Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mireya (Ct, Usa, Usa) on 11/24/2013

What could I do to avoid the raise of my BP to 180/75 and headaches after taking borax following Ted's protocol? I am a 67 years old lady with a weak inmune system and multiple food allergies that produce mild pain in my joins. I'll wait anxiously for your answer, I really want to get rid of those problems.

God bless you guys for helping the human community. Mireya

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Minneapolis) on 07/30/2013

I took the borax as recommended and I got so sick that I was not able to eat for two days. I mixed the borax in distilled water in a liter jug and sipped it throughout the day. By the second day I was so nauseated and my head hurt so bad that I could not even get out of bed. I did not take it again because I do not want to feel that sick again. Can someone tell me why I got so sick taking the borax?? Also can someone give me the signs of candida, fungal infection because that is why I took the borax because I suspect I might have candida and it may be causing my bo. My body odor is coming from under my armpits and I shower everyday but less than two hours later I smell as though I have not taken a shower in days. I am getting desperate! Also how long do you need to take the borax solution before you are healed?? what are some of the foods to avoid when you are taking the borax for candida?? I still have the problem with the bo and I have tried the MoM, bs, Zinc, and now the borax which made me feel as though I was going to die. Because this problem is so embarrasing I am willing to try anything but think I might be pushing the limit with the borax. Please help!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Carin (St. Louis, Missouri) on 06/25/2013

I am writing to give my feedback on the borax remedy. I followed the recipe exactly as it was submitted by Precisely from Mineral Hill, New Mexico, Usa on 5/19/13:

... dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water* free of chlorine and fluoride. This is your concentrated solution. Keep the bottle out of reach of small children. (* I''m using distilled water)

Standard dose = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or as a maintenance dose you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily."

I took a teaspoon at night just before going to bed for exactly a week and experienced extreme hormonal and/or brain chemistry side effects that came close to pushing me over the edge into the looney bin! I think this is a very potent remedy that affects hormones and brain chemistry much more than is known. I went from calm and peaceful to crazy high amounts of anxiety and paranoia by the end of the week. I lay awake every night worrying that the sky was falling in every part of my life!! I ceased taking the remedy on a Sunday and it was Wednesday morning before everything returned to normal. I urge GREAT CAUTION to those taking this remedy. I only wish I could have monitored the changes in my hormones and brain chemistry before, during and after my borax week with blood panels.

Another side effect is that I lost 5 pounds in a week! It has stayed off, which I am happy about.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 06/11/2013

For Ted or Bill, Please Help!

Hi: I have been looking at everything I have done to determine why I am so itchy. I thought it was mites from my dog. But when this all started was when I was taking borax internally and I also started Willard water. I have breast cysts and am watching carefully. So the fungal link and protocol seemed a fit. But when I reflect, first my breasts started to itch uncontrollably as I progressed on the borax. I have been itching and scratching my back face, chin, ears, torso, and especially breasts, to the point that I have a wound on one of my breasts that has not healed, became infected and it has been there for 5 weeks. My back is covered with bumps from scratching. My chin is not looking very good. I have also been alkalysing with BS but was gaining weight at an alarming rate!! Up to 7 lbs. so I stopped but my am ph is 5.5 and that is even with months of trying to alkalyze. I just took 1 tsp of tumeric with water and pepper. I need to stop this! :(

Really need some suggestions. Would appreciate any feedback. if I go see my naturopath he will just tell me I am trying too many things but getting desperate.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Artlover8 (Lakewood, Co, Jefferson) on 08/01/2012

I am a 52-year old caucasian woman living in Colorado. I am 5'2" about 120 lbs. I took a lot of anti-biotics for acne over a long-term period 20 years ago and suspect systemic candida. I have joint pain, esp. in hips, with shoulder and neck injuries that frequently go into painful flairs with repetitive motion. I take magneisum which helps with the pain.

I have tried 1/8 Tea in about a liter of water for general alkalizing. I have read to do this in drinking water with 4 days on and then 3 days off. My goal is to raise by body's Ph level and to remove candida. Within a few days, my skin begins to itch here and there and then everywhere and becomes intolerable. My stools also become loose and watery. I discontinued the borax and began 1/4 Tea Baking Soda in water 30 minutes after 2 meals daily. The same thing happens with the itching and loose watery stools. I have also tried Candida Control Program, which is 2 tablespoons before breakfast, starting with their High Potency formula with the plan to do the Phase I and Phase II over a 3-month period. Again I get the itching and loose watery stools. I have tested my Ph urine levels and the readings are coming up in the 6.0 to 6.2 in the morning. I am doing my best to avoid sugar, but not easy.

Does anyone know why this happens and what I can do to correct?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Misty (Indiana, Usa) on 07/17/2012

I also experienced hives after taking taking the borax water. I get the breakout on my face, neck, hands, legs, and especially my lower back and buttocks (it fades everywhere but my back/buttocks). I initially thought it was from spending too much time with the family cat (I'm allergic), but when the rash didn't go away after taking an antihistamine, I knew something was up. Borax is the only new remedy I have been trying, so I googled "borax rash" and found similar stories. According to a Wikipedia article on borax, borax poisoning can cause the following symptoms: "a beefy red skin rash affecting palms, soles, buttocks and scrotum has been described. With severe poisoning, erythematous and exfoliative rash, unconsciousness, respiratory depression, and renal failure."

I have also been experiencing hair loss since starting this remedy that I didn't connect to borax until I read of others experiencing this symptom. I have been urinating white specks for the past 2 weeks or so which could be borax buildup. My naturally soft skin has become dry all over my body; my lips are cracked. If I drink too much of the borax/water mixture at once, I will experience headaches and dizziness almost imediately. To me, these side effects indicate that this is not a very safe remedy, and I will discontinue my oral intake of borax at once. I will continue to bathe in borax water about once or twice a week (to treat my recurrent yeast infection) and hope the side effects disappear after I cease oral intake.

To be clear, my dosage is the recommended 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of water sipped throughout the day, 5 days on & 2 days off. I finish about 1/2 to 2/3 of the mixture in one day; I usually stop when I get a slight headache (it worsens if I continue taking it). I am a 115 lb woman. I eat an almost vegan diet (completely vegan for the past 2-3 weeks) and drink plenty of water. I'm not taking any hormones or anything as Ted speculated may be the cause. I also do not have symptoms of Morgellons disease or any other parasitic disorders aside from a recurrent yeast infection I've had for about a month. I started taking the borax because I believed it would help fight off the yeast infection (which I think may also reside in my gut causing constipation).

I had previously been trying whatever remedy was recommended on this website, forgetting that any nonprofessional individual can submit a testimonial. I rarely bothered to do research or even read the side effects posts on this site. I now realize that even "natural remedies" can be dangerous, and I encourage everyone to do their research so that they are aware of any adverse effects before they experience them.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Jenny (Perth, Western Australia) on 02/07/2012

Hi there, well I'm on my 5th day of taking borax (one wet fingertip's worth in warm ACV and honey) as I'm desperately trying to get rid of the rheumatoid arthritis in my feet (I'm 43). Yesterday I noticed one eye was bloodshot, and today the other one is red and my face feels hot, like it's got sunburn. Any ideas? I'll give it one more day and if it gets any worse I'll stop taking it. It's made no difference to the arthritis or anything else btw.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Kimmi (Park City-wichita, Ks) on 09/01/2011 12 posts

Yesterday I tried the Borax as suggested (1/8 tsp. To 1 litre of water) and got THE WORST cramping diarrhea EVER. Today my right kidney hurts severely and my sinuses are very painful. When I eat, I have a searing pain up over my right eye, into my forehead. I'm very unhappy over this, as I was really hoping for something that would help my rosacea and the possible fibromyalgia I suffer. :(

Ohh, well.. I guess I will use the rest for laundry and around the house!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Joe (Atlanta, Georgia, Usa) on 06/26/2011

I experienced the same side effect on the fourth day. I used 1/4 tsp on days 1-3. On the fourth day, I started using that same amount in the morning, but then I read more info on Earthclinic and the side effects some people had, I realized I already felt much better, so I decided to stop drinking the borax solution for a few days.

That fourth afternoon/night, I started feeling very hungry but no other side effects besides some flatulence. Then late that night I went out for drinks and noticed that bitter soapy taste you're talking about after drinking beer. Today is day 5, I haven't noticed any side effects today. I plan to stay off the borax for another couple of days. I will post if anything changes.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Usa, Pa/usa) on 04/13/2011


I would like your opinion on my reaction to borax I have taken borax as written about on your posts and have had a strong reaction on it. I was taking it for 4 days and felt a headache that moves from place to place with a bad taste in my mouth. Leading up to this dose I was sprinkling borax over coffee grounds of my coffee maker. I stopped taking it and started now for 2 days taking Idoral Potassium Iodine and the first day took two and had a stronger reaction and even felt vains of pressure on my face around my head (like a poison) sleeping all day and drinking plenty of water throughout this.

I feel much better now without stopping the Idoral suppliment. I only feel a pressure in my kidneys. Also I had strong feelings run through my body when I heard different sounds and is still there but minor now. I have had this reaction to sound for a number of months and is one of the reasons I am looking into causes. I suspect a fluoride/bromine build up but no tests have be taken and would like to figure this out on my own as much as possible. I have always thought I was much smarter than I am throughout my life. My memory isnt that great and have sensed a fog with me in some degree through childhood onward. I had odd stage fright as a child and onward but am a very confident person. I suspect that myself and family have been exposed to toxin in some form. My mother died of breast cancer when I was young, my sister has dystonia, and my dad has very bad brain fog and generally lost. I'm glad that I'm feeling better and plan on taking Iodine for some time for a long term detox if that is indeed what is happening. Also through my adult life I have had body parts fall asleep very easily during sleep and a certain sensation on the top of my legs. I can tune it out but I have had it for a very long time. Any thoughts you might have would be helpful. I see the world alot like you do.

dave /36

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Clcball (Buckeye, Az, Us) on 10/03/2010

I started using 20 mule team borax for killing mycoplasma and rebuilding my bone structure and hormone regulation. It has been close to a month and I used it approximately 11 times 18 tsp to 1 ltr of water. I don't know if this is the cause or not, but I have developed 100`s of cherry angiomas all over my body and now have muscle spasms visual disturbances and an overall not right feeling(shakes, lungs hurt, and involuntary muscle movements). Also I have been using it to wash my hair and body. I started looking into the reason for the angiomas and found that it is possible for cleaning companies to add certain components without labeling it! They are not required to add it to the label when they add ingredients according to San Francisco chronicle. "It's difficult for consumers to know whether their favorite cleaner contains the chemical because manufacturers aren't required to list it on the label. "

So I urge you EC to please ask one of your multitalented partners to find out if this product may possibly contain 2-butoxyethanol so that we may find a different source of the very useful borax. Plus, if it this harmful substance is found to be in the 20 mule team borax, how can I get rid of the toxic side effects I am experiencing, and are they reversible? Thanks a mil... CLC

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Miroslav (Prague, Czech) on 09/19/2010

According to Wikipedia "Borax is also easily converted to boric acid and other borates, which have many applications. Its reaction with hydrochloric acid to form boric acid is: Na2B4O7·10H2O + 2 HCl --> 4 B(OH)3 [or H3BO3] + 2 NaCl + 5 H2O"

There is enough HCl in our stomach so I expect borax is being converted into boric acid inside. Borax is not as rich in boron as boric acid is. Therefore I undestand receiving borax is equivalent to receiving lower doses of boric acid. I'm on day 5 of 1/4 teaspoon of borax solution daily (against mites) and my testicles started to hurt. Sometimes also feeling presence of my kidneys now. I'm terminating the remedy and hoping there was no irreversible damage made.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Piper (Toronto, On) on 09/16/2010

I had an itchy scalp and problems with acne and was using borax to cleanse mites and parasites - borax water 1/8 tsp in a litre of water and borax baths. I also used borax to clean home and in laundry. I was doing the borax regime for a couple of weeks and I started to experience hair loss and that may indicate kidney problems. I have now stopped drinking borax water. I do use Ted's mange cure for a facial wash and it is great. Any signal from your body should be heeded. Borax may help, but too much may not be good either.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Frank (Budapest, Hungary) on 08/27/2010

I am on day 3 of the borax remedy, taking 1/4 teaspoon in 1 liter water and sipping throughout the day. I am getting a very bitter soapy taste on my tongue when I eat. Just wondering if this is normal. I don't get this taste from drinking the borax solution. The taste will go away 1/'2 hour after eating and then return as soon as I eat again.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Katey (Apex, Nc, Usa) on 08/25/2010

I also am having kidney pain today after having 1/8 tsp. in over a liter of water yesterday. Also curious to know if Ted has a possible scientific explanation for this as I really don't want to mess with kidney damage but I could really use the benefits borax is supposed to provide.

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