Maximize Health with Magnesium Oil: Benefits & Uses

Multiple Cures
Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa) on 09/20/2009

I have been doing the magnesium oil foot therapy for 9 days using the magnesium chloride flakes with boiling water 50/50, soaking for 30 minutes. I am glad I got the 2-7lbs bags because I am going through it rather quickly doing it everyday.

I am having no foot or leg cramping ever since I started. My sleeping has been so heavy and so sound, I like to call it a near death sleep, it's that deep. A pain/stiffness I had in my left shoulder down to my elbow is easing up (will report further in the future on this). My heart palpitations are steady, no more jumping around of beats which get kind of scary sometimes.

Several years ago I did buy the magnesium chloride oil that comes in a jug and cost an arm and a leg. I still have a little left because it cost so much, I never used it unless I was having several problems. The oil that comes in the ready made jug is yellow in color, and the solution I make from the flakes I make is clear. I wonder if there is a difference, if anyone knows please let me know why one is yellow and the other is clear. Thanks, Peace, Rena.

Body Odor
Posted by Lilly (Nyc, Ny) on 08/06/2009

Hello, my posting is regarding Magnesium Oil. I have purchased Magnesium Chloride and have been making the oil at home. I just make a mix of 50% reverse osmosis water and 50% Magnesium flakes. I use room temperature water, not hot. It usually takes a few minutes for it to dilute completely. I have been drinking 1/8 teaspoon (tiny amount) in a big glass of water. Also, I have noticed that, when I apply it directly in my underarms, it makes body odor go away in a matter of minutes. It stings lightly for a little bit, but it really works for me. I have to use it for a longer time and experiment as far as how often I need to use it for this purpose. One more thing that I have been doing is rubbing a tiny amount of the oil on my feet every night, so far, I have not noticed any major calming effects or even much better sleep (I have trouble falling asleep, it takes me a long time), but I wake up a bit more relaxed and my feet are soft. I just hope I am not overdoing, or throwing anything out of balance. Any thoughts would be appreciated it. Thanks!

Calm and Mellow
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 08/19/2009

Magnesium Oil update:

It takes exactly 20 minutes once I apply the magnesium oil to feel the calm effect in my head. Takes the same amount of time to relax any sore muscles. I have been leaving it on 20 minutes and then showering it off.

Okay, here's one of the best things about the magnesium oil beside the calming effect-- it causes the skin to glow and become unbelievably soft. I started to put it on my face, first to see if it would relax the tension in my jaw (it does), and then to see what effect it would have. Quite amazing. Looks like I've just had an expensive facial... that's the glow you get from it. My nails are not as brittle and have been growing like gangbusters. I have to trim them every few days.

Since I bought enough magnesium chloride flakes to last for a decade (see my other posts), I have been giving it away to friends at karate. One friend has told me that he wakes up in the morning with lose muscles if he applies the oil the night before. This is fantastic because my friend is a personal trainer and also trains very hard as an international karate competitor. Another friend who has been applying the oil absolutely loves the glow it gives her skin. She never misses a day!

I imagine the skin product manufacturing companies will be all over this if more people report back about the glowing skin effect. Hopefully they won't feel it threatens their business and try banning magnesium oil!

I have possible (as in not sure yet) side effects to report, but will do that in a separate post later today.

Muscle Cramps
Posted by Auroragirl (Nowhereville, PA) on 05/25/2008

If you have menstrual cramps, charley horses, eye twitches or any other kind of muscle cramps or just general aches and pains, try epsom salts baths. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is an excellent source of magnesium, much more bio-available and less expensive than supplements. You can soak in it in the tub, or make a spray from 4oz by weight of epsom salts dissolved in 32 fluid oz of distilled water. Put the epsom salt/water mix in a spray bottle and spray it on after your shower (rub it in like lotion all over). This is a home made version of "magnesium oil" (magnesium chloride), only made with epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) instead. Magnesium from epsom salts is very well absorbed throught the skin and doesn't loosen the bowels like oral magnesium supplements do. If you want to use magnesium chloride to make homemade "magnesium oil", get some unscented magnesium chloride bath salts and proceed as for "magnesium oil" made from epsom salts. Since I started using epsom salts, my skin is no longer dry...due, I think, to the sulfer content of epsom salts. If you feel up-tight, tense, anxious, nervous, crampy, etc., take an epsom salt soak. Exercise, and stress of all kinds, depleats magnesium, which is why an epsom salt soak after a work out or a stressful day is so good for you.

Magnesium Oil Application Tips
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 01/27/2018

Art, I really like the vodka version of magnesium oil. I don't use it as often as I should. But the trouble spot in my back was really aching and I used a magnesium oil evening and morning and it feels so much better. I do think the vodka makes it less uncomfortable. One deterrent for me is that my magnesium oil is in a cold bathroom and I don't want a cold spray in the winter! But perhaps with this success I will be better about grinning and bearing it.

Thanks for sharing this way to make it!

~Mama to Many~

Frozen Shoulder
Posted by Annette (Cookeville, Tn) on 10/24/2014

I had a frozen shoulder for a year and had good results with Epson Salt dissolved in warm water then added Olive oil. Rubbed it on. It brought me great relief. I was amazed.

Yes I also went to doctors and got shots and ex-rays at first to no avail. Tried all types of therapy, vitamins and minerals. I can not take Magnesium of any sort orally without Diarrhea. So reading these wonderful forms on have been a blessing.

Later I was able to purchase Magnesium Clo-ride and am using that now. I don't really feel there was a great difference.

The MC also helped the bone spur in my husband neck almost immediately. He was amazed and is telling all his friends. And is giving out samples. LOL

My nightly leg cramps, charlie horses , foot and hand cra'smps have been so greatly reduced I'm ecstatic.

Burning Nerve pain in my lower back and down my legs has lessened but I still occasionally use my roll on DMSO from Farmers Co-op. It works quickly. I've used since the late 70's. It was only approved for livestock. Please read about it before using it.

Share and Get Well everyone. Annette

Magnesium Side Effects
Posted by Ali (Wales, Uk) on 06/01/2012

Any intense reaction to any vitamin, mineral or trace element is very likely due to severe deficiency. The worse the deficiency the stronger the reaction in my experience.

If you don't react then you probably don't need the element.....

Magnesium Oil Application Tips
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, California) on 11/21/2010

Yes, I have found that since drinking a liter of water with a 3mg capsule of boron chelate in it, throughout the day, I now have much less itching and stinging upon the application of magnesium oil. I have read that Boron aids in the proper metabolism of vitamins and minerals involved with bone development, such as calcium, copper, magnesium. It appears that because my body is now better able to assimilate the magnesium, the side effects no longer affect me.

Magnesium Foot Soak
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 11/29/2010

And don't forget you need B6 to utilize magnesium properly. So keep your B vitamins up there during any effort to revitalise health.

Magnesium Foot Soak
Posted by Roger (Colorado Springs, Colorado) on 11/16/2012

Carly from Seattle, you are missing transdermal magnesium and the whole point of transdermal. You mentioned that if you take too much orally that you will get diahrea. That does not happen with transdermal. And many people can never take enough orally to compensate for magnesium deficiency.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Ten Usa) on 05/30/2010

Have taken baths using epsom salt, hydrogen peroxide , and baking soda for many years with out a side effect. A guy in our chelation group convinced me to try transdermal Magnesium Chloride after I shower. He did say to wash it off after 20 minutes. I did not. Anyways after a few weeks of this, the area that I had sprayed broke out like the measles. It itched for about a day, but now just looks terrible.

I went this route because of my recent heart arrhythmia, which so far the Cardiologist has yet to address. I figured that I had over done the procedure and my body was telling me to stop.

One word of advice to you young whipper snappers, don't wait until you are 70 to try to recover your health. You too far down the shady side of the mountain to do this. For your best health you need to treat yourself as a diabetic and that's ATS . Control your sugar regardless. As my Russian author says, eat right and you will live 10 years longer, breath right and you will live 20 years longer.

Brain Tumor
Posted by Dc (Oregon) on 01/13/2016

What you're describing is typical in people who are very deficient in Magnesium (Mg). As your body starts to normalize, the "side effects" will subside and then cease. When Mg gets into the cells, it pushes out excess Ca+ and other cellular imbalances which, in turn, creates a detox situation.

Fluoridated water is a huge problem because it binds Mg, and so many city sources now force this poison on the public. If you live in a city that fluoridates, get a Berkey filter. Do not use fluoridated toothpaste or anything else with fluoride in it.

Assuming you do not have kidney disease (if you do, do not use Mg in any form without discussing it with your doctor first), a suggestion is to use the foot bath methods for five minutes a day at first and then build up as the detox symptoms subside, and they will.

Read the works done by Dr. Carolyn Dean on this subject. (This is not a recommendation for her products, but her research is solid.)

Brain Tumor
Posted by Wendy (Arkansas) on 12/09/2016

How do we know Carolyn Dean's research is solid? I read a couple of articles written by her, and while she does quote some clinical studies on the effects of magnesium, I don't see where she has done any research of her own. She says she has had good luck with magnesium herself, but one person's experience is hardly a basis to make some of the sweeping claims she makes about magnesium. If you look at any kind of homeopathic remedy on the internet, you will find plenty of people willing to swear by it. Her singing the praises of magnesium is no different than any other person who swears by something. Why would it be? Because she is a doctor? That leads to the little matter that she has built a very profitable business from selling magnesium products. Seriously, that is a red flag if ever I have seen one. I doubt her sales would have been nearly as high if she had not been pushing magnesium as a miracle cure for almost everything. Don't get me wrong, like you, I want to believe magnesium is as effective as she says, and I have started a regular regimen of magnesium malate powder and topical magnesium for myalgia pain, migraines, and Raynauds, but the effects have been minimum. I seem to be having less migraines for sure, but I can't really see a difference anywhere else. There are few miracle cures out there, but you wouldn't think that from looking on the internet or reading the "research" of businesswomen like Carolyn Dean.

Calm and Mellow
Posted by Diana (Northland, New Zealand) on 11/22/2009

I also noticed after applying Magnesium Chloride to my face that it really stung and went bright red like bad sunburn. It was really burning, so I applied milk to neutralise it which worked and my face went back to a normal colour within an hour. I had been putting it on my face everyday without this happening, so I am unsure why it decided to burn that time. Unless I had put something on my face prior? I can't remember. But I am very cautious about putting it on my face now.

Magnesium Oil Applications Tips
Posted by Sindy (Ft. Myers, Fl) on 05/13/2018 1 posts

Home made Tiger balm?? Please share. Thank you.

Body Odor
Posted by Wasabi (Pasadena, Ca) on 09/20/2015

I've sprayed my magnesium oil in my pits when they've gotten pretty funky at night. At first I sprayed it because the body odor was present when it usually wasnt ( probably need to detox) but as soon as I give it a few spritz, its like I just took a shower, although I can smell my deodorant that wasn't working a second ago. My pits don't itch when I use the oil, but that's because I switched to magnesium chloride hexahydrate oil which is supposedly the most easily absorbed type of magnesium. It definitely doesn't sting, ever. Unless you have a cut. Then you might cry a little, lol.

Magnesium Oil Application Tips
Posted by Dg (Texarkana, Tx, Usa) on 04/30/2012

I have read that mag sulphate is rapidly excreted by the kidneys whereas mag chloride hangs around much longer. Also, I learned that the chloride reserves of the body can be bolstered by preferentially using magnesium chloride.

Magnesium Side Effects
Posted by Amberdim6 (Yakima, Wa) on 06/20/2011

I seem to have all the signs of a magnesium deficiency, migraines, cold hands and feet, muscle spasms and cramps, irregular hearbeat, kidney pain, anxiety attacks, etc. I try to use magnisium oil but if I put more than one drop on my feet I get very bad side effects, my pulse races out of control, I get all sweaty, my whole body throbs. I can't believe that I am overdosing on so little an amount, is there any reason for this? I don't eat dairy products so is my calcium ratio out of balance. If anyone has some insight on what might be causing this and anything I can do to figure this out, I would greatly appreciate it.

Magnesium Oil Application Tips
Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, Usa) on 12/22/2010 115 posts

When I apply MgCl oil to my body I follow with applying VCO also, and it feels very good, no itching or dryness, it really helps me relax, and rest good at night.

Magnesium Foot Soak
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 10/24/2010

Hi Richard -

The fastest way to up your magnesium is to take a supplement. Take a 400mg Magnesium Citrate every day. If you don't want to take a pill... You can always take a good dose of Milk of Magnesia (MOM) and back off from the dose when you have loose stools (diharreah) sorry, never could spell that word. ;-)

Aside from that, take a bath, and soak in a tub with the MG (follow directions on the pkg). Soaking your feet is all good, but if it isn't sufficient if you are having body cramping from lack of it. Another thing, make sure you are not depleting your potassium. Eat a bananna and drink a glass of tomato and / or orange juice every day. If you are low on any of the essential minerals / electrolytes it can really mess you up. It is hard to tell what is missing at times, which is why having a very well balanced diet with a lot of fruits and veggies is so very important. Good luck. Carly

Magnesium Foot Soak
Posted by Anne (Vancouver, CA) on 05/16/2014

Richard, Dr. Marc Sircus recommends rubbing magnesium oil all over your body every day for about two months in order to heal chronic problems. For a case of muscle spasm, I would recommend rubbing the oil onto the site of the muscle spasm itself every morning and evening. Many people report immediate relief using this method, but it may take up to two months of continuous application to experience full therapeutic benefits.

Dr. Marc Sircus says to go ahead and reuse the magnesium water you use for footbaths. I don't worry about toxins being released from the skin outward to the water, if this is possible, because the magnesium oil counters such toxins anyway. I take a deep footbath in a regular dish bucket so that the water covers my ankles. The effect is transcendent and hard to describe. I guess the word would be heavenly.

Heart Palpitations, Poor Circulation
Posted by Alex (Miami, Florida) on 09/25/2011

Hi dilute the oil and for increasde circulation, add some drops of quality hot cayenne mixed or a formula of contaning cayenne or habaneros etc..

Brain Tumor
Posted by Anne (Vancouver, CA) on 05/16/2014

Karl, your doctor is misinformed. In fact, transdermal magnesium chloride dissolves and negates calcium deposits, which are the cause of so many diseases including heart disease. It does not increase calcium intake, it is, in fact, just the opposite, it mediates the harmful effects of calcium overload.

Body Odor
Posted by Billy Bee (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) on 08/30/2010

I noticed that magnesium oil helped in eliminating body odor as well. Don't worry about applying too much, the beauty of transdermal therapy is that the body only absorbs what it needs. It's one of the beautiful design features of the human body.

Raynaud's Disease
Posted by Karen (Asheville, North Carolina) on 02/19/2009

I have suffered with Raynaud's for the last 10 yrs and have tried many different supplements without any success until this last week. I am so excited to share this with anyone who has to endure Raynaud's since it seems to get worst in most cases as it has in my case.

I love the Earth Clinic website and after reading about magnesium oil used for something else on the EC site I decided to look into magnesium oil and read it helped people with Raynaud's. I have been using it for the last four days faithfully with the temperature ranging from 20 to 45 degree's here and I have only had one tip of one finger turn white or loose blood!! This is amazing since just last week when my husband dropped me at the door of the supermarket so I would only be exposed to the cold 30 seconds and I would loose the blood (go white) in all 4 fingers on both hands and all toes on both feet.

This is a great improvement in just a few days using the magnesium oil so I am very excited and wanted to share. I knew I had symptoms of low magnesium and have tried other magnesium supplements (oral) before without any improvement, however the oil that I am now using is absorbed through the skin so it is obviously utilized better by the body. Hopfully it will be a lasting improvement...I'll post again if there are any changes!

Thanks for all the great info on EC site!! My favorite :)

Magnesium Oil Applications Tips
Posted by Denise (California) on 05/05/2023

After application of magnesium spray or lotion, how long does it take before your body feels the most pain relief of achy muscles and so forth? Not how long it takes to absorb, but how long before your body feels The Best as a result of using it.

Thank you, Denise

Magnesium Side Effects
Posted by Moises (New York, Ny) on 06/12/2012

Topical use of magnesium is effective for me in reducing and eliminating nighttime muscle cramps, predominantly in my legs. Unfortunately, I get diarrhea from all but the tiniest of doses. I also get diarrhea from Epsom Salt baths.

I know that diarrhea from oral ingestion of magnesium is well documented. I do not see much written, however, about diarrhea from transdermal application.

Magnesium Side Effects
Posted by Tish (Candia, Nh Usa) on 06/30/2011

All the symptoms you describe are Lyme disease. You need a Western Blot blood test submitted to IGenX lab in Palo Alto, California. You also need a CD57 blood test to test your immune system. The norm is 200. My immune system tested at below 20 so it is also a confirmation of severe illness. You need to find a Lyme literate doctor.

Your severe reaction to the magnesium might be because it was helping your system attack the Lyme and other possible co-infections. Good luck!

Magnesium Foot Soak
Posted by Richard (Menlo, Iowa) on 10/24/2010

I've been doing a foot soak for the last couple of days hoping to get some relief for muscle spasms. Can anyone give me and idea how long it takes to replenish a magnesium deficiency? Thanks Richard

General Feedback
Posted by Dr R.k.khatri (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 11/10/2009

Dear Sir,

Can I use magnesium sulfate in place of magnesium chloride for thansdermal magnesium therapy?

Dr R.K.Khatri

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