Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Banana Peel
Posted by Bp Believer (Los Angeles, California) on 05/10/2012

Psoriasis:The bananna peel works. I applied it every day for two straight weeks. You may still have a bump but the flaky white skin will be totally gone.

Banana Peel
Posted by Kristen (Daphne, Al) on 10/18/2011

The Banana Peel for psoriasis definitely works! My son had it on his hands and feet and everynight for about 2 weeks I would rub Banana Peel directly on the affected areas. We noticed a difference right away with the pain and tightness. It's been two years and has not come back.

Banana Peel
Posted by Singing Preacher (Belton, Texas) on 06/14/2009

I recently read in a local paper that a woman used banana peel on her Psoriasis. I have had two treatments and immediately saw results. I rub the inside of the peel on the affected area twice a day. The first reaction burned like nettle, but after the stinging stops the itching did as well. Now that I have used the peelings for two days it appears that the areas are less productive, and lighter in color. No ointment has worked this successfully, and I am 51 with psoriasis at my knees and elbow since I was 12.
