Natural Cures for Hair Loss in Children

| Modified on Jun 04, 2024
Fungal Hair Loss in Children
Posted by Cindy (Queens, New York) on 08/29/2013

Two years ago my son was diagnosed with a bacteria fungal infection and was prescribed gresiofluvin, that worked but after a couple of months stopped working. Went to a diff. Derm. , who prescribed an alcohol based solution with a cream for the bumps and diagnosed him with alopecia then his hair started to grow back but then started to fall out again. Now I'm trying auroplus shampoo and terbisil kids tablet and cream with little progress. What suggestions do you have since my son will be starting grade school next year and am afraid he will get teased.

Fungal Hair Loss in Children
Posted by sandybeach (Kingsley, MI) on 12/28/2021

My youngest lost every stitch of her hair on her whole body, within approx 4-5months, at the age of 7. We went to over 2 dozen, mostly western, medical doctors and specialists to no avail. It's "only autoimmune", "steroid needling", "low grade chemotherapy now before it's too late". Needless to say, at 11yrs old, she's still completely hairless.

It has to be gut imbalance, or malnutrition, maybe even parasites - as she is a very picky eater, quite thin and has eczema. We haven't really tried anything yet as she is strong willed, and so far has loved not having hair, and feels she's "more evolved" than the rest of us :0) "But it would be nice if people would stop asking me if I was sick, or how my cancer treatment is going." :0(

May I ask, are all these recommended treatments topical?

Fungal Hair Loss in Children
Posted by gordon (london) on 10/31/2022

Hi, How much is a 'cap'? What if I do not wash it off? It will not work? Thank you

Fungal Hair Loss in Children
Posted by John (texas) on 06/04/2024

Hi Gary,

Which brand of black seed oil did you use?

This remedy will not work if one does not wash it off after 5 minutes?

Thank you