Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of DMSO: What You Need to Know

Where to Buy DMSO Locally
Posted by Betty A. (Manti, Utah) on 03/11/2015

I found my 99.9% pure DMSO in the animal treatment area of the local farm supply store. Ignore the part on the label that says that it is not for human consumption. That is to keep you-know-who happy. It is very reasonable in price there, also.

Bone Spur
Posted by Jorge (Redmond, Wa) on 02/01/2015


DO NOT DO WHAT NICK SUGGESTED. First of all, taking your blood pressure medication with DMSO will cause the amount consumed to rapidly filter into your bloodstream, which may cause a precipitous drop in your blood pressure. Second of all, blood pressure medications are designed to reach a certain concentration in your blood for a given amount of time; even though it will be more rapidly absorbed, the final concentration, if you use 1/10th of a pill, will be 1/10th of normal. This is a bad idea all around.

DMSO Combinations
Posted by Angelo (Boise, Id) on 02/01/2015

The warm feeling is actually a reaction with the water in your skin, not an increase in porosity. DMSO doesn't increase porosity or permeability; it simply dissolves a variety of compounds and is able to transport them quickly through your skin. It's nothing to worry about but it's the exact same thing you noticed when diluting it with water to a much lesser scale.

DMSO + Lugol's Iodine
Posted by B (Nevada, US) on 01/22/2015

You used a couple dropper fulls of 2%, that is a lot! Even after the chernoybl nuclear fallout in europe people close were told to take no more than 1-5 drops a day to protect their thyroids of lugols 2% by medical doctors.

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by Flavio (Florida, US) on 01/07/2015

Don't forget about Jim Humble's MMS Miracle Mineral Solution ( chlorine dioxide ) the best virus bacteria parasite killer known to man, when used with dmso is even better.

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Rita (Broomall, Pa) on 12/11/2014

Leaded crystal is very dangerous. If you put alcohol in it, lead will leach into the liquid. Therefore, I imagine the same would be true of DMSO. I put nothing in leaded crystal containers. It's not worth taking the chance of consuming lead.

Calcium Deposits
Posted by Stuart (Oklahoma) on 12/07/2014


Tested 1.0 ounce Papain dissolved into 4 ounce of DMSO gel (90%) applied topically over the spine.

Papain mix applies very sticky; must let it dry before you put on shirt, or it will glue together.

More over, the mix liquifies to a amber goo after two days. I will dispose the prepared mix, and just make 'just enough' mix for daily use. It smells bad when the mix ages.

I may recommend using a salt shaker and apply papain powder directly to DMSO applied to spinal axis.

Results after three days is still unknown. No issues, positive or negative; none is expected until about two weeks daily application.

Bone Spur
Posted by Nick (Muntinlupa, Philippines) on 11/24/2014

DMSO is known to potentate other substances, such as drugs. The Blood pressure drugs will be much more effective in getting into the cells, and work better. I read a person could use up to 10 times less medication and get the same results. Make sure you don't take the BP meds at the same time you apply the DMSO. Make sure they are separated by 4 or more hours.

Blood Pressure drugs and DMSO should never be mixed together or taken with each other. The pressure will fall too low.

If you are brave enough, you could take 1/10th BP drug and DMSO and monitor BP to see what the effects are. You might even be able to stop taking the BP drugs all together with time and experience. Just be careful.

Posted by Phillip (Uk) on 10/30/2014

When using dmso, which is better, gel or liquid for hsv2? Thanks

Internal Use
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 10/05/2014

Bill, Very good post about Vitamin C not being ascorbic acid. I take a Vitamin C with Rose Hips. I look at the rose hips as being the most important part. I have tended to take Vitamin C for granted without thinking about it. It is a reminder to be more discriminating when buying Vitamin C in supplement form. I know you get your nutrients from whole foods so less likely to be a problem. For people who buy supplement, this is important to know

"OK, natural vs. synthetic. Let's start with Vitamin C. Most sources equate vitamin C with ascorbic acid, as though they were the same thing. They're not. Ascorbic acid is an isolate, a fraction, a distillate of naturally occurring vitamin C. In addition to ascorbic acid, vitamin C must include rutin, bioflavonoids, Factor K, Factor J, Factor P, Tyrosinase, Ascorbinogen, and other components as shown in the figure below:

A s c o r b I c A c I d



Factor J
Factor K
Factor P

A s c o r b I c A c id


In addition, mineral co-factors must be available in proper amounts.

If any of these parts are missing, there is no vitamin C, no vitamin activity. When some of them are present, the body will draw on its own stores to make up the differences, so that the whole vitamin may be present. Only then will vitamin activity take place, provided that all other conditions and co-factors are present."

To drive home the point even further

"Ascorbic acid simply cannot confer vitamin activity, as taught by the discoverer of vitamin C himself, another Nobel Prize laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Georgi.

Szent-Georgi discovered vitamin C in 1937. In all his research however, Szent-Georgi found that he could never cure scurvy with the isolated ascorbic acid itself. Realizing that he could always cure scurvy with the "impure" vitamin C found in simple foods"

So one should focus on Vitamin C COMPLEX as opposed to Vitamin C

I found a sustained release brand which contains

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 1000 mg 1,667%

Bioflavonoids (from Citrus limon exocarp) (supplying active flavonones, 24% [120 mg] and active flavonols and flavones, 20% [100 mg]) 500 mg

Rutin (from Sophora japonica leaf) 100 mg

Hesperidin (from Citrus limon exocarp) 100 mg

Rose Hips (Rosa canina fruit) 100 mg

Acerola (Malpighia glabra fruit) 50 mg

Internal Use
Posted by Bill Leach (Idaho, Usa) on 10/04/2014

D (Hawaii) [or really anyone else];

In spite of what the FDA says, ascorbic Acid is NOT vitamin C, it is merely a component of vitamin C.

General Feedback
Posted by Bill Leach (Idaho, Usa) on 10/04/2014


Veterinary DMSO is pharmaceutical grade. What you MUST avoid is industrial grade primarily because of the trace solvents present.

General Feedback
Posted by Ray (Vendome, France) on 10/02/2014

I'm always surprised about people who overdo or overdose or overtake things, substances be it good or bad! Do you really have to take so many things. All natural doesn't mean all good or safe. DMSO can be dangerous if you don't study about it. It brings everything that touches into your blood stream. Many years ago an Irish woman who used DMSO died but also she was under other medication, because of this DMSO got a bad name in US. It's written cause unknown. I guess she was taking other medications and may be DMSO triggered and brought into her system more than she was supposed to. Please read carefully what you must be careful when you use DMSO. NOT only DMSO though, better not to take too many kinds of things other than health food and drinks. More doesn't mean better often less is better heal slowly. Your filtering system can only take that much to detox and throw out of your body, if you do too much in a short period of time, your liver, kidneys, colon and bladder can't throw out toxins as fast as you detox your system. You MUST give your filtering system time to work accordingly. You are abusing your organs by taking too many things which you believe that they are good for health. Being Extreme is a DANGEROUS ATTITUDE. Balance your mind first then think of physical health.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Jeanie (Ca) on 09/25/2014

I'm sorry it sounded confusing. I use a cotton ball to apply the DMSO to my skin. Now I just add a drop or two of peppermint essential oil to the wet cotton ball. I have never used DMSO internally so I do not know how that would work.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Vivian (Mexico City) on 09/23/2014

I don't get how do you use the cotton ball to avoid the smell, in fact I am still researching and haven't used DMSO yet (nor have I found it in Mexico City), but it sounds great for several ailments in my family, so I'm interested in this tip to avoid the smell. Thanks

DMSO + Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Cl503 (Oregon, United States) on 09/23/2014

DMSO and Lugol's Iodine: yea- I think.

After a detoxing bath filled with epsom salts and borax, I mixed some DSMO cream I had with iodine and applied it to my lower back, and then kind of smeared more iodine on my chest. It couldn't had been more than 3 droppers full of 2% lugols and within about 5 minutes I became aware of a slight pain which I realized was my thyroid. It kind of scared me, it didnt really hurt, it was just that I was very aware of it, and had never felt it before. Anyone else experience something like this? I know DSMO acts as a carrier and allows things to be absorbed, the whole blood brain barrier thing..?

Bone Spur
Posted by Alicia (Abq., NM) on 09/22/2014

I've been suffering with a very large bone spur under my Achilles tendon on my heel. Every step feels like a knife stabbing me. I read about DMSO and bones spurs and decided to buy some. I got the gel 70% mixed with aloe vera. I've been putting it on for 2 days and I cannot believe the difference! I am thrilled! The only thing that bothers me is that when I put it on my heel, I have a tightness in my chest that I don't normally have. I take thyroid meds and am wondering if it is increasing the absorption. I also take several BP meds and I don't think it's bothered those. Has anyone else felt it has affected them in this way? And, should I dilute it with distilled water or what. I think this is really really effective and would like to continue using it but don't want to mess myself up.

DMSO Application Tips
Posted by Jeanie (Ca, USA) on 09/20/2014

Quite by accident I discovered that by adding a drop of peppermint essential oil to a cotton ball with DMSO on it I did not smell of rotten garlic! My husband with the super nose who could always tell when I was using DMSO never smelled it. I used it 3 times a day for a week and a half before telling him. It's amazing. No bad breath, no stinky skin. I wasn't using an expensive brand either. DMSO is too good to make us social outcasts while using it.

Pain Relief
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 08/25/2014

Hi Susan --- right on. Years ago when I read her books, I gave up when she demanded that people get rid of their pets.

T'is a pity but so much for that. He, people are not parasite givers? Etc.?

Namaste, Om

Pain Relief
Posted by Susan (Mississippi, US) on 08/25/2014

My warning is not about DMSO, which I use and recommend. My warning is about listening to Clark about leaving cats outside. Stop the witch hunt on cats and stay on subject. DMSO. Cats have nothing to do with DMSO. Totally not related. Cats are not parasite givers. USE DMSO, ignore Clark's advise about indoor cats... not related at all.

General Feedback
Posted by Roberta (Georgia, US) on 07/13/2014

I learned about DMSO from watching Tony Pantalleresco's YouTubes, one of which is about using DMSO and turpentine and salts in a bath. I had first used DMSO that I bought at the health food store 99.9% pure for $13 for 4 oz. The one at the feed store was 99.9% pure and $9 for 16 oz. So I bought that and have seen no ill effects. What is medicinal grade DMSO? How can it be more pure than 99.9%? So I guess the horse DMSO is medicinal grade. Does anyone know what is what with this issue? Am I missing something?

Also, I have not dared to take this internally but I guess a lot of you do. I will have to read more about it.

I have enjoyed reading so many of your posts. I also read that DMSO should not be used daily but some of you have used it daily, and internally, for decades. And there you are: alive!

Pain Relief
Posted by Timh (KY) on 07/13/2014 2048 posts

RH: For over 20 yrs I hadn't a pet due to being un-established and living from pillar-to-post. Factor in also the tragic single or bachelor status, and in 2004 where I moved to a country setting (now become completely developed) it was so wonderful to have a pet kitty, then a mommy kitty and a batch of kittens. I have one of that litter still abiding here and doing well. I kept them wormed regular w/ Piperazine for adult Ascaris but looking back in hindsight, would have also needed the Ivermectin.

Anyway, about the LET. Are you feeling improved from the LET Vit-C?? I have been thinking how much assured you should feel as to that recent cancer deal (if I am not mistaken it was yourself).

As for the Glutathione, many people use a more cost effective method of supplementing NAC, Selenium, and Melatonin orally, although Liposomal GTH is the best it terms of effectiveness. IMHO Reduced Glutathione for liposomal encapsulation is used best as a cofactor for either of the two coenzymes CoQ10 and ALA (which are both poorly absorbed orally). One part GTH to 1/2 part CoQ10 or ALA. The Lipo C would be good maybe 2x weekly while you could take the CoQ10 or ALA daily. You could rotate the CoQ10 and ALA on a daily or weekly basis.

Given these recommendations, it could only be surmised that your energy levels will greatly increase, as well as generally improving the overall health of both body & mind (especially in the aging or declining process).

Pain Relief
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 07/13/2014

HI U TIMH, , , , , , , , , MSM is made from DMSO and H202.

I am surprised that you have a pet. Hulda Clark said that if you have a house pet then you will have the same parasites. I believed her and after 46 years my wife no longer has a house cat. For the last 8 years she has had two outside cats and they love far more that the others. They are fed a specific amount at a specific time. Neither wears a watch, but they know exactly when feeding time is.

As you know Hulda Clark contended that parasites were the cause of all diseases.

I have ordered the reduced Glutathione to make a batch of lyposol. I can find no recipe so I will just use one tbsp per batch. How does that sound to you?


Pain Relief
Posted by Timh (KY) on 07/13/2014 2048 posts

I am no expert on this but I think that combining the two in proper ratio insures top levels in the body. DMSO has many benefits as does MSM, but the DMSO can cause odor problems at therapeutic doses, where this does not occur with MSM. Evidently DMSO is limited in it's conversion to MSM.

Pain Relief
Posted by Rodney (Virginia, US) on 07/12/2014

Msm is a by- product of DMSO. No need to combine.

General Feedback
Posted by D (Hawaii) on 07/08/2014

First time trying DMSO. Just received my order (via Amazon), distributed by a construction/materials company. Claimed to be pharmaceutical grade (at least 99.9% pure, and undiluted), with a glass roll-on bottle and a 16oz refill bottle which is #2 HDPE plastic, the recommended material.

I heard that it doesn't have a scent, or very little. But this stuff has a chemically smell (not sulfur or garlic or other things described as normal). How would I know if it's actually what it claims to be?

I have been using it for a few days, straight on the skin, sometimes with coconut oil after application. There's only a fleeting and mild heating-up sensation. Haven't experienced any garlicky taste. Some itching later, but not more than I get from using transdermal magnesium chloride, which is really itchy to me. Except that with the DMSO I sometimes get itching in places where I had not even applied it to (like the back of my neck, which broke out in itchy bumps like mosquito bites after sweating).

Another question: I had also dropped some in my mouth with iodine, as Walter Last suggested on is website for possible deep tooth problems (may have a problem with a root canal from over a year ago, which never fully stopped hurting). But then I thought about the 3 fillings I have left, made up of the old style mercury amalgam. Not to mention whatever material it is that filled the root canal.What's the probability that the DMSO would leech the mercury and other materials quickly and directly into my blood (even across the blood-brain barrier)? And more so than would happen anyways without it?

I have been drinking a bit of DMSO too, in mint tea (with a shot of Borax dissolved in purified water, and sometimes a few drops of Lugol's, and ACV which had eggshells steeped in it for calcium). Probably not more than a quarter to a half teaspoon of DMSO yet. I'm undecided as to whether I should be doing this or not, but seemed to be worth a try.

I will be getting magnesium chloride, and a bottle of colloidal mineral liquid, ascorbic acid powder, and MSM powder. Maybe to make a mixed solution with, to add some DMSO to and drink.

Any suggestions or potential reasons this may not be a good idea?


DMSO and Aloe Vera
Posted by Riversidian (R.I., US) on 06/25/2014

aloe is dead in any form but from a live leaf

DMSO Side Effects

Where to Buy: Philippines
Posted by Bill (San Fenando, Philippines) on 06/20/2014

Hi Joy...I have never been able to find or buy DMSO in the Philippines. So I generally order my DMSO from UK. See this link.

However, I have also recently found a website where the price of DMSO is much cheaper:

DMSO Combinations
Posted by Mrs. Hill (Arkansas, US) on 06/20/2014

Bill, Thank you for your time and response. I will try the silver and dmso together.

Where to Buy: Philippines
Posted by Joy (Philippines) on 06/20/2014

Sir Bill of San Fernando, I really would want to know where I can get hold of DMSO here in the philippines.

Thank you..

DMSO Combinations
Posted by Bill (San Fenando, Philippines) on 06/18/2014

Hello Mrs Hill from Arkansas...When you paint DMSO + aloe vera onto your skin it is a unique characteristic of DMSO that it will transport the aloe vera through the skin transdermally and into the blood. DMSO is able to do this by increasing the porosity or permeability of the individual skin cells which are then able to allow passage of the aloe vera through the skin cells as well. It is this sudden increase in skin porosity or permeability that causes the warm feeling on your skin which is nothing to worry about and is entirely normal when using DMSO topically.

When you paint the DMSO and aloe vera onto your skin, make sure that this area is not sopping wet with DMSO +aloe vera. All you need is a thin damp layer painted onto the skin for best effect.

There is also no reason why you shouldn't use the DMSO in a sprayer. But please be aware that DMSO can dissolve some plastics. So if you're not sure then perhaps best to use a glass sprayer. So using colloidal silver and DMSO in a glass sprayer should be fine.

DMSO Combinations
Posted by Mrs. Hill (Arkansas, US) on 06/18/2014

I have seen many posts here about DMSO. I found some that is 90% DMSO gel. When I mix it with aloe juice to get it to less than 70% solution to apply topically, it gets quite hot for several seconds. This happens less if I mix it with castor oil. I don't understand what is happening chemically.

It seems as if I have seen it said that you can't mix DMSO with other things ahead of time and must mix right before using. Is that correct? I was wanting to try DMSO and Colloidal Silver in a spray bottle for bug bites.

I appreciate your opinions. Thank you.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Man (Sojouring, America) on 04/02/2014

I have been looking for that one death that has been harped upon concerning DMSO and I think I have found it. Doctors kill in the neighbourhood of one hundred thousand people a year in the hospitals and with pharmaceuticals and man made toxins they call medicines and one (1) woman dies with DMSO in her blood and the DMSO is maligned? What a crock of baloney.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Carolyn (Carrollton, Tx) on 03/28/2014

Justin, pleaser update on how you are doing.

As I was reading, was thinking parasites. Probiotics to reestablish beneficial bacteria in gut.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/17/2014

I don't notice the smell of DMSO for the most part. Apparently some people do. I had a clerk in a cheap store tell me today that she wanted me to do something about my odour because she said that somebody complained about the smell when I was in the store. I asked her how she knew that it was me? Then I asked the other obvious question: Are you going to shop for me? Where am I going to shop? Then I told her, "I have to take the medication that I have to take".

I didn't hear another word out of her. But she did not bother to even bag up my stuff that I bought.

I know there are many people taking DMSO and I have never heard of anyone complaining to anyone else.

I am thinking that people who smoke cigarettes may be more sensitive to the smell of DMSO. Can anyone echo that?

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/11/2014


It does not make sense to me that the DMSO would draw into the bloodstream a large thing like a bacteria. It is too big. I would not think it could make it through the blood barrier. From what I understand is that DMSO transports light, small molecules.


My issue with "Oil-Pulling" with DMSO is the tooth throbbing I get in one of my mid teeth. I do like the sensation of the warming that I get though. Like a gentle heat pad for the mouth. I don't "Oil-Pull" with DMSO every day.

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 03/02/2014

Put some hydrogen peroxide with the dmso. That should help kill any infecting microbes.

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by Frank (Rochester, Ny) on 03/02/2014

I would be careful using DMSO as an oil pulling "oil". The bacteria from any dental plague in your mouth will get absorbed into your bloodstream and might cause heart problems like Infectious Endocarditis. If I were you, I would only use the traditional oils that have been used for centuries in this particular technique.

Oil Pulling With DMSO
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 02/28/2014

I am looking into this idea of "Oil Pulling". And if it does work, why would DMSO not be a good idea? DMSO has some of the characteristics of an oil. I started last night with DMSO and I did it this morning too. I used pure 99.9 percent pure DMSO. It has a warming effect. I did not find it objectionable at all. (If I kick the bucket, please ignore anything I have ever said because I never met Jack, and not know Jack).

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/27/2014

Man from Sojouring America: Hi, would you mind sharing the results of all of your DMSO experiments?

I would love to hear and compare. For example, one night I took a table spoon mixed in some water and made me have such a relaxed sleep!!!!

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 02/27/2014

Directed to Justin from Mexico.

I don't think there is a connection between the DMSO and Lemon juice and what you have experienced and described here. I have done some pretty crazy stuff with DMSO and I have not experienced anything like what you have described as a result. From my experience DMSO does nothing but good and positive things for the body of the man. It is a non synthetic product, I.e. not made by man. I've taken DMSO with water and vitamins, and Omega 3 fats and magnesium and cayenne extract and glycerine and I've had it before and after drinking apple cider vinegar (Malic acid). And I am not done experimenting. I have tried one (1) ounce of 99.99 pure DMSO in 20 ounces of distilled water twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the after noon. I have consumed about 2 quarts of pure DMSO since I began posting here and I haven't been posting here for that long.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Justin (Chiapas, Mexico) on 02/19/2014

Hello Nanowriter from Hotspot Texas,

Thanks for your reply concerning whether or not I funked my stomach up with the lemon juice/ DMSO combination. And sorry aboat not responding sooner.

Yes you maybe right aboat the dose of transdermal magnesium. I have not been using it for very long. Several times I have given my body a very lite all over with it mixed with DMSO and had no adverse reactions. But yes it could very well be as you've said.

I recently just did a three day dry fast. No food no water. I feel like my entire being just went through the fire so to speak. So I will see, now that I am drinking water and juice for the next few days how my guts respond.

Yes as you said it isn't anything to serious. All is good.

Alright then, I wish you a wonderful day and many days to come....justin

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Justin (Chiapas, Mexico) on 02/19/2014

Hello to Dave at Fountain Inn.

Thanks so much for yor response. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I just broke my first fast- a 72 hour dry fast. Wow. That was by far one of the most intense experiences that I have ever willingly put myself through. Especially because for the last two weeks my bowels were totally out of wack and having so much diarea. I think I went into the fast very much dehydrated. Then on top of that I am and always have been very thin with probably -50 % body fat. So I immediately turned into a living skeleton. That is why I didn't continue. I was in fact feeling really good. No healing reactions to speak of. actually I had a surprising amount of mental and physical energy. at times I felt like I was flying. And my bowels feel much better, having given them a vacation. But in the end I just let myself be consumed by fantasies of water, flowing rivers and pools of sweet colorful juice. I was living always just out of reach of the most mouth life saving mirage. And finally on the third night when I first looked at myself in the mirror I was shocked to see the grissle I had reduced myself too. I was thinking to continue fasting but I was concerned that if I passed through another night I just may disappear all together.

Now I am two days into breaking the fast. Slowly slowly. chewing my water and fresh coconut water. Yesterday I drank a the juice of the most heavenly watermelon. Today more water, coconut water and maybe some mango juice. mmmm I can't wait.

you may be right Dave aboat the Montezuma's Revenge. I have never had it before so it very well could be that. last month I inquired at a few "naturista" - health food/ supplement stores for ACV. I thought maybe I could get the good organic stuff, but they didn't have it. I was told that I could find it in the supermarket. Would definitely prefer the organic. Man that stuff is delicious. Now after spending more time on this Earth Clinic web site, I have read aboat how many people are using ACV for everything under the sun. So I will definitely try to get my hands on some.

That's cool that your were in Romania and Albania. Man I have wanted to check out Romania and that part of the world for quite some time. I hope to get over to Europe this summer to walk El Camino de Santiago. Then after was thinking that I could slowly make my way over to Macedonia and then maybe Bulgaria and then possibly winter over in Romania....hahaha, wouldn't that be nice and bone chilling. then pass the spring somewhere in Albania. Yes it is a very nice "what if" journey. I know one could spend a life time exploring each one of those countries, so maybe I'll make it to Macedonia and never leave.

Cool man. hey thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it. And like I said I am a big fan of DMSO. I am very curious to personally witness her healing powers in the future. If I may ask, why have you been using DMSO?

Yes this is a wonderful site. It feels like a community with concerned people trying to help each other out....such a beautiful thing. I spent a considerable amount of time reading aboat peoples personal testimonials using all kinds of treatments. most recently I have been reading all that I can on the uses of Turpentine for healing. I always thought it was poison but I see know that I was wrong. So I would love to get my hands on the purest Turpentine. As well as Fulvic acid/ Shilagit.....Nascent Iodine, Ormus. The list goes on.

Ok Dave, all the very best to you.....Justin

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 02/13/2014

Justin, I think you delivered a huge shot of magnesium to your body. DMSO plus magnesium plus large amount of body coverage. It's possible the magnesium is causing the gas and diarrhea. For two weeks--seems like a long time--but it was probably a lot of magnesium! Nothing to worry about--it is pretty benign.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/13/2014

Hello Justin,

I, too, am a DMSO advocate and use it regularly as you use it topically and internally and have done so "off and on" as you said.

While it's natural to think of "association" as "causation" .... my first take on your reaction is that the cause is not...NOT.... the DMSO combo. It just so happened that a case of Montezuma's revenge hit you at about the same time that you took the DMSO combo.

As evidence, if the DMSO were the cause, you would have been over it in a day or two. But the fact that you continue to suffer tells me you have a very bad case of bacterially induced gastro infection.

And you're living in Mexico. I visited Albania/Romania a year ago and had read in the autobiography "MD" which is the life of a parasitalogist that Montezuma's is actually world wide and can be caused by bacteria and virus. There is a lot around the Mediterranean as well as Latin America. Well, it hit me in a big way, but I was expecting it....never felt anything like it before; like a fist in my stomach and I went straight to my Apple Cider Vinegar ..... and bought more a few days later. Avoided the huge consequences, but barely.

Maybe I'm wrong...and I look forward to see what others say. But a die off? I don't think so.

Get on ACV asap... two tablespoons in glass of water...drink over an hour...repeat two hours later. See if that improves and if so, you will know the cause was pathogens and not DMSO.

PS....I have NEVER had any adverse reaction with DMSO...and taken it for decades.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Justin (Chiapas, Mexico) on 02/13/2014


Hello everyone, my name is Justin. I just joined this forum today and I am very happy to be here. I am a 46 year old male.

I have some questions concerns aboat DMSO mixed with lemon juice. ever since first reading the book DMSO Natures Healer, and reading hundreds of personal testimonials I started to take 99.99% DMSO on and off over the years. I take it both topically and internally, making sure to dilute it down to 70% or less. I take it to try and relieve the aches and pains of life...surfing and rock climbing. As prevention to the calcification that comes with aging. I take it because I completely trust and believe in it's curative powers and health benefits.

Aboat two weeks ago I topically applied a mixture of DMSO 70% with fresh squeezed lemon juice, fresh aloe Vera pulp, and magnesium chloride oil to my head, face, neck back, chest and stomach. Then the next day, I had severe shooting pains in my stomach in the large colon area. Excuse me for being so graphic...lots of diarrhea, gas and the need to go to defecate many times a day. But I have no acid reflux. And otherwise my body feels great. This has been going on now for the last two weeks. I am concerned because I have never had any stomach problems in the past. I have been a vegetarian for the last 25 years, feeling strong and healthy with lots of energy. my digestion has always been good and regular. I eat very well, try and keep well hydrated and most importantly try to feed my mind positivity, love and kindness.

My question is ...what is going on down inside of my guts? I spent the last year in south east Asia, and six months in India. But I had no health issues. I didn't get sick. I am thinking that it may be the result of adding the lemon juice. I say that only because I have never added lemon juice to the equation topically. I have in the past ingested DMSO with MMS and lemon juice and or citric acid but I have never applied it topically. And also I have in the past practically bathed my whole body in DMSO from head to foot, with no negative side effects. So I am thinking that maybe the combination is awaking and or battling parasites or worms that I wasn't even aware of having. maybe all this funkiness is my colon cleaning itself out. But I have done several colon cleanses over the years and experimented with all kinds of natural medicines and cures. I don't know. I can't help but be concerned that maybe it was not a good idea to put this combination directly over my belly. I am concerned that maybe the pure undigested lemon juice, is burning my colon.

I will be doing a "complete dry fast" no water, no food over the coming weekend. I am curious to see if it will help to resolve or at least alleviate my upset belly.

If anyone has any thoughts aboat this. Questions and or comments, I would really appreciate it.

I am a big advocate of DMSO and MMS well as fresh squeezed lemon juice ....yummm. I drink it every day.

Again thanks to everyone. Thank you Ted. Thank you Earth Clinic

all my best to everyone......Justin

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 01/23/2014

This is a follow up on side affects of DMSO. From my experimentation on myself I have discovered that there seems to be a limit on how much DMSO a body can process in a given period of time. And don't take too close to bed time. My journal is available on the web.

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Sojournor (America) on 01/22/2014

Thank you, Mama to Many, for your response. I think that is good advice. There may have been residue of some thing inside the vessel itself. I was pretty certain that lead crystal did not leach lead into the liquid, but I don't know for certain.

DMSO and Sterilization
Posted by A Sojournor (Land) on 01/22/2014

The problem with one misstatement of fact is that it travels around the world in a split second. I recommend reading DMSO the persecuted drug, before making statements like DMSO causes sterility in humans. Either you have not done any research or somebody told you something and instead of checking it out and confirming or disproving, you just posted it. In law a perjured person is a person who has spoken a lie, whether or not intentional does not matter. Now, are you speaking that you personally have been sterilized and the blood tests have come back that DMSO did that to you? Well, please grace us with the report because if that is true then we must be careful to avoid this deadly substance. What ever your issue is, please research before spewing it. Thank you.

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 01/18/2014

Dear Sojourner,

I think I would err on the side of caution and throw it out.

~Mama to Many~

How to Store DMSO
Posted by Sojournor (America) on 01/17/2014

I just found what appears to be a leaded glass fancy type oil/vinegar bottle with a glass stopper and I poured my DMSO blend into it: The blend was 3 ounces of DMSO and 3 ounces of straight Glycerine and 1/2 ounce of cinamon/cayenne tincture and the later the same day I noticed a little white reside on the bottle. I was wondering if crystal might leak lead or some other chemical. If there is a doubt I will toss the blend I made and use something else to store my blend in. Any thoughts or knowledge about this? Thank you for your responses..

Medical Grade vs Industrial DMSO
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 01/11/2014

HI U KAREN, , , , , , , , , , Seems to me that you might be getting caught up in stuff that is much to do about nothing. I buy my DMSO from Dr Jacobs and he is Mr. DMSO and states that DMSO in a poly bottle is good, but if you got a hang up, then he will ship it in a glass container for $ 5 more. He did all the original research on DMSO for Crown Zellerbach back in the 60's . What are your credentials?

What you have to watch is that most compounds distill off at a certain purity and if you want it higher then it is done by it is done by removing the water by decanting with a solvent. When I was a poor whipper snapper at Ga Tech and in Organic Chemistry, instead of stealing ethanol at 95% , I stole the the Absolute ethanol at 100%, because that had to be better. The more I stole for our Frat parties, the worse I felt.

The next summer I had a grad student teaching the class. He covered Absolute 100% ethanol, which was made by decanting the water from the 95% by using benzene and this left traces of benzene in the Absolute. Benzene is accumulative in your body and when you reach 10 grams , then you die. After that lecture , I went to him after class and explained what a friend of mine had done by stealing from the Organic Lab.

He had been down a few dusty road and told me very emphatically not to ever do that again. Since I's SJS , I never did, but I have always wondered how many grams of benzene I do have.

The lady who buys her 99% DMSO from the Farm Co-op will get no flack from me and I question your problem with it.

=========OLE ROBERT HENRY=============

Medical Grade vs Industrial DMSO
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 01/11/2014


You can get the pure DMSO on line from "Dr Jacobs DMSO" and can see a great 3 part video on DMSO by googling "dr Jacobs DMSO 60 minutes youtube"...

Medical Grade vs Industrial DMSO
Posted by Painbomb (Olathe, Co) on 01/10/2014

In response to Anne's post, the grade is not in reference to the amount of water in DMSO, it's in reference to purity, meaning that DMSO that is of pharmaceutical grade is 99.99% pure - the chances of it containing any solvents or other additives is minute.

This is the grade used in cryogenic preservation (shipment of organs for transplant), and in transdermal patches. The risk of any other grade is unknown unless you have access to a testing facility that can tell you what the other percentage is, i.e., the 1% or more which is not DMSO. That 1% can make all the difference when it comes to treating the human body, so misinformation can be damaging.

I use only 99.99% pure DMSO in my topical pain formula, just as I use only the highest grade essential oils and extracts, organic, extra-virgin coconut & olive oils, and organic grapeseed and hemp oils.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Man (Sojourning In America) on 01/08/2014

This week I did something different.

For two days, I drank two tablespoons of 99.99 DMSO once in the morning and once in the evening and each time it was in 20 ounces of pure water and drank over a period of time.

I am here to report what happened. I felt good. I went outside in sub-zero temperatures and shoveled snow for short periods of time.I was painless for 2 days. I felt like a younger man as far as my energy level goes. It messed with my appetite because I did not feel like eating at regular intervals which helps me control my blood sugar stability. So that has to be watched more carefully next time. Symptoms of blood sugar roller coaster were apparent by the end of the second day. It is reactive hypoglycemia (see Blaylock on the internet video section).

Before I went outside I rolled cayenne extracted in alcohol onto my back with some DMSO too. That helped me feel really warm in all the winter clothing. I also took 250 mg of Niacin before going outside too and it was perfect because the flushing and heat generated in the skin kept me feeling perfectly comfortable.

I had to come in for my ears sake and eyes sake. I used common sense but it seemed to help me accomplish what needed to be done on those two extremely cold days.

That is my report on the DMSO.

Recommended DMSO Books
Posted by Man (America) on 01/01/2014

To Mystic Sage, you had asked a question about your DMSO gel that was 99.9 percent pure. The gel formulation of DMSO contains an agent in it called carpobol and I quote and just substitute the DMSO for the first word. [0162] (Ophthalmic) [editor note here: DMSO] gels suitable for treatment of the eye include a compound or compounds of the invention suspended in a hydrophilic base, such as Carpobol-940 or a combination of ethanol, water and propylene glycol (e.g., in a ratio of 40:40:20). A gelling agent, such as hydroxylethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose or ammoniated glycyrrhizinate, is used. A preservative and/or a tonicity agent may optionally be included. --[Source:] And this site of the company that makes it and appears owns it: What about just plain DMSO, Capeech? .

Broad Benefits
Posted by Alert (Land-law) on 01/01/2014

This to a poster who wrote: "Here again I am not that concerned with the small amount of impurities in our drinking water and I just use tap water." ...

I think that statement shows a misunderstanding of what it is in tap water. In most cities they put Fluoride into the water; there are multiple carcinogens not the least of which is the by product of chlorination/ disinfection: Trihalomethanes (sic). There are studies that have found low dose levels of pharmaceuticals such as birth control substances, heart medications, Viagra, and the list goes on and on and on. Let me be clear here, if you drink a glass of tap water it is not going to kill you today, but over the course of years the toxic accumulation will eventually begin to have its affect. Dr. Russell Blaylock has written extensively in his news letter on the toxicity of Fluoride, Dr. Mercola, on the Internet has much to say on the dangers of the water from the tap. I do not drink tap water unless it has been processed very carefully to remove as much of the Organic vapors and heavy metals etc as it is possible to do. From my own personal research and experimentation with virtually no equipment and just my reason, logic and common sense that I discovered so much Fluoride in a particular water supply in a predominately black/ Haitian neighborhood that I took the sample I had extracted( by a process of evaporation for several gallons of tap water to about a few ounces) to a water processing expert from the Pershing Yacht Company by the name of ******* that I met by chance one day and I handed him the sample of water and before he even had the jar in his hand he said, "That's fluoride". I said to him, "Are you telling me that you are certain that that is fluoride by just looking at it?" And he said "Yes", And he opened the jar and took a whiff of it and then reaffirmed "That's Fluoride". The addition of poison to water is a criminal activity and just about every town I have lived in adds this poison to the water and so people that are drinking tap water have put their lives into the hands of the people running the sewer system where the water is attenuated ( modified with the fluoride). This is like forced medication of a population. Tap water is a medication if it has been modified with Fluoride Cursed be he that trusts in man, says the Bible. Please be aware Fluoride is classified as a toxin. So if a man is going to recommend that "He's not too worried about the tap water" and he is talking about DMSO ( which is a transport chemical) perhaps it would be beneficial to take heed. I have gathered a few links together and some information for a quick primer for people that are interested in learning and understanding.? I hope this helps you, Dear Reader.

DMSO and Aloe Vera
Posted by Man (America) on 12/31/2013

Thanks Mike, I don't know if there is a better "heat pad" than cayenne extract. I love the stuff.

DMSO Side Effects
Posted by Man (America) on 12/30/2013

The side effects I have experienced with DMSO are mostly non existent. Slight side affect is odor. Some people think the odor is sulfur and some call it onions or garlic. The value of the relief of DMSO is so great that the tiny little problem of the odor is so insignificant and superficial that it ought to be ignored. If odor truly a problem for the significant people like your husband or your wife then plan your DMSO therapy together like husband and wife. (The two are one flesh according to Scripture). Slight irritation at site of application that goes away after a little time is one other small side affect. It might help to look at the side effects of some of the Poisons err, Drugs that those doctors try to shove down your throat. Now those are "side effects" that I can't live with. But a little odor, a little irritation on the skin, I Can handle that.

Where to Buy: USA
Posted by Man (America) on 12/30/2013

I have been very satisfied with the DMSO I bought from Robert L. Brock at his DMSO is 99.996 % pure. That is good enough for me. All I could find local is 99 % and that leaves 1% of unknown. That might be fine for a silver coin but not for DMSO. I know this stuff is pure because it freezed right at the tempurature of the chemical. It was 65 degrees and it was frozen solid. The freezing point is 65.4 degrees of pure DMSO.

DMSO and Aloe Vera
Posted by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 12/30/2013

Right on Man from America: The joint formula I use says right on the tube that the aloe vera base carries the herbal extracts into the joint. Like you, I add cayenne for heat. Works great all the time.

Recommended DMSO Books
Posted by Man (America) on 12/30/2013

I put a complete copy of the book DMSO: The Persecuted Drug by Pat McGrady as a mirror of the other copy so that there is a second copy on the web. Having several backups of information like this is helpful. What I see is that the Medical Industrial Complex has control issues and they don't like people learning too much and they use the police power of the state to enforce their arbitrary codes/laws. There is no money to be made in fees on DMSO. It is not patentable because it is a natural substance. This is a miracle substance and it is cheap and it does major good. Nobody is interested in cheap because there is no profit to be made. There is no money telling people to use a product they can go to the store and buy themselves.

Scroll down the page to see the article.


DMSO and Aloe Vera
Posted by Man (America) on 12/30/2013

I have recently bought Aloe Vera juice and put it with DMSO.

I really haven't noticed that it helps do much of anything but it hasn't hurt anything either. Even if it is just an inert substance, it still can play a role in my tinctures.

Aloe vera juice is a way to cut the DMSO to a lesser strength and for all I know, it may help something. So I am using Aloe Vera Juice in my blends now for topical application.

It may help soothe the skin but I don't see that it stops the irritation when used with DMSO cut with it.

My experiments with DMSO and Aloe Vera juice have been Straight DMSO with 30% Aloe; 40% and 50 % blends and I don't find any reduction in irritation.

When I add this to the Cayenne extract and make a blend of that. I find no irritation at all but I get the side effect of warmth where the blend is applied and it feels quite good. So a bottle filled with 50% Cayenne extract and 25 % DMSO and 25% Aloe Vera juice and a tiny spot of glycerin has a really good effect, mild.

I heated it up today by applying straight cayenne extract on top of the blend and it draws moisture and really heats up nicely on the skin. In summary, I can't tell what Aloe Vera does but I like what I read about it and it is a God-made plant it is a leaf. The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations from Revelation chapter twenty two.

Posted by Man (America) on 12/30/2013


I made a bottle of cayenne extract with coconut oil and a spot of kosher glycerin and I put it on the shelf. I picked it up yesterday off the shelf and have not yet used it. It is too late to try it today because I have already applied a blend I made yesterday and I don't want to confuse the experiment. I like yesterday's blend which is DMSO, glycerine, Aloe Vera juice and homemade cayenne extract in alcohol. So far I am liking the blend. It is mild, yet still generates a heat pad affect. I may try this type of blend with Extract of Bhut Jolokia extract. It will be very hot I am certain but for a bad flare up it would probably be perfect for the relief. Thank you, and I am going back to work.

Posted by Man (America) on 12/29/2013

I have been making cayenne extracts to roll on areas of pain. Especially for knee or back pain issues. This cayenne extract ( in alcohol 100 proof) has been really amazing in pain relief topical application. Just today I took some DMSO and Aloe Vera juice and a spot of Kosher Glycerin and filled the rest of the ounce with cayenne extract in alcohol. I made this blend this morning and have just applied it and the heating sensation is perfect. I have been experimenting with DMSO and Aloe Vera juice too by adding 30%, or 40% or 50% of Aloe Vera Juice with coresponding amounts of pure DMSO. They all cause me to itch so far. I want to try some honey in this DMSO to see if I can make a home made blend that does not itch. Well, Until later.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Man (America) on 12/29/2013

Mike 62 Thank you for your feedback on this. I will look into this thing you have said. I have never heard of such a thing but am willing to look into it. I believe that much of what is passed off as knowledge in the "medical Industrial complex" aka Doctors is more for their benefit than mine. A follow up on symptoms: For about a week I kept very close tabs on what I ate and when I ate and how I felt as far as energy and then I kept tabs on how I slept between urinations. The recent experience I have had with this issue I have kept notes to prevent the experience again and here are some of my findings from my own experience: From the 12/9/2013 to 12/22/2013 I kept notes of every thing I ate and drank and each time. My symptoms disappeared when I ate properly. When I ate only foods low on the glycemic scale and really rationed the molasses and sweets. I also added 2 TBS of Apple cider vinegar in water before each meal. Here is what worked: Not every thing I ate is listed. (But one thing that I noticed negative affects almost every time: alcohol had a negative affect on my energy level, a few hours later when it would hit me). Chia seed in water: One scoop in (16) sixteen ounces of distilled water-- I sipped once in the morning during this period of time. I had a glass of DMSO flavored water also to sip on which was 1 cap full in sixteen ounces of water And I also made a crock pot full of water and green tea bag with rosemary leaves and some fennel seeds to soak and I would dip out of that and drink that tea blend. ( It served as a humidifier also durning this very dry winter). I would add water to it as necessary. Trail mix with extra cocktail peanuts to reduce the amount of sweets percentage. Raw cabbage to munch on also ( It is cheep and low glycemic so can be eaten often. Avocado once in a while ( as they are quite expensive) I found that eggs are very helpful in the general sense of well being. I ate them scrambled, and boiled with coconut oil and turmeric also once in a while. I consumed about seven or eight dozen eggs in that time. To the eggs I added raw garlic chopped and raw onion chopped. Home made sauerkraut also was a regular in my diet during that time Celery sticks, Extra Virgin Olive Oil with turmeric in the oil, Hand fulls of just plain cocktail peanuts ( with no MSG). Eating late is not helpful. So I kept the meals small and tried to make sure I ate a few hours before bed time. I hope this information helps somebody. I will, if God wills, keep keeping track of diet along with the general sense of well being after the meals. Thank you for the website and the information here at Earth Clinic I appreciate the opportunity to learn to take care of my own health. Thank you.

Medical Grade vs Industrial DMSO
Posted by Anne (Washington) on 12/11/2013

Regarding "Industrial" DMSO vs "Medical grade." Several years ago I was interested in DMSO and did quite a bit of research on this stuff. It is truly a wonder product, but I was concerned about the 'purity' thing. So I contacted the company that makes DMSO and asked them about it. This is what they told me. Dmso is Dmso, period. There is no 'medical grade' or 'industrial' grade. It is all the same. DMSO is Dimethyl sulfoxide period. The only difference is how much distilled water is mixed with it. If it is 70% DMSO that just means it has been mixed with 30% distilled water. If it is 99% pure, it means it was mixed with 1% distilled water. If it says 99.9% pure, it has no measurable distilled water mixed with it. PERIOD> So when you read on the internet that 'their' product is "more pure" than anyone elses, you're being "taken". I've seen ads stating that "Our product is only 'Medical grade'" to justify charging as much as 38.00 per bottle!! ? This is ridiculous! I buy my bottle of DMSO at our FEED and SEED store for 7.50!! It is 99% pure and I have been using for years! So don't be taken to the cleaners over this stuff. Do your own research.!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 12/08/2013

Man: Fatty acid oxidation creates a state called fermentation. Fundamentally this interferes with glucose metabolism causing diabetes. Andrew Kim explains this technically in his 3 blogs, insulin revisited, carbon dioxide, and why cells go bad. The 80/10/10 program immediately reverses this creating a favorable state called respiration. You can also add in some raw grass fed animal products.

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