Maximize Health with Magnesium Oil: Benefits & Uses

Calm and Mellow
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 08/05/2009

Got my magnesium chloride flakes Monday afternoon, immediately made up my first batch of magnesium oil following Jane's recommendation for 50% flakes/50% boiling water, let it cool, and applied it to chest, arms, legs and feet. Stinging sensation when I apply it reminds me of red jellyfish stings, which I used to get swimming on Long Island Sound during my childhood!

Love it, love it, love it. 30 minutes after applying it, a fantastic feeling of calm sets in. Mellow as can be. I am not as affected by the hot and humid Georgia weather outside.. Find it easier to walk in this humidity. Lungs and heart feel great. This stuff is the cat's meow!

Can taste the magnesium chloride in my mouth sometimes, mostly at night. Like turmeric, makes me somewhat dehydrated. I have been reapplying a few times a day and plan to keep it up for a while.

Muscle Cramps
Posted by Auroragirl (Nowhereville, PA) on 05/25/2008

If you have menstrual cramps, charley horses, eye twitches or any other kind of muscle cramps or just general aches and pains, try epsom salts baths. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is an excellent source of magnesium, much more bio-available and less expensive than supplements. You can soak in it in the tub, or make a spray from 4oz by weight of epsom salts dissolved in 32 fluid oz of distilled water. Put the epsom salt/water mix in a spray bottle and spray it on after your shower (rub it in like lotion all over). This is a home made version of "magnesium oil" (magnesium chloride), only made with epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) instead. Magnesium from epsom salts is very well absorbed throught the skin and doesn't loosen the bowels like oral magnesium supplements do. If you want to use magnesium chloride to make homemade "magnesium oil", get some unscented magnesium chloride bath salts and proceed as for "magnesium oil" made from epsom salts. Since I started using epsom salts, my skin is no longer dry...due, I think, to the sulfer content of epsom salts. If you feel up-tight, tense, anxious, nervous, crampy, etc., take an epsom salt soak. Exercise, and stress of all kinds, depleats magnesium, which is why an epsom salt soak after a work out or a stressful day is so good for you.

Raynaud's Disease
Posted by Karen (Asheville, North Carolina) on 02/19/2009

I have suffered with Raynaud's for the last 10 yrs and have tried many different supplements without any success until this last week. I am so excited to share this with anyone who has to endure Raynaud's since it seems to get worst in most cases as it has in my case.

I love the Earth Clinic website and after reading about magnesium oil used for something else on the EC site I decided to look into magnesium oil and read it helped people with Raynaud's. I have been using it for the last four days faithfully with the temperature ranging from 20 to 45 degree's here and I have only had one tip of one finger turn white or loose blood!! This is amazing since just last week when my husband dropped me at the door of the supermarket so I would only be exposed to the cold 30 seconds and I would loose the blood (go white) in all 4 fingers on both hands and all toes on both feet.

This is a great improvement in just a few days using the magnesium oil so I am very excited and wanted to share. I knew I had symptoms of low magnesium and have tried other magnesium supplements (oral) before without any improvement, however the oil that I am now using is absorbed through the skin so it is obviously utilized better by the body. Hopfully it will be a lasting improvement...I'll post again if there are any changes!

Thanks for all the great info on EC site!! My favorite :)

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