange County, Ca) on 12/02/2009

I was awaked from feeling the urge to pee this morning. And later when I went again, I felt the burning sensation and a bit of blood in my urine. I immediately mixed 2 tbsp of organic Apple cider vinegar and 4 oz of water to drink. I also tried dabbing ACV to where I pee for 20 minutes, and the burning sensation subsided when I went again, which was about 30 minutes later, but I saw more blood in my urine. I was worried for a while and thinking if I should go see a doctor instead. But, I continued drinking ACV every hour. Then, by noon I felt normal again. I don't feel the urge to go, no more burning sensation, and no blood in the urine.

I'll continue to drink ACV, 2 tbsp 8 oz of water (I cut down the ACV as I feel better already), for the next couple of days to make sure the infection is completely gone.

Thanks to the Earth Clinic and all the people posting their experiences with the ACV remedy. I'm now pain free. I cannot thank you enough.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Milly (Wales, Uk) on 11/17/2009

Urinary Problems: Started taking apple cider vinegar after reading of all the health benefits. I really like it with tomato juice. After about a week I noticed that I sleep through the night without needing to get up to visit the bathroom. I am very happy about this and feel far more energetic during the day. Thank you earth clinic!

Posted by Sandy (Cape May, New Jersey) on 08/19/2008

In January I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, in May with chronic polypoid cystitis of the bladder. I had general discomfort throughout my abdomen, flank and pelvic area- not sure what condition was causing what pain. Also had what I believe was arthritic pain in my hip. Only remedy for polypoid cystitis that doctor recommended was painkillers- I declined- or ibuprofen, which I did not want to take on a regular basis. Did some reserch on natural anti-inflammatories, and found lots of info on turmeric. I just went to my local drug store, and bought turmeric capsules, I think they are 500 mg. I started taking 2 pills 2x a day, for a couple of days, then decreased to 2 pills 1x a day, and after just a week or so I stopped taking them altogether. Amazing, but all of my aches and pains disappearred! No bladder pain- no flank pain- no hip pain! If I feel a twinge of anything, I take 2 turmeric, and that does the trick. I am hooked!

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