Fever in Children
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Fever in Children: Safe and Effective Treatments

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by marsh (colorado) on 12/14/2022

Potatoes also work on burns. As a child, a friend was being chased by a cousin. His grandmother, mom and aunts were in the kitchen preparing a holiday dinner. The grandmother was taking a stock pot of potatoes in boiling water when he bumped into her full throttle and he was scorched. The grandmother yelled for sliced potatoes; the women and men started slicing until his body was covered. He said by all accounts he should have had severe burns but didn't have to see a doctor. I've keep potatoes on hand just in case.

Posted by Famesha (Memphis, Tn) on 04/05/2018

Trying the raw white potatoes remedy for the first time on baby. She is 9 months, had a bad fever and chest congestion.

Now it's all going away and fever went down.

Posted by Jaecey (Markham, Ont) on 05/03/2017

Thank you so much, Heather! ..White potato really worked! ..my daughter's fever dropped from 100 to 99.0 in 15 min!

Posted by Grace (Portland, Or) on 09/03/2010

Editor's Choice

Growing up, my parents always used potatoes in our socks for fevers. This past year, I had a fever of 102 that wouldn't drop after 2 days. I put potatoes in the fridge for 30 minutes, then sliced them, put them in my socks and started a movie. By the end of the movie my temperature had dropped to 99.9 and the potatoes were baked! After this treatment, the fever did not rise again. Cheap and healthy cure!

Posted by Amy (Bluffdale, Utah) on 05/27/2010

My 17 month old daughter had a fever of 104F and the egg whites didn't reduce her fever so I tried the potato. I put slices of potato in her socks, (about 2mm thick)and left them there. I made it big enough to cover her whole foot. I started at 6pm and at 10pm she woke up sweaty as her fever broke. She was so miserable before and she slept well after that. Thank you so much for this wonderful site. I come here for everything.

Posted by Limajean (Near Cleveland, Oh) on 11/21/2009

Potato as fever reducer

I sliced potatoes and put them in tight fitting socks as I put my feverish daughter to bed. She had a slight fever for most of the night. At 5:30 a.m. the fever spiked high. I removed the potato slices and put new ones in the socks. The fever instantly went down. At 8 a.m., she woke up and I removed the second slices from her socks. With each pair of potato slices, when I removed them, they were totally dry and strangely discolored (gray tinged) when I removed them. The first slices, that were in her socks the longest, continued to blacken and by 8 a.m. they were totally black. At 5:30, when I sliced the potato for the second installment, I also sliced a "control group." That control group looks like a regular sliced potato, now, 3 hours later. The second pair of potato slices that were in her socks, look very, very different from this control group. I am definitely impressed. By the way, I didn't refrigerate the slices as others have done. My naturopathic doctor told me about this remedy first. I then came to this site to see if anyone else had ever heard of it.

Posted by Heather (New Orleans, Louisiana) on 04/05/2009

We have been using potatoes in my family to break fever for many years. My mother is 65 and HER mother used to do it when she was a little girl. I tell all of my friends about it b/c it does work and many people do not know about. Get an old pair of socks that fit snugly. Purchase larger sized potatoes. Cute them in half and keep them in the FRIDGE to make them cold! Then, slip them into your socks and keep them on your feet until they cooked! They will turn brown or black from drawing the fever out of your body. I have done this many times throughout my life and only once did my fever not break. I was very, very sick when that happened. But, 95% of the time will work for you. You can even stick the used potatoes in a bag back into the fridge to get cold again...then reapply to the feet within a half hour or so. Please try this...it's been in my family for two generations and there is a reason why.

Posted by June (Sheboygan Falls, WI) on 06/13/2008

My daughter had a fever of 103. I came to Earth Clinic to find a natural remedy as we don't take any over the counter or prescription medications in our family. I found several suggestions, the sliced potatoes being my first choice because they were the least messy.
I sliced some potatoes, placed them on the bottom of my daughter's feet and wrapped her feet in towels. Within an hour her temp was down to 99. Another success story for us! Thanks so much to Earth Clinic for helping!

Posted by Wyndy (Atlanta, GA) on 01/26/2008

I have my grandson visiting from Birmingham; he had been sick for two weeks with a terrible congestion and cough, and most recently worsened with a high fever (103oF) so I searched on line for a natural remedy to break fever. I came across this site and these suggestions. After reading all, I decided on the less messy potato remedy. I slice a white potato into pieces about the size of his little foot and ut them into his socks. It worked in 30 minutes! The fever is completely gone and he is back to a normal reading. Further, I am using apple cider vinegar with natural blue agave sweetener to loosen the congestion and a juice mixture of fresh lemon with grated ginger and sweetener to sooth his cough. Natural is always better! Thanks to all of you for sharing.