Yeast Infections
Natural Remedies

Beat Pet Yeast Infections: Raw Diet & Natural Remedies

Yogurt, Omega Oils, Herbs
Posted by Barb (Newark, DE) on 05/20/2009

Yogurt, Omega 3, 6 & 9, Herbs

My baby, Bruiser (lab, dane, sheppard mix) has been having worsening symptoms of yeast for two years. Being a massage therapist, I lean towards holistic treatment as much as possible. Our vet was treating his ear infections with antibiotic cream, antibiotiv=cs and prednisone. We were also told to givev him an antihistamine. The prednisone made him CRAZY and heavy (which he can't be with his old injuries). I had enough and began researching to help my guy. I have started him on a proprietary blend of herbs for yeast (that I took myself after a nasty batch of antibiotics), 4 capsules of the Omega oils, and about a cup of yogurt 2x a day. We are having some changes, and I know holistic treatment takes time so I am being patient. The vinegar thing makes him run around the house like a lunatic, but it works well. Feel free to email with more ideas or more information and I will be happy to share our progress.