Sprain Remedies

Ice Water, Bentonite Clay, Castor Oil
Posted by Todayishine (America, New York) on 12/14/2015

What helped me get through the first week of what I thought was a stubbed toe was, the ice water, castor oil and bentonite clay. These were products available at home brought temporary relief. I thought because I could walk that toe was not broke. However about the third day I had to stand on it most of the day and the pain seem to worsen. I did a little toe pressure and felt it, click, click, click in and out of place. I continue with castor oil and added iodine. Now it is about the six week and I feel that my toe is almost back to normal. There is not a lot of pain when over worked any more and it no longer clicks. Thanks for your help EC.


Egg Whites and Salt
Posted by Tina (Shorewood, Il) on 10/14/2015

My Grandma had the same remedy, born in 1902. Always helped a sprain.

Homemade Bruise Strain and Tear Repair Mixture
Posted by Ellen (Florida) on 09/07/2015

Although I appreciate your suggestions to make the tea, however you don't give any measurements and instructions how to make it. Could u provide the recipe? I would be grateful Ellen

Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/14/2015

Dear Kt,

Definitely don't know for sure what it was. But whatever it was it is 100% better now. And he eats eggs for breakfast most days. He and his brothers say they feel best on days they eat eggs for breakfast!

Thanks for checking!



Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric
Posted by KT (Usa) on 08/13/2015

I have to jump in here, MtM.

Are you certain it was just muscle and not bone? This raised red flags for me and wondered if he was getting a good source of protein (eggs) for breakfast and following that with magnesium. I could be wrong, just wanted you to be aware of my thoughts about this!



Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/13/2015

One of my grown sons was removing tile from a kitchen. He spent all day using a hammer against hard tile. His forearm was very, very sore when he got home. His face showed his pain and he is really pretty tough, so it must have really hurt.

I soaked a couple of flannel cloths in raw apple cider vinegar and wrapped his arm. I covered that with plastic wrap and an old sock with the foot cut out to hold it all together. I also gave him 4 turmeric capsules (internally) for good measure. :) When he got up this morning, his pain was nearly all better and he is off to work.

Vinegar is so amazing!

~Mama to Many~

Ice, Massage
Posted by Rock (St. Louis) on 04/20/2015

I tried the ACV for my sprained ankle and it did not do anything. Instead I iced and massaged with oil, which made it much better within a few days.

Castor Oil
Posted by Christina (New Zealand) on 02/02/2015

Hello! I just discovered the amazing healing qualities of castor oil and thought I share my story...

My husband and I went to concert Friday night, where I danced my butt off and severely strained both my calf muscles (although I didn't know it at the time). For the next two days I was in a lot of pain and could hardly walk. I have to say, I found this rather comical--albeit a bit embarrassing--to discover that I can no longer shake it like I used it!

Anyway, last night I had the intuitive guidance to massage castor oil into my calves and lo-and-behold the difference straight away was utterly amazing! I did it again before bed, and then this morning before getting up, and although my calves are still a bit sore, they feel so much more comfortable, and I can pretty much walk normal again! I am completely blown away by how effective castor oil is at relieving muscle strain! Crazy-awesome-cool!

I plan to make an infused oil with healing herbs to have on hand to treat muscle and joint problems, which should help with recovery even more. Will probably make a warming balm as well.

Anyway, that's my experience with castor oil. Amazing stuff! Cheers

Homemade Bruise Strain and Tear Repair Mixture
Posted by Ma Esther Reyna (Playa Del Rey) on 12/07/2014

I tried this and it worked very well. I wold like to connect with Ma Esther, it is a coincidence, we have the same name and live in the same city. God bless.

Egg Whites and Salt
Posted by Stav (Israel) on 09/22/2014


Thank you for sharing. How do you prepare the egg whites and salt mixture ?

How many egg whites and how many teaspoons or tablespoon of salt ?

Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar and DMSO
Posted by Elaine (Edmond, Oklahoma) on 04/22/2014

My husband came home yesterday with a sprained knee. He tripped over a pallet and was walking with a crutch. I came here to see what might help with his pain and healing. I found ACV and DMSO. I decided to pour some ACV in a cup and soak a wash cloth in it. I took a plastic bag and placed it under his knee and then swabbed his knee with a little DMSO and placed the cloth on his knee. About two hours later he was walking without the cane! He said the concoction helped a lot. I am now doing the same and hope it makes things even better.

Apple Cider Vinegar and DMSO
Posted by Stephen (Pennsylvania) on 07/30/2013

I had a terrible sprain or strain of muscles or ligaments in my low back. It was so bad, I was using crutches and a wheelchair to get around my house. Reading of the old remedy of "vinegar and brown paper, " I thought perhaps the vinegar drew DMSO out of the woodpulp of the paper... So I rubbed DMSO on my back and soaked a cloth in ACV.... This combination worked better than the DMSO alone and was almost miraculous in the effect it had. Several such treatments greatly resolved the excuciating pain I was in.

Homemade Bruise Strain and Tear Repair Mixture
Posted by Ma Esther (Playa Del Rey) on 07/28/2013

Can you provide places where can I find all these tea and other items for the remedies you provided. Husband with a very swollen knee with lots of pain. Thank you

Wrist Strain Remedies
Posted by Kay (Jax, Fl) on 07/23/2013

I tried the ACV last night. I basically took a rag, soaked with with ACV and rubbed it all over my wrist. It could be coincidental, but no pain today. I will try the other things you suggested as well. Thanks, Kay

Wrist Strain Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 07/22/2013

Dear Kay, Here are a few things you could try.

Raw Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar - You can take 1 T. In water twice a day which helps some with pain. But even better (or in addition) is to dampen a cloth with it and wrap your wrist with it (cover with saran wrap and an ace bandage, not too tight) and wear this over night for a few nights to see if it helps. My son once had a sprained foot that he could bear no weight on. A few hours of vinegar on a cloth on it and he was up walking!

Castor Oil can be rubbed into the area. It is good for pain and healing. You could do this 2-3 times a day.

Turmeric is helpful for pain and inflammation and healing. 4 capsules 2-3 times a day. Some put it into milk (1/2 to 1 teaspoon twice a day) but I don't care for it that way, personally.

Peppermint essential oil (diluted 1:1 with another oil if it is too strong for you) rubbed into the pained area can help with pain and also healing. It is possible that you have some inflammation even if it isn't visible. This could be done 4 times a day or more if you find it comfortable. I love to put peppermint onto painful muscles and joints.

Perhaps the best thing (though maybe the hardest to find) would be comfrey. Comfrey is good at healing older injuries. One of its names is "knitbone!". You could take comfrey root capsules (you might need to take up to 4 3-4 times a day) internally. You could find a quality ointment with comfrey in it to massage into your wrist. Dr. Christopher has some complete bone and tissue products that can be used internally and externally. However, due to FDA regulations, he can no longer put the comfrey into the capsules, but people seem to still find the other herbs used helpful. You can buy it in bulk and make your own. I do use comfrey internally and externally with my family, even children and have never had a problem. Comfrey makes cells regenerate faster. We have missionary friends in Africa that make a comfrey tea to fertilize their gardens with great results!

With everything, drinking a lot of water is always important. Pain is always worse if you are not well hydrated.

Any of the above could be safely done together, also. (You could use the vinegar on your wrist at night and the castor oil or peppermint during the day, etc.)

Let us know what helps you!

~Mama to Many~

Wrist Strain Remedies
Posted by Kay (Jax, Fl) on 07/22/2013

Back in March of 2013, (this year) I was lift my 80lb dog with one hand and twisted my wrist. I went to the orthopedic doc, took xrays and found no fractures but said the pain would go away. 2 weeks later I went back and was told the same thing. Give a bandage to wear. After a few weeks the constant pain went away, but If I tried to lift anything with that right hand, it would start hurting again. Unfortunately I am right handed! I am thinking about going to another ortho or perhaps a neurologist. I never had any swelling. I have been soaking it in epsom salts and warm water two times a day with no relief. Any suggestions?

Feet Up 45 Degrees
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/02/2013

The very best remedy for a sprained ankle (and other foot pains) in my family, is from Pete Egoscue's book: lying down on the floor (on a rug or blanket) next to the couch, putting your feet up on the couch so that your body forms right angles at your hips and knees. Usually, about 45 minutes does wonders. Take a book to read or watch a video so as not to get bored!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/02/2013 2063 posts

Cat: Take a 20 min foot bath w/ 1 large spoon of Baking Soda a one of Epsom Salt.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cat (Sydney) on 01/01/2013

I soaked some cotton stips with ACV after reading theses post, and did exactly what you guys did (Acv on the sprained foot, plastic bag, overnight... ) and now woke up with majorly pruned foot. It has been a few hours and is not getting better. Don't really notice a difference in the sprain. Now I have a tingling pain from the pruning and my foot looks just horrible! It is all white and has huge creases everywhere. It is painful and don't really know what to do, or what will happen (blisters all over?)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diana329 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pa Usa) on 10/13/2012

Before it got cool here I was in very tight shoes and my feet were swelling up as they do in hot days. I was taking a break outside work-we have a back yard- about the only way to get back thru the door is to sort of jump in so you do not knock over the small step ladder that serves as our steps.

Anyway the next day I awoke and I couldn't put my right foot down I was in Deep Pain!! I was praying I didn't break anything but I didn't know? For two weeks or more I had to hop on a cane. Everyone telling me to go to the doctors. I am not one who runs to doctors. Make a long story short I found this site and heard about ACV. Next day I went in I {should say hopped in} to a small fruit store near where I live and by chance I asked if they had heard of it and bam the lady said we just got in in!!! I did it twice with the saran wrap etc. It is GONE NO PAIN I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! ~! I AM BEING VERY GENTLE WITH MY ANKLE AND WILL USE THE CANE FOR A FEW DAYS. Just unbelievable!! Thanks you all for your posts!!

Egg Whites and Salt
Posted by Sylvia (Pretoria, South Africa) on 06/24/2012


Yesterday afternoon I sprained my right foot and it was paining like mad! I looked for cures on EC (I am EC biggest fan! ) and found a few cures. Not knowing which one to apply, I decided to use all 3 together! I drank 2 TBLsp of ACV then soaked a cotton-wool strip in ACV and covered the area with it for about 20 min. I then applied a mixture of 1 beaten eggwhite with a tsp of salt to the foot. Reapplying every 10-15 min until all used up. My hubby then covered my foot with a strip of ACV-soaked-cotton-wool and covered it with an old sock at bedtime. I woke up this morning nearly pain-free. I would say 70% better! Last night I couldn't touch or stand on the foot and now I could move and walk on it! Thanks to all you guys and the granny from 1888!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kiana (Chicago, Il) on 04/01/2012

I sprained my ankle badly one night and thought I would be out of commission for a while but remembered the wonderful ACV cures on this and other websites. My ankle was swollen and painful. I could barely walk. So, I took an old sock, cut the toe off and soaked it in ACV. I slipped it over my foot and positioned it on the most swollen part of my ankle. I then took a small plastic bag (Ziploc works well) and cut both ends off so it was just a plastic sleeve and slipped it over the wet sock and tucked it in around the sock so the vinegar would stay put. I took a larger plastic bag and made another sleeve and slipped it over the whole mess. I then took an ace bandage and wrapped over the plastic to keep everything in place and went to bed. The next morning I was walking without pain and as the day went on, I got better. I am shocked and cannot explain how this worked, but it did. And that is all that matters to me. Simply amazing!

Egg Whites and Salt
Posted by Sueanne (Manitowoc, Wi) on 11/30/2011

My Grandmother, borne in 1888, used beaten egg whites and salt on my sprained ankle. She slathered it all over my badly swollen ankle and in two days, I was walking on it, like normal. It was an ugly sprain and I can only attribute it to Grandma. I recently took a big digger, and the only thing that took down the swelling - salt and egg whites. As the egg whites dry, rub off the salt and 'hit 'er', again'. It's also very cooling.

Homemade Bruise Strain and Tear Repair Mixture
Posted by Steve (Niwot, Co, Usa) on 06/23/2011

Here's what I use for repairing damaged soft tissue: Mix a tea of Arnica & White Willow (to remove microclots and provide pain relief), Comfrey & Plantain (contains allantoin to increase the fibroblast activity and lay down reparative collagen), Witch Hazel (to maintain suppleness of muscle fibers so area is not over worked), Thyme (to increase circulation), Vitamin C (to support collagen formation), Peppermint (soothing). Then coat the knee or ankle or elbow or what ever with the tea three times per day for two to three weeks. This way, the healing continues long after the initial inflamation and pain are gone and you get a more complete recovery. This Bruise Strain and Tear Repair can also be gotten from an online place called Nature's Rite, but I just make it myself.

Posted by Whiteraven (Chicago, Illinois) on 12/16/2010

Many european and cultural grocery stores (especially latin) sell the arnica herb in little bags among their teas and cooking herbs. Throw this in ceramic oven safe cookery and cover it with olive oil. Put it in the oven on your lowest setting (150-200F degrees) and let it cook for 1-2hrs. Take it out and strain it into a pretty bottle with a cork or cap and label it (DO NOT EAT), because arnica is poisonous unless used in homeopathic doses in tincture form. This oil is amazing! Rub it on bruises or sprains, just not on any open cuts or near the mouth or eyes. It heats as you rub which is great for massage. I use this as a massage oil on my husband's back when he suffers from bad muscle spasms and he is able to walk around pain free all day.

Posted by Gwen (Boulder/denver, Colorado, Usa) on 12/05/2010

Arnica Gel really works! I fell down my stairs & badly sprained my ankle. Swelling, bruising, etc... Had some creme handy, & started working immediately! Read up on regular treatment on web, & said expect 2-3 weeks recovery. My swelling is going, still a little black & blue, pain gone.... It hasn't even been 24 hrs. This creme has Leopard/Wolf bane, Belladonna, & other goodies... Try it, it works;)

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