Pyometra Treatment Without Surgery: Home Remedies for Dogs

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lizette (Blackpool) on 06/15/2018

I am so grateful for your web page. Thanks to your posts my 14 year Old Japanese Akita has escaped been put to sleep by two vets and is now fit and healthy again. Thanks to vitamin c, turmeric and manuka honey. Thank you so very much we suffered for 8 weeks with an open pyometra and within a week of taking the above she started to eat, walk and put her weight back on. She is now back on walks with her brother who is also a Japanese Akita aged 12. Thank you again xx

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Melissa (Chicago) on 05/15/2018

About 1 1/2 weeks ago, I noticed a purulent discharge coming from my dogs lady part. Her name is Dazzle and she is a 12 yr old Boxer. At first I thought she was starting her season because I noticed a few drops of blood. Then within a few days she just seemed off. Not eating much but still eating, super clingy, really tired, frequent urination and heavy panting. Then all of a sudden we noticed a thick yellow/white discharge. I scoured the Internet in search of what this may be. (As it was a Sunday and local vets are closed, and ER vets here cost an arm & a leg) Long story short, after a vet visit and an estimated cost of 3k we knew it was Pyrometra. So after many hours last Monday again scouting the Internet, I found this page. Thank god! I decided to use the following method,

Dazzle is about 40lb's so this is the dosage I used,

  • 1/8 tspn of Sodium Ascorbate
  • 1/4 tspn Turmeric
  • 1 1/2 tspn of 16+ Manuka Honey

The 1st day of treatment I was aggressive giving Dazzle this 5x's a day, the next day I went down to 4x's a day and then finally 3x's a day. It's now 1 week later and my girl is just about back to herself. She is again eating, barking, and again playing with her brother and sister. She is still leaking a bit but it has majorally diminished. And the color of the discharge has lightened up. And the texture is now more watery vs thick/stringy.

I want to give a big heart felt thank you from my fur baby and myself to all of of you who have posted your reviews and treatment options. I was feeling so desperate. No one should ever have to choose between paying their bills and caring for their pet.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Buramiko (Hong Kong) on 02/18/2018

Fast!! Manuka honey works just like antibiotics but only in strong strength:

First I must thank the writer and all the feedbacks on this post, without all the positive feedbacks here I might not have tried this natural remedy.

My female dachshund is 14 years old and she was spayed at young age. She had Open Pyo 3 years ago with clear bacteria discharge, my vet did a surgery to remove excessive remnents inside her belly. But last year, the discharge came back, it was never serious, discharge was clear, no foul smell, and dog seemed happy and normal. Culture was done and due to the old age, we tried to cure her with antibiotics. She had antibiotics for 6 months, condition got better but the infection/discharge only reduced but never completely eliminated. Vet said it was not healthy to take anymore antibiotics and she recommended surgery to open up and clear up the infection again.

That was the time I did research online and I came across this post. I went to buy UMF15+ Manuka Honey, Tumeric, and Vitamin C tablets. I fed my dog based on the dosage recommended on this post. A week had passed and no improvement. So I decided to go ahead with the surgery. Luckily the surgery went well, ANY remaining female organs (that were carrying the pus) were removed. No more discharge for 2 months.

But last week discharge came back!! It was quite a lot with slight brown tint color. I thought how could that happen when there was only very minimal organ left?? It's Chinese New Year holiday in my country and my vet is on leave. My dog would have to wait 5 days before my vet could see me. So I decided to try Manuka Honey again, at least for these few days hoping the infection wouldn't get worse before the holiday ends.

So I went to buy UMF 20+ Manuka Honey this time (yeah expensive). My dog weighs around 10 lbs, I feed her around 1/3 teaspoon each time, 3 times a day, also 1/2 tablet of 1000mg Vitamin C two times a day. Then miracle happened!! After 3 days, all discharge were cleared!!! Wow the effect was so fast it was just like antibiotic - except it was all natural! It was even better than antibiotics as she had them for 6 months and they didn't clear up the infection. Now I cancelled my vet appointment and I'll keep feeding her the same dosage until the entire 500g bottle of manuka honey is finished. Then maybe I'll just feed her 1/3 teaspoon once each day thereafter.

So why didn't it work the first time?? Well, to get fast and significant medical result, I think you really need UMF20+ strength, made in New Zealand (I heard Australian made is less effective) ones. Lower strength might still do the work but it may take longer time so you may end up with similar cost and your dog will suffer longer. Don't buy the brand "Manuka Doctor" as I read on amazon their strength/rating is NOT UMF/MGO official ratings which is very misleading. Buy a brand that is licensed in New Zealand, you can search the brand here to find out if it's a legitimate honey farm.

And if the infection is serious such as a close Pyo then you better go see a doctor immediately.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Kellb1008 (Coventry) on 02/09/2018

Your posts have given me hope.

My dog has suspected open pyo she is 12 years old and told surgery plus cosr £2000 which my insurance will not authorise. Surgery would possibly kill her. She had a week of antibiotics which appear to have worked I have now started this treatment she is 22kg so 48lbs is this dose right?

She loves it licks of off the spoon

  • 1 tsp Manuka Honey UNF 10+
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric 100%
  • 2000mg of Vitamin C (ACID ASCORBANATE)100%

She is getting better pus went clear and now stopped, she is barking coming upstairs to bed at night and even jumping up on my legs (not done for years) we too have nothing to loose she is eating well heR gums are pink and even excited for walks again.

I wanted to know how long to carry on for and what would be a maintenance dose and frequency to make sure I keep this at bay as she is too old to be spayed.

Thank you so much for this post to help me help her.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Glendy (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/18/2017

My dog (pitbull/lab) 11 years old was diagnosed with pyometra about 3 months ago. We noticed it when she kept bleeding and it kept getting worse. A week before everything she stopped eating and it seemed sick, but we thought it was the food. When the pyometra finally got to her body, we took her to a vet with an emergency visit and the doctor gave us a 50/50 choice. Surgery or antibiotics, of course we couldn't do the surgery and also, being 11 years old we didn't know how her body would react. Luckily by miracle, the antibiotics helped her and within 3 days she was eating. It was a lot of work and cleaning of the yard, but we managed and she got better..

Recently she once again drinking more water and was releasing mucous, but this time it was pink and not as excessive. surprisingly she still ate and had energy. I came on this website and followed the guidelines of Manuka, Turmic and Vit. C 3x a day and it has helped her a lot. She not only had a lot more energy than before, but she had less mucous and it's more clear. She still eats and believes she's getting extra in her food, so it was never a hassle to give it to her.

Luckily we caught it before it got worse, but I will continue to give her the Manuka, but. C and turmic, but 2x a day since it is harder for us to give it to her mid day.

To who ever I owe a thank you to, I am grateful for this website. It had saved us from letting our dog get sick and feeling such pain. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Renee (Richmond, Va) on 11/13/2017

Thank you so much! My English bulldog was sick and I didn't realize it (we were in the middle of moving, and had just arrived to our new home states away). I though maybe she was just depressed because she is an older girl at almost 10. She had just finished her cycle 2 weeks prior. I noticed she was drinking a lot and then started to have a weird colored bloody discharge. I had no idea what was wrong! I knew I could not afford $1200 for a surgery and did not want to put her through that right now, but wanted her to be well at the same time. I payed in her crate with her all night searching for answers and I knew when I saw the symptoms that's what she had.

Thankfully I ran across your site and first thing when the health food store opened I bought her the highest quality of this combination I could find! I gave her 5 doses today along with some arnica pills, and she is sleeping soundly after eating a whole bowl of dog food. I can tell she already feels better and very little discharge. I kept her clean all night (it bothered her to be bleeding and tried to clean herself) she is too thick to lick herself so I cleaned her with a warm cloth and kept clean towels under her. I found administering the meds in a piece of turkey was perfect! She swollowed it right down! I'm so amazed how this works! Thank you for saving my Lucy girl!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Sam W. (Perkins, Oklahoma) on 09/04/2017

Method of Delivery,

For my dog I had great success mixing turmeric, powdered vitamin C, and some Ceylon cinnamon with extra virgin olive oil. Then mixing Manuka honey with that on a saucer. After dabbing my fingers for her to lick, the saucer was cleaned willingly.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by James (Texas) on 08/04/2017

I recently read the post and did research on pyometra on female dogs who go into estrus cycle and came across your article regarding manuka honey, tumeric and vitamin C. My dog is 13 years old and developed what appeared to be open pyometra and found the recommended homeopathic treatment after researching the options. I was fortunate that she had open and not closed pyometra and it appears after 2 weeks that she has recovered but I will need to keep her on a vitamin C treatment. Thought you might like to know that it worked. That still doesn't resolve the problem that she's 13 and has it been spayed.

I appreciate the information shared and I will continue to monitor the website and submit articles as needed. I am a former Healthcare professional by trade and I Hobby in entomology for relaxation.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Sue (Carlsbad, Ca.) on 07/05/2017

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey for Pyometra

This worked wonders for my dog! She's a 9 yr old Chihuahua and this remedy healed her infection in about 1 1/2 weeks. I will continue to give her the treatment for another month to make sure it clears every thing up. But she is a new dog now without any pain or discharge. Thanks so much for posting this method! I will add that I decreased the amount of turmeric a little because it seemed to upset her stomach. Once I decreased the amount a small amount she's had no problem.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Jrouts (Gatineau) on 05/25/2017

Manuka Honey, Turmeric and Vitamin C for Open Pyometra

Last night around 9 our Bulldog started to bleed but not the typical way she would she she would go into heat. In fact her last heat was only 8 weeks ago. We took her into the 24 hrs emergency as it was starting to get out of control quite rapidly and I could tell by feeling her ears that she had a fever. Throughout all this she acted like the same old Molly!

Anyways, after our meeting with the turns out it is Pyometra. Now, with our dog, we cannot have her go surgery (or she would have been spayed LONGG ago)

She has too many health concerns already and specialists fear that she would die on the table from lack of oxygen due to her small trachea, large tongue and jaw issues.

We came home with 14 days of antibiotics and then came across your site-THANK YOU! I went and bough everything needed to concoct this paste and have administered it 3 times already today. She is having much less fluid today and the foul odor has left..thank goodness.

Fingers crossed this is not where her story ends! She is a true fighter and we will fight for her! Thank you for this forum...It has been extremely helpful!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lefty12 (Beach Park, Il) on 05/23/2017

Pyometra: I want to thank you for this site, I used vitamin c, turmeric, manuka honey and kefir. The infection has slowed down and my dog has begun to come back to life, she had a coughing, sneezing, gaggin and runny nose, she has gotten much better over 9 days, I also checked her breathing and at rest now it is 28 breaths per minute. Thanks for the wonderful helpful advice

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Reni (Oceanside, Ca) on 04/24/2017

My 8 year old 45lb. mutt dog was on prednisone for an auto immune emergency situation...which led to many secondary infections. One of which I THINK was pyometra. Although my dog was spayed when we adopted her...they may have been a portion of her uterus left in tact.

She has had many of the symptoms of an OPEN PYOMETRA case:
- mucus (yellowish/green) discharge from the vulva
- majorly lethargic
- drinking tons of water
- not eating (lost 11 pounds)
- pale pink gums
- weakening of the back legs
- laying flat (stretched out, belly on floor) on cool surfaces
- constantly licking her vulva

Long story short...I hated the fact that my dog was on the chemical drug prednisone, and I wasn't about to put her through more vet visits, tests and drugs. So I found many posts about the positive effects of manuka honey, tumeric and vitamin c. I figured...I had nothing to loose, my dog was already skin and bones, and I was feeding her bone broth by a syringe. She was so sick that she didn't wag her tail or lift her head from her doggy bed. So I headed right out to my local organic store and gave her the first tincture/mixture the moment I got home. Since she wasn't eating I just had to take the mixture on my finger and smear it on her tongue so she would swallow it. She had it twice before we went to bed...and in the morning she was wagging her tail and lifting her head. By the next evening She allowed me to help her get up....and she wanted to go outside. Slowly after about a week of this treatment she gained her appetite back ( a little) and started eating more regularly, started being more active, and her energy level increased day by day.

Let me also tell you that during the 2 weeks on this treatment the mucus/discharge got a lot heavier, thicker and greener (gross right?). I just kept wiping her vulva and cleaning it up with a warm rag...and then immediately tossing the rags into a bin to be washed in hot water and bleach. But about half way through the treatment the mucus started to thin out, turn back to yellow-white in color and became less frequent.

3 weeks later she is pretty much herself again. Still a little weak in the back legs, and still, sometimes, in that flat position on the cool tile floor.BUT her energy level is WAY up, she is eating normal again, gums are back to bubble gum pink, not drinking as much water, etc.....and no more mucus! I'm still giving her the tincture/mixture 3x a day....with just tumeric + vit. c added to the honey in the first treatment of the day. I will probably continue to give her this until the strength is back in her back legs and she stops laying flat on the floor (cause she didn't ever do that before she was sick)

Here's my tincture/mixture - THREE TIMES per day
-1/4 tsp. manuka honey (100% pure MGO 400)
-half of a 1/8 tsp. tumeric (reg. powdered in the spice isle)
-half of a 1/8 tsp. vitamin c (with calcium ascorbate)

- read about the benefits of manuka honey.
- read about tumeric for dogs ( scroll to bottom
- read about vitamin c for dogs ( read toward bottom about dosage

I always tend to be more cautious when starting a new remedy...and if I see that it's fine and working for my dog...than I increase gradually.

I hope you find this much as I found the previous posts about this remedy helpful. I feel so lucky to know about EARTH CLINIC...this site has helped my entire family with treatment (successful treatments) for different ailments.

And let me also say...that if your gut tells you to take your dog to see the vet...PLEASE follow your instincts. I just choose to avoid the stress on my dog...and try a natural approach first. GOOD LUCK!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Krystal (Alvin, Tx) on 04/05/2017

My dog was diagnosed with pyometra Saturday. She is a 13 year old 20lb Chihuahua/ Wiener dog mix. I had noticed she had a lack of appetite and seemed very fatigued for a few days. I also noticed her excessively licking her vaginal area. Saturday she seemed very very sick. She wouldn't respond to my voice at all/ eat/ drink/ use the bathroom/ move/ her breathing was shallow and erratic/ abdomen seemed extended. I picked her up to have my sister look at her and saw there was what looked like blood coming out of her. Allot of blood. It was all over me. I rushed her to an emergency vet who told me it was Pyometra and without a very expensive surgery she had very little hope and she was so sick she probably wouldn't survive the surgery. I love my dog very much but I simply do not have any way of obtaining that kind of money. Period. But I couldn't give up on her that easy. So, the vet gave her fluids and a shot of antibiotics and sent us home with antibiotics and pain meds and instructions to bring her back to be euthanized if she didn't get better. I brought her home.

Saturday night, as she lay beside me, with no light left in her eyes, struggling to breath, I came across these miracle stories and first thing Sunday I went to find Manuka Honey, Turmeric, and vitamin c powder. I could not find Manuka honey anywhere close to me so I got raw honey and went online and had the Manuka honey overnighted to me. I started giving her 1 tbsp of honey, 2,000 mg of vitamin C powder and 1/2 tsp of Turmeric powder every eight hours. I almost immediately noticed a difference. She was responding to my voice, I boiled some chicken breast and she ate.

She progressively has done better every day. I finally got the Manuka honey Tuesday And since then almost seems back to her normal self. Today is Wednesday and she is still having a discharge but it's not bloody anymore. The swelling in her abdomen has gone way down, the light in her eyes is back. I am so thankful to have found this site, I'm sure my baby would be dead right now had I not come across this. I hope this helps someone in the future.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Sandi (Reno, Nv) on 01/07/2017

11 year old German Wirehaired Pointer was diagnosed with epilepsy last March when she kept having seizures. She has been on phenobarbital since then. Now she has developed a case of pyometra. The vet will not operate because of her age and heart condition. I have been using the Manuka honey, Tumeric and Vitamin C combination for almost a week now.

Her discharge has lessened from a copious amount to very little and she is eating and drinking again! She weighs 64 lbs amd the dosage I give is 3000mgs vit C powder/ 1/2 tsp tumeric in 1 tbls manuka honey.

Hope this helps...anything is better than just watching your beloved pet go down because you cannot afford surgery or the pet cannot have surgery. This has worked for me and so far she is 100% better than she was 1 week ago.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Vilma (Miami, Fl.) on 11/01/2016

Thank you sooooo very much for this little miracle of natural medicine, you have no idea how fast my dog with pyometra got up and going, the vet told me the only solution was to remove her uterus and clean her up. The operation itself was risky and I decided to go online to search for natural ways to cure pyometra, my dog was not eating, she is a 100lb dogo and she was weighing 70, I gave her 4500mg of Vitamin C, Turmeric, and it says manuka honey but I didn't have any so I gave her raw pure organic honey, within like 2 hours she was already eating, wow I couldn't believe it she was all down lethargic not eating one hour and the next she was up and eating.Thank you sooooo much!

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