Weight Gain
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Texas) on 01/08/2008

I love organic virgin coconut oil. when i first tried it (i eat it by the spoonful and put it on my hair and skin) i was actually amazed. for the first time i was having regular bowel movements and my fat on my waist was going down...this may be from having regular bowel movements. my skin also loves it as does my hair. however, i found that when i used some brands that are supposed to be more RAW than others they didn't work as well. currently, i am using spectrum organics premimum organic virgin coconut oil and i absolutely love it. it is more expensive than other brands - but it works for me.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Deborah (Phuket, Thailand)

Coconut oil is the most remarkable natural weight loss and anti-ageing product I have to share that because of coconut oil and total body purification I have lost 13 kilos and been able to create a business that helps others in their quest for optimum health and vitality

Coconut Oil
Posted by Charles (Iowa City, Ia) on 01/16/2010


its true! i lost 15lbs in a matter of 5 days after eating coconut oil, thanks to the nastiest bout of diarrhea i've had in my entire life. i'm a body builder who's fat intake was around the 40% of my dietary intake, and thought switching over to this oil was be a healthy substitute. wrong! well at least not all at once. most painful experience of my life. ever.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/26/2011

Hi Marilyn - Just today I received an e-mail from Healthy Ways Newsletter that had an article on using coconut oil for Alzheimers. You are definitely on the right path. Here is the link in case you want to read it: www.coconutresearchcenter.com/hwnl_8-1.htm

And here is an excerpt from the rather long article. Interesting from a prevention point of view too.

Who could have imagined that such a simple dietary intervention could produce such a remarkable effect on brain health? The simple act of adding coconut oil into the diet can both prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease. For treatment purposes a total of 5 tablespoons (74 ml) a day taken with meals is recommended. Add a portion of the coconut oil to each of the three meals.

Best of luck to you and your husband. He is very fortunate to have someone willing to look into alternative methods. Take care, Bess

Coconut Oil
Posted by Stonefieldsian (Auckland, New Zealand) on 01/27/2011

Please take some time to watch all parts:




Coconut Oil
Posted by Andrea (Las vegas, nevada) on 07/14/2007

I have been battling hypothyroidism for 8 yrs now, i gained 82 lbs over the yrs,diet after diet failed umtil i started on coconut oil and let me tell you that in 2 months of taking coconut oil combined with a low carb diet, i have lost 35 lbs feel great energetic again, on my way of losing all the weight i plan to lose an aditional 40 lbs by december since i"ve taking the coconut oil softgels i have not had any side effect coconut oil is the miracle oil but again combined with a low carb diet.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Garster (Brown City, Michigan, Usa) on 03/12/2010

Just a piece of info for those that are not losing weight. Check the product labels on the food you eat and the drinks you consume for High Fructose Corn Syrup. Do some research on the effect that this has on your body and metabolism. Dr Mercola and other sites give a good explanation of what biological processes are changed by this chemical. Hope this helps someone.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nico (Las Vegas, USA) on 03/29/2009

Where on here do you see anything about anyone taking tablets or pills? You're not doing what the others are doing so you are not getting results. Your coconut oil is made to sell but not to buy, meaning it's another weight loss pill hype. Do it the right way and use unprocessed VCO in a jar.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lee (Greensboro, NC) on 01/21/2007

My health was declining and substantial weight gain ( untreated border Hypothyroid 1991 )and culminated in stroke early 2006 at age 54, week in hospital at time of stroke my BP was 260/160, cholesterol 330, and high homocysteine. I started coconut oil this fall, mostly to increase energy but hoping it would help my sluggish metabolism to aid weight loss which has been erratic. I have had SAD each winter and this winter no sign of it, my energy is up but no significant weight loss. I'm on 4 meds so can't be sure the oil lowered cholesterol but it dropped another 92 pts since April testing to 101 total. My research showed that i must keep my total under 150 in order to start reversing the blockage I have in subclavian artery. My Cardiologist is amazed that I'm not dizzy or fainting b/c of my blockage being severe he said. I'm trying to ward off a stent and angioplasty. I must reduce my weight by 40 lbs before Dr will allow weaning off Plavix, Zocor, Benicar HCT and FLTX. I was started on 40 mg Benicar HCT the DAY BEFORE I stroked my dr allow me to reduce dosage if my BP is below 100, I have a BP cuff at home. Using it daily I have been able to cut back the Benicar to 1/4 Tablet. I want off all these pills within another year. I do believe I have improved my health with diet changes, exercise and reducing stress but as I said, dr's want to SEE proof of my changes via WEIGHT loss.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ashley (Kansas City, Kansas) on 02/22/2010

I bought a jar of unrefined, unprocessed, virgin coconut oil. I took 2 tablespoons a day.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cured (Niceville, Fl) on 02/23/2010

Helena did you just start going to the gym about the same time as starting the coconut oil? Of course the gym with the right workout will build muscle--muscle weighs more than fat which might be the reason for your weight gain. Instead of watching the scale watch how your clothes fit. I personally do not like scales and guage my weight by my clothes and how they fit on a regular basis. If a pair of pants were tight a month ago, are they still tight, tighter or looser? Again it is a detox, it may take a bit before you see desired results externally.

You didn't list VCO intake/routine. Though i'm sure if your reading here you have an idea from what other people have done. Have some patience and keep at it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amy (Powell, Ohio) on 03/22/2009

You may want to look into your weight gain a little more. You say you have been working out regularly and that could easily be the reason for your weight gain. From your workouts your probably gaining muscle mass. I gained weight while dieting and found out after gaining 5 lbs that it was because I had more muscle mass. Best of Luck to you!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Xiomara (Ny) on 05/21/2013

Is that the coconut oil that its white, the one that people use for hair?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Teresa (Kenedy, Texas) on 08/25/2008

I had heard Coconut Oil helped in weightloss, but wondered why it did. The Slim Shots that are for weightloss and are quite popular are all natural with no jittery side effects. It claims to satisfy your hunger for longer periods of time, allowing users to eat 30% percent less, with out feeling deprived. The ingredients are palm and oat oil with an artifical sweetner, in a small "creamer" container that you take before meals. If I am not mistaken those are medium chain triglycerides, and consuming a fat before a meal will make you feel full, so that you will eat less and potentially consume 30% less calories resulting in weightloss. Well these Slim Shots are quite expensive and Coconut Oil which is a medium chain triglyceride also, when consumed before each meal would have about the same effect. Now that I understand why the Coconut Oil could help in weightloss I have begun taking it before each meal. I have seen a difference. Recently I was put on insulin and a side effect of that is increased hunger. I had started snacking in between meals, almost out of control, but since taking the Coconut Oil before each meal, I eat less at meals and do not snack in between meals. I will continue doing this and am hoping for good results.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rose (Bournemouth, England) on 05/20/2008

Organic virgin coconut oil has reduced my weight by over 2 stones (28 lbs) and I am delighted.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Carla (Grand Rapids, MI) on 04/09/2008

I read on this site that several people felt they had lost weight using organic virgin coconut oil so I decided to try it. I bought a jar at a health food store and I use it instead of lotion now. I use 1 to 2 tablespoons of it per day instead of ingesting that amount (really didn't like the taste). I noticed that I started to lose weight in a gradual way. I did also cut out all wheat gluten (I think I am intolerant) and the weight has been coming of steadily from my middle area-hips and legs which is fantastic. This is an excellent site, thank you so much.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Christine (Livermore, ca) on 01/04/2008

VCO is truly amazing, I have tried everything to loose that last ten pounds and although I have read about it and purchased it in the past after reading this web site I decided to be faithful about it, I take about a1/2 t spoon several times a day, no more bloated belly and ten pounds slimmer! This web site is awesome!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kali (Orange Park, Florida) on 04/26/2009

I take a 1 tsp to 1/2 tbl of virgin organic coconut oil daily and it has definitely decreased my appetite. From the 1st day forward there was a noticeable difference in how much I ate. And further evidence is if I skip a day, I will snack more that day. It is truly remarkable. I still eat 3 good quality meals a day and exercise 3 times a week, I just don't partake in needless boredom snacking anymore. Plus coconut oil is a good all around beauty/health investment as it works for so many things. Give it a shot...start small (1/8 tsp.) and work up to whatever you are comfortable taking for your body weight. And melt it, don't take it solid...yuck! Good luck, you won't regret trying it...it's a miracle product.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nico (Las Vegas, USA) on 03/29/2009

Sounds like a GREAT PLAN! Never believe anything again you read on the internet just believe the media and your doctor, just because you had a bad experience. That does not mean it does not work. You have to balance your calories. If you are over eating beyond your required caloric intake you're going to get fat PERIOD. If you add 300 calories of coconut oil to you diet you going to have to subtract those calories somewhere else. You can't just eat as much as you want of everything and then add 300 calories on top of that and expect to lose weight. Coconut oil does not make you fat but additional calories can.

Also you might have gotten and old or bad batch. The health benefits are worth the additional 300 calories you need to skip the oreo's and the other high caloric things you maybe eating. Basic nutritional common sense, that most people in this country don't have. Hence why we are the fattest country in the world.

Also separate your meals in to 5-6 small meals not 1-3 big ones. You will speed up you metabolism and lose weight doing that alone.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nikolina (Roy, Utah) on 01/29/2011

Medications alone can account for the fact that you are not losing weight. A lot of them can change your metabolism and make it difficult, or almost impossible, to lose any weight at all. The fact that you are experiencing more energy is a great cause to celebrate. I wish you well.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Maria (San Antonio, TX) on 07/14/2006

I love coconut oil. I dropped 5 pounds and am now at my ideal weight. I don't get hungry or get cravings because I get the right amount of good fat. Why do you say people with high blood pressure can't take it? Please take only non-hydrogenated virgin coconut oil. Take it mixed with food if it upsets your stomach

Coconut Oil
Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio, Usa) on 03/01/2010

Coconut oil is an antifungal, antibacterial, so what you experienced was more than likely die off symptoms from the oil killing the bad bacteria in your stomach. Next time start slowly maybe with just using it topically for a while.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gale (NY) on 01/02/2023

Diarrhea is a detox symptom. The body creates symptoms to remove excess toxicity.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Just Curious (Scranton, Pennsylvania) on 07/29/2013

Hey guys... I am curious about the mixed feedback surrounding Coconut oil. I'd like to try taking it for weight loss, but should I be cutting calories and fat to compensate for taking it? I already eat a mostly healthy, low-carb, low-calorie diet, and exercise 5-6 times a week, but I'd like to use it to cleanse my system and boost my metabloism... What is the recommended daily dosage, and should I work that in to my daily caloric needs, or add it on top? Thanks for the information!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ritu (Mumbai, India) on 11/28/2011

Hi I would like to know how to take coconut oil and when and how many times a day to promote weight loss? Also for general overall health how should it be taken? I'm from india and here we use coconut oil in our hair and body everyday.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mesem (Toulon, France) on 01/16/2011

It would be nice to have more conclusive info on how or if coconut oil does or does not affect the adrenals and thus metabolism. Or does it only just slide through blocking absorption of other fats on the way? I seem to have gastro today so after the ACV and charcoal am whiling away time on line!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nico (Las Vegas, USA) on 03/29/2009

You said: "I changed nothing else in my healthy diet" That's the problem, you changed nothing else so you ate the same calories and then added several hundred more a day from the coconut oil. You need to to reduce you other calories to factor the calories coming from the coconut oil.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rupa (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 11/03/2011

Hi Ashley, Please provide the procedure how to intake cocount oil. or mail me at krupa.inc(at)gmail.com

Thanks in Advance

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jay (Ventura, CA) on 12/14/2008

I tried the Coconut Oil to loose weight. I gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks. I work out regularly doing 4 days of carido and 3 days of weights. I changed nothing else in my healthy diet (no alcohol, no junkfood, low carbs) and I gained weight steadily over 3 weeks.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joyce (Chippewa Lake, Ohio) on 11/12/2008

I read about coconut oil on Earth Clinic, for weight loss, and started trying it 3 months ago. I only take 1TBS a day, but in the beginning was taking 2 and 3 TBS. I have lost 20 pounds, without any trouble. It seems to have also cut my appetite. Every one notices the drop in my weight, and I feel so much better, and have more energy. I keep the jar on top of my gas stove, and the pilot keeps it in liquid form. I can not get it down in it's thick form. I also put it in my smoothies. I put some on my face before make up, and my skin is nice and soft. Thank you so much to those who gave this suggestion.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tanya (Brisbane, Australia) on 10/19/2007

I have been taking virgin coconut oil now for about 4 months and I love it. I have trouble with candida and acne and both have been better since I started using it in cooking and fruit smoothies. I also add about a 1/4 of a cup VCO to a warm bath with about 1/2 a cup of micro-biotic sea salt and it is wonderful... Makes your skin feel great and smells really nice. I find when I use coconut oil in the mornings I eat less throughout the day because I don't get the bad sugar or carbohydrate cravings. I'm not trying to lose weight, just heal my acne and candida but I have dropped from about 57-58kilos to 54.5 in about 2 months without really changing anything else (although I do eat a relatively good diet already). I highly recommend it!!! Tan.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Angie (Damansara, Malaysia) on 04/14/2007

I am currently on vco for the past 3 weeks. It is in tablet form. 9 pills per day before meals. My main only purpose is to lose weights but so far I didn't see any results.

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