Remedies for Eczema in Babies, Toddlers, and Children

black Currant Seed Oil
Posted by Jesseyjane (Boston, Uss) on 09/12/2016

My infant sons eczema worsened over the course of a year. His integrative dermatologist suggested we buy black currant seed oil capsules and break them and rub them in to his back or stomach. We did this daily along with a few other things and his eczema cleared up 95%. It was severe before with raw red sores covering his face and 75% of his body. He now looks like a different child.

The other things we are giving him are: probiotics, fish oil, raw organic shea butter to moisturize, and weekly trips to swim in the ocean and absorb a lot of vitamin d.

I believe the black currant seed oil was the main factor in his recovery. Google it - there are studies that show this is effective for infant eczema. Hope this helps!