Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Posted by Sally (Portland, Oregon) on 04/02/2009

turmeric is gold! i had a nasty boil come on mid november. it would get fierce, then subside to where i thought it was nearly gone, then come back with a vengeance! TURMERIC is the ONLY thing that works! i began taking turmeric on the 21st of february-powder mixed with hot water. then i also made a salve of turmeric powder, tea tree oil mixed with oliver oil and put this directly on the boil. then i bought some turmeric capsules and took 3 3x/day and the boil went down in size and pain within days. today, a little more than a month later, the boil is completely gone, healed and no scar! i will be taking turmeric always! also to be noted, in indian culture and ayurvedic health, taking turmeric is highly recommended for healthy skin and over all health.

Vitamin C
Posted by Patti (Ewing, NJ ) on 03/26/2009

Vitamin C and youthful skin: I knew someone who used to take Vitamin C crystals several times a day. He looked so young and his skin was always glowing and healthy. He was 40 at the time and played sports so he was in the sun a lot. He told me the he took the vitamin C for a lot of reasons but a bonus was that it worked on the collegan in the skin. He explained it this way. If your skin is the bricks, the collagen would be the morter between the bricks. As you age the mortar (Collagen) breaks down and things start to sag. But the vitamin C works to keep that collagen firm. Naturally I started taking the Vitamin C right away. This was over 12 years ago. I take Ester C, and have gradually increased my dosage up to 5000 mgs a day. I will take 2 500 mg capsules upon waking, then with all three meals, then at bedtime. This amount works for me and I learned a lot about it from reading the works of Linus Pauling. I found that I was the one who didn't get all of the virus's and colds going around. I used to get sore throats all the time, no matter what the season, which sometimes led to wicked strept throat. No more. I'm sure this is because of the Ester C. I'm almost 51, and no one has guessed my age to be in my 40s yet. I keep my age to myself but not the benefits of vitamin C!

Posted by Angie (Claremont, CA) on 03/25/2009

Tibicos: (Chinese mushroom, kefir) cured my constipation, blemishes on cheeks .

I haven't heard of anyone posting anything on Tibicos also known as (Chinese mushroom, kefir)

Little bit of info: The Chinese mushroom was sent to Mexico by Mother Teresa from Calcutta with the desire to help to cure persons, especially those with few resources or living in remote places where there are no doctors or medicines. It is good for arthritis, migraines, cancer, heart, digestive system, liver, muscles, nerves, eyes, skin, lungs, kidneys, and blood. In addition it keeps body temperature regulated, and drinking it helps alcoholics to quit.

Well anyway, I gave it a try after my mom urged me to drink it. I drank the brew and noticed that my constipation that I had been dealing for months went away. It totally cleans out my system. I also noticed that the blemishes that I have had on my cheeks for many years are starting to fade. I could barely notice them now. I just started drinking the brew about 3 weeks ago. My skin looks radiant. A friend just asked me the other day what I was doing to my skin because it was just glowing. I've always had dry flaky skin and to get a compliment like that was just awesome. Anyway, just wanted to share what it did for me. I think that people should know about it.

EC: More about tibicos and a typical recipe here:

Grapeseed Oil
Posted by Sandra (Austin, Texas) on 03/10/2009

I am 44 years young and for all of my life I have had rough patches of skin on the back of my arms, tops of my forearms, my cheeks, down the outer sides of my thighs and my butt cheeks. I have used anything and everything out there to try to smooth out these unsightly areas until one day.... I discovered grapeseed oil. I lather it on all over my body right after my shower (the water helps it spread more easily) and the results are incredible! My skin has never been so smooth not only in the problem areas but ALL OVER. I guess I have been starving my skin all of these years of much needed oils. The brand of Grapeseed Oil I am using is "NOW" Try it!! You might be quite surprised!

Forever Soft.....

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Julia (Davis, CA) on 03/10/2009

Raw Food Diet- I've been eating raw food for 2 meals a day- lots of oranges, apples, carrots, avocados, TOMATOES, cucumbers (to be exact) and my skin has been so nice!

I usually dab diluted 1:1 apple cider vinegar and water onto my face with a cotton ball and then moisturize with lotion or coconut oil. BUT with the raw food diet, my skin has been exceptionally soft. I cannot stop touching my face throughout the day!

Half Milk, Half Cream
Posted by Andrea (Willoughby, OH) on 03/09/2009

Half & Half as a cleanser:

At night, I fill a small dish with Organic Half & Half, boil it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds. Then I put it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, I use the "skin" on top as a cleanser. Nothing works better for me! I guess it's a very gentle exfolient & hydrator?

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Nicole (NYC, NY) on 02/10/2009

JUST A NOTE: this might be obvious, but the turmeric in this face mask may not be suitable for fair skinned folk. unless you would like a nice summer (yellow) hue!

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Harry (Walsenburg, Colorado, USA) on 02/10/2009

Facial Wrinkles: I use enough 100% Aloe-Gel to cover the area that I want to treat then apply enough vitamin E liquid to cover the same area well. (Vitamin E liquid is not an oil and will penetrate the skin well by using the Aloe as the vehicle.) I've been using this combination as an after shave for 18 years and don't have tell-tale wrinkles on my face. I'm 87 years old, and people take me for 20 years younger.

Posted by Lisa (Charlotte, NC, USA) on 02/05/2009

How often can you use the egg white?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Faith (North Richland Hills, TX USA) on 01/26/2009

After browsing your site, I began giving myself honey facials. I just slightly dampened my skin, patted on some honey, let it dry, and then rinsed it off. I noticed that the deep creases in my forehead temporarily plumped out. So I added a few more steps. After I rinse off the honey, I splash just a little ACV all over my face, and rinse that off. Then I put just a little jojoba oil on my facial skin and let it soak in.

I did this last night, and this afternoon at nearly 4 p.m., the deep creases in my forehead are still plumped out! It's like Botox without needles, and a lot less expensive. So now instead of spending a lot of money on various facial cleansers, toners, moisturizers, and various anti-aging unguents, it only costs a few dollars for the honey, ACV, and jojoba oil.

Posted by Che (Roxas City, Phil) on 01/24/2009

Hello Tilly, I'm an avid fan of this site. Canyou please share to me your recipe for your soap which is oil based? Pls include the proportion of your ingridients. I want to try yout formula. Thanks a lot, Che

Brown Sugar, Rolled Oats, ACV and Baking Powder Scrub
Posted by Robin (Rocky Ridge, Ohio) on 01/23/2009

Oatmeal is often used as an exfoliant in scrubs for the face or the body. It is suggested to put rolled oats in a muslin drawstring bag and hang under the faucet of the tub then use the filled bag as a sponge to wash with. The oat "milk" has soothing properties for the skin. Another tip would be to run the uncooked old fashioned oats through a food processor or blender to grind them down to a granular size.

Sometimes I make a similar scrub and add black strap molasses or a whole egg to the mixture.

Also, baking soda is an alkaline substance that dissolves grease and oil; AC Vinegar is an acid which will exfoliate and the skin prefers an acid ph. Combining the two together neutralizes the acid and the alkaline properties of the individual ingredients.
Since I'm a little older and do not have oily skin, I would not use the baking soda and reap the benefits of the vinegar as a hydroxy acid type of facial. Those with oily skin might add the baking soda to dissolve excess oil and leave out the vinegar. Otherwise, there is enough abrasive qualities to the sugar and the oats to help remove dead skin cells. Blessings, Robin

Posted by Veronica (Denver, Colorado U.S.A.) on 01/22/2009

Tomatoes (Remedy): I have recently been made aware of the benefits of tomatoes. For facial skin: I was told to cut a slice of tomatoe and rub it on my clean face before going to be and wash off in the morning. The results are amazing it is closing my pores, it has demolished the acne on my face almost inmediately, cleared my face tone and texture. I rub it all over including my mouth and eyes, my skin is looking fantastic.

For hair loss, shine and thickness and growth, I was told to puree fresh tomatoes and apply to clean hair, preferably leave it on overnite and wash off in the morning. It is really messy and I have noticed the first time lost of shine and less breackage, however it being so messy I have not stuck to the regimen wich should be twice a week.The person that told me about this had a problem with her hair thinning and acne, she swears by it and has beautiful hair and skin. Also was told drink it for overall good health, processing it through a juicer by itself or with other vegetables, I will do so, as soon as get the juicer and write back.


Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/20/2009

To Sangeetha: Regarding facial exercises, you may want to do a search on the Internet. There are quite a few sites (too numerous to list but here is one: with lots of free information. Also, try YouTube and search for "Jack Lalanne" (face exercises) - he was the original back in the 60s and his exercises are still very effective. You may also want to check out the YouTube video on "How to Give Yourself a Facial Massage" - it will really get your face glowing. Good luck!

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Sangeetha (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands) on 01/19/2009

Hi, A couple weeks or so ago, someone wrote about how by doing a facial exerise some very old woman of 70 yrs old was looking very young. In response EC asked her for any website suggestions. Can you please tell me under which category to find that post and if that person or anyone else provided the website for facial exercies. Thanks. Sangeetha

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Deb (San Francisco, CA) on 01/17/2009

Regarding facial exercises, just having a facial will give you an idea of how to treat your face. While I have really great skin due to genes (my great aunt was 92+ and you could count the number of facial wrinkles on one hand. I've done facial exercises mimicking a facial for years and I use olay products. I'm 53 and get mistaken for 34 all the time. Even the dermatologist I see for sun damage is amazed by how soft and smooth my skin is.

General Feedback
Posted by Vicky (Macau) on 01/15/2009

Natural Preservatives:

Can anyone advise if it's Possible, and How - to use Colloidal Silver and/or Hydrogen Peroxide and/or ozonated/oxygenated water as a form of Natural Preservatives for skin care products made with raw herbal powder and botanical oils?

Would there be averse reaction with such high potency and actives? How would we test how to use these germ killing agents?

Your advice is greatly appreciated.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robin (Rocky Ridge, Ohio) on 01/11/2009

Taking one tablespoon of flax seed oil (an omega 3 essential oil, meaning we cannot create it within ourselves) internally twice a day, and/or using ground flax seeds in smoothies, hot cereals, on salads and veggies will moisturize your skin from the inside out. It will take several months of taking it internally on a consistent basis to see a difference in your skin because your body will address its nutritional needs before it will address the skin. Beauty starts on the inside.

Be sure to store either the oil or the seeds in the fridge or freezer to prevent them from going rancid, which this oil does easily. This is also a good preventative against breast cancer.

Also, flax seed oil is an excellent moisturizer and healing agent used topically on the skin. I am experimenting with this oil in making my own lotions and creams. I remember using Noxzema on my face as a teenager and the compliments I got after using it to clear up a few zits. One of the main natural ingredients in Noxzema is linseed oil, aka flax seed oil.

Something else you can do is make a cream using shea nut or cocoa butter instead of coconut oil. Coconut oil is recommended as a moisturizer for those with oily skin. You can take 1 cup of nut butter, melt and add 1/2 cup of another oil like apricot kernal, rosehip seed oil, flax seed oil or jojoba oil plus a teaspoon of vitamin E oil as a preservative. Simmer only or use a double boiler so you don't destroy the healing properties of the butters and oils, then pour into jars for use. This thins the butter and adds other oils for more skin nutrients. The key in applying any cream or lotion on the skin is to apply it to damp skin to seal in the moisture.

Another thing to do that's highly recommended is to a body scrub with an oil and either salt or sugar or both added. In a container, add about 1/2 of the salt or sugar and add enough oil to cover about 1/4 inch above the mixture. This exfoliates the dead skin off so the water from bathing and the oils or creams applied after have a chance to penetrate into the skin. A few drops of an essential oil like rose, lavender, frankincense, carrot seed, or jasmine for dry skin will scent the cream and add healing properties to it.

Make sure you are drinking plenty of pure clean water to flush the body and rehydrate. Not drinking enough will lead to dry skin.

One last suggestion. Do an internal cleanse like Dr.Natura's Colonix internal cleansing system. I was amazed at what this product did for me, and I have written about this on a thread for heavy metal cleansing. The benefits go way beyond cleansing heavy metals. Getting rid of the accumulated gunk on your insides helps you absorb nutrients needed for your health and beauty. There are many testimonies on their website about hair, skin and nail improvements from this cleanse among many other things.

I love the suggestion about the AC vinegar. I've been researching homemade skin, body and hair care recipes and I would like to try that out. My only problem is that I do not have a bathtub. Would slathering it on my body with a sponge in the shower have the same effect?

Blessings and good luck!

Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 01/09/2009

i don't even EAT miracle whip. but there was some in our fridge. i read about the exfoliating properties of it and decided to try it... since i had tried everything else. well, i love it. i have dry aging skin with fine lines that gets too dried out by granular exfoliation (brown sugar or sea salt or even wash cloths and/or baking soda).
the miracle whip works like a chemical peel and you just rub off the top layer of your skin along with the miracle whip.

put about a tablespoon onto your face and neck in a very thin layer. wait 10 minutes and then start to rub your skin in circles. the dead skin rolls off into little balls along with the miracle whip. keep rubbing until all the 'shiny' places are rubbed off. for those whose skin can tolerate baking soda - you might try rubbing afterwards with a tiny bit of BS to finish the job. does mayonaise work? i don't know never tried it. but this works great and when i remember to do it several times a week my skin starts to remind me of my skin i had in my 20's. enough said. don't eat it - but it works great for this! and it is cheap and i guess sort of natural....

oh - i tried just using ACV and i guess MW works so well because of it's other ingredients... whatever, it works great! everyone notices how 'perfect' my skin is these days.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by GS (Hull, MA/USA) on 01/08/2009


As I age I've noticed my skin looking very sallow. I'v taken 1200mg of Alpha Lipoic acid daily in the past with good results, however lately it doesn't seem to be working. My skin is very dull and sallow looking. Have tried all sorts of topical creams without any luck. Any home remedy ideas would be greatly appreciated. I feel an internal would work best. luv your website!!

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Laurie (Sudbury, Ontario) on 01/07/2009

Hi , just wondering when you say you "toned your face with ACV, hydrogen proxide and water" now did you mix this together and if so how much of each. Please explain more. Thank you very much

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Ellen (Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico) on 01/07/2009

You can do any kind of face exercises. The point is to do some. Look on the web via your browser at videos and you will find info. There are books you can buy, videos etc. I have started doing facial exercise and already in 4 days the changes are evident. I am 54. My husband is 36! I have always had great skin but my muscle tone in my face was not as good as the tone in my body. I am so against all the cutting and pulling that goes on and the fat grafting etc. I knew there had to be a natural way and after researching compulifting, I came upon face exercise. You will see a couple of women who teach this who are amazing examples. One lady is 80 and looks 45 and the other is 62 and also looks in her 30's. Just research on the web and please don't be fooled by those young beautiful girls who try to sell you their exercise tapes. Find the gals who have been doing this for years and see the before and afters. This is also for men. Enjoy! You will feel great!

EC: Ellen, any websites you can recommend? Thanks!

Anti-Aging Remedies
Posted by Laurie (Sudbury, Ontario) on 12/11/2008

Please tell me what turmeric is. thanks

Oil Pulling
Posted by Gr8ful Gal in Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio ) on 12/07/2008

I just want to thank Earth Clinic for such helpful health advice. I was already using ACV. (*1/2 cup in the morning). But I noticed my depression worsening I was thinking of going to a therapist. When one night I was internet surfing and found this site. I also kept having migraine headaches. (of course) no doctor, or medicines helped. I ran across the oil pulling remedies. So, I tried it. The results are great!!!! The oil pulling (first thing in the morning) *1/2 a cup its the BEST THING I could have done. Its healthy for me and has no negative side effects. My depression has gone away!!! I sleep better, I am not restless, my mood swings have diminished. I have so much energy its ridiculous!!! I can feel and see the difference. I have also tried the BSS (Baking Soda Scrub) I add honey and a little water until it thickens to my liken. (I have oily/combo skin). I used ACV as a toner,(diluted with water on a cotton ball). VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) as a moisturizer. (very thin amount) My face glowed. I only do it 3x a week. It is so great to have all these resources at hand. And they are so inexpensive. Thank You so much!!! Earth Clinic.

Posted by Lori Mchenry (Burbank, CA) on 12/03/2008

After cleansing your face, put egg whites on the face. It may seem gooey and gross but after it dries you take it off by gently patting the face with a damp towel and the skin is dramatically softer.
