Remedy Combinations
Health Benefits

Remedy Combinations

Aloe Vera, Coconut Oil
Posted by Nublue26 (Chantilly, Va, Usa) on 10/31/2011

Can you take aloe vera and coconut oil at the same time? I don't mean literally together but as a part of the same regimen or should they be separate? I would like to take the aloe for my blood pressure and use the coconut oil to control my weight.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Medicinal Mushrooms
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 10/29/2011 2063 posts

The other night I took 100mg Zinc/3mg Copper w/ popcorn and finished w/ 200mg ACV tab ---no problem. About an hr later I took 4 mushroom complex (Maitake, Shitake) and crashed asleep thereafter for about an hr and woke with a bad headache that lasted about 18hrs. Maybe some other personal factors, but could there be an interaction between ACV and medicinal mushrooms?

Medications and Remedies
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 10/27/2011

You only need to keep taking coconut oil regularly to get rid of herpes.. Its a virus with a fat sheath around it. When the coconut oil strips the sheath the immune system kills them off. The ACV will colapse them when they start to show but will only stop the outbreak and won't rid the the body of the virus.

Multiple Combinations
Posted by Sheila (Cork, Ireland) on 10/27/2011


I read recently a reply by Ted about which remedies can be mixed. I take sea salt, vitamin C, Borax, Apple Cider Vinegar, Magnesium as epsom salts, molasses, coconut oil, quinine, cats claw, mate, nettles, turmeric, neem, cinnamon, ginger and clove oil. Would any of these cancel each other out?

Thank you for a wonderful, life-saving website.

You truly are angels.

God Bless You and Ted Always


Medications and Remedies
Posted by Hopeful (Titusville, Fl/usa) on 10/27/2011

I would like to know the answer to this question, too. As I am considering doing the following for herpes: Magnesium Chloride (topically applied to the area----ouch!!! ), colloidal silver (orally), olive leaf (orally), SLO (orally). In addition, I started taking Red Marine Algae (orally). Something has gotta work!! :(

I was wondering how much of this could be mixed and taken together, or what needs to be separated? I also do the ACV and Baking Soda remedy each morning and evening.


Medications and Remedies
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 10/21/2011

Hi Laura, The info you require should be on the leaflet inside the medication box. If there is any known interreaction between a medication and something it will be there. As Gail said her box has a warning sticker on it. My friend is on a few meds and now with her new one she was told not to have grapefruit with it, also Carly said she was told not to take something that would interact with her perscription so you should have been either told verbally or via a sticker or in the leaflet. If you are still unsure avoid the juice until you get your next script filled out and when you do ask the pharmacist if there is.

Medications and Remedies
Posted by Laura (Orlando, Fl) on 10/21/2011

Thank you guys for your response to my question. Here's the thing though - I was told that grapefruit enhances the potency of the meds. In my case thyroid meds, not the opposite. So now I am more confused. Anyone else with a suggestion???

Medications and Remedies
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 10/20/2011

Hi Laura,

I was told not to take amoxicillin with citrus juices years back as it would make the amoxicillin weaker. I think there are quite a few things that don't go with O. J. and Grapefruit Juice.

If you do a web search putting in the name of your drug along with the words "interacts with" or "foods that react with" you should be able to see a list of them.

It seems like the doctors or pharmacists would tell us these things, but their time is so limited by the powers that they work for that they don't always have time for us patients. :-(

I had a doctor not tell me (also years ago) that while on the pill if you develop diarrhea it could possibly make the pill not work. I have a daughter today due to this. Blessings in disguise. lol.

Anyway, good on you for looking out for yourself, as in these times, your doctor most likely won't have the time. Sad, but managed health care is what it is.... and what it is is pretty crappy.



Medications and Remedies
Posted by Gail (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 10/20/2011

you don't mention what meds you're on, but there should be a warning on the box, I have one on one of my blood pressure meds but not on the others, check with your pharma just to be sure, cheers

Medications and Remedies
Posted by Laura (Orlando, Fl) on 10/20/2011

Hey EC:

Can anyone tell me if its unsafe to drink grapefruit juice with medication? Someone mentioned this to me the other day and I was stunned. Then I figure why not ask EC, the best people in the world in my opinion. Awaiting an early response. Thanks everyone.

Medications and Remedies
Posted by Wendy (Bklyn, Ny) on 10/19/2011

Hi Ted, I will be on the pill (birth control) really soon and I am concerned how this will affect my health in terms of the blood, heart. I am in the process of taking SLO, FGHP, lecithin, cell food, zinc pill, magnesium pill, multivitamin and Vitamin c 1000mil. Mind you, I do not take all at once, I do alternate with FGHP. I also taking Baking soda for ph. I do take SLO daily. All of the above for herpes. Is it safe to mix with pill?

Bentonite Clay, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Max (Vancouver, British Columbia ) on 10/15/2011

If I'm drinking or inhaling colloidal silver, and thus have the particles in my blood and/or digestive system, and I'm also ingesting calcium bentonite clay, does the bentonite not absorb the colloidal silver? -making it counter productive to take both medicines at the same time?

Medications and Remedies
Posted by Zilchsky (Phoenix, Az ) on 10/12/2011

I am taking LIPITOR, and was wondering, can I use apple cider vinegar with the lipitor? I know I am not supposed to use grapefruit with a cholesterol medication.

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 09/23/2011

Hi Aki, If you are going to hospital for an operation they usually like you to stop taking supplements about 2 weeks beforehand. Some Drs now understand the importance of vit c and how any operation depletes the patient of vit c and so recommend it before and after the op (although I don't think many do). Here is a brief article:

Apple Cider Vinegar, H2O2
Posted by Lori (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/23/2011

So after months of bv, Peroxide douching worked immediately and I loved it... But now it appears that I have a yeast infection and would love to use acv to treat it but also want to continue my peroxide treatment does anyone know of any negative affects of using both with douching... Thanks for your input you guys have helped me so far so much.

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Christine (Bellingham, Wa, Usa) on 09/22/2011

Hi Deanna,

Regarding your fungus infection I would try two things: Sage tea, the sage oil is excreted from your body via the lungs, and on its way out it kills a lot of infections. The second is a mixture of fungi, if you can get it take Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) with perhaps Phellinus igniaris or linteus, and Trametes versicolor. These will adjust your immune system to recognise and fight foreign cells and cancer cells. I find them locally in the forest (I actually use Ganoderma tsugae when I cn find it), but you can buy them online as tinctures and as dried mushrooms. I take a palmful of each mushroom and dump them into a 1 litre vacuum flask before bed, add hot water then leave it overnight to steep and drink over the course of the next day. The response is dose dependent, ie the more you take the quicker it works within reason. These mushrooms have virtually zero toxicity, but in case you have allergies, try them one at a time in small doses to make sure you are OK with them.

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 09/22/2011

Deanna, so sorry to hear about your predicament. Re the osteoarthritis, many people on this site have had relief by drinking the Unrefined apple cider vinegar (2tblespns with 8oz water). I also cured by toenail fungus by ingesting the ACV so I presume if it gets rid of fungus in toenails by drinking it, it would also get rid of fungus in the rest of the body.

Also instead of garlic pills you would be better of chopping the garlic into small pieces and swallowing it whole. What I do with garlic is to chop it in a blender and mix with carrot and parsley and add it to sauces after I have cooked them. That way you are getting the raw garlic into you.

If I were you I would also have wheatgrass juice daily fresh if you can get it or in powdered form. You can google Ann Wigmore for the benefits of wheatgrass. You can make your own.

Best of luck.

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Jc (Boston, Ma) on 09/22/2011

Interesting comment that ACV can lower iodine in your body. I hope those with knowledge can weight in. The Edgar Cayce Iodine you mention is the same as Nascent iodine. A site I found states that one drop equals 400 mcg of iodine.

Keep in mind that Lugol's solution is mostly potasium iodine (about 93%) and the balance is iodine. So it is not a true apples to apples comparison.

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Deanna (Augusta, Ga) on 09/22/2011

My beloved friends on earth clinic. I apologize for sounding like a hypocondriac. I have 60 plus doctors to thank for that calling it all kinds of various things. Along time ago, almost two years ago I asked about a disease called sportricosis. Phil from Dearing GA read my post. A social security doctor said I cannot diagnose you but you have a fungus and or parasites. This is causing cahexia. Well I thought it was cancer related, well as I know now cancer is a fungus. I was sick last week, I have osteoarthritis now I got down to 88 pounds but am 100 now because I am fighting this. When I went to the hospital a PA looked at me and said you have sporotricosis and gave me itroconazole pills which I have not gotten yet. I have been treating my open wounds with iodine which was horrible to get because they use it to make illegal drugs. Please help me to get this out of my lungs and bones and off my skin. Earth Clinic is my last hope or I will die. I have been alkalizing with baking soda and I bought the strips to test my urine. I need exact suppliments, in exact form, either pill or liquid. I bought coconut oil and I have garlic pills, and pill form of grape fruit seed extract. 100 mg, I also have niacin but it does not say B3 on it. I asked a pharmacist about PPKI because when military get this they use that and the pharmacist said itraconazole is best to use.

My opinion here is the medical field stinks they know cancer is a fungus. I shared my story with a lawyer friend of mine because I watched a 4 year old die of what doctors can cure. He went to a ronald McDonald house charity meeting and told a few of them what I said and this is what he told me, yes they know it is a fungus but we need money. SICKENING. HIS SISTER-IN-LAW JUST HAD 2 BREASTS REMOVED. So he is apalled and shocked. I also have been doing my blood sugar as I have printed the archive on earth clinic about cancer. The doctors told me to soak in bleach no no no it helps the cancer. I beg of people on here to tell me how to get rid of this and also the new doc I have wants me to keep on vaseline for 10 days and he said he will address the fungus later. Hey this is over 2 years I fought this and it takes me 2 hours in the AM, to even move let alone the scarring. They said self inflicted wounds, no these are ulcers that break open and grow in size, I have packed some in baking soda which closes them with no scars as well as iodine with no scarring. Please someone help me with getting this out of my lungs. Everyone here is better help thean any medical doctors. What a shame little children die because MEN need money. Sincerely, Deanna

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Kristi (Cleburne, Texas) on 09/22/2011

I have been taking Atomidine in ACV & BS for several years. No problems ever. I've taken 6-7 drops, 6x a day for accute conditions or inflammation, not always in the ACV, though. Sometimes I take it in a tiny bit of juice.

Iodine, Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Ds (Us, Usa) on 09/22/2011

I've also been wondering about mixing the iodine with my ACV drink. I've recently upped my ACV to 2 T (and I think doing better with that increase) as well as increasing the baking soda to 1/2 tsp (from 1/4).

Unlike many, I don't put honey in my ACV drink (but I do use local raw honey otherwise every day).

In a glass, I add 2 T ACV and 1/2 tsp baking soda. Let it fizz, then add a shot of cranberry juice and fill the rest of the glass almost full with mineral water. I love the taste if I don't add too much of the water, but I always think it might be best if more dilluted.

This morning I added a drop of Atomidine (Edgar Cayce's iodine) to my ACV and baking soda drink, which I think is supposed to be weaker than Lugol's. My system seems to freak when I take the Lugol's, but a drop here and there of the Atomidine seems to be okay. On the day's I don't use the Atomidine drop, I try to have a little bit of kelp in water.

Does anyone know if it's okay to take the ACV, baking soda and Atomidine together? I know the Folk Medicine book says you can use one tsp of ACV with Lugol's and sip with meal, but that's not the same as 2T ACV and 1/2tsp of BS. But I've found some sites on the ACV saying that long-term use of the ACV can bring about iodine deficiency. So it would be nice if we could take them together without issue, or cancelling out any good effects of either.

I just now drank it kinda fast, and stomach started to feel funny. So I took a probiotic tablet (chewed it up a little before swallowing) and that settled my stomach.

Will be eating breakfast in about 30 minutes, and taking Vitamin C, B's, mineral tablet (that I chew before swallowing) and maybe some fulvic acid (just started, take only 1/4 to 1/2 oz. ). I'm never sure if I should take the fulvic acid with or without food. I generally just swallow it down at the beginning of a meal.

If anyone has any input as to this part of my regime, especially my combining the Atomidine and ACV, I'd appreciate feedback very much :)


Medication and Supplements
Posted by Aki (Singapore) on 09/19/2011

Thanks Lily. Just curious, maybe you know, I've been taking Fenugreek since 8th Sept but still no result of estrogen in my bustline.

Really appreciate your response. Cheers!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Borax
Posted by Ds (Us, Usa) on 09/18/2011

You use lemon and 2 T ACV? That seems like a lot of acid to me. Always thought the idea was to use either/or of the two of those. That is, not together. I couldn't even use the ACV without adding 1/4 to 1/2 tsp baking soda to it. If you were doing this all along and only now feel sick from it, maybe you'd been needing the acid and then it eventually balanced out to the point that it's now too much? I dunno, but lemons invariably make me feel ill. Or maybe it had to do with what time you had it, or how close to food.

I love the ACV/soda combination. After it's done fizzing, I add a shot of cranberry juice and then mineral water about 3/4's to the top of 16 oz glass. Tastes yummy :)

Oh, also, they say to shake the ACV bottle before using. And another thought, maybe the ACV had gone bad? It can grow mold after a while. That happened to me, I now keep it in the frig.

Apple Cider Vinegar, H2O2
Posted by Zorro (West Allis, Wisconsin) on 09/12/2011


No do not use hydrogen peroxide from the drug store it has additives that are not ment to be used internally. Google Guardian Of Eden they have the kind that you can use internally, but it is 35% and has to be diluted with distilled water down to 3 or 3.5 percent. Use only food grade Hydrogen Peroxide.


Apple Cider Vinegar, H2O2
Posted by Shawnnam (Lake Mills, Ia, Usa) on 09/12/2011

I am reading alot of information right now about the benefits of ACV & H202 and how some folks are able to mix these together my question is can I just use the H202 that you would buy at the drug store for a buck? And if so what would be the recommendations on how much water to use with ACV & H202 and do u do this 1x a day in the morning? Also I seen some others had suggestions to add to OJ to cut the taste does anyone else have any other suggestions on how to cut the taste? OJ kills my heartburn but I do want to try the ACV for my heartburn amongst other things that it can help u with along with H202. Any and all suggestions or directions would be so gratefully appreciated. Also going to have my hubbie use the ACV for athelets foot he's had it since we have been together which is close to 8 years but I know he's had it much longer then that so going to have him try it & will post his results once I am able to sucessfully able to convince him LOL.

ACV, Turmeric, Oil Pulling
Posted by Nicola (Glasgow, Uk ) on 09/10/2011

Hi Jeanie, are you meaning when you say if you can take a combination of the remedies if you can take them at the same time? If you are I would not do oil pulling with ACV because the ACV is meant to be bad for your teeth because of the high acid level in it. There are some members who have posted effects that it has made their gums recede. So I would personally not combine an oil and ACV to swish around the teeth for oil pulling. I would only drink ACV in water through a straw, so contact with teeth is minimum.

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 09/07/2011

Hi Aki, Vit C and stress tabs are not meds. Fenugreek is a herb, you can take them all together, or separate them throughout the day, whichever you like. Cheers Lily.

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Aki (Singapore) on 09/06/2011

Need your advise if I can take fenugreek if I'm taking medicine such as Vit C and stress tab. Also, if you undergo operation, should you stop taking or have a rest? If so, how long?

Your replies are much appreciated.

Thank you.

Multiple Combinations
Posted by Tammy (Cheney, Wa Usa) on 09/05/2011

I just started the Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon juice combo and I also have been taking cinnamon and honey for other ailments. Does the combonation of the two hurt me or help me and I started these two remedies because I am obese and bloating and have abnormal water retention and kidney disease, stage 3. I also want to start the granulated lecithin. Am I over doing it or is this ok?

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Frankie (Madison, Al) on 09/04/2011

Annie from Daytona-

I just want to give a big amen to your gut-healing protocol. I have been following a similar program [no nuts] with excellent results. I started with an elemental liquid diet [very expensive though], switched to raw milk, then started myself on bone stock, meat, raw cage-free egg yolks and I stayed very low fiber for weeks. I still eat a lot of the less fibrous veggies [no cabbage or celery except juiced] which I cook to death in stock and then puree it all together in the blender. I do not use any grain products or legumes and only minimal sugars [I juice veggies every day, including carrots, my main source of sugars]. My other source of sugars is homeade probiotic drinks [beet kvass and kefir]. Six months ago, I felt like I wasn't gonna make it through another day. Now my symptoms are gone, and my general health and energy are much improved. I am able to work again.

I am slowly starting to add more fibrous foods back - but I do not intend to add back gluten grains. When I feel like it's ok to introduce non-gluten grains, like oatmeal, I will alone try them after they have been fermented for easier digestion. Grains are not nearly as healthy for many of us as we have been led to believe.

If a person tries to follow mainstream 'health' guidelines, such as the gov recommended DASH diet, and your guts are not optimal, you risk wrecking your health - I know, I did that. If you have lesions or inflammation in your guts, you CANNOT tolerate a high fiber diet and you've got no business eating grains - not even whole, organic, sprouted or fermented. So, trust your body [not your tastebuds] to let you know what it needs for its healing at any particular time. Not what media 'wisdom' will tell you to do.

PS - I also had a bad reaction to GSE, although some people I know swear by it. Healing is not a one size fits all deal. Like you, I would advise anyone who wants to use it to be very, very careful.

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 09/04/2011

I question every conclusion you say in this thread. You may be right, but years on this site say otherwise. How do you know what causes what? Give us more facts. GSE is a fungiside, how can it cause candidia?

Butylated Hydroxytoluene, Oregano Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, La Union) on 09/04/2011

Hi Abc Pneumonia... There are several remedies you can take for Hep C.

Ted's Dosages

Lysine: - 1000 mgs

Aspirin(acetylsalicylic acid in a pill -- nothing else): - 500 mgs

Vitamin C: - 1000 mgs

Zinc: - 50 mgs

Take the combined Lysine, Aspirin and Vitamin C all dissoved in a glass of water for best absorbtion, once every 50 minutes, 4 times a day for only 4 days. Take Vitamin C as Sodium Ascorbate if you can. Take the zinc for just two days and then take it only once a week. Thereafter, take 1200 mgs Lysine twice a day as a maintenance dose. If you have ulcers or Reyes Syndrome, consult your doctor first about taking the aspirin.

BHT Dosage

BHT: 200-500 mgs

Taken with water every day outside mealtimes. Oscar from Syrucuse has had great success using BHT in this way on his own Hep C.

Bill's Dosages

Alpha Lipoic Acid: 300 mgs

Selenium: 200 micrograms

Milk Thistle: 1000 mgs

Chanca Piedra: 1000 mgs(Optional)

This remedy detoxes and greatly raises the Glutathione antioxidant levels in the body. Take the above supplements twice a day with meals at lunch and dinner-time. This remedy will also help kill the Hep C virus as well as help to repair your damaged liver quickly. See this link:

The Lysine/Aspirin works to dissolve the outer lipid envelope of the Hep C virus in the same way as the BHT. None of the above ingredients should interfer with each other.

Oregano oil should be taken at 2 - 3 drops in a glass of water. It is hot though. I tend to prefer clove oil(3-5 drops in water) because this also helps to regenerate Glutathione in the liver. It also has the highest ORAC value in the world -- 10 million.

All these remedies are capable of killing drug-resistant Hep C. But Ted's complete Hep C remedy(including aspirin) should work the fastest to get the viral load down.

Medication and Supplements
Posted by Anna (Daytona, Florida) on 09/04/2011

Please be very careful using grapefruit seed extract. I used it an acutually deveoped diverticuli from it. Ialso got candida after using it for 3 days. I am still battling the candida today. What cured me of my diverticulus was taking probiotics daily and changing my diet. More fat , less carbs more nuts and meat fish and vegetables. Fat helps this move in the colon. It's like oiling up a car.. Thing move more freely. And No I didn't increase my fiber for diverticulus. I read that fiber from grains actually make it worse.

Butylated Hydroxytoluene, Oregano Oil
Posted by Abc Pneumonia (Kansas City, Missouri, Usa) on 09/03/2011

This question is for Ted from Bangkok or Bill Thompson from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines, or anybody who is in the position to answer the question.

I am getting ready to start treating my difficult, resistant, hepatitis c virus with:

Butylated Hydroxytoluene and

Vitamin C and

Lysine and

Potassium Iodide.

And since the hepatitis c has been treated with a lot of things without remedy, I wish to add

Oil of Oregano to the treatment.

My question is:

Will there be any drug interaction which will be harmful to me or even neutralize the effect of the whole treatment? Please, anybody who is knowledgable on this question should do me a favour and answer me.

And if there is anybody out there who has treated resistant hepetitis c virus infection with anything other than interferon injection or chanca piedra(which is said to be very expensive), he or she please should let me know.

I have an experience with MMS Professional sold by Projectgreenlife. I used it for only sixty eight days and the viral load of my very resistant hepatitis c virus reduced from 486000 to nearly half. I was robbed of full treatment by the FDA. When I needed to buy more, the FDA had closed the office of the company. The company took FDA to court and won the case. When the company opened its office a few months later, and I bought the product, it never worked any more, because the organism developed resistance to the product. Although the company claims the hcv does not grow resistance to its product, my own experience shows that it does. If FDA had not stood in the way, by today, I might be singing halleluyah. Anyone that wants to try this ( although I am not in anyway recommending anything to anyone), should be ready to endure nausea, vomiting and stooling. I didn't have vomiting, but I had a lot of stooling.

Please, I wish to hear your suggestions.

Thank you and GOD bless.

Probiotics, Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Brenda (Nashville, Tn, Usa) on 08/31/2011

Do you recommend taking Probiotics? If so, is it O. K. To take them along w/ACV and baking soda mixture. Will they hurt or compliment each other? Love your site! Brenda from TN

When You Have Serious Ailments
Posted by Jake (Seattle, Wa) on 08/30/2011

Does anyone know if BHT and cayenne (taken seperately) is safe to take with hep-c and cirrhosis? I'm in dire straights. Thank you.

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