Effective Natural Remedies for Ascites: A Comprehensive Guide

SamE, Selenium, Milk Thistle, Vit C
Posted by Barb (Fl, Usa) on 07/21/2015

First off, Ascites isn't cancer, it's the fluid leaking out of the damaged blood vessels and spilling the liquid into the surrounding tissue......

Secondly, STOP EATING ANIMAL PRODUCTS. Use a whole food diet of plant based materials and fresh/natural/organic/etc foods. Don't eat things from packages. Shop the outside edge of the supermarket and stock up on fruits and veggies. Limit salt to no more than 2,000 mg a day. It's hard when eating processed food, just to warn ya!

Thirdly, Supplements are great. Sam-e, selenium, milk thistle, vit C. Drinking hot (warm) lemon water first thing out of bed is great. Also coffee enemas are helpful, but graphic. I tend to stay away.

Fourthly, I'm no doctor. I'm telling you what worked for me!
