Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Posted by Winnie (Washington, DC) on 04/03/2008

Thank you earth clinic. we're all in this together. I spend lots of time reading about remedies and testimonies, the yes and the nays, its all good. I am pleased to read the nays that come from people who understand that even though the product didn't work for them, doens't mean the other testimonies are fake, just as we all are individuals, we get different responses. it's all good, learn from it and ask your higher power to send you what works. that's what i did; I have been trying lots of things, every time I read a testimony, I run out and buy the stuff and start using, and a week later, I decide, this thing is not working, and sometimes get angry because I have a cabinet full of ingredients I don't want to use anymore; then I started reading the testimonies from my heart, and listening to how I really feel about a product.

What happened is that ideas started coming to me, and one of them is honey, I decided to try honey on my acne face, I had half a jar of manuka honey at home so I started using it along with baking soda and lemon juice, and imediately I could see a glow. I also had pain in my gum, and have been using OP with some results, but still had soreness with brushing, then today I DECIDED TO USE THE HONEY in place of oil, put a tsp in mouth for about 5 to 10 minutes, then spit it out and brush, wow! no pain or soreness, I also had a bump on my face, i put a dab of honey and went to bed, this money bump gone. I took the honey jar and spoke into it, thanking all the bees that gave me this wonderful product, I thanked the farmers, the store keepers and last but not least this wonderful site, earthclinic. thank you for taking us back to earth, now i know everything works, at the right time with the right attitude. Love always.

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Kazza Veronica (Victorville, Ca) on 10/11/2015

Virgin coconut oil (unrefined) is recommended for one tablespoon for ingestion daily. The OP needs less than a teaspoon.. level perhaps... Enjoy!!!! both if you use them. I do!

Kazza Veronica

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Caroline Barongo (Kenya) on 10/29/2017

Wow, I love this option. I was also afraid I wouldn't last for 20 minutes with oil in my mouth. I use the black seed oil to rinse my mouth and I spit it out in barely 5 minutes.

Oil Pulling and Tooth Pain
Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Colorado, Usa) on 04/25/2013

Hi Aq. I'm no expert on dental care but your post comes in the middle of my own research into dental health after finding an amazing oral health care routine by Dr. Ellie Phillips. I came across her information by accident last week and have been devouring her free website posts ever since. Boy, have I learned a lot! I've also applied her mouth care system and have seen noticeable improvement in just one week. She has a lot of information to go through on her blog but she has a book as well, Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye, which seems to be a more concise and organized read (I have not read it yet). I highly recommend you take a look at her information. http://ultimateoralhealthguide.com/

In the meantime, I do have some thoughts about your routine that you might consider.

You said that at the same time you started oil pulling that you also started to brush your teeth and floss after every meal. This may very well be the problem. This is a common issue, especially here on EC, where most people think that brushing immediately after eating or drinking something acidic (like the popular remedy Apple Cider Vinegar) will protect their teeth from the erosion of the acid. Wrong! It's actually the opposite. Acidic foods and drinks will actually soften your enamel, so that when you brush your teeth you then brush the enamel away. Kind of the worst thing you could do if you're trying to protect your teeth!

The remedy is to make sure that you alkalize your mouth before brushing to ensure that the enamel is protected. You can do this by swishing with a solution of baking soda in water, eating or chewing a mint/gum sweetened with 100% xylitol (or dissolving the pure crystals in your mouth), eating a piece of cheese, or swishing with a commercial product like closys mouth wash. Brushing with an alkalized mouth is very different from brushing with an acidic mouth. This might also happen even if you haven't eaten recently because things like overall diet, stress, medications, toxins, candida, mouth breathing, and hormones that affect the acidity of the mouth. You can buy pH strips to test this easily.

Another issue might be how you are brushing and flossing: it could be a case of doing too much rather than too little. Most people use too hard of a toothbrush and put too much pressure on it, thinking that they have to scour their teeth to make them clean, much like cleaning a dirty, caked on dish. This actually can do lots of damage to teeth and gums. Instead, you should use a soft toothbrush and gently brush the teeth while focusing on massaging your gums to bring much needed circulation to your gums (and letting your body help you fight infection this way).

Secondly, most people have never been taught to properly floss either, so they tend to mangle and cut their gums rather than wriggle food particles out. Your dentist or dental hygienist should be able to show you how to correctly apply both these methods without damaging your soft tissues with heavy-handedness.

My next point was a hard pill for even me to swallow. You see, I have been using baking soda and peroxide as my "toothpaste" for the past 5 years, trying to be as natural as possible and throwing out chemical, commercial toothpaste. I liked it and didn't like the alternatives. Even so-called natural toothpastes have unnecessary or unwanted ingredients (like glycerin, which prevents your teeth from remineralizing with your natural saliva). I, too, practiced good hygiene; brushing and flossing every day and eating a healthy diet, but my oral health still wasn't where I expected it to be.

When I stumbled onto Dr. Ellie's blog I was disappointed to see that she does NOT recommend baking soda because of the effect she's seen on her patients' gums. Her insights have thrown off some of my thoughts and arrogance concerning natural tooth care. In this post she addresses this issue: http://ultimateoralhealthguide.com/2009/03/20/home-made-toothpaste/ . I'll quote a few sentences that caught my eye regarding your condition-

"I have seen baking soda used without problems for a few days, but after repeated use (over months or years) the gums start to disappear. There is no pain or swelling associated with this recession just a loss of gum tissue. This problem can be very severe to the point of people loosing teeth because of this."

Sound familiar? The reason I bring this up is two-fold. First, the main ingredient of Ecodent natural tooth powder is baking soda (baking soda is also mentioned in the first article I linked as a possible cause of gum recession). Secondly, I wanted you to know that I am NOT one who would normally buy any commercial body care products, including fluoride toothpaste. Most of my friends call me a" hippy", as I use the information here on EC as my "health care provider". However, Dr. Ellie has written very compelling evidence for the reasons she has recommended the products that she does.

In the one week (! ) that I've faithfully applied her full program, I have noticed great improvements in the markers of oral health that I felt I was previously failing at. My teeth are whiter and stronger, my front bottom teeth feel "tighter" in the gums (they previously felt "loose"), and I no longer bleed while brushing or flossing. Now, I'm not saying that these things will all happen for you, as you seem to have a much more advanced case than I, but you might! She has many other testimonials similar to mine.

I'm treading lightly here, as I have been amazed at the success I've found, but am very much aware of the dissonance this might create here in EC. Her system uses a series of mouth rinses and a commercial fluoride toothpaste, as well as timely application of xylitol products. She approves of very specific products and goes into detail about why they work. Yes, you read that- fluoride However, if you really take the time to understand the information she presents (across her whole blog), you may just decide to follow her program as well. If you are at all concerned about fluoride, like I am, start with this page:


My recommendations are to look at the links I've posted, do some digging, and find out what will work for you. I know that if I was in your position that I would try to avoid surgery at if all possible (which you seem to as well). Also, I echo another poster in advocating the use of essential oils, especially clove, to deal with your mouth pain. Garlic, too, has seemed to help many others on this forum. Use the search bar above to find relevant posts. If anything, xylitol is also an excellent tool to explore using for dental health, with decades of research backing its efficacy in Europe.

I do not believe that oil pulling is what has been causing your recent discomfort, however I do not know that for sure. You might consider changing your oil to some other oil (maybe you're allergic?) as well as practicing good dietary habits. Drink an appropriate amount of water (coincidentally most people drink too much and flush their body's electrolytes away-see The Water Cure for more info), eat enough protein (since your body needs to build up your gum tissue and repair it), and be kind to yourself!

Good luck, and I hope that I've given you some useful information to help you. Give us an update if you can!

Castor Oil
Posted by Gg (Lalaland, Ca) on 04/06/2013

Castor Oil? Seriously? I have been a castor oil user for years, but only externally. The castor bean is poisonous, I used to use castor bean plants around my garden to repel gophers and moles until they were the accidental cause of death of a neighbors puppy... After reading this I decided to check my bottle in the cabinet and it clearly says on it for external use only... I'm not sure, but it is in the nightshade family isnt it?

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Blistered (Chicago, Il) on 02/27/2013

I tried oil pulling for the first time this morning using Meditteranean blend oil, which contains soya, sunflower and extra virgin olive oil. I did this before eating and drinking anything. I swished for 20 mins. , then rinsed with warm water, brushed my teeth and drank three glasses of water. It is now evening and I now have blisters in my mouth. Never had them before. Has this happened to someone else? Am I swishing too long, using wrong oil?? What can I do to avoid getting blisters. Thank you!!

General Feedback
Posted by Jane (Red Deer, Alberta, Canada) on 12/23/2012

Been OP [oil pulling] since mid-November about twice a day with VCO. My first day, noticed a lot of mucus on my tongue after the second pull. I brushed my teeth & tongue after and rinsed with water as well. Most days I just have to blow my nose after & maybe spit mucus once or twice. A couple days back, I felt a scratchy feeling near the back of my mouth towards the throat when I was done. I took out a flashlight & saw a small round bump. Then I noticed what looked like mucus coming out of the throat area around the tonsils, coming through the flesh. Then, the next half hour I started coughing & spitting up phlegm continuously. Then it stopped, the bump & mucus was gone, and I had the best night's sleep I've had in awhile. The changes I've noticed so far include clear skin, I just don't seem to get acne now & I've had bouts of acne for over 25 years. My hair doesn't seem to split as bad as it used to. My teeth are whiter, tartar that has built up on the inside front of two of my lower teeth seems to be reducing, my gums are a lighter pink. I started breaking out in hives a few months back. I would feel like my heart was racing even though my pulse was normal or even slightly low. I would feel a burning inside that sometimes made me physically ill to my stomach. It looked like someone was drawing the world map on my back & legs from the hives. Numerous sleepless nights as a result. It took me awhile to figure out that the triggers were all grains & sulfites. I have had a couple of accidental exposures since the oil pulling & the hives symptoms are significantly reduced. In fact, there was only a slight feeling of racing and a couple small areas of hives. I have also noticed the fibrocystic lumps in my breasts seem to be shrinking and this has been the most pain free period in the last couple weeks than I've had for more than a year (although I should add that for the last few months I have also gone off all caffeine & no bra). Finally, there is no arthritis in my hands so far this year. By this time, last year, my hands were always either stiff or sore. Oil pulling is quite literally changing my life. I have always tried to live healthy, my weight is reasonable, in fact I've only had two periods of time my entire life where I was overweight. Once from childbirth and once from an injury that limited my movement for six months. However, despite all the healthy eating & use of natural medicine, nothing has created as noticeable a difference as oil pulling has. I want to thank you; because it was while I was trying to search for remedies for hives that I came across oil pulling on this site. Thank you!

General Feedback
Posted by T (Oshawa, Ontario Canada) on 10/23/2012

Love this website. Very grateful for all the drug-free tips.

I've tried oil pulling for the last 3 months and I have only seen benefits. I have noticed my energy has soared and my breath is better, teeth are whiter and no more bleeding gums. I don't feel the need to smoke as much nowadays. Suppressed appetite, and I'm able sleep better and much deeper. I will now and forever keep oil pulling.

General Feedback
Posted by Convinced (New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 09/21/2011

I have been OPing for almost two weeks and am just amazed. I guess for me it was worth it just to finally, finally have a lymph node that is normal, not swollen or infected. It went down in a matter of three days. My teeth are whiter, my skin is smooth, I am feeling calm and relaxed and sleeping better. The first couple of days, yes, I had bad headaches and some fatigue but you soldier on, it's only temporary. The benefits are worth it in the end!!

General Feedback
Posted by Shorty (Virginia Beach, Va) on 08/24/2011

I am very thankful for this site and the people who share their experiences on natural healing cures. I recently started oil pulling with seseme oil (toasted was what I could find at the grocery store) for the last three weeks. I wanted to get started right away! I am loving the results I am getting. My gums are healing, looking more pink, my teeth have begun to whiten up(they were yellow), my breath doesn't smell any more.

What I would like to know has anyone experienced waking up in the morning with a mouth full of thick mucus that has a yellow tinge to it. I also noticed the tarter buildup on my teeth wearing down? Is that possible with oil pulling? I'll take it!!! I would appreciate any helpful responses. Thanks

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Mike (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 01/05/2010

Cure for the dentist!

I've been oil pulling off and on for over a year with sesame/sunflower oil. Extreme tooth sensitivity (hot, cold, and warm) completely gone, toothaches from 1 troublesome tooth completely gone, teeth ridiculously clean smooth (stains tartar are gone). I dont think im ever going to the dentist again! I use in combination with a few drops of oil of oregano as i no longer use toothpaste (tried every brand/type of toothpaste, they all aggravated sensitivity and toothache and don't do squat for healthy teeth (in my opinion)).

Canola Oil
Posted by Christinej (Surprise, Arizona, Usa) on 07/09/2010

Canola oil should not be used for oil pulling. I agree with this comment 100%. I have researched Canola oil and it is bad stuff.

Canola Oil
Posted by Douglas (Md) on 08/19/2013

No canola oil is not at all healthy. It is one of the main causes of diabetes. When using canola oil it takes 6 months to undo the damage from 1 serving of this nasty oil. It places an artificial fat wall around your cells walls that disrupt the electrical balance of your cells. This fat wall then does not allow glucose to properly penetrate. This knocks your pancreatic cells out of whack which produce Insulin and causes blood sugar imbalance. You can fix this in about 6 months if you cut out all canola oil as well as all margirin and vegetable oil. Buy a bottle of cold pressed Flaxseed oil and a bag of ground flaxseed. The ground flaxseed has to be used as soon as its introduced to the air because it goes rancid very quick. The flaxseed oil must have the top secured at all times and kept away from heat and light. Mix 1 table spoon with 2 tablespoons of 4% milkfat cottage cheese. Or you can double the amount depending on how hungry you are. Mix very well. Take this mixture and add in 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Mix well and you can optionaly add cinnamon for blood sugar balancing(it mimmicks insulin) and apricott or organic fruit of your choice. Eat this 3 times per day. This diet is known as the budwig diet and it reverses diabetes as well as cancer. Avoid taking vitamin C when using this diet at least 3 hours before or after eating. The flaxseed oil mixes with the fat of the cottage cheese in a way that makes it become water soluble. The oil then can bypass the liver and directly bring oxygenation to your cells and organs through your blood stream. Your diabetes will be reversed within 6 months or less if you eliminate all bad fats especialy canola, margerin, and vegetable oils. Also if you can get organic cottage cheese that is the prefered type to use. God bless and good luck to everyone. Sending light and love out to all that read this!!!!!!!!!!

Canola Oil
Posted by Hotlava (Seattle) on 10/22/2013

Canola Oil should be strictly avoided- its ALL genetically modified, meaning genes from differing species are artificially added to the plant genetic reproduction... nothing to do with traditional agricultural genetic breeding (ex, begonias or apples)! The name itself is short for Canada Oil, and it is a modern agricultural product, not a centuries-old traditional food that has withstood the test of time in human nutrition.

Transgenic modifications were created for the sole purpose of a few corporations owning patent rights to our food supply, no matter how much they declare they are "feeding the world" and helping our meet out outrageous population needs. It's all political and economic rhetoric to increase their profit margins and corporate survival. Very little unbiased research has been PUBLISHED, meaning most scientific research on the topic is contaminated with economic agendas.

Human's have farmed for how long without the help of Monsanto/ DuPont? And now those companies own the game!

Google "Institute for Responsible Technology" to get a list of documentaries that will change your life regarding the topic (plus a host of powerpoint slides showing GMO food health implication in animal studies). Mercola.com is another good resource. Educate yourself about the health impacts of GM foods and agriculture, and don't buy into big agribusiness' political campaigns!

The best step forward is to have manditory labeling of GMO's on our food labels, so we can have personal soverignty (right to choose), and we can pay attention to what we are REALLY eating.

If avoiding GM foods improves a person's health, then so be it! If not, then we can research with a new hypothesis! This is the scientific method, currently being denied to the American Public due to corporate manipulation.

Any time I am force-fed information that is convenient to corporations or corporately-owned governments (*cough*), I ask myself "who is profiting off this information?"

Blessings to the Earth Clinic community... people's power is in learning and educating themselves!

Castor Oil
Posted by Susan (Oshkosh, WI) on 03/18/2009

Hello everyone! I have become addicted to the site like everybody else. I have a question about oil pulling. I made it through five pages and did not see anything about food grade Castor Oil. I kept thinking about the Cayce remedies and his great results for many ailments using Castor Oil. Has anyone tried it? Does anyone know of a reason it should not be used for oil pulling? My intuition keeps telling me to try it, and I believe that we are often led to the right thing for ourselves. To everyone who is working on healing themselves, don't give up! If one thing does not work for you try again and again. In the trying you reinforce the "health"vibration around you. You are not alone in your seking and all of us who read your posts are pulling[no pun intended] for you and with you!

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Michele (Wolcott, Connecticut) on 04/03/2009

I oil pull with Cod Liver Oil. It is a popular brand that has lemon and mint added. I can't taste the fish at all. I love oil pulling with the cod liver oil. My mouth is clean and healthy. And it is great for my skin. I don't injest any cod liver oil. I do take Omega 3 fish oil caps though. I feel that plenty of the vitamin A gets into my blood stream with the oil pulling. I also oil pull with Avacado oil, and extra virgin coconut oil. The avacado oil is great for your hair. Makes it healthy and shiny. And they are all good for your skin.

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Melissa (Marseille) on 09/16/2021

For the real oregano essential oil ... I found it in www.maisonlaget.fr amazing quality, .

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Liz Turner (Devon, Uk) on 01/15/2014

Have started using coconut oil but not sure how you can fit a whole tablespoon in your mouth, even a full teaspoon feels a lot of oil! Are you sure its not meant to be a teaspoon?!

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Pamela (Asheville) on 02/02/2020

I've read that it's better to do a sequence of 5 minute oil pulling sessions totaling 20 minutes instead of a single 20 minute session. Reason being that doing shorter “pulls” and spitting avoids the potential re-absorption of toxins one might get from the long pulling session. Makes sense to me! This might solve any gagging problems!

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Jannis (Greece) on 07/31/2013


Hello everybody at earth clinic. I find your site very helpful and I am addicted to it every day for hours. Before 2 months I had a terible pain in my wisdom tooth, I started immediately oil pulling (after reading about it in this site) and within hours my pain went away. From that day I am oil pulling everyday many times a day, with different high quality oils. My gums are not swollen anymore and I felt better. I am a heavy smoker, and my teeth feel cleaner and whiter now. But my teeth have now many brown stains, (is it beacause they are whiter now?). Some teeth got a bit black like they are rotten, and my breath smell like rot). The last 3 days I feel very under the weather, depression like symptoms (i suffered from depression few years ago). I keep oil pulling in hope that everything is gonna get better. Are these symptoms a side effect of oil pulling? Or is it healing process? Please any similar conditions happened in anybody else? Thank you, I need your guidance.

General Feedback
Posted by Om (Hope, B.c., Canada) on 05/21/2013

To Clio51 from Manchester. According to Ayurvedic books, oil pulling should be done in the early morning before drink or food with sesame oil. In twenty minutes the oil should look white when expelled. Then rinse mouth several times. The action is on all energy points on the tongue , that is why oil pulling benefits all body organs.

I have done it now for almost a year and loose teeth are firm again. Otherwise my teeth have whitened over time. Other benefits may be there as I have no other issues. Keep it up. Om

Castor Oil
Posted by Carri (Greer, Sc) on 08/12/2016

I know this is a few years old but figured I would share so others who are exploring don't get misinformed. Castor oil is not poisonous. The only part of the plant that is toxic is the hull of the castor bean. It contains ricin. When removed, the danger is also removed. If you have a bottle that says for "external use only", it is because you have a low quality oil. They use a solvent called hexane to extract the oil because it is fast and cheap. This makes it unsuitable for consumption. Look for one that is organic and cold pressed.

General Feedback
Posted by Modern Medicine Maiden (Victoria, Bc, Canada) on 12/28/2011

I have discovered this website and after reading about oil pulling (and researching on other websites) I decided to try it.......... After two weeks I need to share my story.

I was diagnosed 10 years ago with a tumor/goiter on the right side of my thyroid that was noticeable in size. Oddly enough the left side is trying to compensate for it so my specialist and I decided to just leave it be and I would monitor its size and my well being (noticing any changes to my health) so after several years of blood tests etc.... I am now on yearly monitoring. Seems to be fine but the size has never changed. No matter what kind of cleanse or supplement I did. I just thought it was my little pet to carry around with me. Now I need to mention that I eat very healthy clean whole foods as I am sensitive to a lot of things (thanks goodness my body has a natural defense to all the bad stuff, makes it easier to say no! ). And then I decided to try oil pulling!!!!!!!!!!! The first day I had an awful metallic taste in the back of my throat. From the second day on I would expel a considerable amount of phlegm a few times after I had spit out the oil, IT'S SHRINKING!!!!! I have also had a slight breakout on my chin that happens to line up with my thyroid and only on the affected side so I know its pulling upwards. I honestly think that the doctor may even miss it if I had a routine check up. Not to mention my teeth are so much whiter! I am honestly telling everyone I love because this is so easy! I am fortunate to have seen direct results so I am absolutely convinced that this is another practice that I will incorporate into my daily regime for the rest of my life! Just try it..... Sesame oil, 2 tsp, empty tummy, 20 min and swish-n-spit away your potential future diseases down the drain!

Safflower Oil
Posted by Hopeso (England) on 07/02/2011

Hi - Tried oil pulling a while ago but didn't have much wrong with me so only found the benefit of whiter teeth. A couple of years ago I went to my dentist about a bad taste in my mouth - he said he couldn't see anything wrong but gargle with mouth wash. I did try this but it didn't really work. Since then my tooth is very sensitive to cold and hot things and I have been restricted to eating on one side of mouth. Its been like this for well over a year and I have been thinking I must go to the dentist (but didn't really want to).

Anyhow bought some Safflower oil the other day and started to oil pull in the mornings. I have only done this for 3 days and I can now eat on both sides and don't have a problem with hot or cold. I normally don't believe people when they say "Oh yes it was amazing" but here I go "Yes it was amazing, and I'm telling the truth". I'm so happy I don't have to go to the dentist. I think I'm always going to oil pull now. NB A few of my friends have been put off oil pulling because of the 20 mins - but if you keep busy instead of waiting for the 20 mins to be up you find it actually flies by. Hope this helps someone. Jules

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Jtk (Independence, Missouri) on 02/22/2011


I have been pulling oil for about six weeks & though I'm not cured, my condition is dramatically better than on any previous day over the past 10 years.

I first heard of oil pulling in Dr Ott's column in our local newspaper, I then looked it up on the web. I bought a bottle of sesame oil at the grocery that tasted awful as it was pure but toasted. I misremembered what I'd quickly read/scanned on the web and bought a big bottle of safflower oil at a local health food store and started using it. I immediately began to see results and within a week or so my mouth was mostly healed up. The first time in over ten years without constant pain.

Enjoying such remarkable results I started reading more about oil pulling and realized that sunflower not safflower was the preferred oil. The next time I visited the health food store I picked up big bottles of sesame and sunflower and a bottle of hemp oil. I began pulling three times a day, with the very delicious hemp mid-day, in a couple of days I suddenly had day long diarrhea every 30-40 minutes followed by a half day of the same. I quit the hemp oil and my stool firmed up. I continued twice a day alternating between the sesame and sunflower, then I went to once a day first with sesame for a few days then sunflower for a few days all the while my old symptoms were resurfacing though not nearly so virulently. I then decided to revert to the safflower oil that seemed to have done so much good at first and my mouth seems better by the day; not perfect but lots better. Once a day seems sufficient though I sometimes pull at bedtime as well as morning.

My point here is that different oils definitely do different things and those things may differ with the individual. There is no question in my mind as to the power of oil pulling.

To give some idea of my condition:

I have had clinically diagnosed (biopsy) oral lichen planus which has persisted and worsened for more than 10 years. Modern medical science can only offer steroids to lessen symptoms (and the one med- pack I took didn't help at all) or oral steroid ointments, that also did no good. Alternative medicine offers three basic cures that list different countries of origin but all mail out of Pakistan, modest benefit if any. Limiting spicy and acidic foods helped slightly. Various homeopathic, vitamin, colloidal silver and nutritional protocols weren't helpful. A tea tree oil mouthwash did about as much as anything. For much of the time brushing my teeth was out of the question.

My condition has been a never ending series of almost healing for a few days followed by blisters that cover the inside of the cheeks and over the gums which burst and then peel in layers for days & weeks on end keeping the inside of my mouth raw to the point it hurt to drink water and it hurt even more when eating. As I write this I can still find sore spots in my mouth, but I have to seek them out. I am noticing other changes like smelling things I haven't smelled in years.

I am only 6 weeks into this we'll see how it is in 12. JTK

Dental Issues
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 10/13/2010

Hi Carly - I have several amalgam fillings, several porcelain fillings, two root canals and my husband has crowns but neither of us have experienced any problems at all with oil pulling. I've been oil pulling for over a year now, usually with sesame oil but I've also used coconut and olive oils.

Totally off the subject, but another thing I do for oral health is massage my gums (thumb on one side of the gum, forefinger on the other) - massage with light circular motion. It strengthens and brings circulation to the gums. I do it in the shower, because it can get a bit "drooly" - hope this helps! Cheers.

Dental Issues
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 10/14/2010

Hi Dee, no, as I used to be a photographer and travel writer I had my fillings changed to modern ones a few years ago as the dentist was afraid that I would get problems due to my many flights.

By the way, I want to thank all the advice I got here after losing my tooth. I have chose to do an implant but I will do it in a very good clinic in Switzerland since we found out that I lost my tooth (which had had a root canal and the filling replaced a lot of times) only because the dentist here in France didn't care to cap the tooth. We don't know why he didn't do it yet but we have written him a letter. All the dental treatments cost a lot of money, so did pulling the tooth and now the implant is going to be awfully expensive, all for no reason! Be careful and if you don't trust some treatment get a second opinion, it may be worth the money!

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Nicole (New Jersey) on 06/25/2010

This really works - sunflower and sesame oils tried!

I found this site just a week ago after coming home from the dentist extremely frustrated (on top of having a 1/2 numb face for the next two hours). Over the last few months I've been drawn to natural cures actually for my spouse, not myself, to help cure her polymyositis and fibromyalgia (off topic, but magnet therapy is helping). Anyway, after that trip to the dentist I said, "there HAS to be a better way!" Briefly, I'll state my history as having struggled with gum disease for at least the last ten years. It has gotten much worse in the last year. Unfortunately, I had an accident last fall that further irritated two of my teeth that were already slightly loose. When I went to the dentist last Thursday to see what could be done I was really upset that 1) my insurance wouldn't cover a deep cleaning because I'd had one within the last three years 2) I needed to get that cleaning (I agreed) to help keep my teeth clean and 3) that it would cost me ~$500 for just ONE side of my mouth ~ and the total would have been ~$1,600 out of pocket (includes injecting antibiotics directly into eight teeth/gum areas at ~$40/tooth)! Because I thought I *needed it,* I bit the bullet and got one side done but when I got home I was determined to find another way. It was too much discomfort and I didn't want to pay for it if I didn't have to. That's when I stumbled upon oil pulling. I thought it sounded absolutely too good to be true but with all of the testimonials and the fact that it had very little risk why not try it? Well, last Friday morning, 6/18/2010, I started with Sunflower oil. I lasted about 12 minutes. I thought it taste rather bland so I switched to organic, virgin sesame oil the next day and have been using that up until today, Friday, 6/24/2010. My results are as follows:

1-After day one I immediately noticed that my teeth became a little whiter
2-After day two I became really congested and had to blow my nose a LOT. I also had a couple of pimples pop up, which have since cleared. I think the sunflower was better for whitening quickly.
3-After day three I noticed that I was sleeping a lot deeper and had a ton of energy during the day
4-As of last night I noticed that both of my loose teeth are secured. I would say that one is 95% while the other is trailing at 90%!
5-My skin seems a little clearer.

I am ASTOUNDED by these results as I'm 29 years old and was worried to death about losing them. My own sibling who is a dentist in another state told me that something drastic needed to be done or I would lose them. :( Also, a dentist that I was going to every three months up until earlier this year (I've recently relocated) wanted to do a LASER procedure to penetrate the gums and fix the problem. I'm SO glad I didn't do that! The only reason I didn't do it is because the timing was bad with me preparing to relocate and that procedure would have also been ~$1,600 out of pocket. (My sister did tell me not to do laser because it was too invasive and not necessary).

At any rate, that's my report after a full seven days. I'm grateful to not lose my appetite like some others here because I'm underweight and am consuming a lot in order try and gain 10 pounds. That is another journey in itself, but it's coming along now that I'm tracking my caloric intake. OP has made junk food less appealing, which is a good thing. My process is to brush and floss as usual, OP for 5-10 minutes, spit, rinse, brush with water and baking soda and rinse one more time. It sounds like a lot but it's not that bad. Fifteen minutes go by quickly if you just fill it by checking your email. Besides, 15 minutes a day to save thousands of dollars and unnecessary pain is worth it! Oh, I also cut down on sodas tremendously over the last week. I had about three rather than one a day. I drank mostly water - had no desire for soda.

I'm so excited about this I want to tell my family and friends but I'm going to wait until 30 days go by. I know they're going to be skeptical, especially the dentist, but if she can get a hold of my dental records then there will be proof! My wife has now decided to try it. Yesterday was her first day and not more than ten minutes after doing it she felt "different" and had to release phlegm. This morning she woke up with me at 5:00 as chipper as ever, very energetic without the aid of coffee, an energy drink or Adderall. We're both amazed. I do worry that her healing process may be unbearable as she's been struggling with chronic illnesses for at least eight years, but it would worth it if she no longer had to deal with them or prescription drugs with horrific side effects.

Sorry, this post is a lot longer than I intended it to be.

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