Apple Cider Vinegar for Ear Infections in Dogs

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patricia ( Alabama ) on 08/17/2022

Apple cider vinegar for Ear infection in dogs:

2 drops in each ear 1 time a day for 2 weeks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Arlene B. (United States) on 09/12/2019

Improvement continues 4 or 5 days in I switched to a more soothing formula and dog comes to me to get ears treated. Raw coconut oil. Chop raw garlic. A squirt of polysporine. a squeeze of Cortaid. A squeeze of monostat. a sprinkle of sea salt and turmeric and black pepper and oregano . a drop or two of tea tree and GSE. A good tablespoon of apple cider vineger and raw honey ..warm just barely luke warm squeezed into ear and clean out ear ..he literally lays down for it and gives moans of relief ..his ears are tons better turning pink and healthy all stench is gone..he sleeps through the night...he suffered greatly before .

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Arlene B. (United States) on 09/09/2019

Lab Shepard mix huge chronicly infected ears. Pain smelly head shaking. Multiple vet visits to no avail. Largeish alkoline water bottle with squirter in top. Empty half of water added. 1 big squirt isopropyl alcohol. Empty one teabag of probiotics herbal tea teaspoon of turmeric dash of black pepper. Fill up with ACV leaving a little room to shake. Shook it up and flushed dog's ears with it. GSE one drop down earhole and some on a cloth to clean ears. Mist all inside ear with Colloidal silver. Dog shook head violently. I just sat with him gently massage ears and calm him till shaking stop. 2 or 3 x a day. Improvement on day 1 ..improvment continues day 3 . First relief he has had in months. Continuing treatment until he no longer needs it. And thank you once again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sherry (Pa) on 06/30/2018

My 9 year old lab barnyard has a ear infection with inflamed ears. After reading your post. I decided to try it. I mixed apple cider vinegar to two parts water and applied it with a dropper and cotton ball. After two applications his ears are completely back to normal. Thanks Earth Clinic for saving me money at the Vet's office. I will continue to use Apple Cider Vinegar on a regular basis to keep ear infections at bay.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gord (Nl) on 04/18/2018

Used apple cider vinegar on my 10 year old yellow lab. He had a nasty ear infection in his left ear for a while that wouldn't go away. Smelled really bad and had a gross fluid coming out. I tried just wiping his ears out but didn't work. Seen this page and said I would try the ACV treatment as a last resort before the vet. I'm glad I did! After 1 day, his ear stopped stinking and now it's been three days, just applying once every evening, he is almost back to normal. No gross stink fluid and hardly any head shakes at all! Worked like a charm. Going to keep it going daily for at least another week to make sure it's totally cleared up!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melissa (Ny) on 05/16/2017

My 2 year old doggy is a rescue. I had him 7mth. How I love him. So he started with ear infection 3mth ago I was sad n worry seeing him in pain. I ran to my friend upstairs she gave me something from her vet worked great! But it start again this morning n I didn't have anymore I went on line n so glad I found earth clinic, the apple cider vinegar worked w water! Now I can sleep better knowing he can sleep n pain free will continue to do weekly lightly.

Thank you so much... Melissa dog lover

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dolores (Trenton, Michigan) on 01/06/2017

Equal parts of Apple cider vinegar (with mother), 90% alcohol (so it doesn't burn), hydrogen peroxide.

Put about 3 drops in ear. I do this at least 3 times a day. What a difference!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachel (Michigan) on 09/01/2016

My 10 week old kitten came down with an ear infection two weeks ago. He had dark redish brown gunk coming out of both ears. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to take him to the vet, as I had just taken him a week before for a cold which cost me 85 dollars. I decided to try natural remedies first and see what happened. Knowing that garlic helps ear infections in humans, I tried cleaning out his ears with that and using a dropper to put it down the ear canal twice a day. I did that for over a week with varied results. He would seem to be getting better, and then be worse the next day. Then all of his ear fur started falling out, his ears were red and his skin was peeling really bad. I almost broke down and took him to the vet, but thankfully I found this webpage, and decided to give apple cider vinegar a try. I cleaned his ears with a half and half apple cider vinegar and water mixture and a cotton pad two times a day. I also put four drops (of 1/2 water and 1/2 apple cider vinegar) down each ear canal. Within the first day of using it his ears were looking better! He's been on it for 4 days now, and his ears are completely gunk free, and they aren't red anymore. I have also been putting coconut oil on the outside of his ears to stop the peeling and hair loss. There is hardly any peeling skin now, and his hair is growing back super quick! I am thrilled with these results, and glad I found this page!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Indiana) on 07/16/2016

My 14 year old collie mix had his first ear infection last week.. even after was not clearing up. I read this article and tried the ACV last night. By this morning the horrible smell was almost gone, and the discharge had reduced significantly. A couple of more days and I believe my furbaby will be just fine! Thanks for the great advice!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terry (Dickinson, Texas) on 04/17/2016

My 5yr German Shepard has suffered from ear infections for years and several hundreds of dollars later still has a issue. I tried the 1/2 water, 1/2 ACV and she is much happier. Will continue for another 2 days and than clean them once weekly. I am so happy I came across this site. Thank You!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Texas) on 05/12/2015

My Border Collie Louie has been suffering with seasonal ear infections since I adopted him 5 years ago. I have always believed in holistic healing for myself and recently started using it for my dog. For one, it's super cheap and you usually have all the ingredients or at least one of the ingredients to cure you in your very own kitchen. I also don't have to tell you vet costs/doctors visits are astronomical. And of course, all the great side effects the drug companies want you to experience so you will go to the doctor again and buy more drugs. So here we are.

Anyway, he woke up this morning shaking his head violently and repeatedly until I woke up to help the poor little angel. Low and behold, I went on this website to look up a cure and found the 1 part Apple cider vinegar and 1 part water remedy. I filled it with a dropper and squirted it in his ear, then rubbed the base of the ear canal to make sure it got down in there. It took about 15 minutes give or take, and he was good to go. No more head shakes! For good measure and because I use this on myself when I start to feel sick, I gave him 250 mg of vitamin c chewable and 5 mg dose of acidophilus (Lowered dosage for him of course) to boost his immunity and protect his stomach. He is 35lbs and he also suffers from frequent bouts of diahrrea. He wasn't eating yesterday and acting gloomy and since I gave him all that he perked right back up and started to eat all his food. He's the nerdy kid with allergies and also a very fussy eater!

Needless to say, I won't be going back to the vet for a while. No side effects except smelling like a salad but I will take it. Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anthony (Delaware) on 12/02/2014

My 60lb beagle, Pnut, has had the same description going on inside his ears regarding chronic ear infections and the use of Apple cider vinegar. Well, I gave him his first treatment of a 50/50 mix of Apple Cider Vinegar and water and low and behold it has been over a hour or so and not one head shake or ear scratch and the ears look better inside already.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Danica (Spokane, Wa ) on 12/02/2014

My own experience.... 2 parts olive oil to 1 part ACV with the mother .... Works miracles with only 2 treatments plus helps with a shiny coat and controls helps hair balls..... I never use anything else.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Santa Monica, Ca) on 11/03/2014

Apple cider vinegar is awesome! It does clear out the infection better than anything else I've tried. A note to all the people saying their dogs had negative reactions to the experience: let me remind you that putting vinegar on an open wound is going to sting. Make sure there's no blood in the ear before you put vinegar in it, I made this mistake once and that was the only time my dog yelped and was obviously in discomfort afterwards. If they shake their head a little bit afterwards, I wouldn't be alarmed, again you are messing with their injured area and they don't enjoy that. My dog obviously feels relief after the first few minutes, and has never been "traumatized" by the apple cider vinegar experience. You are only traumatizing your dog by being insensitive to its injuries. Have a little common sense.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (New Zealand) on 05/31/2013

Well my daughters choc lab has had trouble with ear infections nearly every time she goes swimming (which is often) ever since she got her. Very distressing. Vet treatments didn't seem that effective. So I tried her with the apple cider vinegar this morning. She was very disressed when I put it in and I felt real bad but now a couple of hours later she has stopped shaking her head and seems much happier. Have just given another rinse out and her ear is obviously feeling heaps better as she didn't worry much at all this time. Will keep up for another couple of days then use as a preventative treatment. Great remedy.

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