Teething Remedies for Children

| Modified on May 28, 2022
Silver Dime
Posted by Teresa (Dimmitt, Tx) on 12/07/2016

I used a silver dime with my kids and grandkids...it works...my oldest son used it again when his wisdom teeth were coming..and he didn't hurt.

Allspice Bead Necklace
Posted by Debra (Mo) on 10/03/2015

Allspice Bead Necklace for Teething:

First hand experience as the oldest of 4 children. My Father went to the woods and pulled up burdock root. Mom cleaned them and cut them into 1" pieces. Using a needle and thread, she strung the roots into a necklace, leaving about 2" of room from the neck. This allows for shrinkage as the roots dry up. Using a low grade thread is for safety should the necklace get caught on anything, it would easily break. Keep the necklace under the baby's shirt and they won't think about it being there, therefore will not "play" with it or accidentally grab it. I helped with my younger brother and sister so I experienced it first hand. It works.

Clove Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 07/02/2015

Editor's Choice My 11 year old daughter has her 12 year molars coming in. A baby cannot put words to teething pain (though they cry and we don't always know why! ) But an 11 year old can communicate her pain. I had her put clove oil on her finger and rub it on the pained area. Within a minute her pain was better and didn't even return the next day!

I have used clove oil on a baby's teething pain. It is best to dilute it half with coconut oil, but once I was not at home and only had clove oil. I put a drop of the oil on my finger and rub the pained area. It usually works very quickly! I am careful not to get it on the lips as it isn't very comfortable.

~Mama to Many~

Yellow Root Necklace
Posted by Karla (Spencer Tn) on 04/30/2015

All the children in our family wear them until they turn 2 years. It is called sour dock root and some call it yellow root.

Root Resorption Treatment
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/23/2013

There are some testimonies in EC using alpha lipoic acid for dental pain and I also believe that taking vitamins and full spectrum of minerals gives the teeth tools to recover. Coconut oil in the diet knocks down dental pain and putting it on the teeth calms them and whitens them. Nothing is ever hopeless as long as you have faith for renewal. Keep your faith and add supplements... Love, JOY

Root Resorption Treatment
Posted by Om Sairam (Hope, B.c., Canada) on 05/22/2013

Hi Oldriska from Prague, go to http--healing teeth naturally.com. I have personally prevented any interference from the dentist as it is obvious that even one pulled tooth can change the shape of the face detrimentally. I had an uneven bite due to being hit on the side of my head by a falling folding door. In that case it is imperative to have cranial adjustment first and go from there. I could not find a practitioner since they seem to have to be careful when advertising but I had it done once and it was excellent in realigning everything. Please also look into oil pulling which I have found very beneficial.

Living now in a different place I went to a chiropractor and he did adjust my head and the bite. You will find many answers in the link above. I wish you all the best. Dentist wanted to sell me an expensive mouth guard without bothering about adjustment. Tooth- or mouth guard can be had very reasonably on line. Om

Root Resorption Treatment
Posted by Oldriska (Prague, Czech Republic) on 05/22/2013

I know the chances that someone will be able to help me with this are slight, but I'd still like to give it a shot... I have nerve damage in my face and as a result of several surgeries my jaw has shifted and my bite is totally off. Now an orthodontist told me that I have root resorption in several of my teeth due to continuous pressure put on those teeth. The teeth already hurt / are hyper-sensitive. I know this condition is probably not reversible, but is there a way to prevent further damage, improve the pain and possibly save those teeth from pulling? Many thanks, Oli

Swamp Lilly Root
Posted by Amber (Lake Charles, La, USA) on 12/30/2012

Swamp Lilly root grows in wetlands or ditches. Look up swamp Lilly and you will find it. I use it for my baby and our family has for generations. You have to dig it up and wash it thoroughly. My tradition is 11 knots (the root shows sections) cut at each link, double thread a needle and string them up. The baby wears it for a week and then you make a new necklace with 9 knots that you leave on them until teething is done. Once the knots all fall off, its over. Once you cut the links you must put the necklace on them then. The point is for the root to dry out while they wear it. It's an Indian tradition and really has worked for us. I thought it was ugly and an old wives tale but it really helps a lot. Less swelling, no fever, no irritability, and no diarrhea/constipation. She still slobbers and chews everything but gappier than most teething bsbies. Hope this helps you. Good luck!

Root for Teething
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 12/27/2012

Hi Fiona, I have never heard either name you have suggested but I do know that burdock root is a common teething necklace from folk remedies. Is this perhaps what you are hearing about? I know it was used by the native Americans and also in the Appalachians. If you google burdock root teething necklace, you'll probably get leads. I hope this helps. Oh, I also have read some say an amber necklace works too. Lisa

Root for Teething
Posted by Fiona (Snellville, Ga) on 12/25/2012

Hello, I am a pediatrician who uses a lot of herbal medicine in my practice. I have read many entries about a certain herb that the older people in families used to use around the necks of their babies for teething. I'm not sure of the spelling, but some people in the South refer to it as "tressad". I'm not really even sure of the pronunciation. I saw one poster who commented on an herb called "tredsetter" root. I would like to do more research on it, but I don't know where to start. Please help! Thanks.

Silver Dime
Posted by Kim (Metter, Ga) on 12/06/2012

I know for a fact that the silver dime works. 27 years ago, my Daddy made me put one on my oldest son because he was running fever, stomach running off, swollen gums... Really bad. I'm not going to lie, I really didnt want to or really even believe it, but once he put it on him it WORKED!!!

I did not know he was teething again. I just would see his new little teeth. I swear by this!! And yes, I used in on my other child and got the same results!!

Yellow Root Necklace
Posted by Jessie (Anchorage, Ak) on 08/29/2012

Yellow root is a common name for goldenseal. I kno particularly this can be found in the mountains of west virginia as I use to dig this to make extra cash selling it. It has uses for infection and such. My dad use to use this for teeth being infected. As the gentleman above mentioned, the taste is horrible. It does work great though as it clears out your system.

Silver Dime
Posted by Betty (Seligman, Mo) on 07/24/2012

What year silver dime?

Allspice Bead Necklace
Posted by Becky (Loveland, Oh) on 06/18/2012

None of the ideas for a necklace state whether baby chews on this or just having it around their neck it would get in through the skin. How is this done?

Allspice Bead Necklace
Posted by Kaspars (Jelgava) on 04/06/2012

I can recommend these. Our daughter was an absolute nightmare with her teeth until we tried this. She has been wearing it since she was 8 months old and we haven't looked back since. I never take hers off, she sleeps with it on too. I have heard from a few people that take their lo's necklaces off at night and they all say that they still get sleepless nights due to teething. I think that they should be worn 24hrs a day. I feel quite happy that they are not a choking hazard. The necklace has a low breaking strain so if it had to get caught on something(an unlikely occurence) then it would snap. If it were to snap for any reason, each bead has been double knotted on, so that they wouldn't all fall off.

Nettle Root
Posted by Brandy (Lucedale, Mississippi) on 01/31/2012

Nettle root is the common name for the teething remedy in the south. I used it on my daughter when she was a baby. She was not sleeping through the night running a fever. An older lady in our church said she used it for year with her children and grandchild. I was real hesitant but I have tried teething tablet orajel, everything. Nothing helped so I went to her house she cut the root stringed it like a necklace and my daughter wear it till it fell off months later. Never had another fever or sleepless night.

Yellow Root Necklace
Posted by David (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 11/18/2011

I haven't used any of the necklaces mentioned, but I have heard of Hazelwood necklaces used for similar purposes. Easy enough to research.

Root for Teething
Posted by Tammie (Gulfport, Ms) on 12/31/2009

When my son was teething my father got something from the woods called a tredsetter root (not sure of the spelling) I was wondering where I might could find this and what does it look like?


Mullein or Allspice
Posted by Amanda (Madison, TN) on 04/15/2009


Common mullein is what i use on all the children brought to me or allspice works wonders. Both made into necklaces were the best way.

Swamp Lilly Root
Posted by Amanda (Houston, Texas) on 03/09/2009

I was wondering if anyone found anything about what exactly this root is called and where it can be found? My mother-in-law was telling me about how her father used to make a teething necklace from a root for her boys when they were babies. She said her father called it a "swamp lilly root" but of course I can find nothing on it she said it grew in the swamp behind her house but she would have to know the exact name and what it looked like to find it. I have a 4 1/2 month old who is teething like no other and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Yellow Root Necklace
Posted by Dustin (Bog, LA. USA) on 11/26/2008

Hi i was reading about the teething stuff and i was gonna tell yall when i was a kid i wore eldridge roots that was made into a necklace.

EC: We can't find "eldridge root" on the search engines. Is there another name for it? Thanks so much!

Yellow Root Necklace
Posted by Jack (USA) on 10/16/2008

It wasn't "yellow dock" she used dear, I'll try to find you more info on it, God Bless................Jack.

Yellow Root Necklace
Posted by Kate (Jackson, Ohio) on 10/02/2008

Response to Heidi: My father calls Goldenseal Yellow Root, which is a different herb from Yellow Dock. Not sure I'd recommend a baby chewing on either, but when dry, Goldenseal is so hard, it may not get very much by chewing on it. It tastes awful, tho. It has been used many times for canker sores. I just wanted to point out that again many herbs have overlaping or similar common names and care needs to be taken to find out which herb is really being suggested.

Yellow Root Necklace
Posted by Heidi (Monson, Massachusetts) on 09/30/2008

Hello~ What exactly is "yellow root"? Is it another name for Gold Fennel? Is it another name for Yellow Dock Root? I couldn't find "yellow root" specifically online..... I looked. I would VERY much like to try this approach for my 10 month old baby girl. She is having a VERY bad time with teething right now! :( Please let me know,and I will make a necklace of it ASAP for her! Thanks SO much! :)

EC: Edgar Cayce remedies refer to "Yellow Dock Root". However, "Since no safe dosage has been established, pregnant or breastfeeding women and infants and children under the age of six should avoid the use of yellow dock." http://www.answers.com/topic/yellow-dock-1. We'll email Jack for more information...

Allspice Bead Necklace
Posted by Alexia (Onondaga, MI)

I strung up a necklace of whole allspice beads for my 4-month-old... he wears them all the time. It stopped the high fevers, fussiness, and most of the teething pain. It also tightened his gums right up so the teeth could just pop through.

Silver Dime
Posted by Cheryl (Okla) on 09/21/2006

get a real silver dime and drill a small hole in the top. Run a piece of yarn thru the hole. Make the necklace short enough that the baby will not choke on it. Have baby wear necklace while teething.

Yellow Root Necklace
Posted by Jack (Toledo, OH) on 06/04/2006

Whenever a baby in our family started teething, my grandmother would get a small length of "yellow root" and cut it into 1/4 to 1/2 inch chunks and make a small necklace. She would make them stong enough so that the child could not break it and placed it around the baby's neck and all during teething periods. The children never had swelling or pain from the teething!!

This is or was used extensively in edgar cayce's work and the native american indians used it for child birthing to help the mother. More can be found at Edgar Cayce's herbals use's... God bless....