Fenugreek Benefits: Boost Health Naturally

How to Use
Posted by Naveen (Coimbatore, Tn, india) on 09/22/2011


Mix Fenugreek powder with buttermilk, add some salt and drink daily in the early morning with empty stomatch to reduce weight. After 3 - 4 months you can see the result.

Breast Enhancement
Posted by Rawan (Abu Dhabi, UAE) on 06/08/2009

It is a popular remedy here for breatsfeeding woman to produce more milk also it is well know that fenugreek is best remedie to improve appatite and to gain weight. But the only negative thing about it that it gives the body bad smell.

Breast Enhancement
Posted by Violet (Barrie, Canada) on 07/19/2012

Babez, congrats, I am wondering when you say you use the seeds, can you tell me exactly what you mean by that? And how... The recipe you use and how much? Thanks

Breast Enhancement
Posted by Tanvi (Delhi, India) on 11/02/2012

Hey can you please let us know how did u consume fenugreek seeds for brest enlargement?

Breast Enhancement
Posted by Maggie (Trenton, Michigan) on 03/13/2013

Could taking fenugreek capsules increase breast size in a woman who is an A cup and is not pregnant or breast feeding? I've read lots about how fenugreek can aid in overall weight gain, but I was wondering that if I continue to control my caloric intake and excersize regularly, if my breasts will grow without the rest of my body weight increasing. Any help would be much appreciated. :)

Breast Enhancement
Posted by Con (Jacksonville, Il, Usa) on 03/15/2013

Hi Maggie. I do not know about the fenugreek, but it is possible to increase bust size through exercise. You need to use weights and do the exercises in a slow motion. This is described in a book I have, "The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy" by Dr. Harold J. Reilly and Ruth Hagy Brod. Pages 284-285 explains the exercises. It has been over 10 years since I did these, but it did work for me.

Breast Enhancement
Posted by Dianne (Knoxville, Tn) on 03/19/2013

About 20 yrs. ago I read that a female taking Saw Palmetto would increase breast size. As I was wanting to lose weight but not in the breast area I took it for a while and I do believe it worked. I did increase cup size.

Breast Milk
Posted by Arlene (Toronto, Canada) on 03/11/2008

...On another note, I'm currently on Fenugreek, for weight loss - the increase in breast milk is a bonus, since I'm still nursing my 10 month old, as well as VCO (unfortunately, I purchased just coconut oil, and took that for a week, which may account for 2 pounds gained...) as well as ACV, again for weight loss. I will definitely keep you posted on the results - wish me luck! Thanks again for this great website!

Breast Milk
Posted by Azg (Toronto, On) on 09/28/2009

My breast milk was greatly increased by using Fenugreek... there were times where I was exhausted and in a rush to get places with my baby, so I pumped instead of nursing... you don't get out as much milk when you pump instead of letting your baby nurse, so my milk supply went down a little.

3x a day I put 1 tablespoon of whole Fenugreek seeds in a cup and cover it with a cup of boiling water and let it sit for about 15 minutes. I'd drink the tea and eat the seeds. They tasted vile..I literally had to hold my breath while I did it and chase it down with a little bit of honey. But it was worth it... within 24 hours, my breasts were so full I was practically squirting across the room!!! LOL!

Breast Milk
Posted by Pareetp (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/28/2009

Very true indeed......it has been done in India for over thousand's of years now...starting from the ninth month of pregnancy soak 2 tbsp of fenugreek in a cup of water at night and in the morning boil the same for 7-10 min on medium flame.....add jaggery (let it melt for 5 min until the concoction cools) and a tsp of ghee and drink it warm........This helps to ease the labor prcess....timely birth of child.....and increases the milk production once the baby is born............I will upload the recipe of the fenugreek laddoo that all new mothers eat once the baby is born.....asap (have to ask me mom)...

Weight Loss
Posted by Maliaka (Detroit, Michigan) on 02/26/2008

Fenugreek tea helped me lose weight. HI all, I was introduced to fenugreek seeds by a physician that does colonics. He gave it to me for weight loss. Apparently fenugreek lowers blook pressure because it cuts fat cells. He informed me that we have fat on every cell in our bodies and that when you take fenugreek as a tea it cuts the fat on your cells, which is all of them, thus causing you to lose weight as well. The way I take it is to put 1 teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half in a mug and microwave it or you can boil it in a pot and make a larger amount. The best way to take it is as a tea but if you can't stand the taste you can do as I do. I add a tea bag after I have brought the tea to a boil and add suger and lemon juice or u can do honey. It is best if done at least three times a day. However, I was trying to test it out and was only drinking one cup a day. I tried it last year and lost 25 pounds (at one cup a day). I stopped for a while and recently picked it back up and in one week lost an additional ten pounds. All of the weight loss I am speaking of was done just drinking the tea once a day and with no excercise. So imagine what it would do with excercise and a proper diet. I highly recommend it for both high blood pressure and weight loss. Do try it, it works. Good luck and definately give your feed back of how it does for you.

Weight Loss
Posted by Tanuja (Pune, Maharashtra, india) on 05/17/2012

In what form should I consume fenugreek seeds for my breast enlargement? and how would it help me? and in how many days?

Sugar Imbalances
Posted by P (San Diego, CA) on 08/28/2007

I don't which is working, but the the blackstrap molasses drink seems to have removed my sugar cravings. I tend to snack less, don't peruse the refrigerator as much (like every 20 min or so) to find something to eat. I used to snack on yoghurt a lot, and that's not happening anymore. I think the nutrients in the BSM are dense enough to keep me balanced and are probably filling my nutritional deficiencies. Also, I've been painting with iodine, I'm sure that's helping. I also started fenugreek two days ago, which I've read also helps with sugar imbalances. Diabetes is in my family, so I'm very happy about getting information from your website. What I thought may have been mostly hormonal imbalances may have been sugar imbalances. I feel so alert these days, I notice tiny details and make the bed much faster and neater - a chore that I was never really good at. :)

Posted by George (Houston, Texas) on 03/24/2007

My girlfriend suffers from bipolar mania and PMS, and I've tried hard to figure out why she can be the most perfect, wonderful, loving girlfriend for months, then turn into a mean, vicious, heartless, remorseless monster and kick me out of the house. Then she started taking an herb called fenugreek to increase milk production while breastfeeding. Within less than two weeks she transformed back into the wonderful, loving woman I fell in love with and it was better than ever! After doing more research I determined that the culprit was a neuropeptide hormone called oxytocin, the love hormone. It's responsible for milk production, bonding, trust, openness, reduction in stress/anxiety, and to some extent libido. It was a beautiful transformation! Apparently there was an intranasal form of oxytocin available previously, but now you have to get it custom made, but fenugreek seems to promote its production. I guess the key is to make sure that she takes it regularly while her oxytocin levels are high and she's still reasonable! Otherwise the bad version of her may refuse to take it!

Breast Enhancement
Posted by Aki (Singapore) on 09/19/2011

Hi, can somebody help me? Just wan to know how long will it take to see the result of fenugreek seeds? I'm really getting frustrated. As I've been drinking the juice of fenugreek seeds for 1 month now. Still --A cup for me. Your reply is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Multiple Cures
Posted by T.S.Rajah (Wimledon, UK) on 12/07/2007

Fenugreek's leafy form belongs to the spinach family. However, its seeds are useful when cooking to combat the flatulence caused by certain foods, such as lentils and cauliflower. Its anti-viral properties mean it also helps against sore throat and mouth ulcers. Historically, fenugreek has been used to treat diabetes and is now thought to reduce blood pressure.

Posted by Ashley (Slc, Utah) on 08/08/2012

Wow... Well said!!!

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