Natural Anger Management: Holistic Tips & Remedies

Anger Management Remedies
Posted by Gean (Salina, Ks) on 05/04/2010

Has anyone had any success in anger management? I know someone who gets angry a lot, and cannot stop. Even if you can manage to control your words and actions, the angry feelings can not be good for the health. Any suggestions? (Maybe "anger" can be added to ailments)

Anger Management Remedies
Posted by Gean (Salina, Ks) on 05/21/2010

Thank you for your replies. I have a question for T from Maryland. Could you please tell me what brand of B complex you used, whether it was a tablet or capsule, and whether it was time-release or not? There are several different kinds. Thank you very much.

Anger Management Remedies
Posted by T (Maryland, Usa) on 05/21/2010

Hi Gean,

Twinlab B-50 in capsule form is the one I've been using that works fine for me. It's not time-released. I usually only take one daily as I've upped my intake of B-containing foods (I also take extra B12, the methylcobalamin form, in a sublingual tablet). You can take more than one -- you might try one with each meal, for instance. I've actually just run out and might try another brand as I like to experiment a bit. If there's anything significant to report on that front, I'll update here.

Robert - interesting info on the burdock root, thank you. When you make up the quart you mentioned, how much do you take, and how do you store the rest?

Anger Management Remedies
Posted by London (Op, Ks) on 06/20/2010

Thanks for this thread regarding anger. I have noticed that somehow my daughter and I are attracting conflict, and from the law of attraction concept, I thought we were having negative thoughts, etc., but no, not really, we're not. I am now of the belief that it is diet related. I was of the belief that fat was bad, carbs were good, ala 1980's fat-free diets that were presented to us ad nauseum, and as a result, we consumed way too many carbs, and since the 90's, we've been trying to figure the whole diet thing out. I think we are there ... eliminating sugar, eliminating wheat ... if not total elimination at this point, definitely crowding out. Dairy soon to follow. Adding greens, fruits, vegs, etc. Drinking kombucha. However, there must be something within us that is attracting conflict wherever we go! It's really noticeable ... be it road rage, office conflicts, relationship conflicts ... maybe it's this world we live in, and not really our diets.

If anyone has any input at all to this thought, I would love to hear it. I'm really at a loss. Thank you so much. Be well!

Anger Management Remedies
Posted by Londonbluue (Overland Park, Kansas) on 07/09/2010

Lisa Bee, Thank you for the lovely response. In 2006, I read that we must bless the people who have hurt us, whom we have issues with. I have been attempting to do that, as I remember, since that time. I think it must be time to step it up and pray in earnest rather than only offering a blessing to those who wound me. It is baffling when I feel serene and in harmony, kind, even going about my day and then am faced with some conflict. Thank you, again, Lisa Bee.

Misophonia Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/28/2014

Hello again Fooshcat,

Re your Misophonia...

Well, I'm the Poster that predicted (high likelihood) that if a viral infection is the cause of your Misophonis, then you would have an ear infection history.

Now even though I said "long shot" I said that because of the many triggers that the Hyperacusis Network lists. I presume many things might cause Hyperacusis. But I knew and predicted that IF virus you'd have an ear infection history. (Or SOME kind of infection history of the upper torso.)

And WHAT an amazing history you've had. No wonder you remember it.

In your response Post you replied to the possibility of a connection of the condition to virus (that preceded the onset) "horrible ear infections" plus strep (yes, other possible infection)..."ears would rage to the point that I would have ear discharge with blood mixed in"...

I much more ON could we be? The CAUSE is a viral infection.

After your response post, really, I was just blown away. I don't think I've ever seen any more overwhelming proof of cause and effect than your condition. Consider re-reading my first Post to you and your response Post. You now KNOW what is working on you. That's 50 percent of the battle.

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