Cinnamon's Incredible Health Benefits

Urinary Tract Infections
Posted by Jim (Bellingham, Wa) on 08/31/2010

Cinnamon as a curative for UTI (urinary tract infections). Use/mix with toast or small yogurt. Stumbled on this when researching the topic of UTI's. So my wife gave it a try and... Bingo. Situation solved. Now a regular part of her diet. Also, when our female dog was passing blood the vet. wanted to schedule an operation he thought things were so bad. Took her home and just thought before we brought her back we would give her some yogurt with cinnamon. Next day urine looked perfect and brought the vet a sample. He was in disbelief as she tested normal. We've told many people about this as it is easy, cheap and really works. So for people and pets try it. Just a teaspoon seems to do it. We give it daily to our pets for years and never a problem since. Hope this post helps someone.

Urinary Tract Infections
Posted by Donna (Royal Oak, Mi) on 01/05/2010

I've battled bladder issues all my life, and for a while, high contentrations of cranberry (pills, not juice - juice has too much sugar which feeds the infection) helped. That was until I got IC and became antibiotic resistant. Felt like I was peeing glass. By fluke I read 3 sentences in a magazine that saved me - it basically said that cinnamon kills off E-coli. E-coli is often the cause of bladder issues and IC. I started taking cinnamon capsules and felt major relief in a matter of a few days. I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from IC. You'll sing its praises too.