Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Coconut Oil and Vitamin C Facial
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 08/31/2020 462 posts

Awesomest Coconut Oil, Vitamin C Facial!

I've been playing with cold water showering and head-soaking and face washing and just generally splashing it everywhere BUT I was also working on a super simple face scrub/fask/skin food thing so I thought, why not combine the two?!?!

Super easy, 1/4 cup of coconut oil (or in any amount), 1/8 cup of L-ascorbic acid powder (half the amount of coconut oil). That's it! Stir it up. It doesn't take much, just enough to get a scrub as you massage it into your face. Then leave it on while you get ready to shower and when you're ready, wet a washcloth - OR old cut up piece of t-shirt if you're re-using and recycling - first with pretty warm water, place it over your face to open the pores so the coconut oil and vitamin C can soak in, then wipe your face with it. THEN wet it with COLD water and hold THAT over your face.

Tips - the L-ascorbic acid is made from actual fruit so you can use the scrub on your lips and it will taste good if you lick it off - if you want, LOL, and for the cold water, you may want to use water from the fridge for the summer since your water might not actually be very cold. Ours is about 77 degrees which is basically the temp of a heated pool so - it's cold enough for a full on shower in one's first few cold showers but I'm going to have to keep a jug of water in the fridge for when I get used to it and want something colder. And that's what I've been using with the coconut oil scrub, too. As it feels much less cool when it's just on your face.

That's' it! Coconut oil, half that amount (by volume) of L-ascorbic acid, a washcloth or piece of an old t-shirt or some other clothing that's basically rag material and a shower or a sink. SUPER smooth skin. And, personally, I think the cold water actually works the facial muscles. it almost certainly "exercises" - I.e. dilates and constricts - the blood vessels. Plus, with the refrigerated water, you just feel sort of INVINCIBLE after! Like doing a whole teaspoon of super hot cayenne in a shot of water! WOW!
