Top 5 Natural Remedies for Wrinkles

Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/01/2012

Editor's Choice For the past month or so I have been testing a simple alternative remedy for wrinkles around my eyes which are substantial. This problem goes back to before I had candida, where I had rather large bags under my eyes which usually indicates insufficiency and problems with the kidney or liver in the body. Since curing my candida (and resolving the kidney/liver issues), my eye bags have become rather pronounced and wrinkly empty sacks!! This is quite annoying and looks awful. So I had to consider how to revive and tighten all that loose skin back to normal again.

So what I have done to cure this wrinkling and loose baggage around my eyesockets was to use the following simple protocol:

* Tip a bottle of castor oil against my left middle finger. Tip another bottle of VCO against my right middle finger(ie use a 50-50 mix of castor oil and VCO). Then mix both the oils together by rubbing the middle fingers against each other.

* Apply this mix thoroughly to each eye socket, including eyelids and eyebrows so that there is an even coating of oil that is not so oily.

* You can use and apply this remedy at any anytime, but I did it in the evening before sleep. I applied it 3-4 times a week. I used breaks in the protocol in order to allow the skin around the eyes to oxygenate, revive and heal.

* After showers and cleaning the eye sockets throughly, I also dabbed 3% Hydrogen Peroxide carefully around the eye socket and eyelids (don't get it in your eyes) to both help kill bacteria etc and to also help oxygenate and revive the skin in that area.

I have used this simple remedy for only about a month with very good results. Not only has it greatly reduced the wrinkling around the eye sockets but this remedy also seems to tighten the skin, such that my empty bags look like normal skin under the eyes now. I also noticed improvement in my eyelashes -- longer and thicker now. It also cured something which affects older people -- which can only be described as the "hollow looking eye socket problem" that normally occurs and is noticed first thing in the morning when you look in a mirror.

My interest and reasons for using such a remedy was spurred for several reasons. First, I've recently read some disturbing research that has confirmed that particularly fungi and yeast can exist and indeed can proliferate, unseen and unnoticed, in the sub-epidermal layers of the skin without detection. I further reasoned that, because so much gunk collects around the eyes, that the skin around the eyes was therefore a perfect feeding environment for proliferation of bacteria as well as fungus and such.

So I simply combined two well-known anti-fungal and anti-bacterial oils plus HP (for skin oxygenation and as a broadband pathogen killer) to get rid of the wrinkle problem and it all seems to have worked quite well and is a very economical way of resolving these problems. I'm still using it.