The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by LINDA (Texas) on 08/20/2021
ACV was magic for me. I had canker sores for years and tried all the known remedies like Alum, baking soda, ingesting lysine capsules but once I started drinking about 1 tablespoon with about 1/4 cup of water every morning that's what cured me. It took persistence and it wasn't immediate results but once I got rid of them they rarely come back. I was consistent for about a month. I don't have to drink the ACV daily now (I hate the taste) but will begin if I feel a sore coming on. I still get them but they are so small and don't last. I only have to drink the ACV for a few days to get things back in balance. It's worth a try to find what works for you. ACV for the win in my book.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ari (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/13/2017
I accidentally discovered the benefits of ACV for canker sores. All my life, I have been getting canker sores at least once every few months. Accidentally biting my lips or cheeks had been a sure fire way to get canker sores. Not lately though. I have recently been trying ACV for weight loss (jury is still out on this one as I have only been doing this for a few weeks). Twice I have bitten my lips while chewing food and not once did a canker sore develop. Curious, I decided to look up Apple Cider Vinegar and Canker Sores which led me to this page.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Phoenix (San Fran ) on 12/31/2016
Vinegar contains malic and acetic acid, but causes an alkaline response in the body. You need to dilute it before applying.
Do some research please before spreading untrue recommendations. I have cured many conditions using apple cider vinegar, but you need to use care and use quality vinegar that has "the mother" (culture) in it.
Read the other posts about cures. Maybe you had something other than a canker sore? Proper diagnosis is important to proper application of cure.
Be well.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katty (Virginia) on 04/09/2016
When I tried this it not only took the canker sore away but it left a even bigger sore like if you were to of just rip the first layer of my inner lip apart that how bad it is it just made it so much worse
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Evan (Nyc, US) on 04/13/2014
I am prone to canker sores when under lots of stress. While recovering from my first bad illness in 4 years (I almost never get sick) I developed several nasty canker sores in my mouth. I saw that many people had success with ACV, applying it with q-tips and cotton balls. Since I had 4-5 canker sores and was impatient, I decided to just gargle with ACV for about 3 minutes, thinking that would be more effective. Well, the canker sores certainly got better, but the prolonged exposure to ACV burned my tongue and every surface of my mouth. Now it's the day after and I can barely taste anything, eating is an unpleasant chore and anything acidic or spicy is quite painful. When not eating, the inside of my mouth feels like it was soaked in tannins, which is also really unpleasant. So, if you're going to use ACV for canker sores, be smart and apply it ONLY to the sore as it will burn your healthy mouth tissue.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Nova Scotia/canada) on 03/18/2014
I've had the opposite experience. I never normally get canker sores but started adding apple cider vinegar to my water twice a day and in the last week I've developed 2 canker sores!! :(
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Milwaukee, Wi) on 08/06/2013
ACV made my canker sore much larger.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kkenn (Detroit, Mi) on 01/27/2013
Putting apple cider vinegar, or any vinegar on a canker sore will only make it worse. Apple cider is very acidic, and acid makes the sores worse. You should avoid orange juice, tomatoes, vinegar, etc.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pinklantana (Weatherford, Tx) on 11/07/2012
My daughter gets canker sores anytime she bite her mouth eating or what ever. I tried the ACV due to all the reviews but it made it much worse. We dipped a q-tip in ACV and placed it on the ulcer, it then bled and the ulcer lasted longer and was worse than normal. I think ACV is great for alot of things and thats why we tried this remedy but it didn't work for us in this case.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Klean (Sacramento, Ca) on 10/01/2012
I used ACV on a Sore on my tounge and it stung for a short time. Soaked a cottonball And Let it Sit for about 3 Minutes and the Pain went away and I was able to eat! Thanks to Earth Clinic! I Love This Place!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lmrappard (Wichita, Ks) on 07/29/2012
I'm glad that the drug companies don't push ACV because it would cost $80 per bottle.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bobbi-jo (Kent, British Columbia) on 07/17/2012
I woke up three days before my birthday with a mouth full of canker sores (litteraly) so I started to rinse with salt water, it only seemed to irritate it more, then I tried baking soda paste; it stung bad and didn't seem to help so I found this site and tried ACV; I dabbed a cotton swab in it and held it on the sores for a few minutes (it stung really bad) but afterwards it went numb and I was finally able to eat. The next day I got a medicine from my pharmacy which helped a lot and didn't feel as good after as the ACV but I wasn't as sore for my party. I drank some vodka and it cleaned the sores out and the next day I could barely feel them (unless I ate or drank anything acidic) but I recommend you try ACV, the pharmacy or if you're really desperate, drink some vodka and make sure it washes on your sores!! Hope this helps!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kayla (Thornton, Co Usa) on 06/21/2012
Apple vider vinegar worked on my canker sore! I had tried everything to get rid of my horrible canker and this is the only remedy I will use from now on. Yesterday, my sore, which is located on my cheek near my molars, was angry and red and so painful I could not speak. Today, it has a new skin over it, it isn't red and the pain is at a 2 insted of a 10. Previously I tried, the salt wash, the baking soda paste, hydrogen peroxide, alum, benedryl and maalox and anbesol. None of it did much but irritate the canker. I ran out and bought Apple Cider Vinegar after coming across this site. I dipped a q-tip in and placed it on the sore for about 3 minutes, spit, and repeated. I was pain free for the rest of the day! I did it again when I went to bed and today I woke up and my sore is in the healing process. I am soooooooo happy I found this site.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kevin (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 05/22/2012
I came across this site and followed the suggested remedy. I used ACV on my canke rsore last week, I had 3! I had to use 2 Q-tips, each dipped in apple cider vinegar, and placed them directly on my canker sores until they went numb. It took about 6 minutes and it hurt a bit but the numbing really soothes the pain(that night and the next day). My inner lip turned a grayish color and my mouth tasted like vinegar for a bit but the next day, I barely felt the pain. My discoloration went away and the canker sores developed sort of a skin, like when they are healing. I did the procedure the next night and 2 days later(with hardly any pain), all 3 went away!
I have been dealing with these darn things for a long time, most of my life, and I never found a decent remedy. I've tried salt water, baking soda, and various other remedies but none of them helped at all. I can't believe a simple product like apple cider vinegar actually works and quick. I will always have ACV in my cupboard since I am one of the lucky ones to be blessed with these darn annoyances!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheera (Cary, North Carolina) on 03/16/2012
So, I've tried the salt water rinses, the peroxide rinses, and I've also tried the baking soda paste applied directly to the canker. Despite my efforts I'm currently going on day 5 of my (first ever) canker sore, and I'm a little sad to report that it's only continued to get bigger and bigger with each passing day. I decided, tonight, to try the organic unpasteurized ACV on a Q-tip, since I've had good results with ACV for other ailments (colds, allergies, acidity/candida overgrowth) in the past. However, when I put the ACV on the Q-tip and applied it to the sore, it just began bleeding all over the Q-tip. I've done it twice and both times it's bled. I mean, it definitely FEELS better, but I'm just a little worried about the bleeding, since it hasn't bled during the entire 5 day run, up until the ACV. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this side effect, or should I be concerned? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Good Luck to everyone in your search for natural cures. I hope you feel better soon!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tiffany (Charles County, Maryland) on 02/10/2012
I must say I was a little skeptical at first. But the ACV truly works with the pain and discomfort. I was so AMAZED at how quickly I was able to relax afterwards. I used the Q-Tip method. Hold on ulcer for 30 sec's, spit, repeat 2 more times. It stung at first, but my pain was gone in less than 10 mins.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Boston, Ma, Usa ) on 12/12/2011
I have Celiac disease which means my body rejects/can not process wheat/barley gutens) One of my symptoms after exposure to wheat are canker sores, I use to suffer from them constantly before I fully cut out wheat. Now I do not eat any wheat or gluten products on purpose, but I live in a gluten filled world so sometimes the slightest bit will slip into a food I eat or personal care product and when that happens: hello cankers!
This weekend I was glutened so I decided to try ACV and am now able to say with certainty that my cankers are not caused by bacteria. The bad news? I now look like I lost a fight with a fist! The pain went away, but the lip became swollen at an alarming rate. I used a salt wash to clear the Viniger and now have an aspirin sitting on a sore. The swelling seems to be going down already.
If you too suffer with cankers from Celiac issues, take caution as celiac cankers are most likely an acid issue and not bacteria. Too bad I didn't read that before the fat lip!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kenz (Shawnee, Kansas) on 11/27/2011
Some Ulcers are caused by acid. In this case, ACV will make it worse. For me, the Apple Cider Vinegar fixed mine in 45 mins. Mine was so horrid, it hurt so badly I couldn't even breathe right. This fixed it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mo (Pakersburg, Pa) on 06/24/2011
I think it works well. A couple minutes ago it felt like there was a wall holding back and it hurt a lot to talk and I couldn't even eat. I didn't have lunch or dinner and was feeling so sick. Now that I see this I applied it and now it feels like the Berlin Wall just fell. I can talk finally! I'm going to not take a lot of acid today though, I have soda everyday so I'm going to cut down on that.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindy (Huntington, In) on 03/06/2011
I start taking apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice every morning because I had just heard that it was good for you and thought I'd try it. Well I always had about 3 canker sores in my mouth at a time, it was seldom that I didn't have at least one, I have been drinking the ACV daily for about a year now and I hardly ever get them, if I do, they don't last. If I skip a couple days I am sure to have a canker sore. It doesn't make since that drinking something that acidic keeps them away but I'm so thankful that it does!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ann (Bangkok, Thailand) on 02/21/2011
Apple Cider Vinegar for canker sores
I drink ACV for digestive purposes a glass each evening. I have had a hurting canker sore on the tip of my tongue for almost a week and today it was as painful as day one. Slowly drinking vinegar and water combo this eve I noticed that it didn't even burn the sore and actually made it feel better. I held sips in my mouth for a few minutes a couple of times over about a half hour and the pain is far less. Just a couple table spoons in a glass of water. To think I am 60 and am just now finding a remedy of this life long ailment.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cselestyna (Calgary, Alberta) on 07/13/2010
Okay so I have the hugest canker sore between my gums and cheek... I love acv for everything. But when I tried this tip last night my mouth was in so much pain I couldn't sleep! I felt the pain right down to the root of my teeth, even my hair hurt. Finally I had to rinse my mouth with warm salt water. So if this works for you then great but personally it was NOT a good experience. However I will continue to take it for other things.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Victoria (Gold Coast, Australia) on 02/09/2010
I cured two nasty painful mouth ulcers which I'd had for a week using the ACV remedy on the website. I just soaked a cotton tip in it and held it on the ulcers for 10 minutes. It did burn a lot at first, but then it just felt numb. The next day I woke up and it felt much better. I applied it again that day, and they have now disappeared.
I was taking a Vitamin C supplement at the time which was of 'orange colour' as well, which I think is what caused the ulcers in the first place!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chriswar666 (Rio De Janeiro, Brasil) on 01/27/2010
Contrary to this person's advice, you -should- read -all- information that's here. Why? ACV can cure your ulcer if it's an infection; if not, the acid'll make it worse. Try it, but take care :)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gloria (Santa Rosa, Ca) on 01/13/2010
Cayenne and ACV for Canker Sores
I recently had an awful canker sore and it was 4am and couldn't sleep because the pain bothered me. I remembered reading on Earthclinic about a canker sore remedy, but I couldn't remember if it was with ACV or Cayenne pepper (both are my go to ingredients when I'm sick/sore throat) so I decided to use both! I dipped a Q-tip in ACV then sprinkled cayenne pepper on it and applied it directly to the canker sore. It stung at first, but the cayenne helped relieve the pain, and both seemed to help the sore tremendously! I woke up, and the pain was gone and it is now evening and I forgot I even had it!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jess (Rocky Point, Ny Usa) on 11/26/2009
used ACV on a qtip on My sores- got MORE! grew into a huge sore and got more on my tounge- all the pain for nothing! Went to the dentist, who referred me to an oral surgeon who confirmed that it had only aggravated my sores... DONT USE THIS!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by New To All This (La, Ca) on 09/11/2009

I tried sipping apple cider vineger the other day to treat acid reflux and now I have two canker sores. I used to get canker sores all the time but haven't lately, so I'm pretty sure that's what caused it. It didn't help the acid reflux, either, so I'm not going to test whether it'll cure the canker sores.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by rms11731 (East Northport, NY USA) on 07/14/2009
Apple Cider Vinegar cured my canker Sore in my mouth. It was hurting so much. I was using an over the counter gel I bought at the drustore. I used it for 3 days and it was healing it. I tried the apple cider vinegar and after 2 applications it's so much better. I dipped a cotton swab into the apple cider vinegar and applied it to the canker sore. It stung alot, but it was so worth it. I highly recommend this treatment.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nikki (Detroit, Michigan) on 04/30/2009
Apple Cider Vinegar works great. I swabded some on with a qtip, it stung a little but it was worth it. Almost immediatly it no longer hurt to much. In less than 12 hours my canker sore no longer hurt and was much smaller. I was so happy this worked!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elle (Austin, Texas) on 04/26/2009
I've used ACV a few times now. It usually helps. I had one bad boy that it didn't seem to have any effect on. I get canker sores A LOT and have determined that orange things tend to give me canker sores. Not real orange things, but things with dye - like original Advil. Actually, I thought I was allergic to ibuprofen for years, but now know it's the coloring. Anyway, ACV does sting it may burn for some people and it doesn't taste that great. I've started using one of the OTC liquid oral pain relievers, then when it's nice and numb I apply the ACV soaked Q-Tip it doesn't seem to have negatively affected its efficacy, and if anything it has helped because I'm a super wimp and it allows me to keep the ACV on longer.