Exploring Natural Remedies for Addiction Treatment

Sexual Addiction
Posted by SunflowerBliss (New York City, New York) on 06/17/2009

An old friend of mine from college called me yesterday to tell me that her marriage had just fallen apart. Her husband, it turns out, is a sex addict and had been one for years. You name it he did it: online porn, real-life affairs with their (her!) friends, co-workers, massages. To help my friend, I started researching sexual addiction today and came across an article that people might find interesting from Elle magazine. It came out in January 2009: www.elle.com/Beauty/Health-Fitness/Sexy-Beast

If anyone has any remedies to treat sex addiction, please let me know. According to this article it takes 3-5 years of therapy to change the pattern. But since we are dealing with chemicals in the brain like dopamine, maybe there are supplements that can speed along the process. Sigh.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Ladycook (Ma) on 03/16/2018 3 posts

Could someone explain the exact procedure...and how ...why this works. I would love to give it a try ...anything to quit smoking. Thanks

Sun Gazing
Posted by Dr. W. Azul La Luz (Santa Fe, New Mexico, Usa) on 02/03/2016


"Sun gazing" or looking directly into the sun, for any length of time may cause severe damage to the eyes, including ocular cataracts, and retinal deterioration. Ask any optometrist or ophthalmologist: this is why it is advised to use protection when looking at an eclipse.

Sun Gazing
Posted by Amy (Way Out in the Wilderness of Northern BC, Canada) on 01/07/2021

I'd like to try sun gazing. I've had to take sleeping pills for over 30 years. But here's the thing. Our windows were cheaply added so there would be two panes of glass so it frosts up inside and to just go outside, it requires extreme snow and cold gear. It gets well under negative 40 C (same in Fahrenheit) and don't know if I can get up the nerve to get all my gear on for a few minutes. Maybe I'm a sissy. Also is there any danger from the snow glare? I've gotten my eyes sunburned when I went to the snow for the first time ever. Thanks in advance!

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