Anal Itch Remedies


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Posted by Zark (Emerald City, The Land Of Oz) on 04/06/2016

Probiotics can also help with itchy bum. I find it works very well for the duration that I am taking it. Different strains may work better - I use multi-strain probiotics, usually about 8 or more strains.

Should help if you have an underlying gut flora imbalance that is causing the itch, as seems to be frequent with people who have other inflammatory issues (asthma, dermatitis, eczema, allergies, etc).

Probiotics won't help, however, if your root cause is worms/parasites.

Rubbing Alcohol

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Posted by Ronson (Mountain City, TN) on 06/11/2009

itchy butt: I found your site while searching for alternative treatment for hbp. In only 3 days my results have been nothing short of miraculous. Thank you earth clinic and to all of the people who contribute to your website. I'd also like to contribute a remedy of my own to the itchy butt ailment category. My line of work requires that I am exposed to extreme heat both from the sun and 400 degree asphalt which irritates or chaps my and my co-workers butt regularly. The best and quickest cure for this is rubbing alcohol! Yes, it burns like heck for about 15 seconds, but as soon as the burning stops, healed! A fan blowing directly to the area helps alot. I've tried getting my girlfriend to blow until it stops burning, but she just laughs too hard to make any wind.

Replied by Alma
(Sparta, Ga)

The request by the boyfriend to have someone "blow on his butt" is not something you should do. If he has a pinworm infestation, the eggs are deposited by the females during the night on the exterior of the buttocks and will become airborne resulting in the person doing the "blowing" becoming infected. To see the pinworm go to Google and type into the search block "pinworm image" without the quotation marks.

Replied by Itchy And Scratchy Show
(Phoenix, Arizona)

Does anybody know how many times a day you can use rubbing alcohol to ease symptoms without creating issues? Burns like heck, but it seems to have worked the first time.

Sunflower Seeds

Posted by Lois (NYC, NY) on 03/31/2009

butt itch: sunflower seeds are great for it


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Posted by Bee (Lansing Mi) on 06/21/2018

I've had anal itch for a decade. A Decade! I tried lots. Spent lots. Recently I began taking some supplements. After about 2 weeks I suddenly realized I hadn't been itching. It's been 3 months now and I'd say the improvement is 95%. The supplements I took had grapeseed extract and devils claw among others. 'm not thrilled with the cost of the vitamins but maybe this information will help you in some way. Now, the eczema behind my ear hasn't improved one iota. All this time I figured the itch was related.

Keep on trucking for that! I've been waiting years hoping one day to write a review here and say this. Such relief.

Replied by Anon

Pinworms maybe? Papaya leaf?

For the excema? behind your ear wet a washcloth with isopropyl alcohol and scrub behind your ear with it 2x/day, also drink kefir and not milk, eat yogurt and not icecream. You may like the oxygenated magnesium colon cleanser (do a search), too. Stay out of public pools and hot tubs. Eat raw turmeric root. That is what I would do and have done. Hope it helps you.

Tea Tree and Peppermint Oils

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Posted by Deborah (Phoenix Az) on 08/25/2016

I had anus yeast and the doctor ordered Nystatin Cream and Antifungal Powder with Miconzole Nitrate. Neither one was productive. The itch got worse. I read about tea tree oil which I had. I also had peppermint oil. Accidently I started using the peppermint oil mixed with water. I used a very little amount of oil and a good amount of water. At first it burned but a few minutes later the burning went away as well as the itching. I never seen this remedy for yeast but it worked for me. I used a spray bottle to put it on and avoided contact with the vagina area.

Tea Tree Oil

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Posted by Brad (New York, NY) on 06/08/2009

I suffered miserably for months with anal itch. I don't know how it came about, it wasn't poor hygeine or anything that can be explained. I went to my physician, a specialist and was prescibed several medications that only made the situation worse. They couldn't explain it either. They just said keep the area dry. The itch was insane, I would come home from work and literally sit in front of the computer researching for hours how to beat my pain. It started in August, it ended in recently this June. TEA TREE OIL. Don't dillute it. 3-5 drops on a cotton ball, hold to the area for 1 minute. Wait five minutes then apply some corn starch to the area. twice a day should work, or as many times as needed. Yes it will burn at first, BUT it is followed with a cooling sensation. In some instances the itch comes on for a few minutes because it is such a strong astringent that it may irritate the skin.

An example of how this works: I had gone on a horrible drinking binge this past thursday followed by 3 cups of coffee that friday. Alcohol and Coffee are horrible for my condition. Once I go to the bathroom, I'm itching all day. Anyway, I had a date that night and didn't want to break it. Half way through the date I couldn't even think straight and was clearly bothered by the itching. I was ready to call it a night, but we decided to go shopping at the mall. I couldn't take it anymore so I thought I would buy some tea tree oil (knowing that it worked previously) and run to the mens room to apply it. Luckily a local nutrition store had it. Thanks to the Tea Tree oil the date continued for another 3 hrs, my tush felt 100 percent better... God Bless this oil.

Highly Recommended.

Replied by Consider
(Somewhere Out There)

If tea tree oil did work, and alcohol is worsening your condition, it's definitely the yeasty beasties. Tea Tree Oil is a godsend for yeast.


2 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by Noli (Singapore) on 08/23/2011

I use toothpaste on my anus before I sleep, leave it for 4 minutes and then wash off. Most of my nights are itch-free, but if I dont use the toothpaste the itch comes back.

Replied by Barbara
(Marietta, Georgia)

Me and my husband just tried tooth paste, it didn't help the itching, it burnt us really bad!!!

Triamcinolone Acetonide

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Posted by Tom S. (Los Angeles) on 07/30/2019

I tried many different things & my ears, arse, & groin were all still itching like crazy. I was scratching the inside of my ear almost daily with a pen cap. My arse & groin areas were also itching like crazy for YEARS!!! Most likely inflammation & all the supplements I was taking. I was applying acv, rubbing alcohol witch hazel..etc. Nothing seemed to have a substantial effect. I'm very clean & up on my hygiene mind you. I finally went to the dermatologist & she wrote me some fancy schmancy prescription for like $250 + of ointments to which I made a call back to her & asked for something more reasonable. She wrote me a prescription for ‘Triamcinolone Acetonide' LOTION, usp 0.1% for my ears which is great because it's watery enough that it doesn't leave a residue build up that I need to dig out later AND the same ‘Triamcinolone Acetonide' CREAM usp 0.1% for my arse & groin. It all cost me like $50 or around that. Within I think the first day or two, it went away, thank you GOD!!! And that was like 3 months ago and now I just have to use those like maybe once a week if even. I love going all natural but sometimes you have to mix it up. I sincerely hope this helps someone if not many in need like I was for YEARS. Peace & Love.

Vitamin E

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Posted by Jean (Wheeling, Il) on 06/18/2015

For anal itch, pierce a vitamin E caplet and apply the contents liberally on the anal area. Immediate relief.

Vitamin E
Posted by Laurence (Glen Ellyn, Illinois) on 03/07/2012

Was being driven insane by this until I read about piercing a cap and squeezing the oil on the afflicted area. It was instant relief. I now include a daily E capsule for both ends.


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Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 08/26/2020

Wheatgrass powder, taken orally, is currently may favourite remedy for anal itch. One heaped teaspoon mixed in with water or vegetable juice, and drink this once or twice a day. I haven't tested this out with barley grass powder, but I expect it should work too.

For me it is most important to take at night as that's when it is the worst for me. I actually get really sensitive to sugar and simple carbs like rice at night, and that's the main reason. Some kind of dysbiosis in the gut causing the itch and the wheatgrass is helping that somehow.

Witch Hazel

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Posted by Jillery (Rawlly, NC) on 08/17/2014 86 posts

I go thru periods of itchy butt. I tried using just witch hazel and it worked!

Witch Hazel, Diaper Rash Cream

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Posted by Maria (Bethany, CT) on 01/20/2009

Itchy Butt: I also suffered from this. Two things worked. The first was witch hazel. Saturate a cotton ball and apply to the infected area. Slight sting but worth it. What many don't realize is that sometimes toilet paper alone doesn't do the job and that any amount of (stuff) left behind (pun intended) may cause a reaction to that sensitive area. I suggest using either flushable wipes, or wet the T.P. and wipe again. Also, good old baby diaper rash formula works wonders. If you are still having problems, consider the possibility of diet and/or parasite. Consider a
parasite/worm natural cleanse product that contains black walnut hull and extract. Good luck!

Replied by Heretohelp8
(London, Ontario, Canada)

I have had a problem with my anus being itchy for about two weeks now. I'm not completely sure as to the cause of this horrid and embarrassing problem but it does seem to occur when I have a loose, watery bowel movement. My mom believes it is due to the acidity in my diet, which burns the sensitive skin around the anus and causes irritation, but I can't be sure. I will work to actually curing my problem in the future, but for now, all I crave is a remedy. In the beginning my mother suggested icing the area. I agreed and felt relief soon enough. I lie on my back and wedge a half inch thick hard ice pack between my cheeks and it seems to do the trick within ten minutes. I make sure to keep a piece of clothing between ice and skin, and make sure not to ice for to long or you will get frostbitten. But who carries around a frozen icepack with them? So I needed something portable. And on top of that I am still horribly itchy for those ten minutes.

So I read online in multiple places about witch hazel, and asked my mom to pick me up some. She did and I began using it. It didn't work at first, but I don't believe I applied it properly. I just used it again, accompanied with an ice pack and it seemed to do the trick within five. When I applied it this time I soaked a thick piece of toilet paper in it, sat on the toilet and held it to the area. It did sting a tad in the beginning but it gets better. I still have doubts about witch hazel used on its own or as a cure, but it would certainly work in a pinch or coupled with ice. Hope this helped!


Posted by Yeshwant (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 09/12/2011

Anal itch may be the sign of low circulation in the area. Yogasana has prove useful in such cases. The name is Uddiana Bandha (Abdominal Lift). Google and you would know the technique.

Do not be alarmed if you experience pain. It is positive sign.

Zinc Oxide

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5 star (3) 

Posted by Wintomd (Mount Pleasant, Tx) on 01/12/2012

Anal Itch finally gone. I am 46 and have had the miserable itch since I was 18 years old. I would be embarrassed to tell you everything I have tried but finally found a solution. DESITIN cream (used on baby butts to prevent rash). This is a thick cream that I use once each morning. All the other creams disolve throughout the day or when you wipe and the itch quickly returns. I have gone from feeling like I have poison ivy to forgetting there was ever an itch. I would have paid $1,000 dollars for a remedy but this really works. Good luck.

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