Home Remedies for Wrinkles
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Top 5 Natural Remedies for Wrinkles

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Anti-Wrinkle Mask
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/17/2011

For those who want to avoid harmful chemicals here are a few ideas I have tried out which appear in a collection of little book in French each on a subject like Lemon, Clay, Vinegar, Olive Oil, Magnesium Chloride and many more. Very useful.....

Lip Balsem: Melt 15g of bee wax or shea butter in 10 ml jojoba oil or sweet almond oil au bain-marie. Add 1 drop of Lemon Essential Oil (I would add two as with one I didn't smell a thing! ). Mix and once cooled down store it in a little pot (it will last you a long time as you use very little so if you wish a bit less just make half of the recipe). Rub over your lips.

Anti-wrinkle mask: Place 2 slices of lemon in a bowl (1 if your skin is very dry and 4 if it is very greasy) and cover with equal parts of creme fraiche (I suppose nowadays you can buy it everywhere) and milk, both lightly warmed up beforehand. Let rest for at least 3 hours. Try do use the mask a few times a week. To use apply it over your face and let dry for 30 minutes. Rinse using a wet towel!