The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
62 User Reviews
Posted by John (Charlotte, NC) on 02/23/2009
ACV helped my canker sore dramatically. After several days of pain so intense it was hard to talk, I found this site on google and decided to try ACV. I used to cotton swab dipped in ACV to cover the sore on my tongue for 45 seconds or so (it does sting), but after a few minutes, my pain went from a 10 to a 3. I applied ACV a few more times the first day and the second day. Today, the third day, the sore seems to be almost gone.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jingdong (Chandler, Arizona, US) on 01/13/2009
I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar and it worked. I had 2 very painful canker sores on the side of my tongue. It hurts to talk or even swallow. I searched the web out of desperation, and I'm so glad that I found this site. I applied the ACV with a cotton tip. Pressed it on the sore as long as I could stand. It is very painful. I applied it every 2 hours or so. It seems hurts more in the beginning but I kept doing it. The pain was relieved after 3 or 4 times, and the pain was significantly reduced on the 2nd day.
The sore was completely gone after 3 days.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Leyana (Northern, NJ) on 01/09/2009
Apple Cider Vinegar cured my canker sores. Sore were brought on by NSAID medication MOBIC, which I have discontinued (why trade one pain for another). After using an OTC patch for two nights in a row unsuccessfully, I tried ACV last night with several applications then several more this morning. By noon I am in MUCH less pain the they are almost gone. The OTC patch usuaully works for me but not this time as these sores were really bad ones. Beware of NSAIDs if you are prone to canker sores!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Catherine (Northfield, Ohio) on 12/27/2008
After reading the feedback on ACV for canker sores, I decided to try it out on a miserable canker sore that I have had for 5 days. I figured it couldn't make it feel any worse at this point, so I took a Q-tip and dipped it in ACV. I applied this onto the sore and held it on for about 20 seconds. After doing this a few times, the pains immediately subsided. It feels 80% better and I will keep doing this until it is gone. Thank you!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Vancouver, BC) on 12/24/2008
i tried apple cider vinegar. I trusted trying it since if it didn't work as an acid to kill whatever is causing this that baking soda would be alkaline enough to reverse the effects if rinsed immediately after. Apple cider worked to relieve the pain. Have yet to see if sore gets worse or better. I have used apple cider vinegar before. Read a book on it by _____s apple cider vinegar it was the best type. You can drink it as a cure all for intestinal issues in general. I have acidic issues from over ingesting acidic diet and thought this would not work on me. ome people must have a bacteria behind their canker sores. Ive had them all my life they are horrible and got bigger over the years. I just diluted mine with water two table spoons. Let that act first so it wouldn't shock me. then I put the raw on after initial ouch was getting numb. Rinsed it like an old oral rinse the listerine of nature !Too much of this can it wear down the tooth enamel? Not if you then brush your teeth.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jenn (Hiram, Georgia) on 12/23/2008
I had bit the inside of my mouth 3 times and they all turned into canker sores. I had them for 3 weeks and I tried, peroxide, Manuka honey, Cankaid, and some numbing gel. Nothing seemed to work and I was afraid that the acid would make it worse and it did not. The ACV was the only thing that helped with the pain and I was able to feel relief. Because they were so bad, I had to keep applying the ACV every hour or so, but I could tell it was healing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brock (Brentwood, California) on 12/14/2008
Apple Cider Vinegar did not help my canker sore. I used a q-tip filled with ACV and it burned alot and had no relief within the next 24 hours.
Replied by New To All This
(La, Ca)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shirley (Riverside, CA) on 11/08/2008
After reading about canker sores and some home remedies on this site, I decided to try them. All today, I tried first Hydrogen Peroxide, that didn't work, then I put salt on it and OMG it hurt sooooo bad and that didn't work. A few hours later, I couldn't take the pain anymore, so I decided to try apple cider vinegar. I put some on a Q-tip and it hurt soooooo bad, but a few minutes later the pain was basically gone. I went from not being able to talk to eating dinner within a matter of an hour. I am so amazed! I did it couple more times today and it did not hurt that much second time around. I am just amazed as how fast it worked.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nick (Quebec, QC, Canada) on 10/08/2008
Apple Cider Vinegar: I used this product for my canker sores but it only got worse. Not much worse, but still. But now I finally understand why it doesn't work on some people or even makes it worse...Most canker sores are caused by a specific type of bacteria while this vinegar can kill it and speeds healing. But in less common cases, canker sores are caused by acidity. In this case the vinegar, which is acid, worsens the case. If your symptom worsens, rinse mouth regularly with warm salt water to counter the acid.
Replied by Julie
(Boston, Ma, Usa)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Dallas, TX) on 07/24/2008
I swear as I was reading this info I ran to the kitchen cabinet and threw "acv"in my mouth. I counted about 30 seconds and yes after the sting, (which by the way is not even close to as painful as the BS I tried before), I felt some relief. After suffering with this for as long as I can remember, I can't believe it took me this long to Google it. I just hope it dose cure it like most of you say.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Granville, Ohio) on 07/08/2008
I had a canker sore on the roof of my mouth for about three days. It was so bad that I didn't eat for those three days, and it throbbed to the point where I couldn't sleep that well! I tried orajel to numb the pain but that only worked for about 3 minutes or so. I also tried rinsing with warm salt water, which also was to no avail. After stumbling upon this site and learning that Apple Cider Vinegar may help, I tried it and after a brief stinging period the pain went away almost completely. I was amazed. This was last night, and this morning when I woke up the canker was almost completely gone.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Atlanta, Georgia) on 06/23/2008
I had the absolute worst canker sore in my mouth. I was on vacation and had a horrible time because I was so miserable. When I got home, I read about different remedies online and found the one about Apple Cider Vinegar. I cannot believe that it worked in one day!!! I dabbed it on before going to bed (it stings at first), but I had immediate results. Not only did it allow me to sleep but it pretty much cleared up by the next morning! I will use it from now on and stop wasting my money on the stuff that does not work from the drug store. Thank you!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Menomonee Falls, WI) on 06/11/2008
I was skeptical at first as they tell you to avoid citrus when you have a canker sore so the apple in the vinegar is what I questioned but none the less when your in pain you try anything. It worked to my surprise! Vinegar has germ killing effect so that is probably why it works so well.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by James Eddy (Morgantown, West Virginia) on 05/17/2008
Mouth Ulcers: Apple Cider Vinegar was incredible in sour taste and burning at first but, pain completely subsided. Don't know why but my tongue seemed to turn white at first, lol The taste is less upsetting with each successive use. And yes... I got mine from smokeless tobacco. Guess my mouth can't handle it any more. (and that's a good thing)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Bozeman, USA) on 10/26/2007
Have read with interest the articles on ACV and decided to try it. 3 days later and I have a mouth full of canker sores. Having good success healing them with alum, the pickling spice. No pain w/ application,but what did I do wrong? I'd like to continue with ACV as it has so many health benefits but can't live with mouth sores. Now what?
Replied by Shawn
(Billings, MT)
Replied by Alicia
(Ashland, WI)
Replied by Jess
(Rocky Point, Ny Usa)
Replied by Kenz
(Shawnee, Kansas)