Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

General Feedback
Posted by Liz (Fairfield, CT) on 03/04/2009

It's day two of my oil pulling. The first shot, I felt my sinuses start to drain down my throat while doing it! This after a 10 day round of antibiotics that did not work!I was just AMAZED! As a bonus: my teeth felt like glass...as if I had just had a professional cleaning! I'm waiting for the fountain of youth thing to kick in. It was also not as unpleasant as I had imagined. I did it on my commute, then spit in the parking lot! That will give 'em something to speculate about at the water cooler! Tee-Hee!

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Jean (Milwaukee, Wi) on 03/20/2014

When people refer to coconut oil, I don't know if they mean the solid, white oil but that sounds yucky. I imagine it causing a gag reflex. Medium Chain Triglycerides oil (MCT) is the lighter, liquid version of coconut oil and would be easier to get whole tablespoon in your mouth. It's more expensive though but good to have on hand for diet. I just thought, you could warm up to liquefy the solid before taking and that may be what everyone does! Oh well, I prefer the lighter taste of MCT or sunflower oil and use less than a Tbs so that I can keep in my mouth for the entire 20 min.

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Therese (New York) on 05/10/2018

I just OP'd for the first time. I used organic coconut oil because that's what I had on hand. When I spit out, mine was red, too. Can anyone shed light on this?

Also, my tongue and teeth (actually gums, I guess) were tingling, and I could feel the glands in my throat. Is this to be expected?

Lastly, it's just been discovered that my thyroid is enlarged. Does anyone have any idea if there could be a positive effect on the thyroid by OPing?

I'm *SO* glad I found this site!!

General Feedback
Posted by Hollis (Hilo, Hawaii) on 11/04/2007

I've been pulling oil since 10/06 and feel that the most obvious improvment is in my teeth and gums.....bright white teeth and healthy gums that hold my teeth firmly in place where they used to be loose before. Also I sleep more soundly and feel refreshed in the morning. I want to do this for the rest of my life and wonder if that would be OK or not. Is there anything negative that could come from my pulling oil once a day forever.....I'm 65 and it sure beats medication.

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Sharon (Utah) on 07/01/2022

Thank you so much. I haven't done this in a long while but I have some symptoms that are disturbing and I believe it is good to use the aged Remedies that heal the body.

Oil Pulling Side Effects
Posted by Linda (Ireland ) on 07/03/2023


I have been oil pulling and while my gums are benefiting I'm wondering about a red fungal looking rash I have on my stomach and my face is red, am I detoxing?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Reno (Memphis, Tn) on 01/27/2017

Why do all that gross swishing of oil and spit for 20 minutes? Just swish a small sip of hydrogen peroxide for 2 minutes then spit it out and rinse your mouth. This is even better for oxygenation of the gums and promotes healing of minor abraisions of the mouth and will not burn your mouth. (if you have a beard don't let it get on your beard especially if it's tinted or it may turn white. If you do rinse the beard immediately).

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tigergirl26 (New Jersey, US) on 03/11/2015

I started oil pulling 4 days ago with 100 percent virgin olive oil from Italy. I started due to a gum infection. This is a miracle cure! My gums are already feeling better and an added bonus for me is that for over 15 years I have had a little bit of fluid in both of my ears that no medicine has been able to get rid of. My sinuses are draining and one ear is almost completely clear. I feel the post nasal drip and my nose runs in the day clear and this wonderful treatment is not only helping me with my gums, but it is helping me with my sinuses. A small gap between my teeth has also tightened up. I have more energy and I feel better then I have in years. I am only doing it for 10 minutes a day and once a day. I had my husband do it today and I will wait and see his results. I won't be stopping this anytime soon.

Posted by Holly (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/16/2014

I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for almost 5 days now. On the evening of the second day I started a dense headache that has increased slowly and has now turned into a full blown migraine by the 5th day!! All week I did not take any OTC pain pills but I had to take something for the agonizing migraine. My question is, is this normal? My detox is horrific! I hear and read all these stories of how great people feel, I feel I've been hit by a bus! I want to continue OP, I'm am seeing positive results with skin and teeth but this detox is killing me. Do you have any words of wisdom?

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Linda (Eastern Shore) on 11/02/2017

You should try Jack's Tea for pulmonary fibrosis.

General Feedback
Posted by April Crowder (Charlotte Nc) on 12/26/2015

I have been using coconut oil for oil pulling for about 3 years now. I have never had any gagging or side effects from it. I do it every day for 20 minutes. I have allergies and the oil pulling makes my teeth feel much cleaner. I do also cough up some phlegm right after the oil pulling. Between the oil pulling and the All Natural Apple Cider Vinegar I take everyday, my allergies are much better and I have a lot more energy than I did before. No aches or pains either!

Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/04/2014

I "oil pulled" this morning with DMSO. I used a half of a teaspoon, just a small amount of 99.9 purity of DMSO.

Here is what happened: I noticed a slight throbbing in one of my teeth but not enough to stop so I continued to vigorously swish the DMSO around. Once again there was a very pleasant warming sensation in my mouth.

The sensation of pain was mild and went away after I spit out the DMSO. I did notice this slight throbbing the first time I tried DMSO. Teeth are alive, they have nerves perhaps there is a fissure in one of them that needs mineralize to fill the fissure? I don't know. But I am going to experiment and am experimenting with the Azomite/DMSO solution for tooth re-mineralization.

My finger tips have healed up well, I for got where I posted that my fifnger tips were in pain that it was difficult to type but that problem is now GONE. And they are tougher then they were now and I had no pain in clipping my nails like I had before.

I don't know what exactly I am doing but I do know that I am acting in faith and I am trusting in the Word.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 08/02/2013 2063 posts

@Jannis: Same thing happened to me. Oil Pulling is an effective detox method as well as oral hygiene BUT if one has some type chronic infection or perhaps parasitic infestation, the oil reservoir in the mouth draws those poisons and over-saturates until the mouth and teeth become filthy. In this case, one must always use an antiseptic mouth rinse (natural or synthetic) before and after the oil pull. Hydrogen Peroxide will be one of the mandatory cleaners on your list.

Now, lets back up and treat that chronic infection w/ some natural antibiotic herbs like Garlic, Oregano, Grapefruitseed, Olive Leaf, Pau de Arco, Cats Claw, Oregon Grape Root.

If you get no lasting results from the above list of herbs do a parasite cleanse with Black Walnut Hulls, Clove, and Wormwood.

If you get no lasting results from above, a Colon Cleanse would be advised.

Oil Pulling and Tooth Pain
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/27/2013

Hi AQ, I stumbled on some information about "organic" that I was pleased to read because I just never had a good feeling about "organic" anything. I don't have your post in front of me so I cannot recall the type of oil you said you used. It seems to me that because I was not exposed to organics in my youth, my system has adapted or maybe built up an immunity so that if I were to convert to organics I would have some kind of reaction. I cannot remember exactly what the article said but I remember it said that the soil organics are grown in is not good. I'll try to locate it if you are interested. If you weren't brought up on organics maybe you're having a reaction to that oil. If not, I was taught that gum recession comes from improper brushing. I was a dental assistant part-time when in high school. I was in one of the school-to-work programs. I remember the dentist telling the children to brush their teeth the way they grew with a soft brush. Brush from the gums down on the uppers and up from the lowers, massaging the gums to keep them tight against the teeth. I wasn't taught to take care of my teeth at a young age but when I applied that brushing technique I think it helped to preserve them. You're twice that age so I don't know if it's too late but it sure wouldn't hurt to try. Just let me know if you are interested in the article about "organics" and I'll try to locate it. I forwarded it to a couple of friends so it is here somewhere.

Castor Oil
Posted by Leah (Ohio) on 03/05/2014

100% cold-pressed Castor Oil is actually used internally as a stimulant laxative (can be purchased at drugstores). So it can be used internally. Also, with the oil pulling method, you are not supposed to swallow the oil, since it is extracting toxins. It must be spit out.

Castor Oil
Posted by Ta (St. Louis, Mo, Usa) on 02/11/2015

Castor oil is in many cosmetics and creams/ointments and has been used as a laxative for generations. I've never heard of any problems from consuming other than relieving constipation.

General Feedback
Posted by Mike (Logan, Al) on 10/04/2012

I read for several hours about OP and then drove 20 minutes to town to fetch "OILS"... I have a sinus infection and was very uncomfortable and needed some relief. Sunflower oil for 20 minutes and my nose opened up and the sinus pressure is gone. I intend to continue with OP to see if the claims of better stomach health are true. It was not easy at first... There is a gag reflex, and I must admit that my mouth feels really fresh and clean. The baking soda brushing felt great also... Drink plenty of water and I am sure your experience will be just as good. I am amazed!

General Feedback
Posted by Dorit (Palm Springs, Ca) on 07/02/2012

I saw the discussion regarding mouth wash vs. using Baking Soda after the oil pulling. It is really important, if you use baking soda (I do) to use one without Aluminum. Red Mill for example, makes Baking Soda that states on the package that it is Aluminum Free. Personally, I also mix in salt with the baking soda. I use Celtic Sea Salt.

All the best, Dorit

General Feedback
Posted by Pat (Albuquerque, Nm) on 09/01/2011

oil pulling is overall a good remedy. Swish 1 Tablespoon sunflower, or sesame oil between the teeth for around 15 minutes every day. DO NOT SWALLOW. This pulls poisons from your mouth. If you find that you gag, then spit it out ( in the toilet ) and then try again the next day. You will eventually build yourselft up to it. It is important to brush your teeth thoroughly after you spit the oil out either with natural soap or toothpaste. I use soap because it helps rid the poison residue. Oil pulling also cures certain ailments from the body over time. My dental exams have been excellent since I've been doing this. I try to do it everyday for about 2 to 3 weeks to cleanse thoroughly.

General Feedback
Posted by Annie (Las Vegas, Nv) on 04/20/2011

continuing with the oil-pulling may indeed reduce the bags under eyes. I have been pulling 3-5 times per week for about 9 months and one of the most noticeable benefits has been reduced under-eye puffiness. I mostly use coconut and olive oil and both seem to produce the same results. its such a bonus! I dont even use makeup to mask this area anymore : ))

General Feedback
Posted by 818poochie (Grand Rapids, Mi) on 11/21/2010

This afternoon I oil pulled for the first time with about 1 tsp of EVCO and had an experience that I did not expect including a lot of mucus. This evening I read your post. You said that any water, oil or other liquid held in your mouth for twenty minutes would result in a mouth full of mucus. Because I do not like to be "fooled" about things I decided to test this before spending a lot of time oil pulling and fooling myself into thinking that the oil pulling was doing something special. My personal result is that after twenty minutes with a mouth full of water, all I ended up with was a mouth full of water and saliva. No other reaction even close to oil pulling with EVCO.

Dental Issues
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 10/13/2010

Dee, I had a root canal over a year before I started having problems. I think that it was a coincidence that the filling started falling a while after I started OP. The dentist kept laughing and filling the tooth again and again (and we kept paying for it.... ). When I went there the last time because I started feeling a funny sensation when I would eat or drink and was prepared to tell him that he had to find a solution for my problem the tooth was broken from so much work done to it and had to be pulled. It was a big shock as I have great teeth, to lose one at 53.... Afterwards I discovered that the tooth could have been saved if he had put a crown on it on time.... But he didn't! Was it the OP? I think that somehow that was a coincidence but I will never know. Anyway, he should have done a better work. We are going to write him a letter and see what he says. This is going to cost us a lot of money and bother because now I need an implant. It took me maybe two weeks to start to accept what had happened. Would I have done OP if I knew what I know now, even if it had nothing to do with what has happened... I don't know but I should have been more alert and have gone somewhere else for a second opinion and I would surely still have my tooth. What OP does for me is to prevent me from feeling pressure on my down teeth which is very annoying. For the rest I have never noticed anything. Once in a while I mix a drop of clove oil to give my mouth a good clean. I do have a few old porcelain filling, no problems there! My verdict and actually the one of the dentist... OP can't have had anything to do with it. After all it is nothing more than swishing a bit of oil in your mouth! What consoles me is that root canals are not always a good thing because if you have an infection and don't feel it they can cause a lot more problems without you knowing where they come from but... Implants can give infections as well and they are so awfully expensive...

General Feedback
Posted by Newtoallthis (La, Ca) on 04/15/2012

I asked why wait four hours after eating and one hour after drinking water and never found an answer. Recently I added a second oil pulling, before bed--sometimes less than a full hour after drinking water--and I haven't noticed bad effects. I use coconut oil in the morning and olive oil at night.

I am mainly doing it for dental health and consider oil pulling an alternative to mouth wash. Rules like waiting four hours could just be part of making it sound mysterious and magical. I haven't noticed any magical cures, but my gums bleed much less during teeth cleanings and, for the first time, a dentist told me I have excellent oral hygiene.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by myra (westfield, new jersey) on 06/25/2009

I started oil pulling with flaxseed oil yesterday as that was the most organic, freshest oil I had in the house. I used 1 T and did it twice yesterday. I really wasn't expecting any immediate results, but amazingly the bronchitis I have had for over 3 weeks (after a bout of flu) is starting to break up. I am experiencing looser phlegm and less wheezing and the heavy feeling in my chest is gone. I cannot wait to see what further results will bring. Today will probably switch to safflower or coconut as they have had such great reviews here.

Avocado Oil
Posted by Elliotsmum (London, United Kingdom) on 05/17/2009

I have just started oil pulling in a bid to help my gum disease. I tried olive oil 1T for the first time as that was all I had. I went out and bought some avacado oil with lemon as I thought that would taste a little better. It does.

I am currently using 1/2 a TBSP as I find it hard to keep in a whole TBSP due to loads of saliva.

I will update regarding my gum disease when I have visited the Periodontist in July.

I have however noticed the following: the bags under my eyes have flattened down considerably and strangely enough my sinus's cleared so well - I was not even aware how congested I was until they cleared. Will keep you updated.

Canola Oil
Posted by Chris (Paris, On) on 01/31/2011

UUUH... Rape seed oil and canola oil are the same thing... They just changed the name to please the masses... Rape seed oil sounds wrong apparently... PS, almost everything you eat, drink, and see is genetically modified... Even yourselves... Sleep tight

Canola Oil
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 01/27/2013

Canola is a modified version of rape. I don't know if it was done by cross breeding or by GMO but it was done to reduce the acidity of the oil as the acidic rapeseed oil was considered to be unhealthy. I use grape seed oil for all my cooking as it has zero cholesterol. I am 54 and have "the blood pressure of a healthy 150 pound 18 year old" at 330 lbs.. Has anyone used grape seed oil for oil pulling?

Canola Oil
Posted by Louise (Utah) on 10/16/2016

It is my understanding that genetically modified means roundup is infused into the seeds to kill insects to protect the plant. This is the reason bees are dying. And this is the reason that wheat and corn are so dangerous to eat. And this is the reason some countries have outlawed Roundup. Farmers flood their wheat fields with roundup to create a stronger crop to make more money which is wiping out the bee population. Without bees, we have no food. It's a scary situation. Genetically modified is a misnomer.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Ari (Roswell, GA) on 04/23/2009

I'm so so excited. I posted a few months ago and want to provide an update. I had a sever case of gum disease. NO MORE! I started oil pulling a few months ago, daily. I use Sunflower oil and Coconut oil.

I went to the dentist today and I was told my pockets are normal, except for a few and my gums look great! He told me I didn't need deep scaling and a simple cleaning was all I needed! I'm over joyed.

I also use coconut oil in my hair, it looks great. I use it all over my body and I simply feel terrific. I have told tons of people about this site and will continue to do so.

Lots of Love, Ari

Castor Oil
Posted by Vince (Enid, Oklahoma) on 04/12/2009

I have tried caster oil while oil pulling. It makes me very sleepy. After I pull.

Castor Oil
Posted by Nightfire The Mad Alchemist (Danville, Illinois, United States) on 03/11/2012

Hi pibbles I use VCO in the mornings for OPing and in the evening before bed I use Castor Oil and like Vince it makes me sleepy.... other benefits I noticed is that it usually helps my teeth if they have been aching and it's so darn thick that when I'm finished my jaw is usually to tired to 'grind' in my sleep which I have had a problem with on and off at nights, that leaves my jaw sore, and with a bad headache but with CO haha, no more.

Cedar Nut Oil
Posted by Louise (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) on 01/15/2009

hello, i staretd oil pulling 3 days ago,all i can say is WOW, my teeth are whiter already and the black streaks on them disipated, by the way i still drink coffe,presently i use Siberian cedar nut oil (cold pressed)and only use a sip of it for pulling and 1Tsp, internally for tonifyng the organs. amazing !!!

Cedar Nut Oil
Posted by Juan (Windsor, On) on 03/01/2011

Hello! I live in windsor too, I am very interested in a natural healthy lifestyle, but I dont know where to get oils and herbs, do you know a herbal store? any help would be much appreciated.

Cedar Nut Oil
Posted by Tapas (Singapore ) on 05/14/2014

The best oil for oil-pulling is Mustard Oil.

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Ann (Upstate NY) on 04/20/2022

Some people are allergic to coconut, so I wonder if the tingling isn't an allergic reaction.

Have you been diagnosed with periodontal disease? I wonder if your gums aren't bleeding...

General Feedback
Posted by Melissa (San Diego, CA) on 10/02/2007

In response to Rebecca from Bronx NY: I also wondered about oil pulling. I did it for two months with no evidence of it helping with anything. I was hoping it would alleviate pain from exposed nerves due to receding gums as well as with acne and general detox. I stopped the oil pulling for a couple of months but was desperate for some sinus relief with a cold one afternoon. I pulled two afternoons in a row and had really great results. Help with sinuses, no tooth pain, and major colon cleanse! I figured out what I must have been doing wrong for two months when I saw no results. I was pulling in the mornings while getting ready for work and getting my daughter ready for school so it didn't really have my full attention. Sometimes I would be distracted and would stop swishing or swallow a little (not the actual oil, but just whatever mucus or saliva was rising up in the back of my throat). When I pulled in the afternoons, it was a time I could just focus on the pulling. I don't pull very often now since it is rare for me to have an empty stomach anytime besides morning (I'm a grazer) and I'm not willing to get up at 4:30am to have enough time to focus on pulling before I start my day. Hope this helps.

General Feedback
Posted by Kendra Rose (Haiku, Hawaii) on 08/24/2007

I have now been oil pulling for two months both morning and night. Twenty-eight years ago I was exposed to agent orange here in Hawaii from the pineapple fields. It had gotten into the water supply. I have been ill ever since, I especially suffered from migraines. To make things worse I have heavy metal poisoning that is off the charts.

Two friends put their grandmother's rosaries on me and prayed for me by my request... as I had been feeling so terrible.. kept telling my friends that my blood feels poisoned. That night I found EarthClinic and my prayer was answered. My life has been restored to me. Glory be to Buddha, Marys, Christ, angels and all the Saints! HO!

I have consistent energy. I no longer feel poisoned, my blood feels joyous! I am sleeping so deeply from the very first day I tried it. Now that I feel so good, I understand how deeply sick I've been all this time. My body feels so relieved not to start the day with a toxic overload. A new acquaintance of mine said that since she's known me she can't believe the quality of my skin...

I have tried for over 28 years many modalities, herbal medicines, prescription medicines.. nothing helped me.. I began to feel I was the only person on earth who could not heal... and I'm a healer... I am healing and everyday I am amazed, startled, surprised, delighted that I wake up feeling grrreat! Blessed Be!

Canola Oil
Posted by Jaime (Airdrie, Alberta) on 01/26/2012

I would be extremely hesitant to use any oil that wasn't organic and unrefined. Canola oil specifically undergoes about 147 steps in its processing including being treated with hexane gas, then burnt to remove the majority of hexane, and finally bleached. Yummy!

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Renee (Bronx, New York) on 08/28/2011

I have read from many references that it is best to use cold pressed sesame oil or sunflower oil. Though we haven't tried sunflower oil (possibly due to most in my family are genetically not comfortable with the smell) we have also tried virgin coconut oil and they both do the job - without side effects. Hope this helps!

Sacha Inchi
Posted by Maxine (Guayaquil, Ecuador) on 06/20/2014

Hi all. My local supermarket, here in Ecuador, has started selling Sacha Inchi "extra virgin" olive oil. I'd never heard of it before. Has anyone any experience of the oil or the seeds? I used it for the first time yesterday to oil pull and the detoxing effect was higher than when I've pulled with sunflower oil or virgin olive oil. Headaches, flu type symptoms, etc. I will, however, continue and see what happens after I've finished the bottle. Thanks in advance.

General Feedback
Posted by Cat (Austin, Tx) on 01/19/2015

You might also change your oils, see what won't make you gag. First time I tried it, couldn't go more than a minute without gagging on sesame oil. I switched to coconut and could at least go 5 minutes. Now, I can go 20+ minutes with sesame, coconut, and olive. So, don't get discouraged. If you need to, start with water and a couple of drops of oil -- reduce water and add more oil as you get adjusted to the oil in your mouth.

General Feedback
Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 06/02/2016 46 posts

To Liz (Atlanta):

I tried all them oils, olive, sesame etc, but I settled on coconut oil due to taste and it performs quite well. I know originally it called for other oils, but I found them to be difficult to keep in mouth for very long. And to me, 15-20 minutes was ridiculous, but if anyone prefers that, by all means, continue til your heart is content. I vigorously pull for about 20 seconds then spit red, due to chronic gum issues, then I pull again and I spit pink, then I pull one more time and it's clear and I do it prior to bed, because bedtime, the overnight is when the bacteria multiplies the most, and not rinsing off the oil allows the natural antimicrobial quality of the coconut oil to do a bit of protecting while I sleep, Hope that adds to your info base.

Health Benefits of Oil Pulling
Posted by Totally Frustrated (Canada) on 12/08/2016

What is Ur homemade toothpaste that you use, if you do not mind me asking please?I just love the oil pulling. Thanks everyone

General Feedback
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/07/2014

I was looking around at Mercola's house this morning and happened upon an article concering pathogens in the mouth that can cause problems else where in the body and thought this might be of interest to the "Oil Pulling" crowd. And Mercola mentions some information on this also. Here is the link: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/03/05/oral-pathogens.aspx

Posted by Scott G. (Id) on 05/08/2021

I was wondering how the DMSO oil pulling is going? I am going to try to drink it starting with 4 drops in 8 oz of water. Have you tried this?

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