Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

General Feedback
Posted by Jonathan (Germany) on 01/24/2014

Hi There, I have 1 question, what type of oil do I have to use ? any cooking oil or there is special oil made for oil pulling purpose. Thank you & Regards, Jonathan.

Oil Pulling and Mercury Fillings
Posted by Martha (OH) on 01/28/2022

Oil pulling with amalgams.

I have been researching tooth issues for awhile, and have seen cautions for oil pulling if you have amalgam fillings. This makes sense to me as mercury vaporizes in the mouth via chewing and even microcurrents across metal surfaces reacting to each other. So oil pulling could potentially erode mercury/amalgams faster.

General Feedback
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/02/2014

Thank you for statement. Would you kindly grace the rest of us with your sources and information proving your allegation? I would certainly like to see the research . It would save me from my own experimentations with DMSO. If there is already conclusive evidence that this process works and that plain sesame oil is the best then, please stop withholding from the rest of us your sources so that your peers here can review them. Thank you.

Neem and Sesame Oils
Posted by Sharon (Austin Tx) on 11/04/2013

My dr told me to do a neem based oil pull using sesame oil as a carrier. I bought some neem oil ysterday and need to know how many drops of neem oil I should use in 1 tablesppon of seseme. Or what is the ratio? Thanks, Sharon

General Feedback
Posted by Alan (Homestead, Florida) on 05/22/2013

I believe that the positive, measurable results of oil pulling are due to the the physics of CAVITATION. The implosion of bubbles in liquid is a well studied phenomenon outside of the human mouth... It's considerable power will degrade a ships propeller in short order... In an ultrasonic parts cleaner it will strip tarnish from silver and filth from your jewelry. The variations in oil viscosity (sunflower vs. Olive etc.) WILL produce different cleaning or stimulative effect. Water will work as well but takes much more time as it's viscosity results in lower cavitational power. Very little mysticism here but a lot of misinformation.

Oil Pulling and Tooth Pain
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/27/2013

Hi again AQ, I just read your post again and I'm sorry I didn't address your pleas. Since you have so much recession, that could allow more bacteria in and since you have pain in your roots, enough bacteria could have caused you to have abscesses. I have read posts here on EC that really helped me with the pain from mine. I went to Ailments for "abscessed tooth" and read about using a garlic clove to ease the pain. It burns but it worked. There is a post there by HappyNurse66 that helped me get through my terrible pain for one tooth. Someone else posted putting a tea bag in enough water to moisten it well, covering the affected tooth/teeth and gently biting it to hold it in place for 20-30 minutes. Have you had a full-mouth series of x-rays? Alternating the garlic clove and tea bag calmed the two I had. I don't think it means I'm out of the woods yet but I'm not in pain. This happened to me last August. One x-ray confirmed the garlic did indeed reduce the size of an abscess for a tooth that had a root canal. I did take some OTC pain medication for that one. Once I learned the garlic had reduced the size of the abscess I stopped using it because I wasn't in anymore pain... BIG MISTAKE. Sleeping on that side of my face created enough heat to cause what was there to burst. Then I had pain. That's when my husband insisted I use the OTC (2AM). The next day I alternated the tea bag and garlic clove until the pain and swelling were gone. If you want to try the tea bag remedy, make sure you get a brand name.

Oil Pulling and Tooth Pain
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/28/2013

I am so sorry for my piecemeal approach, just trying to help. I've had multiple head traumas. Vit A is needed for tissue repair so you need to eat fruits and vegetables that contain Vit A cooked until tender to eat with your animal protein.

Dental Issues
Posted by Gunther922 (Ayer, Ma) on 04/23/2013

Regarding brushing your teeth after OP. I have read on this site that you must brush your teeth after in order to rinse out and get rid of the toxins/bacteria. Is this not true? Help I'm so confused.

General Feedback
Posted by Polly (London , England) on 04/22/2013

That is a very good question because when I was pulling on an empty stomach I was waking with a thirst (I am 62 and I follow a very healthy lifestyle) So I started drinking filtered water and camomile tea (which I have overnight by my bed) THEN oil pulling and its still very effective!

General Feedback
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/22/2013

Hi Polly, I should have "replied" to those who posted the emphasis but did not... I sometimes awaken with extreme hunger. At two in the morning I am so hungry I don't feel like OP for twenty minutes before I eat! If you have such a thirst, your acceptable table salt may be the problem. The flowing/anti-caking agent contributes to more ailments than is recognized and could be in other spices. I use a sea salt that is labeled "real" because it does not contain those agents. I thought I might be eaten up with parasites or have a tapeworm but I eat garlic and use ACV that I had read are remedies to those problems. I'm sixty-five and try to keep my weight at a hundred.

Posted by Nikkie (Port Orange, Fl) on 04/23/2014

I found that you really have to work up to using a tablespoon, I started with a teaspoon first then quickly graduated to the larger amounts each day as I got used to it till I can now have a full tablespoon. I hope that helps!

Castor Oil
Posted by Maryellen (Loveland, Ohio) on 09/04/2015

My grandmother kept us healthy by feeding us a tablespoon of castor bean oil each month. It is an old remedy that is not popular with AMA (almost free cure). We NEED a little poison from time to time. Why, the apple seed contains cyanide. ME

Blend of Oils
Posted by Murray (Melbourne, Australia) on 03/29/2013

Research indicates that Sesame and Sunflower oils are the best two for OP. I also read that Sesame Sesame seed oil is absorbed quickly and penetrates through the tissues to the very marrow of the bone. It is said to enter into the blood stream through the capillaries and circulates. The liver does not sweep sesame seed oil molecules from the blood, accepting those molecules as friendly. As I am wanting healing for a chronic form of leukemia this circulation to the bone marrow is potentially beneficial. The challenge is this: When I OP with Sunflower oil for 20 minutes it turns white but not when I OP with Sesame oil. I therefore tried a 50/50 blend of Sunflower/Sesame oils for 20 minutes and it DID turn white. My question: Is there benefits from blending the two oils? Will I get the benefits to my bone marrow from the Sesame oil if it is blended with Sunflower oil? Are there dangers in blending these two particular oils or things I should be aware of? Thanks in advance :-)

General Feedback
Posted by Swishie (Green Fort Greene, Neverland, Second Star) on 06/28/2013

20 minutes may be too long as well. You're creating an emulsification that draws out then traps the bacteria in your mouth & encouraging saponification. You want the oil pulled to be white and frothy when you spit. If it falls and goes clear you're basically swishing toxic stuff all over your teeth. I do 15 minutes.

& Always brush beforehand! The sesame oil has been proven to retard plaque for up to 12 hours.

General Feedback
Posted by Dar (Fort Myers, Florida) on 12/23/2014


Just wanted to let you know that I have been in the Dental Professional for 27 years now. Your thoughts on Dentists poking your teeth to create larger crevices is misconcieved. The explorer (pick in layman's terms) is used to detect decay. If the explorer sticks into the enamel of the tooth, that indicates that the tooth is forming a cavity. Your gums recede due to hard agressive brushing habits. Smoking also causes gum disease, which also cauees your gums to recede. The old fashioned term is pyorreah, today it is referred to as Periodontal disease. A non-smoking person can also get it by not brushing, flossing regularly.

Don't throw your Dentist under the bus, believe me I have been an assistant for many years and have worked for many Dentists during my career. I have only seen a few who were questionable. Most Dentists are hard working, caring professionals.

You should go back and have X rays and an exam, for your health's sake. It's difficult to get the public to understand that good health starts in the oral cavity. It is a fact that Periodontal Disease contributes to heart disease. Think about it, you have bleeding gums filled with bacteria and that blood gets pumped straight back through your heart.

Good luck! :)

General Feedback
Posted by Funmilicious (Lagos, Nigeria) on 08/10/2012

I have been oil pulling with coconut oil for over 6 months now and I have had amazing results in two areas: my sinuses and my breath, I guess the two were related.

I have had terrible sinuses since I was a kid, hereditary, my father was always pulling mucous and spitting out (gross) several times every single day. Mine sinuses were not that bad, but was bad enough.

First I tried nasal rinsing with neti pots and then the sinus wash bottle. It worked great by getting rid of my tonsil stones and I still do sinus rinse occasionally.

Oil pulling does a great job of pulling out excess mucous from the sinuses a d cleaning out the nasal passages.

I have not had a cold in several months, my sinuses are clear and I have great breath. Thank you earth clinic.

General Feedback
Posted by Katy (Roanoke, Va) on 04/27/2012

In response to: Francisca from Zug, Switzerland, I find it arrogant to claim that thousands of years of proven eastern medicine is a "placebo" because you personally don't understand it. Yes, there is a potent mind-body connection, the effect of this type of healing is beyond a chemistry class, and beyond typical western understanding in general. Be careful before you discount these types of remedies as nonsense. You say these people's messages "can't be true", how on earth could you know that to make such a definitive statement? Try to rid yourself of preconceptions and you may gain some insight as well as a healthy body and mind! You say you are a "fan" of alternative medicine, but you only gain half the helpful effects with such a negative mindset.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 01/05/2012 2063 posts

Lee, the flu-shot question was quite inappropriate, but the medical industry has the clout to push their agendas on we general public; so it is not wise to be point blank on something like this. I would have said something like "Oh yes, we've been considering that but have not yet made a decision". Rick Perry down in Tx lost his Pres bid on his cervical cancer vaccine mandate for girls not of age or at risk. Obamacare insurance mandate, same thing; loss of peoples/patients choices.

The nurse was just following protocol and pushing the big profits agenda. I had an endocrinologist interrogate me of my medical history concerning several different doctors, and several yrs agone, and their treatment recommendations to the point that I shut my lips and prepared to walk out of the office. It's not about public health (choices), it is about corporate profits! Be very careful how you vote, because health care choices and freedoms are, to some degree, under attack. Join Citizensforhealth. com and singe up for the free newsletter and become active in your constitutional rights for choices.

Dental Issues
Posted by Clay Vessel (East London, South Africa) on 12/18/2011

Hello, Earth Clinic. I am so glad to have found this site which I have already recommended to others. I have a concern about the possible danger of Oil Pulling and the presence of amalgam fillings in one's mouth.

I'd like a response from Ted, or any person who is an authority on Oil Pulling.

I have been so impressed by the experiences of others with regard to Oil Pulling and am keen to do it regularly. However, I have one amalgam filling left in my mouth, a tooth which also had root canal work done on it years ago. On all the sites I have looked at, it seems that the amalgam filling and Oil Pulling combination is not mentioned very often, and many who report great results do not say whether they have amagam fillings or not.

How can it possibly be safe to swish oil around ones mouth in the presence of a mercury filling?

I know the solution is to have the amalgam filling removed, and I have removed all of the others (slowly, over time). I am reluctant to remove this last one because a) it's expensive and I can't afford it just now and b) a doctor said that it may do more harm to remove it than to keep it in. Despite the protocol that is followed (rubber dam, charcoal drunk afterwards) there's no escaping the mercury vapour that one inhales during the procedure. So for now, it remains in. The filling is big, and old.

I have just completed ten weeks of chelation with a doctor to remove heavy metals from the body, because of all the amalgam fillings I used to have. He used weekly injections with a Vit C and calcium combination. Am concerned that by Oil Pulling, I may inadvertantly re-introduce mercury into the bloodstream again.

I so want to do Oil Pulling - it sounds so effective and makes sense to me, and my husband, who is also keen. We've done it twice already. But could it be that Oil Pulling in the presence of mercury might outweigh the benefits of Oil Pulling altogether and make the practice more harmful than good? I would value knowledgeable comments and advice. Thanks, Earth Clinic

General Feedback
Posted by Hef (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 09/22/2011

I have started oil pulling along with Black Strap Molasses for the last two days to address my consistent fatigue (day and night )issues. I was trying to get 8 hours of sleep every day along with exercising in the evening I was feeling better but couldn't get rid of morning lethargy and the tiredness during the day. I read about BSM and O.P here and started doing it. Today is my second day.

Surprisingly enough, I am waking up up quite alert in the morning, without the urge to keep lying on the bed and snoozing. I really woke and wanted to get out of the bed..... otherwise I would feel lethargic even after 8-9 hours of sleep and flee like going to bed again.

Last two day were really different I must day. I'll continue doing both for next few weeks and post my update here.

It just feels amazing to be alert .... During the day!

General Feedback
Posted by Elsd (Jackson Heights, Ny) on 08/31/2011

using coconut or sesame. Is it best to use just one or to alternate? is toasted sesame ok? using oil in am and gargling with peroxide at night to help drain sinuses. Will irrigating nose/sinuses with silver interfere with or complicate the process? will there always be side effects? only doing for a short time, already getting increased draining. Will any recurring intermittent injuries (a few places in lower back) and/or arthritis get noticeably worse before getting better? can it improve postmenopausal dryness without being estrogenic?

Castor Oil
Posted by Roz (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) on 10/07/2011


Happy about your OP experience, the above link is for a recipe for naturally made toothpaste that I have used now for 4 months with amazing results. Peace.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Letitia (Halifax, Nova Scotia) on 03/07/2011


Hey! I have some feedback and a question. I've been Oil pulling with EVOO and Pure Sunflower Oil for 5 days now. I know it's suppose to be Cold-pressed, I'm working on it. I read a blog entry on oil pulling, and how it helped with whitening teeth and over all oral health. I thought BINGO! My prayers have been answered. I have soft teeth, and get cavities pretty easy. I started to do my research before trying it and found this site. I am happy to say that in just 5 days of oil pulling my skin is softer, my teeth are whiter, my mouth feels clean longer, my breath smells good, and I feel more alive!

I did get some detox side effects, like headaches and nausea, but that's about it. The only other problem I'm having while oil pulling is pain in my teeth. I took this to reduce the pain not increase it. Also weird discomfort in the back of my throat. I'm wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing? does anyone know what I should do, whether I should stop the oil pulling, is it making my teeth worse? I don't know.

Avocado Oil
Posted by Sindee (Carlsbad, Ca) on 10/09/2011

Please explain what oil pulling means or the procedure. Thank you.

General Feedback
Posted by Yellow (Laguna Hill, Ca) on 04/21/2011

Do you oil pull in the morning and evening..or?

General Feedback
Posted by Kiran (Birmingham, United Kingdm) on 11/30/2010

I have two receding front teeth. Which makes me very upset. I want to do something about them without going to the dentist. Could please tell me if I start doing oil pulling, if this would reverse or regrow my gums?

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Sue (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 10/25/2010

Hi There,
The best oil to oil pull with is coconut oil by far. Coconut oil is anti-inflamatory, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antivirus. It truly cleans your mouth, literally. It's the only oil I used that whitened my teeth. When I started using coconut oil, my teeth visibly turned white within a week. My gums looked healthier and plaque disappeared. If you research coconut oil you will know yourself how beautiful an oil it is. I would never used anything else for this or for cooking. It is also the best moisterizer as well. I look ten years younger since starting to use it as a moisterizer and adding it to my diet, truly. Good luck and keep oil pulling, you are doing your body a lot of good.

Vitamin E Added
Posted by Ll (Odessa, Tx) on 10/12/2010

I have had an abcessed tooth for about two weeks now. I tried several of the cures on this site, and they all seemed to help a little. I decided finally to try the oil pulling this morning with sesame oil, after reading some of the theories here, I know they are basically sound, having studied pharmacy. I learned there that your mouth is easily one of the most bacteria-laden parts of your body. The stomach lining is porous, which is why alcohol is so quickly absorbed by the body: it simply goes straight through the stomach lining into the blood stream and throughout the body. If this is true of alcohol--which is a poison if not used in moderation--then it can easily be true of pretty much anything that goes into the stomach. And, of course, we swallow some saliva with everything we chew, so if there are bacteria hanging out in it, it could easily pass through the stomach lining and out into the blood stream, where it will swiftly be carried to the rest of the body. And--boom! --you have all the makings of a systemic infection (systemic is just pharmacy talk for anything affecting the whole body). Knowing from my studies and my own experience how great vitamin e is for so many things--you could call it a systemic vitamin, since it affects pretty much every part of the body when ingested--I thought, "What would happen if I added e oil to the sesame oil pull?"

(Honestly, you folks are all so obviously knowledgeable I was surprised to see no one had thought of it yet. This is some site, and I am impressed with a great deal of what I am reading! )

I used the one Tbls of sesame oil and added one capsule of 100 units vitamin e oil. Oh my God, that felt good on my gums! The longer I used it, the better my gums felt, until I had no pain at all by the end of the pull. I did have some pain coming back after, but I rinsed my mouth with some ACV and water (the baking soda I brushed with still had not got all the oil out of my mouth) and that cut the remaining oil and soothed my mouth enough that a little pain medication allowed me to sleep. I woke up a few hours later to find the swelling was significantly reduced. Will continue the oil pulls tomorrow--I think I will up the amount of vitamin e. I'd also be interested to know how it works for anyone else who decides to try it? Thanks guys: this site is great!

Vitamin E Added
Posted by Zsaqwe (Brownsville, Texas) on 10/12/2010

I just started with oil pulling. Thanks for the suggestion to add vitamin E. I am in. I will start and see what happens. Thanks

Dental Issues
Posted by Dee (Dublin, Ireland) on 10/12/2010

Hello, I have been oil pullling for 7 mins before bed for 5 nights and have found great improvements in this short space of time. I have a lot of amalgam fillings, root canals and crowns and there is no way I can afford to replace them. My question is this: Is there anyone on this site that has amalgam fillings, root canals and/or crowns that has NOT had problems with them when oil pulling? I would really appreciate hearing from people who have NOT had problems. Are there any people who could reassure me?

Dental Issues
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/12/2010

Hi Carly and Dee, I did oil pulling for a few months last year and have a mouth full of fillings and two caps. One is gold and one is porcelain. I didn't have any problems at all with any of them while oil pulling. Perhaps, the problems were pre-existent for those who had trouble and the oil pulling brought light to that. By the way, the fillings are from when I was quite young and the gold cap is from when I was about 12 and the porcelain about 3 years ago. Hope this helps in your decision to try this procedure.

Dental Issues
Posted by Dee (Dublin, Ireland) on 10/13/2010

Hi Bessie, Thanks for your answer, I feel better knowing that and would love to hear from even more people still. Thanks to you all, Dee

Dental Issues
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/13/2010

Hi Dee, In regards to my fillings, yes, they are silver amalgams and they are over 40 years old! Strangely enough, my fillings have held just fine over the years but, two of the teeth have crumbled off around them! Thus, that is why I have the one porcelain cap. The other tooth I just left alone because it is the very back one and doesn't bother me. Honestly, I don't think oil pulling will do anything to your teeth in a negative manner. Hope that helps.

Dental Issues
Posted by Kylie (Whitianga, New Zealand) on 06/26/2013

I've been oil pulling on and off for about three years (thanks to Earthclinic) and didn't know till today that you weren't supposed to do it if you have amalgams. I have one amalgam, one cap and have had no issues to date. I had an implant put in last month in Thailand - which has already broken, but that was due to my bite rather than oil pulling. I did stop oil pulling for a few weeks after the tooth was put on though as the implant felt pulled at with the swishing - I guess the jaw was not used to any kind of pressure or movement since the actual tooth was removed some years prior. I'll continue to oil pull as I really don't think it's anything other than beneficial. I alternate between olive oil and coconut depending on my mood. I think olive oil whitens better and you can spit it down the sink (yes, I know you're not supposed to!).

Dental Issues
Posted by KT (The Usa) on 07/07/2013

I have been looking for a reason not to OP because of amalgam filings. What is the harm? I've been OP for awhile and I don't think I recognize any problems. Are there certain early warning signs?

Dental Issues
Posted by Yoli (Fontana, California) on 04/07/2014

I have the same question about porcelain crowns. I have several of them. I have been oil pulling for around a year now and I don't want them to fall out or start to come unglued. Any help with this would be appreciated! Yoli

General Feedback
Posted by Jasmine (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 08/26/2010

Hi Ted,
1) I have one big and few small white composite filling on my teeth. And also have some tiny amount of cavities on top of few teeths. Is oil pulling ok for me?
2)What kind people with diseases/sickness cannot do Oil Pulling?
Thanks, Kal

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Joyce (Indiapolis, In) on 02/04/2016

I suggest for you to look up Candida infection it is cause of chronic illness. Earth Clinic has a good write up on using borax to detox from it. Candida is liked to ms, fibromyalgia , and a list of numerous other issues. I had issues from antibiotics and chemo. Started having joint pain head pressure and panic attacks I went to ER 5 times within 2 months to be too nothing wrong. Then I found an article on borax and using it to flush it really helps. I was real sick for a week. It was the die off, I later learned.I'm beginning to feel better. Just read about Candida and the antibiotic syndrome.you will learn a lot.

General Feedback
Posted by Lee (New York, New York) on 03/29/2010

I've been oil pulling for nearly a year and have used most of the oils. I am very relaxed about it so do not time it exactly - but it's usually about 15 minutes. I have had no problems with my fillings or crowns. My hygienist commented that my gums look healthier than ever. Best of luck - Lee

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by David (Pasadena, Ca) on 04/02/2011

I highly doubt that all these testimonials are "placebo effect, " especially since so many of them had already tried other remedies without success (why didn't they have a placebo effect with those?). I've just started this treatment (yesterday), so I can't say anything about its effectiveness. But I can say that everything I've read says at least 10 and more often 15-20 minutes. If you've been doing it 4 minutes, you may not be getting any significant therapeutic effect (like gargling with Listerine for 15 seconds won't kill bacteria while 30 seconds will). As far as "toxins reabsorbing"--that sounds a little farfetched to me--either the oil "pulls" them out or it doesn't. It can't pull them out and then let them go back in, can it? Anyway, I don't think ayurvedic medicine says anything about this idea of reabsorption--maybe if you really overdid it, but I think you should try 15 minutes 2x a day before you decide whether it works for you or not.

General Feedback
Posted by Jagadeesh (Bangalore, India, Karnataka, India) on 12/23/2009

I have been doing oil pulling for 3 days now and I feel freshness. It seems to be helping in my general conditions too.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Stephen (London, UK) on 11/16/2009

I am really confused, i have been oil pulling for almost 10 months now, once a day i morning mostly sunflower and recently a few with olive oil. About 5 months ago every time i spat out, i did one big cough and bought up phlegm, directly after spitting one big cough. Then about two months ago the cough developed to an hour, once after spittiong out, then later in the day for an hour. That has since got more regular, not worst, but just coughing a lot up.

Also shortly since starting op, i've got some swellings on neck under jaw, no pain just slight swelling.

I am a smoker (been smoking packet a day for 30 yrs), but i'd never been a cougher till recently. i went to the dr. with my 2 months coughing, quick chest examination they said probably a virus. Seemed nothing wrong with lungs. I think it is the op'ing bringing up and clearing my mucus. is that possible.?

I also daily have a salad dressing which has ACV and Turmeric and Cayenne.

General Feedback
Posted by Carlsbad (San Diego, Ca) on 08/09/2009

Hi. This is my third week of oil pulling, and the oddest thing has happened. I've had ingrown hairs for years. Suddenly when I woke up this morning, those ingrown hairs were no longer hidden beneath my skin. I pulled them with no problem. What in the world does oil pulling have to do with ingrown hairs?

By the way, other results so fair: the whites of my eyes are particularly white. They're usually off-white, even yellow; mucous drains at the back of my throat when I pull (this just began happening a few days ago); my skin is suddenly baby-soft; and facial pockmarks are lightening up.

Oil pulling has become a very peaceful exercise for me. Love it! Thankfuk for the knowledge!

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