Oregano Herbal Remedies

Sinus Issues
Posted by Melissa (San Diego, CA) on 09/21/2007

I was suffering from a very bad cold/flu, specifically horrible sinus pressure and chest tightness and coughing, and clogged ears. I love ACV, Cayenne pepper, and hydrogen peroxide for many things, but none of these provided any releif for this. I also tried Grapefruit Seed Extract, sea salt, and borax to try to kill the virus. The last thing I tried was Oregano Oil. I used one drop sublingually and put a few more drops in water and felt immediate relief from the cough/chest tightness and sinus pressure as I was able to expectorate all the mucous. I think all the remedies listed for colds, sore throats, coughts etc. have merit but apparently different people require different remedies. So keep trying until you find the one that works for you. I was starting to get discouraged that I couldn't find any relief from natural remedies and figured I would have to succumb to cough syrup and sudafed. I'm glad I tried one last thing.

Posted by Katia (Ca, US) on 03/15/2015 2 posts

Regarding boils...for you women out there....when I used to shave, down there, I picked up a boil. I tried antibiotics, antibacterial soap and other numerous concoctions. When I read your remedy I quickly did exactly what you said...gone, gone, gone. Thank you for that-you are a lifesaver. And girls, lets bring back the natural hippy dippy look! Those where the days!

Urinary Tract Infections
Posted by Julianna (Columbus, OH) on 01/10/2007

I knew about taking cranberry juice for UTIs as I've had one or two in the past which is why I try to take the AZO cranberry pills & yeast pills daily (along with eating yogurt daily). I was surprised when I got this latest UTI a few days ago. Since I no longer have health insurance, I was freaked & I knew that the OTC urinary pain medicine was just a temp fix (which I gladly used b/c my UTIs come with PAIN!) Sure enough the OTC pills and the extra AZO cran pills began to have no effect yesterday even though I was constantly poppin em. I read through the site about oil of oregano (which I never heard of), vitamin C & others & decided to load up. I got the sea salt, oil of oregano, unsweetened cran juice, etc. I put 2 Tblsps of Sea Salt in a cup of H2O and tried to drink it (GAWD!) Well I drank maybe a little less than half the cup.... maybe. Maybe I put in too much salt, but DAMN! I took 1000mgs of Vitamin C. I put a drop of oil of oregano under my tongue (not good) & put another drop in a cup of H2O (this I could somewhat tolerate). I also sipped on a cup of the unsweetened cran juice (ick!). Anyway about an hour later it became less painful to pee & today I have no pain when I PEEEE & NO frequency. I have no idea which remedy did it & how long I need to keep taking these concoctions. I also took some probiotic pill the woman at the whole foods store put in my basket (she claimed the pill has millions of the good bacteria I need & way more than yogurt). Anyway I will be taking this pill in the AM & PM. I think the little bit of sea salt H2O I took had an effect although I won't be doing that again unless absolutely necessary & I believe the oil of oregano did something too. I will continue the oil of oregano, the vitamin C &, the probiotic pill for 6 more days & then maybe just continue the probiotic pill in place of the AZO cran & yeast pills I used to take. I know the feedback on this site really helped me. It seems these UTIs are such a Catch-22. They say that holding your pee in (or resisting the urge) can possibly bring them on but when I know its gonna be painful to go then I'd rather hold it than feel that pain. Maybe its just me.... Well, anyway hope this helps someone.

Urinary Tract Infections
Posted by Tori (Wa State) on 02/11/2017

I recently started using oil of Oregano for my UTI's and heres a tip that I found out and will share with you . Buy some empty pill capsules and put drops of the oil of oregano in them to take. Works so much better.

Sinus Issues
Posted by Jennifer (Albuquerque, NM) on 12/03/2006

I tried ACV, the spicy tomato tea, the onion halves with brown sugar, and the garlic soup. Especially the tomato tea and ACV brought some temporary relief from a month-long cough and sinus congestion that I'd had almost as long. As far as I'm concerned, though, the #1 choice and remedy should be Oil of Oregano. I bought a jar last Tues. and began taking three per day with meals. I am so encouraged and feel at least 95% well again. After doing some research on it I now know that this is an amazing product! Perhaps it doesn't work the same for everyone but it has done so much for me in six days. I've also been using a good quality colloidal silver in a nasal spray bottle. This has probably worked alongside the Oil of Oregano for the sinus congestion. It cured a month-long cough/bronchitis and sinus congestion. I'm wondering now if I could have increased the dosage of Oil of Oregano to say four a day. I've stayed at 3/day since I couldn't find any info. to let me know if more would be too much of a good thing. Any thoughts on that?

Nail Fungus
Posted by Julie (River Grove, IL) on 05/02/2006

I am very happy to pass this on to anyone who has this condition because you will absolutely get rid of your discolored/thickened toenails with no side effects! I know because my nails are clear and beautiful again. Apply oil of oregano to your nails with a Q-tip in the morning and evening. You can buy oil of oregano at any health food store. Do this and your unsightly toenails will be a thing of the past. Do this for approximately 6 or 7 months, so your new clear toenails will grow in and that's it! I followed this advice and my nails are completely clear and normal.

Powerful Herb
Posted by Tamara F. (United States) on 05/20/2020

This is just interesting. Yesterday I went out to water my garden and the oregano was completely eaten by something other than human. Just further evidence of natural protective instincts and the oregano, although distinctly savory, was the food of choice.

Sinus Issues
Posted by Radrevd (Coeur D Alene, Id, United States) on 12/07/2012

Thanks Tim...Good advice in hindsight. VA classified me as mental in need of behavior modification due to hypothyroid. I'd likie to wring their necks... does that qualify?

Stop The Thyroid Madness Blog Newsletter

I added ACV to my saline/OoO mix and my sinuses are clearer.

Posted by Sarahlynnlee (K.c., Mo, Usa) on 04/28/2011

Okay people, I have been battling melasma for about 2 years or so and it was getting progressively worse by the month! I want to tell you what is helping me. First of all, I have a food journal that I've been keeping for about a year and I write EVERYTHING in it that I eat and what I use on my skin so I can track the changes.

About 3 months ago I had a big patch of my melasma got dark and crusty and then completely went away to reveal normal skin. Then, no more of the melasma went away so I recently went through my food journal to find out what I was eating and what I was putting on my face. The only thing that I could find that I was doing then and not now was eating lots of raw carrots (not sure why). I'm not a huge carrot fan so I started looking online for beta carotene benefits and saw that a lack of beta carotene causes dry skin and other skin conditions. I bought some at the health food store, 25,000 IU and took it immediately. That was yesterday, and no joke today it is much lighter. BUT, before that I remembered reading that melasma might be a fungal condition and I gave my boyfriend a long time ago some oregano oil for something (I can't remember) that he was dealing with. He suggested to me that I try it on the melasma only because it is an anti-fungal oil.

So on the eve of Easter of this year, I took a couple of drops and started rubbing it into only the parts with melasma and OMG, it burned so bad at first, worse than ACV. The burning subsided so I left it on for about 30 minutes or so and washed it off really well. I have to tell you, you should maybe dilute it with another oil, I used argon oil after that painful experience and it helped but still burned a bit. Anyway, yesterday morning I used the oregano oil again in the morning with the argon oil and by yesterday evening, some of my melasma spots are dry and flaking. Before when I had that big patch that went away, it also dried up and fell off. So I think it is either the oregano oil or the beta carotene or both. I'm not going to pick the dry scaly pieces off, I'm going to wait until they fall off. I'll check back in as soon as I notice the difference. I'm hoping a couple of days the skin will slough off. This condition is awful and I too am on the hunt for a solution. I've tried EVERYTHING and I research this every single day. I also want to say that I'm doing the GSE, MSM, ACV and have not seen any real difference with those. Hope this works, I'll check back soon.

Posted by Fernanda (Modesto, Ca) on 07/16/2011

Hi just following up on oregano therapy could you let me know if your melasma has disappeared with the carotene and oil treatments.

thank you Fernanda

Posted by Jb (Atlanta, Ga Usa) on 11/02/2010

One of my German Shepherds has an immune deficiency. I have tried everything natural under the sun but, will not resort to pharmaceuticals. I feed raw, organic, no grains. ACV in water. Still biting, itchy & scabby. One day I was desperate to find a solution for her raw skin. I mixed up about a 1/4 cup of organic extra virgin coconut oil & about 6 drops of ingestable Four Thieves oil blend. I rubbed it in lightly on all the areas affected. The Four Thieves I use is a well known brand, easily found on the Internet that can be ingested. Some are only for topical use, so be careful. I would not use on cats. It calmed the areas immediately. Redness disappeared. By the next day scabs were falling off. I now do this twice a day. She actually nudges me to the kitchen for her coconut rub. Though I alternate omega 3 fish oil, coconut oil, ground flax or oil, EVOO, chia, something in her system seems to resist utilizing the ingested oils. I have started adding digestive enzymes to her food to add in breaking down fats. If someone has experienced this same problem I would appreciate feedback.

Posted by Dman (Houston, Tx) on 08/17/2009

Oil of oregano killed the MRSA. Here it is 1 year later and i thought i was MRSA free, and there it is a new nasty boil on my inner thigh. I went and bought ____ ___ , just ask for 1 oz __ __. (accept no substitutes, must say ___ on bottle ) I have used the reguler strength in the past, this is a few times stronger. For 2 days I took 2 droperfulls per day (180 lb male ) than went to 1 droperfull per day for 2 weeks. This stuff is very (medicine was not created to taste good ! )chase it like a shot. I put oil of oregano, and a big square Bandaid on the boil the first night and it burned like hell .The next morning put a hot washcloth on it( brings it to a head) and it opened and drained. put the oil and bandaid on it for about 5 days. Incredible healing. I still continue one half dropper oil daily and pray to God it does not come back. I have tried EVERYTHING a few of them are listed on this sight.Turmeric did not do much for me and irritated my digestive tract. Some seemed to help, but gave limited results.This worked better than anything (including some very expensive antibiotics) Get the oil online for less Please try this, I posted this because I want to help people, and I hope this will work for others

Posted by Kelly (Dallas Tx) on 08/16/2013

I need help with fighting MRSA!! I have used oregano, garlic, turmeric mixed with Gse, and essential oils.... It's not killing it this time. Please help!! I'm desperate. Can not/will not take anymore antibiotics... That's how we got here, right?

Posted by Mare (Austin) on 08/18/2013

And, considering the highly profitable business of medical supplies and medical-grade this n' that in the U.S., I don't worry about only getting hooked into the Manuka-only or medical-grade honey promotions. There are many sources of superb quality local and bioregional powerful raw honey from small beekeepers. In fact, local honey has allergy-prevention benefits as an added plus. (Due to the devastations recently experienced in bee populations, there has been a reduction of quality raw honey availability in certain areas, sadly).

Posted by Cgl (Ca) on 11/03/2013

Hi there - regarding the MRSA; Allimed 450mg capsules (medical strength) has been documented to succesfully combat MRSA. Dr. Peter Josling headed the research into allicin - the active ingredient in Garlic. I have used garlic in many forms succesfully over the years - never to treat MRSA, but if you google allicin and mrsa you will get his research and the results. Source the Allimed from the UK - it's cheaper there. Good luck

Posted by Kelly (Washington, Dc) on 07/23/2014

Hi. I have similar problems with Staph and have been taking oil of oregano for years instead of using antibiotics. I wanted to add that turmeric also helps with the inflammation but you also need to take black pepper with it. The turmeric is much more potent when you add the pepper.

Posted by Liz (Boulder, Co) on 08/17/2009

I have just starting taking Oregano oil everyday, so I don't know if it is working yet but I am hoping for the best. I heard about it through my stepfather he lives by the stuff (for everything). My brother also takes if to boost his immune system. He has been taking it everyday for the last 4 years and hasn't gotten sick. Therefore, I think is is safe to take on a daily base. I take 4 drops of it in the morning and 4 drops at night. I also rub it on the base of my spine since that is where the virus lives and the oil will seep in through the skin.

Posted by Marsha (Denver) on 02/18/2014

The best is Wild Oil of Oregano (Mediterranean only; not less than 75% Carvacrol). However, be aware it kills good gut bacteria, the reason it's great for helping cure candida. Take a good probiotic to stop the bad bacteria and replenish the good.

My large intestine has suffered tremendously due to 2 surgeries, a colonoscopy and antibodies (plus years of prescription drugs to treat ear and yeast infections), resulted in abcesses and excruciating IBS systems. Research is showing when the good gut bacteria is compromised from meds, sugar, stress, etc., the gut suffers.

If anyone has candida symptoms or any intestinal discomfort, read Healing Your Gut by Jini Thompson. The cleaning from the colonoscopy left me with little good bacteria and the days following the procedure, I was on my knees in pain with terrible bloating, ICV not opening/closing properly and intestinal blockage. Two months later I'm finally able to leave the house.

See a good naturopath or homeopathic practitioner if need be.

Posted by Ted (Long Beach, Ca) on 08/03/2009

I picked up a Staph infection from a friend who had slept on my sofa. After, 7 days-I got 3 skin eruptions on my inner thigh and starting feeling sick. After seeing a doctor-he wanted to put me on a string of antibiotics. Antiobiotics usualy leaves me with a yeast infection or thrush. After having such bad experiences with antibiotics, I went and got oil of Oregano for about 20.00 I used 4 drops in water and 1 drop under my tongue, Within 2 hours-my energy came back and I started to feel better. After 5 days-I can no longer tell that there was anything wrong with me, in the first place. I used oil of Oregano before when eating out because most restaurants are very dirty and full of workers that carry bacteria, so it has always worked for food poisioning but it also worked for staph and the boils that appear as a sympton of this infection.

Dental Issues
Posted by Fran Block (Pittsburgh, PA. USA) on 02/19/2009

Oil of Oregano is by far the number 1 remedy for tooth pain. I suffered from pain after having a crown put in. I was scheduled to go back to the dentist for a procedure to have the crown drilled to remove nerve endings to put a stop to the pain. Well, I bought a bottle of Oil of Oregano that had 70% carvacrol, brand name Solaray. I put a few drops on a cotton ball and placed it on the bad tooth and just bit down. It was kept there for about 15 minutes but, just after about 1 minute I could feel instant relief. Oregano oil worked for all my friends that had a tooth problem too! Oregano oil is NOT the herb in your kitchen cupboard, so don't make that mistake. It also works for other problems too and I always have a bottle in the house. No ands, ifs, or buts about it oregano oil will kill the pain almost immediately! Oh, I never had to go back to have anything done with my crown.

Sore Throat
Posted by Craig (Felton, CA) on 12/18/2008

I have been using oil of oregano for almost a year, after a suggestion by a naturopath. It seems to work to ward off the many tingles in the throat. I would suggest however, that anyone who is thinking of trying this for the 1st time start with one drop in a half glass of water. The aroma is so strong that most people I give the remedy to are turned off by the very pungent odor. I am able to take it without water but do not suggest it. 3 to four drops in a couple ounces of warm water is very tolerable after a few times of the lighter dose. I have acid reflux and taking the remedy too often definately brings it on, so I do it once in the morning and another time at night. Hope this helps.

Posted by Teel (Chicago) on 03/31/2014

I have been suffering from the outbreaks for the past three years. I noticed stress brings it on and different dosages of vacyclovir gets rid of it faster than others. I was coming down with one when I started the oils back at the end of Feb. (I also applied a mixture of a drop of oil to vaseline on outbreak zone) It never fully came out and no reoccurrence. I try to do three to four drops under my tongue every morning with rubbing the oil in the spine daily. It's been a little over a month and so far so good. The smell and taste is very strong but a small price to beat this. I advise caution with drops as burning can occur. I allow saliva to form before swallowing to digest and avoid burning my throat. Others can try water. I hope to check back in a year and say not one outbreak has happened since starting. Hopefully this works.

Posted by Terri (Upper Marlboro, USA) on 03/10/2008

I was doing some additional research on a particular brand of Oil of Oregano (as I mainly used another brand) and came across info regarding it's effectiveness to cure Herpes. While I have not used Oil of Oregano for this purpose, it's one of the staple natural remedies I've been using for years. Some of the things I've successfully used it for are: Yeast Infections, Abcesses, intestinal parasites (after eating Pork they usually make themselves known), bleeding gums, itching skin and I'm sure there are many more things it could be used for. Give it a try and see what happens. It's a little pricey for the small bottle but it lasts a long time. It can be used internally and externally. It's very caustic taken in liquid so after a while I got smart and now buy gel capsules and use the dropper to fill it and take it that way. If you try it, please report back your findings so others may benefit.

For Herpes (http://www.doctorajadams.com/OilOfOregano.html):
In "The Cure is in the Cupboard", Dr Cass Ingram's states that "a study done by Sidiqqui determined that the oil completely destroyed herpes viruses, 'disintegrating' them. He states to daily rub the oil vigorously over the spinal column since that is where the virus lives when it is dormant. He states to take 5 or more drops of the oil under the tongue twice daily. Naturally, everyone's immune system is different so no time frame is given; however, one of the testimonials given in the book states that a woman's genital herpes completely disappeared after only 1 month, after having it for several years.

Also visit Edgar Cayces' site on using Caster Oil packs to strenthen your immune system. Don't recall the URL so you'll need to Google it.

P.S. Make sure the Oil of Oregano you purchase comes from the Mediterranian. This is the only kind that contains the medicinal properties.

Posted by L. (Berkeley, CA) on 01/19/2008

I am writing about severe, non-responsive, apparently untreatable genital herpes.

I have had herpes for tweny years. It was never a huge problem till two years ago when I came down with a painful outbreak with swollen genital glands, which have continued to this day. No anti-viral or natural remedy has had any effect. I have had continuous outbreaks while on anti-viral medications. I have also been in a state of constant outbreak for the past two months,so painful that I cannot stand it. At first I though BHT was working, but it didn't. I am on daily: BHT 3,150 mg Lysine 3000 mg Zinc, 50 mg Vit C w/bioflav 2000mg Vit A 24,000 IU Vit E 1600 IU Selenium 200 mg B50 2 per day Vit B1 1000mg Ted's Apple Cider Vinegar recipe Applied topically: ACV Hydrogine Peroxide Black tea

I am in terrible pain; please help me if you can. Many thanks

Posted by Chris (Dallas, Tx) on 07/18/2015

I know I'm super late with responding to your issue but better late than never if you haven't already found a solution. It sounds like you're very acidic. If you want results, stop drinking carbonated drinks, eating meat and processed foods. Those things are very acidic to the body and viruses, parasites, and bacteria thrive in an environment like that. Go vegan. If you must eat meat, don't eat ANY fried food. Learn about acidic and alkaline foods. You want to eat alkaline foods. Buy plant derived minerals.. I buy mine from Amazon. It's worth the price. Your body needs minerals to function at it's optimal levels. MD's will never tell you this or prescribe minerals. Hospitals and pharmaceutical companies have a close relationship. You can't trust them. You may want to lay off the Vit C. I've read in a study that it actually promotes outbreaks unless taken at very high doses. I've also read Niacin works well and could possibly cure it if taken for 6-9 months. Oil of Oregano is good too. Hope this helps.

Posted by Desi (Cincinnati , Oh) on 02/10/2016

Please if U can get a hair sample. This will check the toxins in your system. Sounds like a detox and a total raw food diet is in order.

Sore Throat
Posted by barbara (camden, ar) on 09/05/2007

I have been using oil of oregano every time I feel that I am coming down with sore throat, it stops it almost immediately and it does not turn to sinusitis as in the past. I would recommend it to any and every body!

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