Exploring Natural Remedies for Addiction Treatment

Cold Shower Therapy
Posted by Juliette (Reston, Va) on 11/02/2011

I have been taking cold showers for the past few days and I feel great! I am a recovering drug addict and suffer from intense anxiety ALL THE TIME. Today I feel more together more calm and more whole than I have in a long time... Years! As an addict I am prone to going ALL in with things and really over indulging in things but cold showers have been a great indulgence. It is hard at first but soo worth it. I just wish more people would be willing to be uncomfortable for a couple minutes to reap amazing rewards! I go in for a warm shower then when im done washing up I turn it to cold until I get used to it then get out and moisterize. My hair is smoother too! I suffer from insomnia as well and have been sleeping better and having more motivation than usual. I also live in a cold basement and it doesn't feel so cold anymore!! This is only day 3 of my cold shower experience and I can't wait to see how much better things get the more I take cold showers. Well worth it!
