Natural Remedies for Cushing's Disease in Dogs

Dietary Changes
Posted by Stella's Mom (Ca) on 10/01/2015

First, ANY animal or person with ANY health condition, illness, disease is NEVER to be vaccinated again - not bordatella, rabies, whatever. None means 0, nada, nothing. The vet who advised you about giving bordatella is wrong; it also is a useless vaccine and only helps with 2 of the 8-12 types of "cold" your dog could catch. Best is to make their immune strong and healthy. That happens by feeding the right diet of raw meat and bones, a little vegetable, good fat (meat, eggs, salmon..), NO vaccines/drugs/toxins/chemicals. No grains; dog's are carnivores. They don't cook and don't eat grains of any kind.

Our family uses homeopathy for ourselves and our animals. No matter what the condition, homeopathy can and does cure - not cover up the symptoms or make another problem. We've used it for dogs with liver disease, seizures, IBD, pancreatitis and aggression (caused by rabies vaccine). It's been successful for each.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Gayle (San Jose, Ca Usa) on 09/20/2012

My dog came down with Cushings about 1 yr ago. Decided against standard treatment because of side effects, cost, and the fact that the drugs start killing off the adrenal gland. Switched to diet that is blend of EVO wet food, raw meat, raw eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, raw vegetables, raw fruit, and a supplement the vet had called Si Maio San 4 Marvels by Kan Essentials. After 4 days his symptoms completely stopped. I think the diet made the difference. Just recently the symptom of increased hunger has returned and I'm going to switch to mostly raw to see if that helps. I'm also going to add the probiotics and ACV.