Top 5 Natural Remedies for Wrinkles

Anti-Wrinkle Cure
Posted by Georgina (Ireland) on 08/06/2014

Editor's Choice I have been working as a beauty writer for years and have come up with my own wonder treatment. Firstly, cover your face with olive oil and begin to scrape it using something like an old credit card ( I use the edge of a cd , as it gives the best scrape). Scrape with medium pressure for about three minutes until face turns pink... Gentle around the eyes. Rinse the oil off and then your skin is prepped for stage two.

Stage two:

The wonder potion comprises of mostly fresh carrot juice. Retinol, the wrinkle fighting element in all the expensive face creams, is actually vitamin A, which is to be found in carrots. The fancy cosmetic creams you buy in the store are packed with preservatives and chemicals and have been sitting on the shelves for years. The carrot juice is much more potent because it is fresh. Add vitamin c by squeezing half an orange and adding it to the mixture. You can add a Rubex tablet instead if you want a super result. Lastly, add a generous dollop of rapeseed oil... Packed with vitamin e. Freeze ingredients in an ice cube tray and use them a portion a a time. The fresher, the better.

I would love to hear what you think of this... It's made my wrinkles vanish. I am 45 and most people think I am about 32... Not bad. Good luck. X