Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Dandruff

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 10/30/2008 495 posts

Hello Daryl, A final rinse of 50/50 ACV and warm water has been working for years for me and my used to be dandruff. I think it works by cutting the shampoo out of your hair & off your scalp. Please note that I said final rinse. You smell strongly of ACV until your hair dries, but not after it dries.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Victor (San Diego, Ca) on 10/28/2008

First of all, sugar cane "white" (clear) vinegar is better for topical use, as it does not make you stink after the shower. Use it full strength, do not mix it with anything. Just be careful not to get it into your eyes or on your teeth. I had dandruff and exema type problems on my scalp and face for decades, until I started using vinegar. I spray it and massage it 5 minutes before the shower, three times a week. It may take some time, but I am pretty sure you will succeed if you're persistant. For the first few days, you may do it every day, then every other day. I still have nightmares when I think about the times before I discovered vinegar: all the corticosteroids doctors had me use for years - they always gave me more side effects than relief...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Baskar (Singapore, Singapore) on 10/01/2008

Hi, Apple cider vinegar has a good effect. I tried ACV and tea tree oil as advised. I tried this treatment for 3 days. I put a little amount (20ml) to a container and dip the cotton balls and massage to scalp, i applied all over scalp, massage gently up to 10min, and leave it for about an hour and rinse with mild baby shampoo,then i applied tea tree oil generously through out the scalp and left it over night..After 3 days of application,i checked my scalp, to my surprise the dandruff is 75% gone, but then on the 3rd day of application i found lots of dandruff flakes/white patches peeling off from the scalp... 4th day morning i found the dandruff is 75% gone... Is the peeling of white patches considered normal or dangerous? I still have 25% dandruff, Can i continue ACV and tea tree oil process till the dandruff disappears 100%? please reply...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Tempe, AZ) on 07/09/2008

I've had mild-moderate dandruff all my life and nothing ever really worked. I've been applying ACV before shampooing about 3xs/week and it's pretty much all cleared up. Still a little itchy sometimes but no more flakes! :) Thanks for sharing all the great remedies!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (TC, US) on 05/25/2008

hey!! i tried this and it really works tanks alot!!! and if you have any q's or comments you can email me!!! I tried the appple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Victor (San Diego/Tijuana, US/MEX) on 03/18/2008

I struggled with dandruff and related skin problems all my life. They were present on my scalp, face, ears, nostrils, chest, and pubic area. I was constantly using different medications. Doctors were prescribing me corticosteroids, even in injections. During the nineties I started realizing that all my skin problems were fungus related. Nizoral shampoo was helping to some extend, but not all the way, and I was becoming more and more allergic to it. Other dandruff shampoos never worked at all. I tried many herbal remedies, with very mixed effects. Finally, a couple of years ago, I found information about using vinegar to treat dandruff. It took a couple of weeks, and some adjusting, but finally my skin started clearing up. I finally use it 3 times a week 5 min before shower (you can spray it, use an eye dropper, and your hand to massage it in). Careful with eyes, teeth, and lungs! Ever since I've been dandruff/exema free. Vinegar is my best friend! At the beginning I was using Apple Cider Vinegar, but my partner couldn't stand the smell of it. He advised me to switch to white sugar cane vinegar, popular in Mexico, where we live - it works as well as ACV for me. Take care everyone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suze (Gold Coast, Australia) on 08/07/2007

Apple Cider Vinegar cured severe dandruff. I have had a case of dandruff that just kept getting worse over the last few years - I figured it must have been caused by an alergic reaction to hair dye over time. Even though I stopped dying my hair 2 years back, the dandruff never stopped. I tried all dandruff shampoos (which made the condition worse and gave me huge red lesions all along my hairline and forehead) then switched to natural shampoos only - which stopped it from getting worse, but not any better. I then finally tried the ACV on my scalp, left it on for about 15 minutes, then washed my hair with a frangrance free natural shampoo ( I added a few drops of tea tree into it) and rinsed with a 50/50 solution of ACV and water. I have been doing this for 2 weeks and everything has just about cleared up, apart from some tiny flakes here and there - no itching at all! Every wash it keeps getting better - and my hair is shinier! Yay!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by SK (Fairfax, Virginia) on 03/23/2007

For most my life I have suffered from severe dandruff and scalp scaling. Especially in the winter my scalp gets itchy, irritated with large scales. I have tried every dandruff shampoo and cream in the market and nothing worked. I would use a dandruff shampoo and as soon as my scalp dried, you could see the scales again. I finally found apple cider vinegar as a remedy only. I used regular ACV from the grocery store. I put it in a dropper, part my hair in sections and put several drops in the partings. It takes a while, especially to do the back of my head. I let it soak 1 to 2 hours and then wash my hair like normal. It works like MAGIC ! I am now 90% free of dandruff ! I usually do 3 applications (1 every other day). This lasts me 4 - 6 months with almost no dandruff.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jane (Macksville, NSW) on 12/07/2006

I couldn't believe that something so simple & inexpensive could cure a dandruff problem I have had for over a decade. From the moment the cidar vinegar was applied I had instant relief from an itchy scalp & all the dandruff I had just lifted off. Unless I had tried this remedy, I honestly would of never believed all the feedback I have read on using cidar vinegar. Thank you very much, Jane.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ging de Jesus (Singapore) on 09/04/2006

Hi to all. I just want to share with you my experience. My husband is having severe dandruff for quite sometime (about 4 years or longer) and we have tried different types of costly dandruff shampoo's but did not work, its so embarrasing specially when you are wearing black colour of shirt, my husband doesnt care at all because he cant do anything as he tried so many types of shampoos, and medicated shampoos and even tried coconut oil. but alas.... still the same, itchy, flaky scalp and hair looks very dry, I'm very much worried about it, as I feel that it reflect to me as a wife and it embarras me as well. I'm quite bothered by what people's might say, as i am very particular when it comes to personal hygiene. I said, I must do something about it, I decided to browse "how to cure dandruff" then your website came out, and I read about ACV, i said to myself, no harm trying. I bought Organic Raw ACV, its sting.....I put a little amount (20ml) to a container and dip the cotton balls and massage to my hubby's scalp, applied all over scalp, massage gently up to 10min, and leave it for about an hour and rinse with your normal shampoo, after I used it for about 4 times (every other day) i noticed the shines in his hair and i checked his scalp, to my surprise the dandruff is 90% gone, and i can see the shines in his scalp as well, now his hair looks healthy it is not dry anymore, i still continue using it as a maintenance (2x a week). My Hubby & I also drinks it 10ml dilute it into 8oz of water upon arising (do not brush your teeth yet, straight away take ACV - i noticed that it eliminates your Bad Breath and improve your bowel movement) mid morning and mid afternoon, I will share again the result after, specially for my husband's who has diabetes if there's an improvement. thanks so much for your sharing and i hope my sharing can help more people too who's suffering the same. more power to this website.

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