Hi, I wanted to share a remedy that worked really well on my baby's eccema. When it oozes, vicco turmeric (found in any Indian store, it's a turmeric paste in a sandalwood oil base - no other ingredients) works wonders. I just tried it by chance one day and now everytime her eczema flares up that's all I use. It's doesn't moisturize well but cures the oozing & flare up really fast so I use it in combination with Burts Bees baby moisturizer.
Avoid Garlic
Suffering from Eczema - STOP eating Garlic
Try this it worked for my son (who has had eczema for 15 years) and myself (I have had eczema for 40 years) - stop eating GARLIC. We have spent thousands of dollars on cures to no avail. Check food labels for garlic, takeway foods etc. It took us about four weeks before we noticed a difference. Now if I do happen to have garlic, my hands flair a little but soon goes away. I so hope this helps.
Heavy Metal Detoxing, Zinc
black Currant Seed Oil
My infant sons eczema worsened over the course of a year. His integrative dermatologist suggested we buy black currant seed oil capsules and break them and rub them in to his back or stomach. We did this daily along with a few other things and his eczema cleared up 95%. It was severe before with raw red sores covering his face and 75% of his body. He now looks like a different child.
The other things we are giving him are: probiotics, fish oil, raw organic shea butter to moisturize, and weekly trips to swim in the ocean and absorb a lot of vitamin d.
I believe the black currant seed oil was the main factor in his recovery. Google it - there are studies that show this is effective for infant eczema. Hope this helps!
Apple Cider Vinegar
One cup of ACV in tub, was it half tub or a full tub of water? My grand daughter is two years old. Bad case of eczema.
Magnesium Oil
I found something that will solve the issue of eczema for children or adults. Do a search for Magnesium Oil. Baths are supposed to be the best solution for children because putting oil or lotion directly on the affected area will tend to burn or sting so start with the bath for children then you can gradually go to oil or lotion. Read all the information you can on our bodies needing magnesium and why the transdermal method is the best.
I just wanted to make a comment on the Crisco. My granddaughter who is 2 has had eczema since birth. She was having a severe flare last week and one of her doctors had said to try Crisco. He said is sound weird but it works for some. We my daughter called me today because she had just left the doctors office today because she now has severe hives on top of her eczema due to an allergic reaction to the Crisco. Be careful.
Vitamin E
It's costly but try vitamin e for eczema. My 2 year old son has eczema and it's the only thing that works consistently and quickly. Apply over night all over your body or troubled areas only (to save costs) and you should be pleased with the over night results. Repeat every night or anytime you are lounging around. Vitamin E is a underestimated solution!
Fish Oil, Yogurt
What worked for my daughter's eczema - yogurt and fish oil capsules. (or Krill oil caps, which are much smaller than traditional fish oil caps.)
I had her take one fish oil capsule and eat a container of yogurt at least once a day - twice, if possible.
After having tried many, many natural treatments for her eczema, this one worked!
Iodine, Honey, Vitamin E
Iodine works!! I was so desperate to help my son! I have tried every cream and steroid under the son since he was born. Last night I coated him with iodine, vitamin e oil and honey and wrapped with sports tape. This morning, no itching for the first time in years! Thank you....... Thank you..... This is truly miraculous!!! Tishua
Kelli that is awesome. I just started giving my 2 yr old probiotics. It has been 3 days and I have seen a difference in her skin already!! Do you do one packet daily? Do you plan on doing this long term? I am so excited that the probiotics may be helping her!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar for eczema.
My 3 year old was diagnosed with atopic eczema, 4 months ago. She has been getting breakouts constantly. I read about people using ACV for eczema relief so I tried it. I wish to share that after dabbing the ACV diluted for a week on the rash behind her ear I saw positive results, so I continued. The rash was completely gone by the end of 3 weeks. There were other breakouts on her arms but those areas were severley dry and damaged so the ACV stings too much as the skin is broken and she is so young. Since then, any new breakouts have been deterred by ACV application so that the areas don't get damaged to the point of skin breakage. (2 tsp to 8 ounces water, applied with cotton approx. 6-8 times daily.)
Sanitize Clothes
Hi, I am sharing our own story. Our son had eczema since his birth. We had so many terrible nights, him scratching all night and us watching helplessely. We tried everything from steroid to natural home made remedies to ayurveda remedies to homeopathy, But all in vain. But things changed when our washer broke down and we bought the top of the line LG washer that has "Sanitizing wash cycle". After using the new washer our son's eczema got better within days. And this is how we believe it worked.
We were applying a lot of vaseline and aquaphor to his skin regularly as doctors reccomend. Even though we were using organic cotton clothes the vaseline was getting absorbed in the fiber of the cotton and had made a film inside the fabric. That would not only negate the purpose of using cotton but make it worse. It was breeding ground for bacteria. His clothes would feel sticky from inside even though they were looking clean. We tried boiling clothes in order to get rid of the vaseline but made no difference. But the new washer uses the sanitizing cycle and gets rid of it. It takes more than twice the time to run the cycle but the results are amazing.
For us it was nothing short of a miracle. I feel the pain of all the parents and the kids that are going through this terrible experience. But , please check if a simple change like this can make a difference in your case. I hope for the best for everyone.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just wanted to add to the long list of testimonies of the wonders of ACV. My 8 year old daughter has suffered greatly from allergies and severe eczema on her face, arms, legs. I have tried everything in the book, steroid creams that work a little while (which is not good for the face), Aveeno, Eucerin, Allegra, Zyrtec, Benedryl, you name it, I've tried it. After reading so many postings about how ACV helped with eczema, I decided to try a 50/50 solution on my daughter last night due to a bad eczema outbreak coming on... I also talked her into taking 2 teaspoons. with juice internally.... Let me say, I was utterly shocked to see the itching stop almost immediately (it burned for a bit at first), the biggest surprise was the allergies seemed to cease throughout the night, she slept without the itching, snorting, or scratching of the throat, didn't even wake up and had a peaceful sleep... I was truly shocked... Her skin even appeared to be clearing up just from one night of the acv, not to mention no stuffy nose in the mornings like she usually has, anyway its too early to tell if this truly worked, but it seemed to do the trick and I will update later but for now, I just may be a believer of this easy treatment. I will update her progress in a week.
My 6 year old son has been suffering from severe eczema for 5 years. He has be hospitalised twice for it. He has had to have wet dressings applied to his whole body 4 times a day. I tried absolutely everything to try and get rid of his eczema but nothing worked. My parents have an apple tree and had given us bags of apples. My son loved them much that he was eating anywhere between 2 - 6 apples a day.
After a couple of days his skin was completely clearing of eczema. I couldn't believe it. But it didn't cross my mind at the time that it could be the apples. My son didn't have the apples for about 4 days and I could see that his eczema was coming back. Then it occurred to me that he wasn't eating the apples. So he started eating them again and within 2 days his skin was clear again.
I encourage those parents who are watching there children suffer with eczema to please feed them organic apples not the apples you get from the supermarket. Make sure there organic. I'm so happy and my son is even happier.
Flax Seed Oil
My grandson suffers from excema esp. on his hands, his Dr.has us using a steriod cream and something for the itching I do not like using all that streriod cream which really does nothing for it, after numerous hours looking for a natural remedy I came across this site, love it.... starting giving him about a half teaspoon of flax seed oil in his juice and his hands and a spot on his leg have never looked better!!! Also my husband suffers from gout and when it flairs up he will use the black cherry tablets.
My 9 yr old has been afflicted with eczema on the tops of her feet and ankles for over a year. The best success we've had is by applying Betadine (or Iodine) liberally on the skin and leaving on overnight. Stick to this each night and you'll see results within a week. Good luck!