After finding this site I started using the remedies on some of my health issues. I started rinsing and swishing with hydrogen peroxide daily. At first I wasn't used to the froth and the after-smell (for lack of a better term) so I took a capful. After I got used to it, and perhaps some of the resident bacteria was diminished, I started taking a full swig. I found this to be better because it didn't foam up as fast and got more parts of my mouth.
Well, my teeth began turning white and when I went to the dentist recently he was shocked to see my condition of periodontal diseased gums completely reversed. He asked what I had been doing and if I had been flossing more and I told him I wasn't flossing at all but was rinsing with H202. He said he knew about it but didn't recommend it to patients as it kills the friendly bacteria. However, he seemed very pleased with my results and said I was 100% improved and though the tiny loss of gums I had suffered wouldn't grow back, everything else was reversed. I'm definately not worried about losing some friendly bacteria in my mouth for its far worse to have enemy bacteria eating your teeth, gums and causing havoc. Besides, I've been drinking Kombucha 3 x daily which is supposed to supply loads of probiotics.
This turnaround in my mouth is truly amazing because I have struggled with this problem for 15 years and I was able to get it in a mild state, but never get rid of it. I am very happy to report my success with h2o2 and the awesome additional benefit of whitening my teeth without expensive whitening systems.
EC: Trench mouth is a painful form of gingivitis. The term "trench mouth" comes from WWI, when painful bacterial infection and ulceration of the gums was common among soldiers.