Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/20/2009

To Sangeetha: Regarding facial exercises, you may want to do a search on the Internet. There are quite a few sites (too numerous to list but here is one: with lots of free information. Also, try YouTube and search for "Jack Lalanne" (face exercises) - he was the original back in the 60s and his exercises are still very effective. You may also want to check out the YouTube video on "How to Give Yourself a Facial Massage" - it will really get your face glowing. Good luck!

Avoid the Sun, Facial Exercises
Posted by Kerstin (San Francisco, CA) on 03/02/2007

Rule # 1 is STAY OUT OF THE SUN - it will kill your skin!! I which I would have done this myself years ago and not waited until recent years... AVOID THE SUN!! Instead use "tan without sun lotion.

FACIAL EXCERCISE: This might sound silly but when you really think about it totally makes sense! About 10 years ago I started noticing that God forbid, I too was aging and I did not like the changes I saw every time I looked in to the mirror. What could be done to at least somewhat slow down the collapsing of my face... and I was thinking, to get in shape and tighten up we have various exercises for every part of the body that is...with the exception of the face! At least I had never heard of anybody exercising their face!! So I put in a search on the Internet and after some research I found that it was actually quite popular in the 60ies. Today there is tons of facial exercise programs to choose between etc etc. Anyway, I swear by it, it DEFINITELY helps and people always think I am about 15 years younger than my actual age. If I ever had any doubts about the benefit I am more convinced now then ever. About one month ago I fractured my elbow and totally slacked and didn't really do any exercises and boy....what a difference!! Scary!!!! Thank god it only takes a couple of days to see some visible result. Good luck. Oh and by the way my mum who looks 20 years younger than her age has always been preaching: DRINK a lot of water... and ALWAYS USE LOTION FOR YOUR FACE AND BODY.
