Cat Remedies
Health Benefits

Natural Pet Remedies for Cats

Oregano Oil
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 06/05/2017


Hey Jennifer,

Oregano taken orally or applied topically is not toxic to cats. That said, if you apply oregano oil on an open wound where it can enter the bloodstream it will cause problems with the liver, and thus injecting oregano oil into the bloodstream IS toxic to cats, and likely most any other critter.

Feline Infectious Anemia
Posted by Patti (Usa) on 05/11/2017

I think to give DE internally, at such high dosages, to any small animal such as a cat, especially to a sick kitten, may be unsafe for them.

At one site there is a small chart that has amounts suggested by weight and maturity of the cat. It suggests only a 1/2 teaspoon for a kitten up to 6-1/2 pounds (who are already eating solid food).

Even then, I would err on the side of safety and at least start with a much smaller amount. Then watch the kitty for any adverse reactions.

I have successfully used food grade DE (diatomaceous earth) mixed equally with Borax, to get rid of fleas in the environment. (both inside the house and outside the perimeter of the house, NOT for a pet to eat).

I applied it (50/50 mix of Borax and DE), on the carpets/rugs, upholstered furniture, mattresses and bedding, etc, but only one room at a time (kept the pets out of the room being treated), Then after a day, vacuumed it up. Be aware that it may clog your vacuum cleaner and I suggest using a shop vac if you can.

At the same time, I sprinkled it outside around the edge where the ground meets the house, the window sills (inside and out), the ground from the edge of the house to the bushes, etc. You may need to use a dust mask and safety goggles to mix and apply it since it's a dusty combination.

Since then, no more fleas at all! (3 years so far).

Our cats didn't have any fleas, etc when we left our home to move, but got them at the motel we stayed at (that allowed pets), then the Vet at our new location suggested that the local feral cats (who strut by our yard and tease our kitties on their screened-in lanai) probably hang out under the bushes next to the screen and leave fleas too.

You may have to reapply it outside at some point due to rain.

Aging Cats
Posted by Linda (Ontario) on 04/29/2017

I have an 18 year old cat that developed asthma like symptoms 2 years ago. He was on oxygen and steroids for a while. Then on homeopathic remedies. He was getting worse and was dying. I did some research and found a lifesaving remedy for him. Omega Alpha, Lung Tone. I give it to him by mouth daily and he's back to his old self again. Truly amazing. It saved his life!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ltan (Singapore) on 01/05/2017

Can I mix pumpkin and Apple Cider Vinegar into my cat food?

Caution in DIY Cat Remedies
Posted by Ann (P.s. Ca) on 11/05/2016

Hi to all,

I just want to give a fresh reminder of how different a cats liver/kidneys is from ours or a dogs, etc. They lack an important liver detoxification enzyme called glucuronosyltransferase (yes a mouth full). That is why so many things cause much toxicities in our cats. Their livers can not clear so many substances safely & there for a toxic build up happens, this can be over time of many years or shorter time depending on what toxins are taken in. Taken in can be either oral or through the skin, or breath. This is very much so when it comes to Essential oils as the EO's are 500 - 2000 time stronger then the plant. However what ever is being used oral, eyes, skin, etc., please remember that there are other things in most products not just one thing. It may be safe for a human but not for cats. Always do research, over & over to make sure of safety. You could find illness or disease many, many years down the road. We have toxins in & around us all the time, from cleaning items to smoking, outside environment, paint, carpets & so on, this is adding to the cat as well as good intentions. Mind you I am not saying that DIY help is not a good thing, just be sure to do your home work of researching very well. I work at a animal shelter and have seen first hand what good intentions or even the lack there of can do to our furry babies, of all kinds. We sometimes get tunnel vision when it comes to our babies, we need to keep that tunnel open with research and knowledge.

This is a wonderful site and I for one hope it is always here. The best to all of you.

P.S. I forgot to mention that cats are "lactose intolerant" they may love the milk but it is not, again, it is not good for them.

Posted by Martha (Ny) on 10/01/2016

Please see a veterinarian. Your cat needs help that you may not be able to provide. You can always turn down a treatment plan. How do you know that your cat is not going to end up in agonizing pain from the tumor? I would see a board-certified internist specialist in a specialty hospital asap.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vicki (Kansas City) on 09/21/2016

Actually, reverse osmosis water is the absolute best for you and your pets. It removes everything and hopefully some of the radiation from Fukishima too. It removes the chlorine, very bad, and the fluoride which our gov't insists we have as it for real makes us lose IQ points - Harvard study. You must just remember to add back in minerals such as sea salt like Himalayan.

Posted by Patricia (Downsville) on 09/16/2016 42 posts


You wrote "dmso mixed with organic cold filtered apple cider vinegar with the mother. Also honey and coconut oil."

Can you be more explicit on the exact measurments. I am thinking of using DMSO to drive in honey into a tumor or cyst on my cat's chest. I have heard that a bee keeper swears that honey is the only cure for cancer.

I don't use vets. When this growth was small it used to drain to nothing and then fill up again so I think it is not a tumor. Nothing I have tried in the past two years including Essiac, has worked.

When you rub the mixture on the fur do you think the fur absorbs the dmso into the body? Also, is cleanliness the reason you rub the fur with rubbing alcohol first?

This dmso is liquid in a plastic bottle. Am I going to rub plastic into my cat?

I am afraid to put the dmso directly on the growth for fear of getting a skin reaction.

The problem I have is that this growth seems to escape (just behind her left arm pit on her chest) any bandaging I have used.

Do you not use fresh aloe? Why the taurine?

Nail Infection
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/06/2016

Hello Rose,

Wishing you good luck at the vet. And one thought for claw clipping: if your cat lets you give him a bath, try clipping the claws while he is in the tub! The change of environment and being at your mercy in the tub might change his attitude and allow you to easily clip his claws.

Nail Infection
Posted by Rose (Pennsylvania) on 09/05/2016

I'd also like to know more about nail/claw and paw pad infections. My 10 yo Persian is not a scratcher so his claws get long. I either have a groomer or vet clip them. I don't trust myself clipping them because I have to do it alone which means holding him down at the same time I try to clip. He fights having this done. He's basically a well behaved cat and lets me bathe him, but no claw clipping.

Anyway, I noticed he had a claw that was starting to curl. It wasn't yet time for the groomer or vet so I let it go...I know this was wrong and I feel awful. About a week later, I noticed his paw was sticking out at the spot of the long claw, but I couldn't see any swelling or liquid coming from it. It didn't seem to bother him even though this claw would make noise on the floor. He sounded more like a dog walking around. About two days later, his paw looked wet on the front and black on the back and is hard as a rock. He is no longer walking on it. :( It's a holiday wkend, places are closed and I currently have no car. I started soaking his paw in peroxide and water and he didn't flinch. If it's infected, wouldn't he feel the peroxide? He only allows me to soak it for about a min and then he fights to get away. I also ran out of peroxide. I did use salt water once too. Soaking didn't soften it at all. No pus that I saw. His paw smells awful, like poop. So I'm wondering if maybe he didn't step on his poop and got it stuck in his claws. He did this one other time when he was younger. Got poop stuck between two claws and I didn't know what it was because it was so hard. He walked around with this thing hanging onto the end of his paw for a few days until it finally fell off. Then I realized that, yes, it was a piece of petrified poop. Sounds funny, but it was true. So now I'm wondering if the hard, black stuff on the back of his paw is once again poop or infection. Regardless, I'm finding a way to get him to the vet on Tues. He seems fine otherwise, is eating/drinking like normal, no fever either. He is though staying away from me more than usual, I guess because he doesn't want me looking at or doing anything to his paw. I have to pick him up now to brush him where as he used to almost beg for brushing as soon as I got up in the morning...he loves it! He'd rather be brushed and petted than eat. He's always been a picky eater and never a big eater either. It took me awhile to get him to even look at wet food and now, he just licks out the gravy and lets the rest lay. I throw out a LOT of wet food. He loves the Royal Canin for Persians dry food, but even seems to get bored with that sometimes. He doesn't even like chicken. I can put a tiny piece of delicious, cooked white meat under his nose and he turns his head away. Never met a cat who didn't love chicken!! He's the weirdest cat who ever owned me!

I just wish I could do something for his hard paw before we get to the vet in a day or two. :(

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 08/27/2016

No I wouldn't. Have you colloidal silver or coconut oil? Try that.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephanie (Florida) on 08/27/2016

I'm sure it will. I'm no vet, but a pet parent. When my shadow came to us he was sneezing and his eyes were covered in green and yellow puss. I have him L Lysine and ACV. The ACV, I put in his water for two weeks and the L Lysine I crush up and put in his food. You might try this and look at the administering fluids section for instructions on giving liquids. I hope your little one feels better soon.

Severe Respiratory Remedies
Posted by Renee (Il) on 08/21/2016

Dear Om, I am interested in trying the Dr's Best Serrapeptase for my cat Blue but can only find the veg caps which I believe are liquid. Can I squeeze the liquid out into distilled or spring water and give it to him by syringe and if so how much per dose and how many times a day do you suggest? I have taken him to the vet at least 4 times in the last few month's with sneezing, runny eyes and nose and coughing and they tell me each time he has a cold and respiratory problems. So each time they give him antibiotics and a steroid shot which only helps him for a short amount of time and then he starts the symptoms all over again. I don't want to take him back to the vet again as I believe it is only making things worse instead of better. I am hoping the Serrapeptase will help him. Thank you!!

Coconut Water
Posted by Jennifer (Ocala, Fl) on 08/18/2016

Cats are 100% carnivorous. Anything other than 80% raw flesh, 10% raw bones and 10% raw organs will kill them. ALL kibble (even grain free) is completely toxic to carnivores. It's the equivalent of a human being eating pretzels 3 times a day, 365 days a year and expecting to be healthy and live a long life. That's why tigers and other cats in the zoo get raw meat.

Coconut Water
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 08/16/2016

Thank you for reminding me. I used to use coconut water years ago for any sick animals and had actually forgotten about it and have never written about in my notes. It is also very good for people for suffering with a illness too. So again, many thanks.

Coconut Water
Posted by Deborah (California) on 08/16/2016

Does he have crystals in his urine?

As long as he is not getting blocked because that can be very dangerous.

Coconut Water
Posted by Laamalia (Honolulu, Hi) on 08/16/2016

My cat, who is male about 4 yrs old, will not eat wet food or fresh food of any kind. I have always given him really good grain free dry food which he tolerates. The vet recommended he eat the urinary food that they sell which I thought would be good. I mixed some with his regular food and he ate it quickly but soon after threw up all his food several times. In addition he threw up yellow stuff a few times which was not good. I was almost ready to take him to a vet but I decided to wait.

Not wanting him to get dehydrated, I made some peppermint tea and also had a commercial aloe/coconut water (not milk! ) which has a little sugar. I slowly fed him from the side of his cheek with a large medicine dropper (the kind they use to administer liquid medicine to babies). I fed him only 2 dropper fulls of each to see how he would react. He took it well and did not regurgitate. I did this about 2-3 times in about 2-3 hr. increments and then when I returned home in the evening.

In the meanwhile, the next day I did administer 1/8 of a pill the vet had given me another time to increase his appetite because I knew it was important for him to eat. When I came home he did eat the controlled amount of food I had left for him of his usual dry food. No messes but I was concerned because the litter pan was dry. He is an indoor'/outdoor cat but I didn't want him out because of the problem. I fed him some more of above water as I described and took him for a short walk outdoors on a leash. He didn't go and I was still concerned.

I came back and gently massaged his belly and area around the kidneys. Shortly after he finally did urinate in his litter box. I'm not concerned (yet) that he hasn't pooped because he really did not eat until today but he definitely looks better.

I definitely recommend pure coconut water for hydration-- best unsweetened but a little sugar shouldn't hurt unless diabetic. Give in small quantities as I described in order to prevent dehydration. Coconut water has minerals and acts like "pedialyte" but is much better for you. It worked well for me.

Respiratory Infection
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney Australia) on 08/15/2016

Rachael, please give your cat vit c 250grms 2x a day and colloidal silver 5mls a 3x a day for 3 days then 5mls 2x a day then 5mls 1xday for week, good luck

Respiratory Infection
Posted by Rachel (Idaho) on 08/15/2016

Tia, do you still swear by goldenseal it must obviously come in a liquid also right? Is that the same goldenseal humans use? I have a month 1/2 old feral little girl kitten whose nose is runny a bit, eyes look watery, sneezes & sounds very congested with a sneezy wheezy cough sound. If there's anything anybody can suggest that is 110% safe to give her please let me know. I'm very broke right now but keeping her alive & back to healthy is my # 1 goal. Thank you.

Posted by Renee (Vader Wa) on 07/05/2016

I know its been a year but right now I'm giving my cat dmso mixed with organic cold filtered apple cider vinegar with the mother. Also honey and coconut oil. The apple cider vinegar w dmso w coconut oil, I put it on his fur. I first wipe him with rubbing alcohol pretty good rub.(I put it on myself first so he doesn't know the smell is him) and he thinks I'm just massaging him. After it dries I rub the mixture on his fur. On his head and neck and down by his kidneys. I just don't let him see me with the glass. When I'm done and calm I grab the honey and put on my fingers and rub on front paws.

I also have been making food in the blender w can catfood inner filet aloe juice and taurine and water. Now all 3 of my cats won't eat fresh out of the can. I tried raw and cooked ( tried each for a week) since I've stopped all the meds and forcing him to drink, went natural they are doing well.

Just a little note, I was on so much medication, I never felt hungry. Now my dogs, cats and myself are going natural we all are living life. not just existing..

Avoid Certain Foods
Posted by Shelby (Texas) on 04/21/2016

Avocado is poisonous to most animals, especially birds, cats and dogs. Green beans are poisonous to hamsters, and carrot tops to rabbits

Cat Peeing in House
Posted by Inky (Colorado Springs, Co) on 04/20/2016

The eye infection I would think your vet could help you with an ointment. For my older cat I would have to pick up all plastic stuff, they like to pee on that. A friend of mine use to spray water when inappropriate behavior would occur. Or a positive reward I like to use is reward when appropriate behavior is displaced. I use an all natural cat litter made of fine pecan nut purchased at Walmart. Perhaps placing smaller cat litter boxes around the frequently used areas.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Inky (Colorado Springs, Co) on 04/20/2016

Reverse osmosis water I thought was not good for us. It's the same as soda pop which is really bad for us. I give my cat 8.5 alkaline drinking water. If anything filtered tap water would be better than the reverse osmosis water.

Fluid Retention
Posted by Inky (Colorado Springs, Co) on 04/20/2016

Try homemade aloe recipe, cited in the comments above. Noni is great stuff too for overall improvement of health and old age pains.

Neurological Problems
Posted by Inky (Colorado Springs, Co) on 04/20/2016

For internal use: try the aloe recipe noted above your comment. Tahitian Noni is wonderful for overall health too. I place it in the frig, for usage shake well and in a small bottle, use 1 ml from dropper, 3 times daily. Finally, Omega 3 oil benefits the entire body. Consult how to use with your doctor.

Aging Cats
Posted by Myway (Usa) on 04/11/2016

For those of you out there with aging cats - they need better nutrition as they age. Here is my suggestion....I love my fur kitties - and because I am a very busy person, I have a system that keeps them healthy - my eldest is 18 years old.

  1. Organic ACV/Filtered water 50/50 mix. 2cc in am and pm. I use a syringe. 4 days on, 3 days off.
  2. Organic wet pet food. Different varieties.
  3. Limited vaccinations.
  4. Filtered drinking water only
  5. Morning dab of organic, virgin, unrefined coconut oil on their paws. Just a dab on each paw. They lick it.

So far, so good.


Aging Cats
Posted by Paula (Toronto) on 04/06/2016

You may want to not ever give your pet dry food, it is horrible for them. Wet food high in protein would be the way to go. No vegetables added to their food with sugars. You can also add vitamins to their food a tiny pinch to each meal. Taurine Vitamin B - complex, Vitamin C, Kelp, Bone Meal these are the normal things your pet needs for being healthy slippery elm for hair ball issues. God Bless! P

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Southwest U.s.) on 03/11/2016


If your cat is young, treatment on Earth Clinic will probably work for upper respiratory illness. Yesterday, I had to put down my older cat (18 years old) due to respiratory illness as I was afraid she was going to suffocate. I was only able to help her once using antibiotics. But the next time my cat came down with this illness nothing would work! Absolutely nothing. Although it is very difficult to put an animal down it is best for the animal. Don't allow your pets to suffer if they don't get well. Just my opinion.

Echinacea, Vitamin C
Posted by Luisa (Arizona ) on 03/10/2016

Hi, can you please tell me what kind of echinacea and vitamin c you used? What brand? Was it pill form or liquid? And what did you use in the eyes? My cat has some sort of respiratory infection, with watery eyes. Sneezing. She's only getting worse is losing weight, bearly eating. Any advice I would appreciate it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 03/10/2016

Hi luisa, for a specific complaint 5 mls 3 times per day for 3 days, then 2 times a day. Good luck with your kitty,

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Luisa (Arizona, ) on 03/10/2016

Help! My cat is very sick! She has some respiratory infection. Sneezing, watery eyes, congested, she's not wanting to eat much. Lost a lot of weight. Is very weak. The vet put her on antibiotics and eye drops with antibiotics which I don't like giving her cause it weakens their immune system. She also had fever when I took her to the vet. Suggestions to treat her naturally and effective please? I give her also colloidal silver and coconut oil. How much do I give her that? How often? She's only 4 pounds now she's lost so much weight. She's 11 months. My heart is breaking to see her like this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/14/2016

Hello Zina,

Your cat may be experiencing a medical emergency. Dilated pupils can indicate pain, and heavy breathing also means something is wrong. Please consider taking your cat to the vet ASAP.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Zina (West Palm Beach) on 02/13/2016

My cat is breathing heavily with an enlarged pupil could this be a respiratory problem?? He continues to eat and drink and use his litter

Severe Respiratory Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 02/13/2016

Amy (Riverside, Ca.)

Dear Amy, in my rescue years I have lost a number of cats due to upper respiratory illness. Nothing I tried worked and I can truly say the vets helped death along wit their antibiotics.

But now my oldest, over twenty, is the last and very ill. I ordered SERRAPEPTASE from Dr.'s Best on Amazon and this is the second day. I opened the capsule and emptiet this into a tiny glass bottle, taking out a good pinch mixed with a good drop of water and put it into a syringe. He took it nicely taking his time. But the entire day he sneezed very little and seemed at ease and slept well. I am much relieved. I gave this three times a day but hope to go down to two times a day away from food. If one uses high potency, this has to be considered.

When needed, I use his cotton wash cloth and turn on hot water. Then squeeze it out quickly and after making sure, it is bearable, wipe his face and eyes. He likes it as it seems to ease the pain from his sinuses.

Amazon has over 500 customer reports on Serrapeptase. It is an enzyme from the silk worms and not a drug. People use it also for their dogs. It seems excellent for many conditions and I have started to take it myself once a day.

You may want to try this.

Namaste. Om

Severe Respiratory Remedies
Posted by Amy (Riverside Ca.) on 02/11/2016

Does the turmeric and water in the syringe enter the nose or mouth? I would like to use this on my cat.

Severe Respiratory Remedies
Posted by Amy (Temecula Ca.) on 02/11/2016

To OM of Canada:

Is the turmeric and water solution placed in the nostrils or mouth of cats? Regarding respiratory problems? Thanks.

Meow Remedies
Posted by Paulette (Sydney) on 01/21/2016

Hi, I find good raw food like kangaroo mince really helps them get better.If you can I find a good quality acidolphus also helps a multitude of problems like urinary tract crystals. I also add rainwater to my cats meat in dry months. He won't drink fluoridised water. Smart kitty.

Neurological Problems
Posted by Paulette (Sydney) on 01/21/2016

I tend to use a high grade acidolphus and bovine colustrum for lots of healing.

Flea Remedy for Kittens
Posted by Susan (Miami Springs, Fl) on 01/11/2016

Food grade Diatomaceous Earth Is the best remedy for killing any insects! Fleas, ticks, bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders! Also great against mange! And when the animal licks it off, it kills internals parasites! Wonderful stuff! Buy in any feed store or online!

Flea Dips
Posted by Maggie (Southern Ontario) on 12/29/2015

I used DE on the carpets in a bachelor apartment, and although it ended the flea problem, there was always a thin layer of DE that settled on everything ever-after. I washed the curtains and changed the AC/Heat filter. I wonder the effect of the continual fine dust on anyone who is in the environment. For this reason, I'm not convinced it is safe to use.

Hyperthyroid Remedies for Cats
Posted by Michele (Fresno, Ca) on 12/28/2015

Thyroid Balance from Pet Essences really worked for our cat.

Bladder Issues
Posted by Shaylene (California) on 12/27/2015

After reading and re-reading the story about this cat and his mommy giving him ACV, still I cannot figure out what this ACV is! Please help!

EC: ACV is the acronym for Apple Cider Vinegar.

Severe Respiratory Remedies
Posted by Greenrivergirl7 (Ky) on 12/20/2015

One year my whole lot of kitties came down in wintertime with respiratory infections (looks to me like a cold). My oldest was already taking L-lysine for his herpes with sneezing, so I figured it was worth a try. I tried it and it worked. None of them died on me.

After trial & error, the easiest way I have found to do this is... get a short/wide glass jar, put in about 30 (number doesn't matter as long as you match the correct amount of water with it) 500 mg L-lysine tablets in it, then take a syringe and put in 1cc of filtered water in it for each tablet (So, if you had a syringe that went up to 3cc's, you would only need to put in 10 of those full, and it doesn't have to be exactly perfect either.) Then leave the tablets and water sit up in the cabinet overnight with a lid on it. The next day it might turn out smooth, or it may be lumpy (I don't know why it turns out lumpy sometimes), but if it's lumpy just strain it through a metal strainer and then it will stay fine.

Now, you have 30 doses of lysine at the ready. Just take out the jar, stir it up a little, and fill the syringe up to the 1cc mark for each dose (I give mine slightly more, but wouldn't give them more than 1 & a half cc's a day. I use to have to crush a pill every time to give a dose. This is much easier and last a long time. If it starts to get cakey before you finish, you might could add a little water to it or just start over.

This method has made my life so much easier. I hope it helps someone else also.

God Bless All... GRG7 : )

Flea Remedy for Kittens
Posted by Vicki (Tx) on 11/22/2015

Food grade diatomaceous earth.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 11/06/2015

Kreena (Scotland)

The best treatment is powdered turmeric applied dry onto a wound. Heals fast and no pus. It is a natural antibiotic, makes new blood. When healed, apply coconut oil. I have used it on large wounds with great results.

Namaste, Om

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kreena (Scotland) on 11/05/2015

Apple Cider Vinegar is no good for this but if its an upper respiratory infection try one half human echinacea and one half human vit c both 1000 mg. Grind them into powder and mix into wet food like brine from tuna or give directly with dropper bottle from chemist. Do this once a day at the same time every day. Hope this helps

Teeth Issues
Posted by Kim (Tn) on 10/18/2015

Did you find anything to help? If so, what? Hope you did and he's better. Thanks Kim

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Onna (Mi) on 09/29/2015

What ailments/illnesses did you treat your kitty for with ACV, and under what heading can I find apple cider vinigar treatment for cats? I'm reading about all the treatments. But I cannot find where they are located for felines in the website. greatly appreciated, the help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/25/2015

Apple Cider Vinegar can sting on broken skin. You could try it but dilute it a lot. Maybe 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to 1 cup of water. Turmeric powder may be of help, or extra virgin coconut oil. You could even mix the two and apply it.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Darlene (Syracuse, Ny) on 09/25/2015

This is off the beaten path of your discussion, does anyone know if apple cider vinegar could be applied to a sore on my cats neck, she is an indoor cat. I've had her 5 years this has never happened before. Thank you for a timely response, she is my best friend!

Respiratory Infection
Posted by Erica (Atlanta, Ga ) on 08/15/2015

I have an indoor cat and she is 1year old and she sneezing alot and not her self. What should I do. I think she is sick

EC: Hi Erica,

Please see this page for additional remedies:

Feline Hyperesthesia Remedies
Posted by Susan (Us) on 07/01/2015

My cat was chewing up the last inch of her tail and throwing blood everywhere, rippling skin and twitching. I tried many different things with very little positive results. I am now using food grade Diatomaceous Earth, 1 teaspoon a day mixed with her wet food, and the symptoms have decreased 98%.

It is cheap and harmless. I take it myself. Research it.

Bladder Issues
Posted by Scott (Southbridge ) on 06/16/2015

What is AVC?? My cat has crystals in his urine in the start of a kidney stone :( is there anything you can recommend?

EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar.

Bladder Crystals
Posted by Linda S. (Delaware) on 05/29/2015

I have always owned multiple cats and always ended up with the urinary tract, crystal problem. I started feeding them canned food with water added. They lapped it all up and I haven't had a problem since. I also put C, taurine, and kelp on their food.

Respiratory Infection
Posted by Marlita (Cuenca, Ecuador ) on 05/23/2015

How much Silver were you putting into how much water? I try to give it orally to my kitten but she hates it. And do you know how many ppm your silver is?

Flea Remedy for Kittens
Posted by Denise ( Florida) on 04/23/2015

To Reader from Bloomington, Mn. I rescued a kitten that weighed 1 & 1/2lbs. And was covered with ringworm, after spending $300 and was not cured & I got it, I mixed 1 part bleach to 10 parts of water & tried it on myself for 3 days to try for skin irritation before I tried it on my kitten. Oh, very important, I bought a blacklight to spot the affected areas as they will glow under the light. I had no irritation and it killed the ringworm on the spot. I tried it on kitty with the same results. I did rub vitamin e oil and allow on the area just in case. It worked immediately with no adverse reaction.

Flea Remedy for Kittens
Posted by Denise ( Florida) on 04/23/2015

As far as fleas go, diatamateous earth (food grade) works for me. We have for dogs, a cat and a ferret. You can put it on the animal but sometimes drys their skin. Just sprinkle DE in your carpet, on your tile and under the bed and in pretty areas. The DE gets on the evidently exoskeleton of the flea and slices it. Be careful with ferrets because of their respiratory issues. A dab of tea tree oil at the nap of the neck works well as fleas don't like the smell.

Respiratory Infection
Posted by Mama To Many ( Tennessee, US) on 04/20/2015

We have an outdoor kitten that is about 9 months old. She was sneezing a lot, low on energy and appetite. I put colloidal silver in her water for a couple of days and now she is back to normal! ~Mama to Many~

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Diamond (Ma.) on 04/17/2015

Willa; I have lightened up some on ACV and changed over to coconut oil organic and virgin or extra virgin if any available, it has helped my very sick cat 100% she was vomiting constantly until she was spitting up blood, I took her to the vets, costing me $150.00 and I could not see any results, so the coconut oil has done wonders for my cat, because she was a dumpster diver(stray) her immune system was damaged to almost no repairing .I cook her chicken and mix coconut oil in with her food every time she eats (3 or more times a day)and she seems to stay stable & she just loves the taste. Another thing every one should remember or know is tha t"All"animals eat grass because it's their form of medicine, if cats are held inside for the duration they crave this fresh grass like I crave sweets etc..

If any one cares to do a web search on the remedies for coconut oil, it has a huge amount of help and remedies.

Grass can be found at most leading stores or in a garden center or in my back yard where it needs mowing LOL.Good Luck.

Posted by Heather (Georgetown, Ontario Canada) on 04/13/2015

Hi There,

I have an 18 yr old Tabby. He isn't eating much and has arthritis in his back legs. We just had him to the Vet and his blood tests were largely inconclusive. The Vet advised that he was slightly anemic which according to the Vet is not uncommon in senior cats. I am a big fan of DMSO. Is it possible to give DMSO to cats? And if the answer is "yes" could you recommend a dosage.

Many Thank, Heather

Fluid Retention
Posted by Jara (Sacramento, Ca) on 03/23/2015

Fluid retention in the stomach area is frequently the fluid thrown off from cancer cells. In humans you begin to look pregnant.

Bloody Stool Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 02/03/2015

Blood in cat stool is most often from presence of parasites. I have an ongoing problem of dealing with this off and on. Allopathic meds for parasites is extremely poisonous, so here is my problem.

Even, in the past when using chemical meds for this, there was a recurrence in less than weeks. Added to which for instance, Drontal has increased in prices many times over as greed knows no limits.

So, now I always use diatomaceous earth see (online) even for myself. It takes about three months to see if any results. So far I am not sure how it is going. It had a good effect on my big dog who does not any longer show worms in his stool. This is as a daily addition to food.

The presence of parasites is extremely toxic in people and animals and must be addressed. There is a company Humaworm online which I would use next. It is herbal. I would use Slippery Elm powder without the honey, first cooked with water and when cooled, adding a little honey which will repair the bloody gut. This is an excellent herbal remedy also for people.

This worries me off and on but I refuse to give poisons that don't even work but call for lots of $$$.

Namaste, Om

Bloody Stool Remedies
Posted by Jodi (Colorado, US) on 02/03/2015

Blood in cat stool is fairly common. I wouldn't worry unless you had other symptoms

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Myway (Wilmington, De) on 12/16/2014

Food Grade diatomaceous earth (DE) is very effective for fleas on animals - just don't inhale it. I have a bowl of the powder in the kitchen with a "poofy" brush I used for rouge on my face. When one of my cats come by, I just dab it into their fur with the brush. They don't even know it's happening. This treatment is drying so I just do it once a week - dabbing their fur. Please don't use pool grade DE. You can cause great harm to your pet. BTW, I take a tablespoon a day in my water...:)

Bladder Issues
Posted by Ec (Mexico) on 12/15/2014

My Cat Sunny looks like he is having a problem peeing. I live far away from any stores and I need to know what I can use in place of Apple cider Vinegar. I have reg. Vinegar - can I mix this with anything?

Plasmacytic Pododermatitis
Posted by Kate77 (Hudson Valley, Ny) on 12/13/2014

The probiotics I use are the solgar brand or sloray in the refrigerated section of the health food store They run about 25 dollars for 60 pills. We take the same ones so our cat consumes about 3 pills per bottle, given a dash each day in his food, No plasmacytic pododermatitis in 5 years.....YaY!

Aloe and Laser
Posted by Michelle (Bc, CA) on 12/09/2014

What an amazing site! Thank you all so much!

My cat Martin is turning 17 in January, 2015 and has struggled with gastritis, arthritis and asthma for years. Thanks to this forum, I've added aloe to his diet - he is a different cat! I also use Cold Laser treatments twice p/month to address the arthritis, also very, very effective with pain control (so much so that he is now off Metacam! ).

NOTE: Please be CAREFUL with the Aloe. ONLY Inner Leaf is actually recommended for pets - NOT whole leaf. I personally use Organic Aloe Vera Gel from inner leaf only, 1/2 tsp per wet meal x twice p/day.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Posted by Selina (Ohio, US) on 11/17/2014

Hi please help me my 6 month kitty was diagnosed with wet FIP last week.. How is your cat doing now?

Bladder Issues
Posted by Cindy (Ventura, Ca Usa) on 11/12/2014

What is acv?

EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar

Avoid Certain Foods
Posted by Catherine (West Virginia) on 10/22/2014

Sources of ALA

Red meats, muscle meats and organ meats like liver, kidneys and hearts are the foods richest in alpha lipoic acid. Other foods that contain ALA include yeast, spinach, broccoli and potatoes, according to Many of these ingredients are included in commercial cat foods to meet your kitty's need for the antioxidant. Don't confuse alpha lipoic acid with the omega-3 essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, which our furry buddies also need in their diets. Alpha-linolenic acid, also called ALA, helps keep your cat's skin and coat shiny, according to the "Cat Lover's Daily Companion: 365 Days of Insight and Guidance for Living a Joyful Life with Your Cat."

Sources of alpha-linolenic acid include walnuts, flax seed and canola oil, according to the Kirkland Science Labs website.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sheri (Atascadero, Ca) on 10/06/2014

My Maine Coon rescue has had an ongoing case of feline herpes virus. ACV, steam, and one 7-day treatment of amoxicillin helped him through acute phase. He started eating again and felt a lot better. I still give him diluted organic ACV and lysine powder in his food, but the hacking cough has hung on for many months. The vet told me to try one drop of 0.5% phenylephrine in each nostril about 3 times a day. That's Neosynephrine. He hates it but the drops seem to help. Its been a week and no more coughing.

Neurological Problems
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 10/02/2014

Hello Catlover --- people in general who have their animals/pets vaccinated, should examine their pets eyes. That fine line indicates damage to the nervous system.

The rabies vaccination is one of the most damaging poisons of all vaccinations; of course all four fold, etc. vacs. No homeopathic meds can correct it even though people think Thuja will eradicate damage - to no avail.

The truth about rabies here in Canada, for example, is that whenever the Press heard of an unsubstantiated incident, they blew it up to untold proportions, creating public scare and the tactic worked: money flowed into the coffers of the professional sector I.e. veterinary businesses.

When then, after a while, it became public that indeed there was no proof of rabies in the end, it was not given prominence and business was established.

For example, just yesterday I found out gov't has removed all deworming meds from the pet/feed stores. To force us spending a fortune on even one lousy pill plus bring in the animal, plus, plus. Bottomline: greed and manipulation of the public. The professional community lives by the society but holds it to ransom.

You will need to research to at least reverse the damage done to your pet and upbraid the vet who went against your request not to do what he brazenly did. Stand up for your rights. Your decision was not respected.

My only solace in view of all this is the knowledge I have from India's spiritual sector is that "what is seen now will not be seen again". Those that do damage to beings and the environment will not be forgiven. For us who know this, there is personal responsibility.

We will have a completely different medical system in the near future but we have to be patient and have faith.

Namaste, Om

Neurological Problems
Posted by Catlover (Cincinnati, OH) on 10/02/2014

Thanks so much for responding, we asked for the rabies vac. not to be given, suspect it was. I just noticed a line across one of his eyes yesterday, what is that a symptom of? Again appreciate advice, will check into Brahmi ASAP.

Neurological Problems
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 10/01/2014

Hi Catlover -- the only thing I can think of is to take BRAHMI or its other name GOTU KOLA. It works on the brain and nervous system. You could mix it with some honey, say a quarter tsp. of the powder in warm water twice a day for some time. Have you examined his eyes? Did you find a fine line on the outer part of his pupil?

You can get this as a powder on line and it is a famous Ayurvedic remedy. It even repairs brain damage and is a powerful blood cleanser.

Did your cat get an injection? A vaccination?

I hope things will improve. Namaste , Om

Neurological Problems
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/30/2014

Hey Catlover!

Sorry to hear about your sweet boy.

Are you taking him to Mount Healthy Animal Hospital? If so, the only other thing I can think of would be a vet who practices EFT. You can do this yourself if you cannot find a vet:

Sending healing prayers to you both.


Neurological Problems
Posted by Catlover (Cincinnati,ohio) on 09/30/2014

I have a one yr old male cat that developed neurological problems after neutering. Have seen 3 vets, last one holistic. He is now unable to walk, likes to stretch his head back, are syringing food part time. He is on choline, immune boosters, liver pills and minerals....not seeing any improvement..does anyone have any ideas? Such a precious little guy, thanks.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/29/2014

Hey Leonard!

Please visit EC's FIP page and start reading, and do not forget to scroll down - LOT's of ideas for you:

Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Posted by Leonard (Australia) on 09/28/2014

My 11 month burmese kitten was jus diagnosed with wet FIP.

We just had his lungs and stomich drained. I just want to know if any cats have survived and or how long does it take before death?

He still eats and seems ok... just a bit down but his quality of life is good

Avoid Certain Foods
Posted by Jackie Page (New York, N) on 09/21/2014


R. Ashby - you are right. ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) is toxic for cats.

Check it out on the internet. It may be good for you - but - not for them. Cats (and, sometimes, dogs) react badly to many things that are good for people. Anytime I give anything to a cat - I first check out it thoroughly with vets - AND on the internet - for Risks, Cautions, Side-Effects, etc.


Avoid Certain Foods
Posted by Carol (Va., US) on 09/09/2014

alpha lipoic acid ( ALA ) does NOT hurt the liver, it helps it. please do some research before stating facts out of the air.

R ALA is the natural form. It restores liver enzyme levels back to normal

Feline Hyperesthesia Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 08/18/2014

Hey Marlene!

There is evidence that this condition may be connected to a brain/seizure disorder. You might consider Ted's Remedies for seizures:

"Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand):

I had a feedback of a child that had monthly epileptic seizures. The remedy for that one for a child anyway was 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, and some magnesium citrate supplements, which was about 100-150 mg. A foundation exists because a disease exists, if there were no disease, a foundation would not exist and people would be out of a job. Hence, the system perpetuates the disease. An epileptic seizures at least on my observations were at least a couple things (but more) as the cause that can be considered in a home remedy: A heavy metal toxicity and hence magnesium reduces this problem.

An alkalization increases oxygen and the brain can heal itself.

A lecithin supplements for a child, for example might be 1/2 tablespoon a day. The lecithin promotes myelin sheath.

Both the myelin sheaths if insufficient the brain short circuits as there is no insulation to protect electrical neural travelling. The lecithin promotes myelin sheaths. Heavy metals are electrically conductive and causes the brain to short circuit. I have seen some children with epileptic seizures where the CAT scans show as white dots (metals absorbs the radiation so they appear white) on the brain. Those were the heavy metals that deposits.

Oh yes, and one more thing, vitamin C sodium ascorbate vitamin C is important as the brain has large stores of them necessary to protect against oxidants. A 250 mg dose will usually help too."

Based on this advice for a human child, a cat might take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into 1 liter of water and have that as the only drinking water. After 5 days I would reduce to 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda into 1 liter of water.

In addition, I would consider dosing 1/2 teaspoon of lecithin for 5 days, and drop down to 1/4 teaspoon as a maintenance dose after that.

Lastly, for the vitamin C, a reasonable dose for your cat might be 1/2 of a 250 mg pill twice daily.

Other considerations would be the diet; feed top shelf groceries - no grains or artificial additives, or consider feeding a RAW diet.

Feline Hyperesthesia Remedies
Posted by Marlene (Portsmouth Ri) on 08/17/2014

Feline Hyperesthesia: I need some solutions other than kitty Prozac.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sally (USA) on 08/10/2014

Somehow nowadays American cats are lactose intolerant. My European grandma's cats loved milk and lived long life! Many 17 - 19 years. There was no vet in her town for small animals and cats got meat left overs and twice a week small piece of raw meat. Try organic goat milk or minimally processed milk from a small local farm. Mine is not certified "organic" but they take good care of their cows without wasting money on certification.

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Peggy (Usa) on 08/08/2014

It can be found at Tractor Supply stores all across the U.S. Make sure you tell them you need the "Food Grade". I use it. The bag lasts a long time, it's like a gray baby powder.

Bloody Stool Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/30/2014

Hey Heather!

Bright red blood in stools *can* be normal. I need more info to a better opinion.

You have two 8 week old kittens - are they new to your house, or did you raise them from birth?

Have you changed their diet recently?

Are the stools normal on consistency or loose and runny or mucousy?

Have they ever been wormed?


Bloody Stool Remedies
Posted by Heatherb (Helena, Ohio) on 07/29/2014

One of our 2 month old kittens has bright red blood spots in his/her feces. Neither kitten has been spayed/neutered yet or seen by a vet yet and they are indoor kittens. Any ideas? Thanks!

Fluid Retention
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/18/2014

You could try nettle tea which is a safe, natural diuretic. Or use the entire plant dandelion, make a tea. Both have loads of vitamins and she may pee a lot without loosing nutrients in her urine. God bless her.

Namaste, Om

Fluid Retention
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/18/2014

Hey Nicholson!

I am sorry to hear about your kitty. If this were my cat I would call the vet right back and ask to come back right away. I suspect they were trying to give you some time to come to terms with your cat's terminal condition by asking you to come back on Monday, but clearly YOU know your cat best and if you think its Time, then it's Time - and I would not wait any longer if I could at all avoid it.


Fluid Retention
Posted by S Nicholson (London) on 07/18/2014

Hi there,

I have a very old (23) cat with what is probably a late stage terminal tumour according to the vet today. They said I should take her home, spend the weekend and take her back Monday to be put to sleep.

She is unfortunately so uncomfortable though, her tummy is full of fluid, and her rheumatism or arthritis makes it difficult for her to get to the litter tray now. Does anyone know a remedy that would help her reduce the fluid and keep her more comfortable for longer? I am feeling worried that keeping her for the weekend might just be prolonging her discomfort though there is no obvious acute pain yet. (She may be in pain but is not vocalising)

I'd love any advice if anyone knows anything.

Many thanks

Natural Aids for Milk Production
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/02/2014

Hey Ashley!

If this were my cat I would take her to the vet immediately to ensure all the placentas have been expelled. A vet visit now - along with a shot of oxytocin to clear out the uterus which will also help bring down the milk - is far cheaper than an emergency room visit for a rotting retained placenta.

That said, check your queens nipples to make sure they are not blocked by waxy plugs. You can boost milk supply by making sure your queen has fresh water and is not dehydrated. Feeding high quality protien is a must at this time; feed her high quality food 4x day at this stage of the game. I find that milk supply will increase as the kits grow and drink more.

Natural Aids for Milk Production
Posted by Ashley (Canada) on 07/01/2014

I have a young cat who just had 7 tiny kittens. She had a very long labour with one kitten stuck for about 10 hours before hubby and I pulled it out, dead :( We thought she was done after 6, came home from work to another one, but dead :( :( When I went to change the bloody bedding from their box, we examined the kittens and found one to be severely deformed and needed to be put down :(they are 1/2 manx kittens and spine and leg deformities are common) Mama cat has been with her babies nearly constantly and is very nurturing so I think she will do a great job but I have felt her mammaries and they seem to be completely empty. I am wondering what I can give her to help her produce enough milk to nourish her tiny little babies...can I give her a fennel tea? any other advice is much appreciated TIA!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bea (Glasgow) on 06/15/2014

Can I give my cat tuna if he has cystitis? He loves the juice and could probably get him to eat the apple cider vinegar mixed in?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 06/14/2014

For cat with respiratory issues.

After many years of antibiotics which did only do lasting damage, I have found a remedy homeopathic that works like a charm.

It is VIRUMED by HOMEOCAN in Canada. I am so pleased and my cats are well! Never give antibiotics. They kind of wither after that. I just put about 10 drops in water enough for a medium syringe and gave it hourly for two days; then three times a day. You have to watch - if they do not sneeze, stop and resume just once if needed. I can't say how much I am pleased with this remedy as in the past I lost many rescues with the routinely used antibiotics. The immune system is precious and has a purpose. Not to damage it!!

Try it and good luck.. Namaste, Om

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joanne (Texas) on 06/12/2014

You should not let her outside in that condition or at all for that matter.

Sinusitis Remedies
Posted by Natalie (Va, US) on 05/17/2014

Try lysine powder or treats. Its my cure all for raising the immune system.

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 05/06/2014

Hey Kathryn!

You might try mixing some activated charcoal in some wet food to see if he takes that, as the activated charcoal will help with enteritis type viruses and the resulting loose stools. If after 2 weeks you do not see signs of improvement then a secondary bacterial infection may be at play, so do not hesitate to bring your cat in to the vet again for a follow up.

The good news is that Torovirus is not considered a serious condition. It is self limiting and require supportive care, ie keep your cat hydrated, keep him warm and comfortable, and keep the litter box clean.

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