Joint Pain: Top Natural Remedies

| Modified on May 25, 2024
Okra Juice
Posted by Trikke (Belgium) on 06/05/2023

Okra Juice for Joint Pain

For many years I have been helped by suggestions on Earth Clinic - thank you to this wonderful community! -, so time to give back.

We spent a bit of time living in Africa recently and staying at a wonderful, but very remote place in Northern Tanzania, run by an Kenyan-Indian couple. The lady's grandmother used to be an Indian herbalist, so as a child, she naturally picked up a lot of information and knows a lot about herbs, plants, spices, cooking, and remedies.

Whilst there, she told me about her very sore knee, just a year before. It was so painful she had to stop her daily walks with the dog. The local villagers advised her to take their traditional remedy for joint pains and aches: Okra juice. A shot, in the morning on an empty stomach and one at night. She did this for 3 months and all her pains were gone. She now does it once a week, to keep up the good stuff.

Perhaps the gel-like - slimy - juice restores cartilage? Or brings in lots of needed nutrients?

Anyway, the way I was told to make it, is 2-fold: chop up some okra lady's fingers in small slices and

1. bring 1/2 to a boil with some water just covering them. Let it cool. it will become quite a slimy juice.

2. Put the other half of the okra slices In cool water and it will also form a gel.

One type of gel is to be drunk in the morning, one at night. A small shot. It's slimy and not very nice, but if you down it in one go it's ok. Do this for 3 months. After that, repeat once weekly.

I could find nothing on the internet about this but would love to hear if anyone else has heard about this.

Anyway, hope this might perhaps help someone.

Posted by Art (California) on 04/26/2023 2165 posts


Regarding the borax related insomnia, try consuming your full dose of borax before 10:00am and see if that helps. You can also try reducing the dose a bit. So if you are taking a level full 1/8th teaspoon try an 1/8ty teaspoon that isn't quite full.


Posted by MH (Eastern NC) on 04/26/2023

Any updates on this? I've recently started supplementing with borax solution and for the first 4 days didn't sleep at all. Then I stopped for a day or two. Went back to it again and was back to no sleep :(

Posted by Jose (Pensacola, Fl.) on 04/22/2023

For Pain relief and joint repair:

Wobenzym for accelerated healing and pain relief. Terry Naturally Curamin Extra Strength for additional pain relief. Neocell Type ll Joint Complex for rebuilding joint cartilage.

Take the Joint Complex long term to maintain the joint cartilage.

Wobenzym must be taken on an empty stomach. if there is food in the stomach, wait at least 2 or 3 hours before taking the Wobenzym. After taking Wobenzym wait at least 1 hour before eating or drinking anything except water.

The Curamin Extra Strength supplement is the best natural pain reliever.

After 3 weeks you will experience a definite improvement. 3 months of treatment with these supplements will provide significant healing and pain relief. Depending on the amount of cartilage damage, it will probably take a year or longer to have complete cartilage repair. Daily usage of the supplements is necessary. Follow the manufacturers supplement instructions.

Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 03/09/2022

Cindy, for years I had been taking gelatin (fish) for my knees and it helped. I ran out of it and didn't bother to get more. But after a while my knees started "whispering" again. And that is when you wrote about rebounding. I had told you that I was doing "heel drops" instead of rebounding, but also some bouncing on a yoga ball. By now I can happily report that these random heel drops/bouncing seem to have kept my knees totally calm. Thank you!

Hypermobility Syndrome
Posted by Tiffany (America) on 02/04/2022

Have you tried the cusack protocol?

Posted by Lynn Greene (Canada) on 11/11/2021

Try potassium. You can eat a banana every day, which has the perfect amount of potassium. Or pills from the Health Food store.

Posted by Mike (Des Moines, IA) on 11/03/2021

Thanks, Holly. I will give it a try.

Posted by Holly (Millersville) on 11/03/2021


I have noticed that wheat and sugar both aggravate my joint pain.

Giving them up could help. It's a pain. But then, so is arthritis.


Posted by Art (California) on 11/02/2021 2165 posts


Yes, if you were taking a whole liter of water with 1/4 teaspoon of borax in it complete each day for 5 days of the week, you were getting a quarter teaspoon each of those 5 days for a total of 1 1/4 teaspoons of borax per week and with the length of time you have been taking it, you have achieved maximum benefit for your arthritis.

Although borax has shown very significant benefit for arthritis relief, it has not shown the ability to repair damage caused before you were taking it and this may be one reason that you still have pain although less of it.

You don't give much information such as what type of arthritis you have been diagnosed (there are many many types) with and how long you have had it or which joints are affected?

There are many arthritis alternatives and EC has most if not all of those remedies listed in their arthritis section which you can review. A few examples would be DMSO, MSM, Curcumin, multiple Boswellia extracts and derivatives, Gallixa, Ginger and ginger extracts, Thiamine (for RA), Aloe Oil, Skullcap, magnesium oil (MO), Glucosamine multis, homeopathy (many), TENS (OA), Devil's Claw, to name just a few.

I am partial to Borax because it has shown the ability to put arthritis into remission for many people and it has other healthful benefits, but nothing, whether prescription drug or supplement will work for everyone all of the time.

Many of the supplements listed on EC will fight the inflammation and possibly the oxidative stress associated with OA and RA and for these antiinflammatory agents, I do feel that some of the Boswellia extracts are quite potent, but these and others will have to be taken regularly and are not likely to put the disease into remission, only relieve pain.

Some people report that DMSO, in some cases may offer remission, but in others only pain relief. DMSO has never been a good pain reliever for me, but I am likely the exception and not the rule. Related to DMSO is methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) which is easier to use, in my opinion, than DMSO and can be taken orally or topically or both, but many people have reported significant side effects with the use of MSM and I believe that EC has an article outlining these side effects.

I have written about other topical pain relievers here :

And here :

And here :

Mike, it is likely to come down to trial and error for you to see what works best for you. I don't want to lock you into any one thing, but just emphasize that there are many options to consider and going over ECs Arthritis Remedies of which there are almost 100 at this link is an excellent place to see what options you can consider :


Posted by Des Moines (IA) on 11/01/2021

Hi Art.

I am taking 1/4 tea spoon in the liter of water 5 days a week and Saturday and Sunday off. You mentioned take 4 days borax and 3 days off. I will follow that direction.

Is there anything else that helps joint pain?



Posted by Art (California) on 10/31/2021 2165 posts

Hi Mike,

You didn't say how much Borax you are taking. I take 1/4th level full measuring teaspoon mixed in a quart of water and sip throughout the day until done. I drink a quart of this mixture on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then I take Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. So in total per week, I am consuming 1 teaspoon total of borax in water which is approximately 3.75 grams of Borax per week. This was Ted's protocol for men. The women's dose is half the man's dose.

The doctor who popularized boron and borax for arthritis decades ago, Dr. Rex Newnham, said it could take up to 4 months to realize maximum benefit from borax or boron for arthritis. So if you have been taking the correct dose of Borax, you have taken it more than long enough to reach maximum effectiveness that you are going to get from it. When I tried the women's dose, it did improve my arthritis, but not nearly as well as the men's dose which I have been taking for about 13 years with very good benefit.


Posted by Mike (Des Moines, IA) on 10/31/2021

I have been taking Borax 5 days on 2 days off from 10/1/2020 till now for 13 months for joint pain. My condition has been improved, but no cure and still have a lot of pain. Should I continue with borax, or stop? I like to ask your opinion and advise, specially Art Sobrig.



Increasing Water Consumption
Posted by Sheri (California ) on 07/10/2021

I agree with you, our cells need water. I have RA and have been reading Goodbye Lupus, a great book about healing and the dr that wrote it suggests at least 96 ounces of water daily. Her patients that do not drink enough water do not get well, but the patients that drink water and cut out any processed food and animal products do well, just after a week.

Pillow and Mattress Topper
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 07/07/2021

You might want to look it up—I read that memory foam causes cancer.

Autoimmune Issues
Posted by Annie (Orange County, CA) on 07/07/2021

I agree with you about all the things we put in our bodies could be causing pain. I get pain and swelling in my joints after eating refined sugars, meats, dairy, and grains. I also started reacting to the medication for pain, it started to give me joint pain 20-40 minutes after I took it.

Goodbye Lupus is a good book and it has a protocol about cutting out processed food and making sure to eat highly nutritious food to regenerate cells. Foods such as brocolli, kale and bokchoy. There are lists on the internet of how nutritious foods are, so eat to nourish and regenerate cells don't just eat for fun. Also drink at least 96 oz of ater daily, cells need water.

Pillow and Mattress Topper
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 09/25/2019

My husband I realized that our bed might be contributing to pain.

He was waking up with shoulder pain and I with hip pain. I spent time researching beds and got a good bed from Costco - foam, gel something yada yada yada. Husband LOVED the bed. No more shoulder pain. For me, no more hip pain...but instead I was waking up with a new pain between my shoulder blades that required me to ice my neck/back every morning. The bed felt like concrete to me.

We were planning to return it and try something else. My chiropractor suggested a different pillow - a Bed Boss pillow for side sleepers. It is a memory foam pillow with a notch for your shoulder. She said to give it some time. It took two nights for me to become completely sold. I also got a 3 inch egg crate foam bed topper.

The pillow and bed topper have been game changers. I am sleeping better and waking up without pain. Husband does not have pain (At first the foam topper made him feel claustrophobic but he is liking it now.) If you have back pain, consider the possibility of your bed and pillow! ~ Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 05/18/2019

Hi there fellow sufferers!

It has been many moons since I last posted but please don't take it personally !!

There has been precious little to report actually, so I have preferred not to waffle and dissimulate out of respect for your intelligence! I like to report progress (if any) on my Arthritis / Joint problems / Muscle stiffness etc occasionally and it is time to up-date fellow (and fellowesses) sufferers on my evolving regime. I may bequeath my body to science eventually.

So... Upon rising, take a teaspoon of olive oil OR coconut oil (alternate the two) = Oil Pulling and Swilling trick. Use good, quality stuff please. After 20 minutes expel and rinse with warm water- then drink two glasses of warm water. Surely you can think of useful ways to occupy the time whilst keeping a straight face !?

Certain essential bodily functions spring to a fertile mind. Later on we indulge ourselves with a "nice cup of tea" - a traditional brew in this house from time immemorial, without which we are incapable of coherently functioning.

Breakfast then:- One tablet containing the following: Quercetin 125mg, Devil's Claw 1125mg, Celery seed 1500, Chelated Zinc 5mg, Grape Seed extract 6000mg One tab Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid variety in my case) 1000mg + Rose Hips powder 25mg with glass of water Mid morning cup of coffee 4 pm cup of tea Dinner with tablespoon ACV in a glass of water using a straw Rinse well afterwards but do not brush teeth, Bed time sees me take a teaspoon of Cod Liver Oil In addition,

It might be wise to ensure you get to bed early and get a good night's sleep, increase water consumption, de-stress somehow, walk regularly at least five times per week, take some Magnesium Chloride liquid and also some Bone Broth OR Collagen a couple of times a week.

A lot to remember I guess but if you are desperate enough.... I have been regular with the above and the aches and pains and stiffness problems have become a bit less over a few months. Also scalp problems such as psoriasis and dandruff have definitely improved. Hopefully the Sun will still come up in the morning. I am very happy with progress so far and will keep you posted.

Cheers from Down Under, Michael

Posted by Don (Michigan, Usa) on 09/10/2020

I have been having knee joint aches for awhile. Three weeks ago, I had a craving for cashews and ate about 8 oz a day for 3 days. I noticed my knee aches were gone and all my joints felt younger and lubricated. I searched and found that along with cardio benefits there is also a benefit to joints. I now eat a handful of roasted cashews every morning and I can do squats without knee aches.

I have also noticed a nerve calming effect.

Posted by Art (California) on 08/22/2020 2165 posts

Mike V,

Unfortunately, Phenobarbital has a similar effect on bones as outlined here : studies have shown a, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin).

If I had no other options for myself, I would delve into the supplements that I had planned on taking as mentioned in my last reply to you, to try and counter the negative effects of this class of drugs and try to improve my bone integrity that way.


Posted by Mike V (Des Moines, Ia) on 08/21/2020


Thank you so much for great information.

What is your thought about Phenobarbital, instead of Dilantin?


Mike V

Posted by Art (California) on 08/21/2020 2165 posts

Mike V,

That is helpful information!

The Dilantin you have been taking for decades is well known for causing osteopathy (bone disease), bone fractures and hip pain! If you have mentioned your hip pain to your doctor, he should be aware of the connection and can try and take steps to prevent further damage. Here is a study which discusses this very issue. Note the date of the study is 2015 which means that doctors were aware of this problem well before 2015 because it takes many reports from users before studies are started to investigate and confirm the problem.

Another study adding confirmation to the idea that long term use of Dilantin can lead to osteoporosis: therapy causes changes in, direct effects on bone cells.

Phenytoin is another name for Dilantin. Given that this is different than arthritis, borax may or may not be helpful, but since borax contains boron and boron can be helpful for bone issues such as osteoporosis, it may be worth continuing the borax, but it will take longer than the 3 to 4 months I mentioned previously to get measurable benefit. Since you have taken Dilantin for decades, there could potentially be damage to the bones. I know this is not probably what you were hoping to hear, but it may be time to have a talk with your doctor about this adverse event.

Dilantin can also cause problems with teeth. Overgrowth as a Side Effect of Dilantin (Phenytoin), -By&text=Certain medications used to control, tooth decay, and oral infections.

This article shows how women lost bone density after just one year on Dilantin and you have been on it for decades:

Given the above, I can only discuss what I would do for myself under similar circumstances as I am not a doctor and can not give medical advice. I would first discuss the situation with my doctor and then I would start taking many of the supplements that are known to improve bone density such as boron/borax, calcium, vitamin K-2, magnesium, vitamin D (to reach the upper half of the reference range of 30~100 ng/ml for 25 OH d serum test), 5 dried prunes per day, zinc, etc.

You may wonder why 5 dried prunes per day? here is the reason :, scientific research has found, slow and prevent bone loss.&text=Research published in the journal, for a six-month period.

A doctor might want to prescribe Fosamax, but I would shy away from this one due to potential side effects and not always the best outcomes.

So these would be my immediate considerations that I would initially try to see if I can reverse any bone damage and protect the bone that I do have as well as prevent fractures or further bone loss.


Posted by Mike V (Des Moines, Ia) on 08/20/2020

Hi Art,

I greatly appreciate your advise, I am taking 1/4 teaspoon of borax 5days/week, and I am on my fifth weeks now.

I am 71 years old this problem starts about a year ago, siting and standing up is paifull, but walking on flat floor, I have no problem. I am taking one medication Dilantin for epilepsy since I was 24 years old for prevention plus baby asprin, recently also started to take full spectrum CBD, that doesn't help either.


Mike V

Posted by Art (California) on 08/19/2020 2165 posts

It may be possible to speed the process up by also soaking the offending toe in a mild borax solution.


Posted by Art (California) on 08/19/2020 2165 posts

Mike V.,

I'm not sure from what you wrote if you have taken borax for 4 weeks or 5 days, but 5 days is not enough time to deal with arthritis. Do you have an actual diagnosis of a type of arthritis? There are other reasons for joint pain, not just arthritis.

Which joints specifically, hurt you and is it constant or almost constant pain? You do not say how long you have had this joint pain, but if it has been awhile, it can take longer to feel results. In the case of long standing joint pain, it can take 3 to 4 months to see maximum benefit, but at 4 weeks, there would normally be at least some benefit.

You say,

' Not that much improvement '

and that sounds like there is some small amount of improvement and that would be normal in the second week of borax for many people. If it is just 5 days of borax, then you seem on track, but the length of time on borax is not clear to me.

Are you taking a statin drug such as Atorvastatin or Simvastatin? It would be helpful if you gave more information.

Lastly, let's double check exactly what you are taking. You should be taking one quarter teaspoon (US measuring spoons) of borax in one liter or quart of water each weekday which should be a total of 1 1/4 teaspoons total per week. A quarter teaspoon is equivalent to about 980 mg of borax total per weekday with weekends off to make it easier to remember.


Posted by Cpn (Somewhere Usa) on 08/19/2020

Hello Team Earthclinic,

I have had pain in my left big toe for many years now. I have looked at the most common causes and honestly can not figure out what it might be. It hurts in the top knuckle of the toe and then down to the tip. Think about if you balled up your hand to make a fist the knuckle down to the tip.

It always felt like it needed to pop but no matter how hard it was pulled on it just would not pop. I have been taking a good bit of Borax in my morning coffee and a few weeks ago I was able to get that knuckle to pop. It hurt so bad and actually left a small bruise above the knuckle. Some days it hurts really bad and some days I hardly notice it.

It has begin recently to pop on its on and does not hurt as bad as it did the first time it popped. It mostly pops once after I wake and I stretch.

Just wondering if maybe the Borax is finally loose in up what ever is wrong with it. I have an x-ray scheduled but am avoiding hospitals at this time. I also take Black Strap Molasses on that cup of coffee and some coconut oil.

If it's gout or arthritis it sure has taken the Borax a long time to work. I am thinking it is an old injury such as turf toe or broken toe or the Hallux Rigidus. It does stay swollen in that knuckle and the bone falls slightly protruded up.

But the popping that it is doing now seems like it might work it's way back to normal.

Posted by Mike V. (Des Moines, Ia) on 08/19/2020

Hi Art Solbrig,

I have joint pain and in the last 4 weeks, used Ted's borax remedy, 1/4 teaspoon on the liter of water for 5 days. Not that much improvement.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

Posted by Mudassar (Lahore) on 03/30/2019

Hello everybody. Will someone let me know if we should stop other medicines which we use to treat arthritis if I am using borax as a treatment?

Magnetic Therapy
Posted by June (Leeds, Uk) on 06/09/2020

I use Earthpulse PEMF, and sleep with the magnet beneath my matress every night, my sleep is so deep, it's amazing, been using this for around 3 years, and now I rarely get up to the toilet (and that is after 3 children). I am 72 and though I get small aches and pains I'm doing fine.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/13/2018

Hi Melea of Texas,

I have not checked for other responses to your troubled, plea for help with your joint issues but for what it's worth here is my contribution that works for me at the present time anyway and for which I am truly grateful!!

I should mention at this point that I took my cue from sage and wise contributors to this Site, that a wobbly digestion, if rectified, could lessen the achy joints. Are these two issues connected I hear you ask? Well, many health (read "illnesses") issues are thought by some, including the Ancient Greeks, to be gut-related. Fine, but the stomach has a part to play also so let's look at both of them.

Normally not noted for my propensity for sticking to any plan (there being so much information overload out there these days and better known for my won't power than my will power), I can honestly tell you that the following has brought back some quality of life, relief and hopefully for you too by taking the following five or six days per week.

Before the evening/main meal, I take a pill containing good quality Digestive Enzymes. If you find the right one for you, the results on your digestive processes may well be quick to take effect. Remember while you are reading this that enzymes are important but are often absent from our modern "lifestyle".

In my case, the only effect that I had been AWARE of was the unmentionable (lower) gas along with internal rumblings, that whilst not life threatening, sometimes caused some anxious looks from by-standers who feared I might explode in their proximity. But what, I asked myself, was it doing elsewhere in the system? Was it up to even more mischief?Valid question, if one were to listen to one's body, and we should all do more of that before our body causes us strife, as it inevitably will.

SO, the other three pills I take at a separate time, with another meal are:-

A complete Joint Ease tablet that contains (amongst other things) Chondroitin and Glucosamine. If you are not getting these, you are missing out. Plenty of info on these two everywhere!! Boron included etc etc.

A high quality Fish Oil in some form: food, oil OR capsule - whatever.

Curcumin - BUT the full spectrum and enhanced, bio-available form important, as the stuff is tricky to get enough of if you just go for the regular dosage.

I will not burden you with the many observations / other things you could incorporate into your daily regime, as I and others have written extensively on this wonderful Site on this subject in the past.

However, the above is serving me well at present, as I have thought about this issue for a long time and "boiled" things down to these four being important for Joint Health for me personally. Think of them as "The Fab Four". Nothing to do with the Beatles by the way!!

Your acid reflux is bad for your oesophagus and tooth enamel. Maybe (and this is anathema to many people I realize!?) go off the ACV for a month. Record this action in your diary so that after a month you can review your situation. It may interfere with the above protocol. Then you will be better placed to know where you stand.

Cheers from Down Under,


Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/09/2018 233 posts

Melea, a couple of tweaks you can try to your existing protocol, add one extra baking soda and water, must be 3 hours before eating or one hour after eating, so if you do Apple Cider Vinegar bs morning and night you can do this one after lunch, if this addition does not give you benefit as it should, then you may further add cayenne to your morning and evening Apple Cider Vinegar bs tonic. Work up to one teaspoon. If it is really difficult you can put it in capsules, it is important for digestion that the stomach knows it ( the heat) is coming, what I do is store my capsules in the cayenne powder, when I shake out a capsule I put a tiny bit on my tongue and then swallow with warm water. The warmth helps to spread it, you'll see for yourself the first time you take it with the tonic.

For topical relief, you may try 7 drops rosemary essential oil mixed in a half tablespoon of carrier oil, Olive, almond, etc massaged around the area. Between my husband and I, we have used all mentioned remedies for improved joint and muscle pain. Hubby is now wearing the rosemary to work, added to my homemade comfrey salve. Best to you.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/09/2018

Melea, for the acid reflux you can read up on Inclined Bed Therapy. Costs nothing!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Melea (Texas) on 08/09/2018

Hello, please help! Many years ago I found Earth Clinic and immediately began taking the acv/bs mixture in water daily and it was incredible the relief I had in my joints & acid reflux but for the past year it is no longer helping even tho I am still continuously taking the same mixture daily. I am in severe joint pain as well as acid reflux which is bringing on depression especially after it working sooo well for years. I have also lost a lot of weight so I don't think the pain is weight related. Should I increase the amount I'm taking? Please please please respond, I am really struggling with this and makes it very difficult to do my job! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

Castor Oil
Posted by Sherri (Oak Hill, Wv) on 02/12/2018

I had a small tear in my rotator cuff. Used ice as suggested by doctor & then read about castor oil pack for my shoulder. I could tell a difference in 3-4 days! I was amazed how much better my shoulder was. I'm still healing and still using the castor oil every night with a heat pack. I would strongly recommend!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dallas (Amesbury, Ma) on 10/17/2017 6 posts

Drop the Grains, Nightshades and Sugars to heal Joint Pain/Arrhythmias

I have many health problems, including celiac sprue, hashimoto's thyroiditis, multiple food sensitivities etc. I dropped all gluten out of my diet when the celiac was diagnosed 16 years ago. Within the past year. I have also suffered off and on with heart arrhythmias strong enough to mimic a heart attack and severe knee and joint pain. Finally, after about a year of research and prayer, I found a solution. I dropped all grains, (including chia and flax), all nightshades, and all sugars TOTALLY out of my diet. I made sure to prepare all legumes properly before cooking. Within a very short time, the joint pains AND arrhythmias diminished and then stopped altogether. Then, as an experiment, I ate nightshades one day, grains a few days later without the nightshades, and sugar without the nightshades or grains to test and see which ones were causing the pain. It turns out they ALL caused symptoms. So, I am leaving them all out of my diet. As an interesting aside. I am not sure about nightshades, but I do know that whenever I eat grains or sugars, my urine smells bad. As a former worker in a hospital, I have noticed that smell in the restroom after an elderly person uses it. Could it be that many elderly health problems such as joint pain and heart problems could be caused by grains, nightshades and/or sugars?

As another aside, I wonder if grains are prepared properly, ie: soaked, sprouted etc, before cooking, would they cause the same problems?

Posted by Melody (Nc) on 10/14/2017

I ordered Natures Sunshine liquid chlorophyll from Amazon. I have used Now as well but Natures Sunshine tastes better I think. Melody

Posted by Eloise (Charlotte, Nc) on 10/14/2017 6 posts

What kind of chlorophyll? Where do you get it in N.C?

Posted by Melody (North Carolina) on 10/12/2017

Thanks Timh for the suggestions!


Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/12/2017 2063 posts

Glad to hear of your natural remedies benefits.

From your testimony, it appears you have some type toxicity issues that result in the destruction of Vit-K which causes anemia and bone suppression because bone metabolism is dependent on Vit-K 1&2.

There has recently been a big boom in the consumption of "green smoothie" drinks, kinda like the liquid your using. Green foods like Kale & Spinach are good sources of chlorophyll but green sea-foods like Chlorella & Spirulina are the best sources.

I have been dealing with heavy metal bone toxicity for several yrs so I will share my regimen. Once daily supplement of Chlorella & Spirulina, and minimal dose of Vit-K 1&2.

Hope this helps and you continue to improve.

Posted by Melody (North Carolina) on 10/12/2017

Another benefit of chlorophyll seems to be more sound sleep. I am not waking up with the startles. Perimonopause has had a bad effect on my sleep.
The last week I have slept like a baby.


Posted by Melody (North Carolina) on 10/10/2017

I started taking liquid chlorophyll for anemia a week or two ago. 1 T. per day in a glass of water. Sometimes I do this twice a day, just because I know it is good for me and it tastes good.

I have realized that I have more energy (maybe because it is fixing the anemia, or maybe just because it is energizing) and also my joints are looser, in a good way. My neck and back are not so tight and will pop more easily.

I am so happy for these unexpected benefits.


Autoimmune Issues
Posted by Greystone (Portland) on 08/18/2017

Autoimmune is really the immune systems responses to (WHAT?) attacks the body's cells and tissues, which occurs in allergic response. NIH scientists now believe it is an allergic response. If you want to get well then put on your investigator hat. For a handful it might be genetic for most studies are showing otherwise, The only way to really find out the cause is go on an elimination diet. Look it up . Basically no wheat, dairy sugar, caffeine soda pop, and energy drinks are super toxic, stop all inflammatory foods night shade vegetable, most meats except chicken and keep a food diary. Have air quality checked in your house hire an industrial hygienist. Looking for radon, carbon monoxide and the big one is mold spores in your house. Stop all your supplements for awhile and products go natural drink pure water, be in a calm, cool place.Now this is the next piece I'm seeing more and more people with inflammation I wonder about the Electo magnetic frequency some people are sensitive to it get a line phone, and get land line computer . Get certain type of paint that blocks WIFI it could be EMS electro magnetic sensitivity or go away to beach camping out of WIFI area and see how you feel . Another thing to look at is what type of pills, antibiotics pain killer anti depressants ect have you been on and what are the long term effects. Lastly, get a Lyme test with a Lyme literate MD. and stop all wheat, gluten and dairy they cross react and it is highly toxic. If there is fluoride in your water it is time to consider a reverse osmosis water filtration system, so you are sure to be getting clean, pure water the way God intended it to be.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/01/2017

Mister Michael's current REGIME for battling chronic Sacroiliac / Sciatic / Knee joint problems is showing beneficial results at long last!!

May / June 2017

I have embarked upon the uncharted waters of the following protocol - I trust you will indulge this old ascetic his foibles and meanderings. It's success really does rely somewhat on a wholesome lifestyle generally, as a solid foundation on which to build. You will know what I am getting at I presume. Here goes:-

-Upon arising - Oil pulling /swishing with half a teaspoon of nice Coconut Oil for 15-20 minutes approx. - mainly for gums / teeth to curb the plaque issue, due to a certain body chemistry I am stuck with, but may have a bearing on the issues above possibly. Think about it!!

-Expel and swish out (not down the sink drain! ) with warm water/salted water/ bicarb water (your choice).

Keen people will clean their teeth at this juncture.

(Previously, I would take the good quality Honey and Sri Lankan Cinnamon drink at this point but have temporarily suspended this one). If you do this, then I suggest you definitely clean your teeth!!

-Two large glasses of lukewarm water, one of them containing a teaspoon of lime juice

(call me a "Limey" if you like - I don't care!! ). You could use lemon juice if you prefer.

Thirty minutes later - breakfast of your choice- I'm not going to tell how you should live your FOOD life here!!

-Straight after breakfast -take a Seafood Oil tablet of some sort PLUS a Magnesium 75mg tablet with Potassium 25mg added to it. Magnesium Chloride Liquid is a good alternative if you can get hold of it. NOT the potassium if you have blood/blood pressure/heart or kidney issues of course.

(Some prefer to take the Magnesium at night for excellent reasons. You could do that).

-At some stage LATER in the day, I would take approximately 30-40 mls of Tart Cherry Juice swished up in a medium glass of nice, filtered water. I will be bold here and say this may be essential to success!! My stuff is quite treacly / viscous which I quite like. Mix it up well in the water for best absorption.

-A little later I would take Dr. Gundy's "Vital Reds" well mixed with water.

-After evening meal (which ideally would be much earlier than we generally get around to it-HA),

I would take one Turmeric capsule 400mg and one Ester C 1000mg Vitamin C "Highly absorb able non-acidic, Vitamin C / Bioflavonoid" complex tablet. I think I am getting enough Vitamin D with my constant gardening without taking any additional D.

-At least one hour after eating, and before retiring, I would take two or three "Heal and Soothe" tablets in a medium glass of water.

-ALSO, I am being a very good boy at last and actually doing some exercises prescribed by my Witch Doctor. You can Google these of course but to give you a "heads up", there are ONLY four and I do them twice a day except when I cheat, forget or postpone and the day slips away from me:-

1) You lie down on your back, legs straight, and raise and lower each leg in turn, holding it up for 30 secs and slowly lowering it. Do three lots of four on each leg alternately OR slightly more on the injured side to bring it back up to the strength of the other one.

2) Lie down as above but with legs bent at 90 degrees- lift one leg with hands locked behind THIGH (not knee) and pull towards chest. THEN attempt to straighten leg (within reason) AND pull whole leg a little bit further and HOLD. Do four on one and four on the other.

3) Stand straight and tall with feet straight out and shoulder width apart. Use a chair for support if required. Slowly bend knees to half-squat position HOLD and straighten up again. Try not to nod forward or lean forward and it should work better. Do four and gradually work up to ten. I am assuming I am talking to oldies here- the young could do more.

4) Finish up by bring both knees up to the chest in the lying down position and hold for a while.

This is considered by some to be an excellent way to finish up/balance these sorts of exercises.

Do all of the above regularly and slowly whilst thinking nice thoughts (if you have any - find some if you haven't). "Pretend" the world will suddenly be a better place once you see positive results after ten days or so -- it almost certainly will!!

I know you will be overjoyed to learn that I am seeing some (early) benefits from this new and carefully thought out Regime. It requires a self-discipline borne of desperation that drives me on. Hence my magical transformation from a butterfly to the ascetic mentioned above!!

Maybe you could glean some delicious morsels from the above smorgasbord of choice tit bits.

That would please me greatly.

-Taking, in addition, some ACV and Molasses drinks would also be a good idea - I do those on an irregular basis these days when the mood takes me there.

As my Punjabi, Guru once famously told me whilst he was sitting comfortably on a bed of nails "If you do the exercises I am telling you Sahib - body MUST respond - it has to Sahib - it has little choice in the matter".

There you have it. I charge you nothing for that extra Pearl of Wisdom. It is nice to have some solid markers in this constantly shifting world of ours!

Maybe you should seriously consider doing some exercises OR stretching OR yoga etc. on a regular basis. Incorporate them into your lifestyle for your wellness / benefit.

Give yourself a pat on the back. Life can (and should) be better. Improvements are often obtained after just a week or ten days so, "What's not to like?".

More dubious wisdom from Down Under!

As my Guru is fond of saying, "May you do well, prosper, and have many children Sahib"!


Mister Michael

P.S. "Success" here is defined in so far as I am taking far fewer painkillers since being on this Regime. Whoopee!
